Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 892 - Presence II

The head of the Kala tribe is currently organizing a meeting while most of the tribe members are out there trying their best to calm the people down.

The city wall is gone so they have to increase the patrol and guards around the city to make sure nobody sneaks in and also keep the possible beasts that might want to enter the city.

But it is hard.

This is not something they are prepared for and these kinds of attacks are not something they even dreamed of.

This is not barbarian style, they just come and beat each other up until one party dies or goes to the verge of death.

Tactics, trickery, strategy are not their thing.

When the scouts that were sent out brought back the half-broken metal beams that are actually the cause of this, they are completely surprised and baffled. They are not extremely good with formations, but they sure as hell, know about them.

When the idea that this came from a formation stuck them, they don't even know how to react.

"I want you to increase the search all over the city and the surrounding forests. I want you to find out who did this at any cost, we cannot let them go like this and we certainly cannot let them cause another incident."

The citizens are already in a panic, if something like this happens once again, then we are going to be in extreme trouble.

No matter how powerful we are, we need people to keep things going and if they decide to leave, we will have a lot to lose.

And try to find out if this has any connection to that guy named Sam."

The son of the tribe head, the same young man who is having conversations with Watt over time nodded and left to meet Watt.

If there is any connection to Watt, the one who might give anything to him is Watt, even though they got information from Hel, it is not exactly a lot and it is definitely not enough.

When the young head went to meet Watt, he is actually taking a nap comfortably in his seat.

He woke him up gently and Watt looked at his gloomy expression with a cheeky smile.

"Seems like you are having troubles."

"Yes. The earlier earthquake and the wall collapse, it is made by someone."


"Is it Sam?"


"Maybe? I want a definitive answer. Yes or No?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in around a decade and a half. He might have a whole new bag of tricks."

"A decade and a half? Even wives will be forgotten in that long span of time. How are you so sure that he would come for you?"

"Do you really want an answer for that? I am pretty sure you have more pressing matters at hand. I thought your tribe is some kind of ruling party here. But it seems like you do have enemies to have you this much confusion.

Go and find out and if I were you I would really wish it was Sam."


"Because he is as good at making deals as he is good at killing. So, if you have an extra enemy that could cause you this much damage and confusion, then you will only more headaches. Now get out of here, I want to continue my nap. It has been a long time since I slept properly."

The young head is having trouble controlling his urge to slap the shit out of him.

Watt is a prisoner and he is more peaceful than his captors.

The Kala tribe increased their search and since they didn't get any proper information from Watt that could help them, they only hoped for their search to give some results. But no matter how much they tried to find the traces of Sam and his group, they couldn't.

Because Sam and the group are hiding in a very unexpected place.

A mile away from the city there is a large lake.

The lake big enough for a small romantic cruise back on earth.

It was infested with a lot of beasts and it is as still as ever.

But deep under that lake, there is a large dome that is blocking the water and the beasts to enter an even larger hole that is full of tents and people.

This is also something that was prepared in the first month. A hiding spot where no one searches.

Sam must say that he is really enjoying the Spatial element and all perks that got him only made him tend to the spatial element users more and train them more.

And he also explored some other uses other than battle just like he did with everything else and now he managed to do this. The underwater hiding base.

The Spatial element is great for concealing if it is combined with a proper concealing network it could work wonders and using that they managed to not only keep the water and beasts out, they also created a close environment for them to stay.

Sam is currently discussing what to do next with the subordinates when Wembley entered the tent.

She was unable to speak since the first attack on the wall.

She didn't know Sam could do that. After all she is also a barbarian, she couldn't comprehend these deep tricks and stuff.

And after they moved to this base, she has difficulty digesting this too.

"May I know what your next plan is?"

"Why? Just wait and relax. One of my subordinates cooks well and I am sure he has some exotic ingredients. You can have him cook whatever you want."

"I want to ask you something a bit more personal, is it fine?"

"Sure go ahead. Where are you guys from? Why did you send Watt here? This is the first time someone caused this much commotion in the barbarian realm and managed to escape scot-free.

What are you?"

She couldn't even find the words and asked it like that.

Sam just smiled and said.

"Where we are from, is not a place you know of, but I think we might go there after this is over as for why I sent Watt thereā€¦ That would be a bit tricky to answer. Just think that I sent him to meet you."

"Meet me?" She was a bit perplexed.

"I mean not particularly you. I thought he might be wasting his life standing beside me all the time, so I sent him out so that he could find someone who he wants to spend his life with and that happened to be you."

"What is your relationship exactly? You sound like his parent."

"Does that really matter?"

She just shook her head and left. Sam also shook his head and went back to work. He doesn't know the exact reason why she is so curious and confused, but he could faintl7y understand her concern.

When she met Watt, all she could see is a lone traveler who has been traveling across the realms for more than a decade, a lone soul who experienced countless things.

He must have been an interesting person to be around with and she must have been attracted to him, but Sam's involvement is making her look at a probably different side of Watt she never knew.

Why does Watt have a friend who is waging a war for him? What have they gone through? What was he like before he came here? These are all the questions that a life partner always wants to know about them but afraid that they will be brushed off and pushed aside if they asked too much.

But Sam is not against telling her, it is just he felt like it would be better if Watt told them himself.

Two days went by while they stayed under the lake.

After two days at dawn, Sam sneaked out by himself out of the lake and moved towards the city.

The search has been stagnant for a bit now and they calmed down and mostly focused on defense instead of completely putting their resources into finding him.

So, he needs to implement the second step, so that they wouldn't forget.

A few hundred meters away from the city, Sam is currently underground. He created a large opening here inside the ground with his earth element and used a concealing formation to hide it.

At this exact moment, he is making basketball-sized holes in the earth and took out a metallic puppet.

The puppet which in the shape of a large bug and placed them in the holes and pressed a button.

This is one of the products of the puppet-making technology, he and Sirona developed. In this decade or so, they managed to develop a suitable vine with a genetic mutation that could make a puppet that is equal to an Initial stage Consummate.

And this is one of them and is based on a beetle that stays underground. The puppet started digging into the ground and went deep enough to hide from the general spiritual sense of the scouts and moved towards the city.

The rest of the puppets did the same in different directions.

By morning, when all the activities are bustling, the puppets reached the city and slowly dug their way to the surface in populated areas. By now it doesn't whether they are being caught or not. Anyway, most people just ignored it as it looked like a piece of metal. If they only knew how mistaken they were.

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