Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 814 - A Little More Help

The bears exchanged their ambush locations.

Sam didn't follow them. Instead, he stayed within this area and looked at the Orangutans and the bears take their positions and get ready for the fight.

The Orangutans are completely enraged by the last wave and they seemed to have decided to just swarm the whole area with the superior numbers they possess.

If Sam was the leader of their tribe, he would have told them to do that long ago.

There is no business for these Orangutans to act like normal soldiers. They are good at mindless fighting and they have to do what they are good at.

It is just that they are too concerned about the strength of the bears and their tactics.

The more Sam looked at it, the more he felt like this is closer to the human war or a war organized by fully sentient and intelligent people.

The beasts are beasts and these are not that sentient but they are still too cunning to be operating such a war.

Sam let the specter out and transferred his memories to him before sending him to the bears.

He has to send the message of the Orangutans lining up to rampage the hill to them. But if he makes his way right before them at the moment, he would have to make them trust him and it would take time.

This is the best way for him to do it.

The Specter is also stronger than the bears and it is easier to imprint the memory in their minds along with the message.

The specter is also fast too. So within a few minutes even before the Orangutans lined up one-third of their troops, the bears already reached the word and they started communicating.

Soon, one bear from each group ran towards the valley and started explai9ning the situation to their superiors.

Sam watched as the bears came out one by one. The larger bears that are definitely transcendent in cultivation level came out and three of them came into the hill forest and from the looks of it, they are searching for Sam with the scent from the Raiju's fur.

Meanwhile, the rest of the bears are rearranging themselves within the valley to meet with the attack.

Sam didn't want to waste the time of the bears, so he moved towards them himself on the back of Raiju and the bow in his hands,

He looked at the bear in front of him and spoke.

"I know why you are here. You want to see if I am a threat or a trustworthy person. But don't worry, I had a brief encounter with these monkeys and they tried to kill me in the forest. I am just here to return the favor."

Sam's Raiju bloodline is on the rise as he spoke. To give the aura of a beast which is much more trustworthy than the aura of the human.

Beasts have one quality no matter which realm Sam went. They don't trust humans easily.

Sometimes they would rather die than trust a human. Humans are the most fickle creatures after all.

After Raiju and the bear communicating and some convincing and also making sure that Sam wouldn't cross the hill and come to the valley until he was permitted, they went back.

By now, the Orangutans are already started their move.

When the bears went back, Sam let the Ghouls out. The wights are still on the other side of the army within the forest, they followed Sam with a distance and now they are still there as he didn't ask them to come here.

They are cultivating using the trees. By the time they are done with that, they would be leaving a dead patch where not even a single blade of grass will grow for the next few months.

The Ghouls spread all over the hill and started digging small holes to put the grenade traps, no matter how easy they are to avoid, they always work for the first time.

After the grenades came the biofuel, Sam's new favorite fuel and particularly useful against these orangutans.

He didn't let the beasts out at the moment, the war is mostly between the Orangutans and the Bears, he doesn't have to help out too much, it is fine as long as he helped enough to make it easy for them.

The hill is soon swarmed by the purple orangutans and even the ground quaked a bit as they ran crazily.

Sam got his bow ready and Raiju is currently standing beside him at the peak.

This is the last line where can enter. They are not allowed into the valley behind them.


  The grenades exploded and the time came.

The first line is obviously the Pre-transcendent stage monkeys and then came the Transcendent stage Orangutans.

They are not here to fight immediately, only the Pre-transcendents are going to clash first.

There is a slight halt after the initial blast of the grenades, they are waiting to see what would happen, but nothing happened.

They once against started running and the ghouls started their attacks along with Sam and Raiju.

Raiju made the whole sky above the hill fill up with lightning clouds as the silver lightning crackled and started striking them.

It even enhanced the arrows that were being shot by Sam with the accumulated lightning that is supporting him. Every arrow was accompanied by a series of lightning bolts that are killing the orangutans like they are little kids.

They are only good at the direct battle, this made it easy for them to be killed in this way.

Granted that Sam couldn't kill all of them with the arrows and the lightning, as he decided earlier, he only had to make it easier for the Bears.

With the head-start  Sam gave, everything went smoothly. After the initial chaos, the orangutans became more orderly and they are going strong.

Raiju who is already extremely couldn't wait to let loose and Sam let him. But he followed him on the harbinger to make sure he is safe.

Any of these beasts are not supposed to die at this early age. All the beasts he had in his possession are not even considered adults in their worlds.

Even unlocking their potential starts after they broke through the Consummate level and getting past that.

Apart from that, they are his dearest companions, he cannot let them suffer too much.

The war went on for a good while before the transcendent stage beasts started their clash and then after a few hours came to the Consummate stage beasts.

They all crashed and clashed like crazy, the vegetation on the hill all grew out of proportion which made good firewood for the biofuel to burn.

As soon as Sam set the traps of biofuel set by the ghouls on fire, the whole hill is almost done for.

But the only affected beasts are Orangutans because not many bears came onto the hill directly and the select few that even came here are not exactly weak enough to catch on the fire.

They easily escaped and the fight went on.

Some monkeys entered the valley where more bears laid in ambush.

Everything went according to the bears and they managed to push back the Orangutans by evening.

The situation stabilized.

Once the monkeys retreated, Sam got busy, the first thing he did is put out the fire and the next thing he did is help the bears heal with the fruit wine.

After he did all that, he was finally allowed to go into the valley. But the first thing he has to do is to heal the injured bears.

When Sam entered the valley and crossed it, he reached the real camp of the Bears.

The camp is full of female bears that are pregnant and new mothers along with the injured bears and the kids.

All of them need special attention and nutrition at the moment. But from the looks of it, they don't have any.

There is no vegetation around that has rich fruit or anything.

There is one consummate level bear that is extremely injured and seemed to be the head of the tribe. He is looking at Sam as he healed himself.

Sam couldn't help but feel a bit down with the atmosphere. There is no happiness that the war is won. There is only complete sadness and dampness all around.

Even his cold heartfelt rippled because of this.

He took out the bulk of fruit and wine he has along with other herbs of lower quality which he doesn't need and gave them to the cubs and the new mothers along with the injured bears.

He has a lot of them anyway, there is no need for him to hoard them.

After all of this was done, Sam gave some heavenly wine to the tribe head so that he could heal faster and finally they had time to have a conversation.

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