Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 783 - Vs One-Star

The Professor is trying to guess what Sam said to the trio.

He is extremely curious. At first, he didn't think much about the trio as he didn't think much of the people they defeated.

But these flashy tricks and teamwork made him think otherwise. Of course, the biggest contribution to that thought is still the fact they dealt with the Green Cloaks.

Now he is thinking about whether his bet has been the right choice.

That is why he wants to know just what exactly Sam said. He even wanted to send a shadow to the forest and take a look at the situation.

But while he was doing so, an attendant came running to him and gave a slip.

'Don't even think about it.'

That is the content of the slip. He frowned and looked at the attendant who pointed his finger towards Sam.

Sam gave out a smile as he looked at the professor which made the latter feel like he got caught red-handed. He recalled the shadow immediately and cursed under his breath.

But his frustration didn't last long. Because he could guess what Sam said from the trio's actions.

Currently, the trio got separated once again and started hunting down the stray cultivators and they brought hell upon them.

Maybe it is the payback for all the chasing and pestering they had to suffer in the past few days or they wanted to make an example out of them, but the stray cultivators are being treated extremely roughly.

They are beating the crap out of them. Breaking bones, tearing flesh, burning the limbs off, the trio is behaving like savages.

The One Star unit didn't stay still, they already started the pursuit of the trio. Unlike green cloaks, they didn't focus too much on eliminating fast. They just went on to sneak within the forest and tried to attack them from the side without directly confronting them.

But the trio is slick enough and they didn't stay in any spot for more than three seconds, they are on the constant move as they hunted.

The whole forest is suffering from this constant hunt, the trees are being cut down, and several pits are formed due to the extreme battle.

The vegetation is getting destroyed.

Soon some people noticed that not only are the trio trying to hunt the strays down, they are also destroying the forest on their way.

They are not leaving anything in their way to stay.

The battle continued for another three hours and it is not too far away from noon.

Sam who is in the audience looked at the ravaged forest and smiled. There are not many hiding places or traps left.

The one-star unit can either run or hit them directly but there is no way they can make an ambush.

Sam once again closed his eyes and activated the crystal table to send a message.

The trio halted in their tracks once again and changed the direction they are moving. They are moving towards a single point to gather again and the One start unit also realized now there are not too many trees to even confuse them as they did with green cloaks.

So, they are sure what is going to happen and they decided to meet anyway.

They are sure they are stronger than the green cloaks and they are also sure that they can handle the trio without much effort if they surrounded them, so they are confident about this.

And they are not as impulsive as the green cloaks and when they reached a certain range, they halted and let the trio run.

They just wanted to be sure to not fall into a trap.

But to their surprise, the trio neither stopped nor did they activate another trap, instead as soon as the three of them were only a few feet away all three of them changed direction. Philip just turned around and started running towards the unit behind him, while Watt and Jack also moved towards that batch.

The rest of the soldiers were stunned and started running, but before they knew it, the trio broke through the formation by brute force and caught hold of a single guy on the rear, and started running once again.

As Jack carried that guy on his back, Watt took out a stack of cards, but this time they have sharp strings attached to them and he threw them all into that guy's body making him bleed continuously. Watt didn't even attack him in vitals he just made sure the cards stuck in.

After that, he held the strings tightly and pulled the body over, and threw it towards the pursuers. While it is midair, Jack threw a sword ray and cuts the strings. The body flew through the air and fell right into the pursuers that are coming.

The pursuit stopped for a second, as they looked at their comrade who is suffering from all the cards impaled into his body. But as they are taking the cards out one by one, one of the cards that were impaled in an arm exploded.

A small chunk of the arm turned into meat paste and was thrown all over and the rest of the arm fell over.

The victim became unconscious.

The one-star unit looked at the trio who stopped a few meters with rage in their eyes. They just wanted to go there and kill them and half of the remaining people started running while the other half tried to give the emergency treatment to the victim and crush his escape token so that he could escape.

This time trio didn't play any tricks immediately and engaged with the people that are coming at them.

But five soldiers from an elite team each is not an easy deal. They are powerful and angry at the same time, but they only focused on defense and not on attacks

The five soldiers that are going after them pressed forward aggressively and tried to separate the three of them and also separate them.

But right before they achieved that, the trio looked at the remaining unit that was about to join in the fray and stopped the engagement.

Watt and Philip activated elemental fusion and slipped out while Jack used his sword energy to reach a similar state where his whole body and even breath released sword aura.

He is like a sword himself and they didn't just slip out normally.

Watt and Jack moved towards Philip's encirclement and hit them from the rear while Philip caught hold of someone and the trio started running once again.

This time, it is Jack's turn to attack while Watt covered the rear defense with some explosive cards.

Philip's body turned metallic and red hot at the same time and his arms morphed and spread over the arms of the soldier they captured to hold him in the place as he ran backward.

Jack ran towards them as he used his sword to continuously stab that person.

He is carving him like fruit and he deliberately didn't target any of the vitals and just let him bleed.

The chaotic sword energy ravaged that guy's body and Philip who is holding him started increasing the temperature making the cuts even more painful.

After enough damage, Jack moved to the side while Philip threw the body over to the pursuers.

This time Watt threw an explosive card to the body's leg and the trio is once again on the run.

The card exploded and the legs is mangled.

The One-star military unit is currently on fire. They are burning with rage.

They couldn't guess what the trio is thinking as they are not fighting directly, it is as if they are playing a game.

At this moment, they clearly understood what having extreme speed can do to them. The trio has superior speed and Watt is the fastest among them with his wind element.

If they really met in a direct clash, then the trio might have trouble dealing with these thirty guys at the same time, but in a battle like this, in which the One-star unit has no experience on, they are extremely advantageous and the more the battle went on like this the more frustrated their opponents will become and it will become even easier for the trio to deal with them.

The military unit started running once again and this time, they are trying a different method, they divided into two teams and one team decided to chase the trio down into a specific place while the second team will meet them from the opposite direction.

But the trio who are already waiting for the pursuit had other plans.

They are currently in the middle of a bunch of fallen trees and they are messing with them a bit. Watt who is in the middle started creating a tornado that made the fallen trees get carried away and Philip started adding fire to this tornado.

As they saw the military unit nearing them and halting in their tracks because of this sudden display.

Jack started sending sword rays towards the trees as he sliced them into sharp shards. But what is even more amazing is that each shard is carrying some sword aura.

This is something he learned from the swordsman in the undead realm. It is to make the sword aura and sword ray exist even when there is no direct contact between him and the aura itself.

It is hard to achieve, but Jack got into the first step which is to use a physical entity as a carried and in this case, it is the wooden shard.

As the unit arrived, Watt directed the storm towards them and the wooden shards started drilling into them.

Taking this chance, Jack ran towards the crowd and once again abducted another soldier and the trio started running once again.

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