Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 774 - Large Pod With Eggs

Sam finally felt that the body stopped moving and he heaved a sigh as he looked at the crystal table.

The image of the surroundings slowly manifested as he looked at the table.

The first thing that came in the image is the image of a large bubble that is full of corpses in which he is currently. He thought that would be the only corpse bubble, but to this surprise, there are several of those corpse bubbles around this bubble and they are all filled with corpses of the land beasts, elves, humans, centaurs, half-elves, sea creatures, and so on.

He was surprised to see some birds too. This is completely unexpected.

He expanded the range and soon other areas came. By the time the whole image was created, he widened his eyes in disbelief.

It is not the sheer number of pods and the bubbles that made him this shocked neither was the number of sea folk that is simultaneously moving around and training here. Rather, he was surprised by a single object that was in the middle of the bubbles and in fact created and supported a much larger bubble that was covering over all the relatively smaller and compact bubbles.

It is a large pod. The pod is so huge that it is around 100 feet tall and there is a single sea folk standing on top of it without any movement.

As he watched at the sheer magnificence of this pod, the egg-shaped pod opened up like a flower.

In the middle of the pod, there is a tall and large central pillar upon which the sea folk stood without moving as the pod opened.

The pod now became a large and hard flower, each petal being the part of the shell and in each petal, there are around a dozen glowing things.

The Sea folk that are standing nearby swam over and started picking these glowing things out.

Each of those glowing objects is one foot tall and they are embedded into the petals.

When the Sea folk removed these objects from the petals, they lost their glow, and Sam was surprised once again and zoomed in to see if what he saw was real.

The objects that lost their glow turned out to be the same egg-shaped pods he saw in the first bubble he visited.

These are the very pods that he saw fetuses inside.

But he didn't check the roots of the pods at that time and now he can see them directly. There are tentacles that looked similar to that of an octopus.

The Sea folk that collected the pods or eggs took them in a water bubble and brought them towards an open ground..

They dug the ground and planted some of the eggs and then went to meet some more sea folk and handed the rest over.

These Sea folk took the eggs and moved in different directions.

The process went on for hours and soon the Sea Folk on top of that transparent cylinder looked around for a second and seemed to have sent some message as all the sea folk looked towards him.

Sam couldn't understand what they are communicating.

The sea folk on top of the pod tapped his leg and he dropped into that transparent cylinder as he floated in some weird liquid inside.

The large pod started closing as each petal rose up slowly.

The Sea folk all bowed down to that large pod as a sign of respect and started moving towards the corpse bubbles, they started taking all the corpses and carried them towards the large egg pod and some of them carved out some pieces of flesh from the corpses and buried them near the newly planted egg pods.

Sam's concentration was interrupted for the first time, as the corpse he was hiding in was moving.

He remembered that he was also in a corpse and realized that he has to escape.

But first, he has to come out of the corpse.

Sam made all the preparations and wore a new breathing device and prepared for everything before taking a deep breath.

Meanwhile, the Sea folk that are carrying the corpses towards the large egg are doing so in a fast pace and didn't stop for anything.

They are burying the corpse in different places around the egg pod and they are burying one corpse at one spot.

One of the Sea folks who is about to bury a corpse suddenly felt something was wrong and before he knew it, the corpse in his hands was exploded and a human figure along with some blood diffusing into the water came out.

Sam looked around and watched the Sea folk that is right in front of him.

This sea folk is extremely weak and his energy levels are only around the Nascent stage.

Sam finished him off with a single punch.

By this time, the rest of the sea folk already noticed Sam and even the large egg pod had a reaction to it.

Sam could hear the vibrations and soon his mind was once again greeted by a voice.

[How did you manage to get this far? How dare you kill my child right in front of me? I will kill you.]

The voice is not showing any emotions, it is extremely monotonic and emotionless. But Sam didn't want to test the emotions of whatever powerful creature that was inside and as the tentacle from the ground below that large egg pod was about to move, Sam already took out the dimensional drifter which was already set with some coordinates and loaded with spirit stones and disappeared from the spot.

The tentacle came out of the ground and smashed into the spot where Sam was and created a large hole and an earthquake creating chaos in the seas.

Even the soldiers that are guarding the beach could feel the effects of this attack as a large wave hit them. Even though it is not as huge as a tsunami, it really did carry a lot of sea creatures and flooded the base for an hour.

At least there was no serious damage.

But along with that, there is a sound wave that moved from that one large egg pod which hit the remaining bubbles and pod plantations that are being controlled by various sea folk and all the sea folk looked in the direction of the main plantation and bowed before they started making preparations.

The soldiers on the seashore have no idea what is coming for them.

All they knew is that there was an anomaly two days ago and now there is another larger anomaly that made them worry even more.

They don't know that a human who doesn't even belong to this world has pissed off an existence that they don't even know and couldn't fathom.

From what Sam saw that one thing standing on top of the large pod is at least on the consummate level and from the structural integrity of the pod's shell he knew how strong it is defensively.

There might be some reason for the war to not escalate and the Sea folk not directly attacking the forces on the land, but at the rate, the population is developing and the advantages of the sea folk, they are not going to get extinguished any time soon.

As long as they maintained their defensive upper hand they have within the sea and not let the forces from the land gain any advantage over them, they would be able to one day reproduce to the point they can deal with the land forces in one fell swoop.

It is just a matter of time.

And from what he saw under the sea, he can deduce some speculations that the reason the war is happening.

Every race has one instinct that is common to them. To reproduce and ensure the survival of their race.

No matter if it is a mouse, cat, dog, human, elves, and even the superior of all the races the golden sun crow, Sky sovereign roc, and Raiju.

All these beasts also have that one instinct to survive and reproduce to ensure the propagation of the race.

Of course, there are exceptions to the case like some immortals who live too long to think about their seeds for the future. After all, they are sure that they are part of the long future.

Anyway, the reason this is related to the current problem is, there are a lot of needs for their reproduction as it was not done in a normal way.

There seemed to be no male or female within this race. All they have is this one large pod in which they are creating eggs from huge consumption of flesh and bones.

The sea is smaller here and the food the sea produces is not enough for them, so they have to depend on the land.

If they took over the land, they can farm the animals in one way or the other or even farm humans like animals and find a way to get the required food for their consumption and growth.

This is a direct problem without any complications.

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