Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 696 - Trap

One month and fifteen days since the game has started.

Sam is currently inside the Bat cave looking at the numbers that are rapidly changing in the wrist screen. He currently has around three-thousand five hundred points.

It is almost like a pandemic for the undead creatures and their higher-ups only let the select few come out along with their trustworthy human soldiers and investigate ways to defeat these vines.

The people have limited access now as they couldn't go to many of their training zones, just like the forest of dying, the sword valley is also full of vines and so is the region around the undying volcano. There is no space that is free from the threat of vines.

There are even some areas within the main territories of the three races that are infested with vines, they isolated the areas without having no other choice.

No matter what experiment they conducted, they couldn't get much information, all they have is one thing and that is humans are free from the threat of these vines.

As for their own attacks, at first, there was some use when they attacked the vines with other elements. The three races do have access to other elements, but that didn't last long. The problem turned out, that since the secondary elements of these undead races are also influenced and mixed with death energy, the vines that are picky about death energy and usually rejected other elemental energies and harmed themselves, unknowingly evolved in resisting these elements.

So even if these attacks are a temporary measure, they will create more permanent damage in long term.

Sam could guess what is happening outside and their group is also moving past the forest of dying recently.

But there is one problem. Jack is still not out of his dazed state which made it hard for them to leave him alone if he were to be caught alone in this place with no people to look after and someone came in to attack, the situation would be extremely tragic.

In the past fifteen days, Sam and his friends took turns roam around outside and set some traps Sam specifically designed for the undead creatures that are roaming around in the forest of dying to search for their whereabouts.

They encountered some people, but they didn't return and only ended up contributing to Sam's score and his friends' battle experience.

Their hideout is still not exposed but they did notice that the search parties are increasing and the three races are actively searching for them.

Meanwhile, the players that escaped the forest of dying and currently roaming around in other territories understood the situation and they got the news from the captured targets.

They couldn't help but curse Sam a bit. They clearly understood that they took the heat for Sam at the beginning of the game as the vines are blamed on them. They felt relieved that at least now that Sam's name is out they would be relatively safer.

But what they couldn't understand is the reason for the resentment between the Sam and the undead races. But soon they understood that they are messing their priorities up and realized that their stress doesn't only decrease, but in fact increased a lot.

They are still taking the heat for Sam, as they couldn't clear their name and sever ties between them and Sam which apparently exist in the eyes of Undead races.

In this way, not only is Sam scoring an awful lot of points, but he is also hindering the rest of the players from getting many.

While the situation is like this, Sam finally decided to become more active. He and his friends already created all the traps within the forest of dying and this is the final step of creating the playground.

Now it is about time, he started his own play.

The first thing he did is create a formation near the cave and left his friends to defend Jack who is still in that meditative state.

He is living off of spiritual energy.

Sam doesn't know if anything bad is happening to him, but he couldn't do much, the sword aura is still defending him.

At least he is safe for now and he has to be satisfied with the situation for now.

Sam took off on Harbinger and went in a random direction without much thought.

After traveling for a while, he came across a team of vampires. The one leading the team is a Transcendent stage cultivator and there are some humans as well.

Sam took out his handgun and shot at a vampire from the rear. The vampire held his arm and turned around in pain and the rest of the team followed suit only to see Sam hovering in the air while playing with his handgun.

"Are you looking for me?" Sam asked with the voice laced in the provocation. The team exchanged glances as they gestured something to each other and they didn't look like they wanted to make a move immediately.

They are obviously plotting something. But Sam didn't let them do that, he shot another vampire and this time he used a light elemental energy cell bullet.


He felt extremely hurt. The light element and its vitality are almost like an infection to him.

The Vampires still didn't make a move, they just spread apart a little bit.

Sam felt this is weird and activated his energy vision and soon he noticed what they are doing. The Vampire in the rear is actually making some hand-signs rapidly and soon a wisp of black energy escaped the place.

The wisp is actually not visible for the naked eye and only visible in the energy vision. Sam realized that they might be sending a message for some other to come after him.

He couldn't help but smirk and closed his eyes as he sent his consciousness to the third floor and activated the crystal table.

He just kept an eye on these people through that and from the looks of it, they are more interested in creating a formation that could hold Sam than killing him directly.

He doesn't know why they are so tense and why they are not underestimating him like everybody else, but he is willing to play along. And soon he noticed that three more similar teams are approaching their location and the team in front of him are also feeling a bit relieved.

Sam opened his eyes and gave a mischievous smile.

He took out another handgun and aimed at the team as he continuously shot before taking out a flower and blowing the pollen and escaping.

The Transcendent stage cultivator who is also the team leader finally made his move, he waited for a long time without attacking just so he could make sure that Sam will not escape, but now he is escaping right when the plan is about to unfold.

He immediately ran after him and the rest of the team followed suit.

Sam didn't care why they are so tense and cautious but he realized one thing in all his journeys and that is even though there are some differences, all the races have the same mentality. Just like how all humans are the same irrespective of their color and face, all the races are the same irrespective of their body and biological differences.

The provocation and losing the opportunity is bound to rile them up and Sam escaping has the effect on them and they ran after him.

Sam deliberately led the chase towards a specific direction in which another teaming is heading towards them and the chasers relaxed a bit.

Soon, the second team came into their view and the first team became ecstatic. There is a small cliff blocking Sam's way to the right and the first team blocked the way to the right and the rear while the second team is arriving from the front.

But Sam didn't panic, in fact, he looked relaxed, as soon as the second team reached the place, he aimed his gun at the cliff wall and shot on it.

A hole appeared on the surface of the cliff wall and a jet of green smoke popped out of it.

The Vampire teams were caught off guard, but before they could react, Sam shot once again and the surface of the cliff wall crumbled, revealing a large hole in it, Sam moved towards the hole, before turning around and shooting at a spot on the ground and all of a sudden a large pit was revealed.

The place turned out to be a trap door but it is to not make these people fall in it, but to let the thing inside come out and that is the large vine with some flowers that are yet to bloom.

This pit was used to trap the vine that has already matured a lot and the trap door has a formation inscribed on it that would not let the vine spread out of it. Even the walls of the pit are metal and now that the door is open and the vine can spread and the convenient right beside it, there is no way it would refuse the offer.

Sam just escaped through the hole and reappeared on the other end which is on top of the cliff. This is all a premade trap and he must say the first one is extremely successful.

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