Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 370: Meeting

Chapter 370: Meeting

Sam came out of the divine dimension after three days. He spent thirty days in the second floor and made the remaining three pillars. With the increase in his cultivation, the process of making energy cells also sped up a lot.

He didn't stay anymore inside the tower, because he is waiting for the call from the thunder god temple.

Before that, he has to complete some other preparations and that is to find some loyal workers within the network.

Currently, most of the people from Sam's battalion are already Grand realm cultivators, most of them are in initial stages and some of them are in middle-stages.

They are spread among the key areas of Sam's city so that he could be reassured that these core areas are under his loyal management.

Even the people from the Dragon Hawk tribe advanced since the time Sam used bloodline refinement and all two hundred of them who entered Sam's battalion are Grand realm cultivators.

He decided that it is about time to spread them wide since his upcoming development plans would need some loyal people as it would be hard for him to keep watch over it.

After arranging some training for some select few people. Sam also started making preparations for his next project.

His next project will be focused on puppetry. He wants to use modern robotic mechanisms to make puppets. Simply put, he wants to make robots and that too of various forms.

But the only catch in this project is the main raw materials are not with him yet.

All this while, Sam examined the wooden puppet core which he got from the Palace of inheritances. It has been more than two years since he got his hands on them and the raw materials needed to make them.

He researched through the knowledge he has in the Divine dimension and finally figured out the alternate raw materials he can use to make these cores.

But from all the simulations he did, he came to the conclusion that the cores will be of a lot lower quality than the ones he obtained.

As for the raw materials he obtained in exchange with the Avatar Sanchez, he didn't dare to use them immediately. They are suitable for making high-quality cores with a lot more rooms to engrave the movements and techniques, which grants more abilities to the puppets.

Currently, Sam decided to busy himself with creating new designs and calculations required for the next project.

As for production, it has to wait until the raw materials from the Six major powers arrive.

Even if not for the core, the outer materials he is going to use will be needing some high-quality materials which wouldn't be available in any of the empires.

Sam started creating the designs for the new puppets.

The calculations take a lot of time, to get the sizes and proportions of all the parts right.

Sam spent another ten days inside the tower and a day passed outside, but he is not even finished with a single design.

In spare time, whenever Sam encountered a bottle-neck in his thinking, Sam forged somethings. But this time, he didn't use any ordinary metals, he started using meteorite sands.

There is Black, Silver, Gray, and newly acquired Fire meteorite sand and Earth meteorite sand.

He has planned to build a machine a long time ago. Since he started his artisan career in this world.

He has planned to build this so that he could say goodbye to long-lasting forging procedures.

But he didn't proceed to build it because of the lack of meteorite sand.

He even used one of the puppet cores in this machine and that too he used the most complicated one which he obtained in the fifth puppet.

These ten days inside the tower went by even before he could finish the first design or the machine, but there is some great progress in both of them.

He came out of the tower again after this one day passed. Because the long-awaited call he was waiting for from the thunder god temple finally came.

Moriya appeared in the city on this day and he seemed somewhat cautious. He visited the hotel where Arman was supposed and couldn't find him there.

He has two goals on this day. One of them is to bring Sam back and the other one is to bring Arman back. But after almost half-a-day of search, Arman is nowhere, to be seen.

When he tried to get some information, all he learned about what Arman did, and couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

He knew that there is some plan involved in Arman's visit, the worst part is it failed and he probably got caught.

Now that Sam is classified as a threat dangerous enough to make the six major powers nervous, this is extremely bad news.

Moriya arrived at the same meeting room he came before.

Sam is already waiting for him at this moment.

"May I know why you are here again? I would appreciate if it is the first batch of my raw materials. After all, I had delivered what I promised. The Six major powers wouldn't want to go back on their words just because I am young and powerless, right?"

Moriya felt like cursing Sam. His face twitched as he controlled his urge to do so.

Sam laughed lightly when he saw this scene. Moriya is actually a cold person who wouldn't even show his emotions that much, but here he is losing his cool just after one sentence.

Of course, who can blame him? Moriya just received the orders and warnings along with those orders about how dangerous Sam could be and how careful he has to be when he entered this city.

That warning came straight from Consummate realm cultivator, but here the same guy is claiming that he is powerless.

Anyone would lose their cool.

"Temple head is inviting you for a meeting to talk about the trade." He calmed down and said to Sam.

"Didn't we already talk about all the details required? I don't see a reason for more talk."

"It is about the products you offered in exchange, they would like to know more details about the products and offer their own requirements if possible."

Moriya already had an excuse ready for Sam.

Sam fell silent for a while as he looked straight at Moriya. The latter felt cautious and got ready to make a move at any moment. Sam chuckled all of a sudden and said.

"Okay, then let us move."

Sam agreed and Moriya heaved a sigh of relief.

"Do you know where Arman is?"

"Arman is here? Why didn't I know about that?" Sam asked with an expression of genuine surprise. Moriya almost puked blood in anger. He wouldn't believe that Sam doesn't know Arman was here if he was beaten to death.

With Sam's character there is a possibility that Arman is dead by now.

But there is a token in the thunder god temple indicating that he is still alive.

So, he is pretty sure that Arman is still alive and he might even be Sam's captive or he could have run away and stayed somewhere within the western continent.

But Arman is not the most important at the moment.

They moved towards the Space gate to go to the thunder god temple.

A few hours later, Sam is standing inside a meeting room that has a lot of chairs on a platform. But there is no chair for him to sit in as he was told to not climb up the platform.

After another few minutes of waiting, some people came inside and took the seats on the Platform.

They are ten people. Two of them being the Grand elder and head of the thunder god temple while the rest are the heads of the remaining major powers and the major professional association.

The temple head looked at Sam and said with an expression of confusion.

"They seem to have forgotten about your seating arrangements, maybe we can continue like this, it won't take long."

Sam smirked at this petty trick. The combined age of these ten guys will probably reach two thousand years old, but they are trying to put Sam down by employing such childish tricks.

Perhaps, they treated Sam like any other youngsters who would lose his cool when his ego took a hit. They wanted to play off that disturbance in his emotions, but Sam did something they didn't expect.

He took out his bone majestic bone throne and sat on it.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the chair, they could identify the arm bones that are coated with metal. Even these Old people felt cold all over. How many people's arms did Sam sever to make this throne?

"Don't worry. I made my own preparations. So, I heard that you want to talk about the products that you want in this exchange. What is it that you want? And if I remember correctly, I only have dealings with Six powers, not the professional associations, is it appropriate for them to listen in our business deals."

"You talk a lot, young man."

The Artisan association head said in a cold voice.

Sam didn't reply, he just crossed his left leg over the right one as he looked at them.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about? I am waiting for the first batch of material actually."

At this moment, the thunder god temple head replied.

"Before we talk about business, we want to know how Old one died."

"I think someone has seen it and that person is right here, what more do you want to know?" Sam replied as he looked at Sai.

"What we want to know is, how is that possible that you possess such a power?" Another Old man asked.

"Well, is it really the case that you don't have an answer, or do you have trouble accepting the one you have?"

Sam replied with the same smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Simply put, I have made some preparations to defend myself in case someone comes after what I possess and those preparations served their purpose. Old One attacked and I killed him."

"We don't think that you possessing such power is a good thing, we are not comfortable in you possessing such power which would threaten other's safety."

One of them finally came to the point.

"And who are you to decide that?" Sam fired back.

"You seem to lack respect for your elders, do remember your age and strength before you talk back." The Old man replied back and along with the words, Sam was greeted with the pressure of a Consummate realm cultivator.

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