Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 241: Headache for Duke

Chapter 241: Headache for Duke

In the southern star city, the Duke is having a great headache, the next day after the funeral of the General Spark, he got two important news. One is the Blaze city fields were destroyed and, in that place, there is a formation which would let the magma flow out like a river if destroyed.

The next thing is the news brought by the Deputy General or now the new General of the military from the Violet Dew family.

The news is about how Sam threatened them that if Kelly is harmed then he would massacre the whole Violet Dew family irrespective of the age, gender and their innocence.

From what he understood; Sam never did anything to the innocent people no matter how much he craved revenge. He didn't kill the soldiers when he was going against the whole battalion by himself.

Even now, he destroyed to large fields and a mine, but there are no casualties at all.

The Duke has to agree that he wouldn't be able to do so even with his power, there would definitely be some casualties but Sam is playing carefully in order not to cause that.

But now, if Sam gets pissed off about his method, by holding his friends hostage, then this streak of careful planning might end and he might go on a rampage.

But it was too late. Now that the news was already spread there is nothing much we can do.

They have to wait and see how Sam would react. But there is one more thing that grabbed their attention.

Sam's, travelling speed. He was at Herb Village one day and in the Blaze city two days later.

This is something out of their expectations. They didn't expect that Sam would have a transportation means of this level.

They felt that it is almost impossible and there is also another possibility and that is a group of people are helping Sam do these things. But they don't know which to consider and only has one choice left and that is to consider both possibilities. From the first one they have to think of Sam's next attack plan and for the second one, they have to increase the investigation and also consider the possibilities that there are more groups out there.

But the amount of skill and the methods of planning these attacks are very high end that a person who is not as skilled as Sam wouldn't be able to execute it. He felt as if the emperor had opened a pandora's box.

He doesn't know how to react and he has yet to report to the emperor about the fields and how Sam is going on a rampage all over the southern star.

"General Mercury. Alert all the people who are in charge of guarding all the government properties and mostly herbs, do not let them slack off, increase the manpower and make sure that they stay on the spot around the clock.

We need to make sure that Sam doesn't get to attack the third time.

Also, make the word spread that using his friends as a hostage is just a rumour and the Duke himself rejected it directly.

Stop the word of Herb Village and Blaze city spreading, I don't want the word to reach the Emperor before we catch Sam."

"General Fischer." The Deputy General who just got promoted stood up.

"You will be investigating the Blaze city and Herb village. See what method he used to destroy the fields and also see if there are any clues and traces left and see if it was a single operation or a group one and how many members if it was a group one. Tighten the leash on the transport routes.

Check the forests deeper in every city and villages surroundings. Publish his friends who are with him on the run and also increase the bounties. I want the whole Dukedom to be skimmed and searched. I want Sam alive or dead in a week.

In fifteen days, the time he gave us will be over. We have to think and find a way to stop him before that, otherwise, there would be hell to pay.

From what he said, he would definitely start targeting the officials from that day. We should definitely find a way to catch him from that. Use all the means necessary."

But before he could finish giving his orders, his face changed, he immediately stood up and went towards a small room in the mansion. There a screen was blinking wildly and the platform was in front of it. He placed his hand on that platform and the screen stopped blinking revealing an image of Emperor.

"Duke Carton, it seems like you have something important to say to me, but you didn't say it yet. What is the matter?"

Duke's face turned pale and he bowed down his head as he sweated profusely. He doesn't know what to say and he certainly didn't expect that Emperor would know this sooner than he expected.

"I heard that wimp gave you guys one month and it is almost over, so what is your plan?"

"Your Majesty, I will definitely catch him in a week. Dead or Alive. Please give me another chance."

The emperor stayed silent for a second and said.

"How did the General Die?"

Duke suddenly gulped in fear as he remembered the death of the general, he explained what happened step by step and how much the General has to suffer as his body was rotten gradually. He shivered at every sentence.

Emperor frowned and said.

"Publish that Sam is a traitor to the core and killed the General because he was in cahoots with the enemy empire, he is a terrorist who entered the empire discreetly so that he could cause chaos. Anyone who can kill him will receive an amount of 100 million spirit stones.

I will give the same order all around the empire.

Since he wants to be my enemy, then let him see how it feels to be hunted by every citizen in the empire. Make sure that he doesn't do more damage."

The Emperor cut the communication off and Duke was feeling a great headache regarding his order.

He doesn't know how Sam would react. He has yet to see his reaction on using his friends as a hostage and now they are attacking Sam's character again. If that guy goes crazy and takes it out on every citizen who is tempted by the bounty, the empire will see a greater loss of lives than war.

He is worried, but he cannot just ignore the emperor's orders, so he wanted to downplay it a bit. Nobody likes it when their character is attacked and Sam wouldn't be an exception.

Sam even trained an excellent battalion and occupied a strategic war location near the Red rock canyon. And now he is being labelled as a terrorist just because of a personal grudge.

If it was himself, he would be pissed off too but since he was loyal to the empire, he would try to prove his innocence but Sam is not like that, he can stay where ever he wants and do whatever he wants and he is extremely vengeful. So, much that it is more troublesome than poking a hornet's nest.

He will haunt them like ghosts and they don't even know how they got killed at all.

He knew that the emperor is angry but this is just adding fuel to the fire.

But there is nothing in his hands but to obey orders and do some damage control.

He walked back to the meeting room and gave out the new orders gloomily.

Meanwhile, Sam is travelling towards the northernmost forests of the southern star to catch the chinchilla.

When he visited the count city of that area which is also called the Brass county, he was thinking about something. What if his action implicated the guards and all the people who are in charge of the places he started damaging?

Although, he wouldn't be bothered with some lives that would be lost in the struggle the problem is that he is a man of his word and he wouldn't take any lives until this month is over.

So, he started thinking of a plan to see how he can not implicate these people and he found a plausible one.

He stayed for three days in the Brass county and did some research on the underground forces and finally found the Blackwater Head Quarters.

There is a secret point where one can give a mission, he disguised himself and entered the place.

"What do you want?"

The agent asked.

"You wouldn't be able to accept the mission of this scale."

"Oh, really?" The agent was amused. "How much do you think the mission would cost, that I wouldn't be able to process it?"

"This would be a long-lasting mission and for starters how about a billion?"

The agent was stumped. He didn't know if Sam was joking or he is for real.

"You can ask your boss to show up, and he can deal with this. If I don't make a real deal, I would die anyway, don't you think so?"

The agent nodded and said after a brief silence.

"GO to this place, he is the supervisor of all of us. He would be able to deal with that mission and if he cannot do that, I don't know who can."

He gave Sam an address, which Sam actually knew. He only paid a visit to this place to avoid suspicions.

Sam visited the address in the evening, it is a house in the slums, and in the whole house, there is only one table and two chairs on either side of it.

Sam walked in and sat on the chair and soon a middle-aged man came out.

"I heard that you have a very big mission, May I know what is it that you want to pay that much? How many do you want to hire for this?"

"I want to hire the whole Blackwater in the Orion for a while, with a billion per month."

The middle-aged man was shocked and then a faint killing intent started emitting from his body.

"Don't even think about killing me. If I don't go back in half-an-hour, there would be the news of Blackwater delivered to the doorstep of the Count and then in two days to the Marquis and so on."

"Who are you?" the middle-aged man controlled his emotions and asked.

"I am someone who you probably heard off; I want to talk to your boss. I have a big mission and all the Blackwater has to do is do some publicity for me and you will get paid a Billion per month. It would be in spirit stones, herbs and minerals.

I don't think you are fit enough to make the decision, let us go and meet your boss."

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