Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1904: Relaxation

Chapter 1904: Relaxation

Ten minutes later.

Sam is sitting in the middle of the camp along with the beasts that are exhausted as well. He took out some Divine energy capsules and absorbed the energy while supplying some to the beasts. He is recovering at a visible rate and while he is doing that, the beasts that are still alright are on guard as they vigilantly looked at the young masters.

But at this moment, the young masters are still too shocked.

Even though Sam is in such a weak condition they didn't want to attack him.

Except for one.

Makar Junior who treats his life so dearly was the first one to come out of the shock. Because of all the things that he did to Sam, he is sure that Sam is going to kill him sooner or later.

Having such a powerful enemy is not something he could digest.

He immediately stepped forward with his sword.

Raiju who is in the lead looked at him menacingly and growled.

"I am here to challenge Sam. Since he said that he would accept any challenge at any moment, I hope he doesn't back out now."

Sam who heard this chuckled slightly. He is still pretty tired and since he is distributing energy to the beats, he is not at his full capacity at the moment. But he still came forward and looked at Makar Junior.

"I knew that one of you assholes would pull stunt like this. But I didn't expect one to come forward this soon." Sam said nonchalantly.

"Can you be anymore shameless? He just defended your home against an undefeatable enemy? What kind of a man are you?" Sandhya looked at Makar Junior with a new level of disgust.

Makar Junior looked at the rest of the young masters who are also looking at him with disdain. It would be a lie if they say they are not tempted by such an opportunity, but they didn't act on it because of their dignity.

"So, how do you want to fight?"

Sam asked casually.

"I will use my sword, but you are not allowed to use any weapon. You can only use your hands to attack and you cannot use any of your elements."

Sam raised and eyebrow and said.

"You seem to have an awful lot of requirements. So be it. It doesn't matter anyway."

As he spoke, Sam shook his hands a bit. He loosened them up and let them fall down limp. He is not even holding them to fight, except for his legs and spine, he let go of his arms as if they are just mere attachments to the body.

He moved his hip a bit and as if the sleeves are left hanging the arms flailed around.

Everyone was weirded out by such actions. Even Makar Junior couldn't understand it.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Just fight. What does it mean to you? As long as I am not using any other attack."

Makar Junior gritted his teeth and charged with his sword. Sam smoothly dodged the attack. His arms are still limp, but as soon as he made a forcefully twisting motion, the arms flew up like whips and the palm landed on Makar Junior's face.


Everyone heard a very loud and crisp sound of the slap.

Makar Junior's face planted into the ground. The right cheek which took the slap was swollen beyond belief and blood escaped his mouth. Three teeth fell off.

Sam looked at his hand and was impressed by himself. It is just a trick that he saw on an animated show once in his previous life. He wanted to see if he could embarrass this guy with it and it is working fine.

"Come on now. Don't tell me that is all you have. I still want to slap the shit out of you for a few times at least. Get up."

Makar Junior tried to charge forward, but his legs are not moving. His instincts are screaming not to go forward and his cowardly mind is taking over. He knew that he should be stepping forward, but his body is not letting him do that.

"One Slap and your base instincts triggered. Not bad. I thought you are useless crap, but at least you are trainable with some negative reinforcement."


"Open your mouth and I will pull all of your teeth out. If you want to say something, say it after you at least fight me properly. I can tolerate idiots, I can't tolerate cowards who talk a big game."

Sam just shook his hand and left.

He wanted to deal with him a bit more. Maybe a couple of more hits would have been much more satisfying.

Sam just left and met with the beasts.

"I didn't get the information about the next disaster, so we can rest until then. So, guys relax and catch whatever prey you want to eat. I am in mood to cook today."

He talked to the beasts and they just decided to relax.

The young masters and Sandhya wanted to talk to him about this. The disaster is very dangerous. If this cannot be called disaster they don't know what will. But this only raised more questions for them.

Sam seemed to be familiar with the humanoid figure and Sandhya even heard the name Poseidon. So, she is way more curious that the rest. But Sam is already giving a cold and distant aura. It is clear that he doesn't want to interact with them at all.

Sam set up his grill as the beasts went for hunt. A lot of the surrounding forest is actually filled with a lot of sea food at the moment. Everything outside the formation was covered in water after all. Mia is actually looking forward to having a very huge feast because of all the beasts and fish she caught.

As Sam started cooking one item after another cheerfully, no one could have guessed that he just fought against a disaster caused by god.

But while he is in the middle of it, Makar Senior came running from the city. Since the disaster is over, Sam lifted all the restrictions of the formations. He even deactivated the zone he created.

So, now they are all free to move.

Makar Senior came running to Sam with a polite stance.

"Hello, I am the clan leader of the Makar Clan. I am here to offer my sincere gratitude for helping us through this disaster."

Sam just looked at him with a fleeting glance.

He doesn't care about this guy anymore. From his investigation, he already realized what kind of person this guy is. He is someone that Sam doesn't want to be associated with. And now that he already managed to prove himself about the first disaster, the rest of the people will just have to follow no matter what.

They cannot deny his claims and would have to comply with whatever measures that he wants to take. Unless that are complete idiots that want to kill themselves.

Seeing no response from Sam, Makar Senior could only smile wryly. A single person managed to defeat the disaster that they couldn't even fathom, he is far from trying to keep his pride.

"I know that things haven't been good with us from the star. But I want to remedy the situation. Please, tell me how we can reconcile."

"There is nothing to reconcile for. I am only going to stay temporarily in this planet. I am not planning to being part of this place or its power dynamic. I am only here to solve the problems that come with upcoming disasters.

And I am sure the disaster that should have attacked you has already been resolved. So, we won't even cross paths with each other."

"But still…"

"Honestly, I don't have a good impression of your son. He is the exact person that I tend to stay away from at all costs. So, please don't pressure me into accepting a friendship that wouldn't last."

"I know that my son is not a great person, but he is just an ambitious person. If you can be big hearted and forgive him once.. please just give him a chance, he would be of great help to you."

Sam looked at him and chuckled.


Sam asked with a smirk on his face. He was really amused. He took a sip from his wine glass and said.

"You don't know my history. I have annihilated clans that are far bigger than you for offences far smaller that your son's. Please, just take him away and don't try to get in touch with me."

The clan leader didn't know what to say for that. He doesn't know what his son did, but he left the place for now and went to meet his son.

After he heard what happened, he almost lost it and beat the crap out of him.

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