Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1899: Annoying

Chapter 1899: Annoying

That day went by just like that.

Everyone was busy. Sometimes the young masters came around and tried to test Sam out a bit. But he didn't bother with them. He was way too focused on the formations. Only at midnight or so, Sam finally relaxed and decided to have another meal.

He set up his grilling equipment and got ready. At that moment, the young masters and the rest also wanted to take some rest and they were enticed by the fragrance coming from Sam's side.

Some are contemplating asking him for some food in exchange for money.

But soon they were spooked a bit.

Two huge figures appeared in the sky and landed on the ground raising a wave of

Sam didn't even flinch, he just created a barrier around him and the grill as he gestured for Yanwu and Sky to come and eat.

"Go and deliver to the rest after you are done. How is the practice going?"

Ignoring the shocked gazes of everyone Sam just kept on talking with the beasts while feasting along with them. They were all in awe at the two majestic beasts that are dining there casually as if they are on a picnic.

Sandhya on the other hand was stunned when she saw the two majestic birds. Unlike the others she knew more about the realms outside of their own. For all these young masters here, the realm is the only world. They don't know what the remaining world has to offer and what is out there.

But the Mountain Temple has different level of knowledge and awareness. She knew about these beasts. She had read about the gods and the godly beasts so many times. She unconsciously walked towards Sam.

"Please don't disturb us. If you want some food, I will send it you, it has been a while since me and my friends had some time for ourselves."

Sam said decisively.

"Is that a Golden Sun Crow? And that is a Sky sovereign Roc?"

Sam raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. He was surprised that she knew of these beasts. He expected that once he came to realms where Divine Plane cultivators are prevalent, the beasts would be recognized.

But this realm is an isolated one. There is no connection with other realms.

"They are, aren't they?"

"You tamed them?"

Sam looked at her and said.

"Don't say tamed. As I said, they are my friends. I am not a beast tamer."

"What do you mean friends? They are contracted to you, that means you are their owner. How did you do it? Where are you from? Do you know what level of bloodline they have? They are at the peak of this world."

"I live with them. I am sure I know what our relationship is better than you do. And for the same reason, I know how powerful they are.

As I said, I don't want you to disturb our time. I am already very pissed off that I have to work this hard to save some asshole and his city after he tried to rob me.

You are his sister, so I don't have that great of a relationship with you. And I am not liking those greedy eyes over my friends. So, back off and we won't have a problem."

Sam's tone is polite, but words, not so much.

The young masters who heard the exchange immediately came forward. One of them pointed his finger at Sam and said angrily.

"How dare you speak to her like that? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Sam looked at him with a frown. But he didn't say anything.

The remaining young masters also chimed in.

"It is your honor that she took interest in your beasts. Why the fuck are acting so high and mighty?"

Sam almost wanted to beat the crap out of these annoying brats.

He looked at Sandhya and said.

"As I said before, this territory is mine until the disaster is over. Whether you like it or not. And in my territory I will be as I like.

I told Miss Sandhya respectfully many times to not come near me and mind her own business, even that is fine because it is bearable. I don't really give a shit about her opinion on me and my beasts.

And I couldn't care less about all your trying to kiss her toes. But don't you dare try to use me as your stepping stones. Usually, from the place I am at, I wouldn't even bat an eye at you. Even my hate and disdain is way too much recognition for you guys.

But I am pretty pissed off now and I will beat the crap out of anyone and everyone that disturbs me. Get lost before I lose it."

Sam was really ready to throw hands at these people.

He really is in a good mood because of the time he is spending with the beasts. The only problem is that he is pretty frustrated that he picked this planet out of pettiness against the Olympus and got stuck with wrong crowd.

This disturbance on top of it all is the last thing he needs right now.

But all wishes won't come true.

At this exact moment, an annoying voice hit everyone's ears.

"I knew it. You fucking Bastard. How fucking dare you try to claim the territory under Makar Clan?"

Sam frowned and looked at Makar Junior who is standing in front of him. He was stunned by his presence. The city is under blockade and there is the danger zone of poison, shadow ring between the city and this area.

The access to that are is very limited. Only Sam and the Forest bear who can control the trees have it.

Sam looked at the puppet that escorted Makar Junior and turned to Forest Bear.

"What did you do?"

Forest Bear who sat on his bum with a jar of honey in his hand scratched his head and grinned nervously.

Sam understood immediately. This guy acted pitifully at the puppet that could communicate with the forest bear. God knows how he managed to get the information that he could communicate with the puppet, but Sam could speculate.

Anyway, he acted pitiful and the honest and kind bear just let him in. Now this guy is screaming at Sam, calling him one thing he shouldn't even do.

Sam could feel the anger brewing inside the beasts. Sam might have developed a tolerance, but the beasts don't have such misgivings, they would fuck up everyone that is against Sam.

Sandhya who kept on observing the beasts noticed their reaction. They are all currently locked on Makar Junior and that guy doesn't even have the self awareness that he could be dragged away any second.

"See my dear sister? This fucker is trying to claim the land here. He has a plan. He would hold the whole city hostage with these weird formations. He might even create the disaster that he is speaking of and squeeze the money out of us.

Trust me I know of this.

Now, not only are you not stopping him, you are even helping him. What would Mom think of this?"

Sandhya looked at him coldly which made the Junior back down a little.

Sam sighed jumped on Harbinger.

"Let's just get out of here. I can't take this bullshit."

All beasts levitated. Since they are of Divine Plane, even beasts that are used to land can do that. They all moved in a certain direction before disappearing into the forest.

"Stop right there, you bastard. Where do you think you are going?"

Makar Junior was about chase him, but as soon as he levitated, he was stuck down by an invisible force that pressured him into the ground. He left an impression of himself on the soil.

Sandhya didn't say anything and just looked in the direction of Sam. There is a hint of fascination and interest in her eyes.

Many young masters of course didn't like this. One of them came forward and asked her in a low voice.

"Lady Sandhya, what are these beasts that you were talking about? Are they really that precious?"

"Precious? It is beyond that. The blood essence of that golden sun crow has purest of fire and light elemental energies and if even a drop of that essence was used, an Astral Plane fire elemental beast would evolve both in terms of bloodline and strength.

Its potential will double at least."

"Are you serious? It is that powerful? Then how did it end up in the hands of that punk? Do you think he is just that lucky?"

Sandhya didn't answer this time. She just looked into the horizon.

After a couple of hours, Sam came back and started the work again. The rest of the people also did the same. Due to Sandhya's orders, no one bothered Sam anymore.

But she bothered him more than anyone else, particularly when she made a commotion everytime she saw a Sam's beast. Raiju, golden ape, the shadow mice, Mia and Dia.

Sam is actually shocked that she knew so much about these beasts.

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