Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1895: Working Together

Chapter 1895: Working Together

Sam looked at Makar Junior and he knew instantly that things are not going the way he wanted.

It would have been a lot easier if all Sam had to do was kill this guy along with the rest of the city. Because for that, he doesn't need the consent or cooperation of the target. But now he is here to save this asshole and for that, Sam needs his cooperation.

"What do you want?"

"I want that formation you are holding and the device you used to show me that formation, the recipe that you are holding and all the other magical things that you have in your hand. I need everything."

Sam cursed himself for choosing this approach.

This approach worked fabulously whenever he tried to kill someone. Of all the times it could have failed, it failed now.

Sam looked at the young master and said.

"See, I came here for a specific purpose, since it is not achieved I am leaving. But keep this in mind, in exactly three days, the whole city is going to face a disaster and I came here to prevent that.

With your greedy ass, I am sure I won't be able to do this in a proper way.

So, I have to use some hard measures.

I suggest you don't concern yourself with what I am about to do in the next three days. You won't be able to afford the price."

Sam disappeared after he finished his piece.

He has no intention of sitting back and trying to convince this guy. All he can do is think of a way to protect this place. He reappeared in the forest and took a look at the city once again. Since it is on the seashore, he is sure that the disaster would be related to the sea.

The city might just drown directly, or a tsunami might hit the city. Those are the two obvious ways. But in this world, those are not the only kind of disasters that could destroy cities and civilizations.

Or it could be a massive earthquake. With the world full of cultivators, a normal earthquake wouldn't do much, so that could be thrown out of the window

And, the city is adjacent to a forest too, and judging by the environment the strength of these beasts is nothing to scoff at. So, it could be a beast tide.

Of course, then there is a chance of combined attacks coming at the city.

Sam had to think of a contingency for all of them.

If he had the cooperation of the city, then he would have more manpower for construction which will save him a lot of effort. But right now, he would have to squeeze himself dry until the last minute.

The only silver lining is that the disaster is certainly not some cultivators coming and attacking the city. Karthikeya stressed on that it would not happen. Sam decided to take a harder route, but in this case that might be the easier route.

He sent out the insect puppets to get a better understanding of the surroundings. He already had a rough idea. After some careful examination, he found out some things that he could use to his benefit.

Then a plan slowly formulated.

The first thing he needs to do is make sure that people are stuck in the city itself. If they are spread out of the city, then Sam would have much more trouble protecting them. He has to make sure that everyone stays within the boundary of the city.

Sam sighed and decided to use a very nasty method to do that.

After formulating a plan for that, he thought of the next step, closing the city off with formation. The formation should have defensive measures to block a tsunami. If it is a tsunami that happened back on earth, then it would actually be very easy to deal with here.

But Sam is not na?ve enough to think that would be it.

He is sure the tsunami would be enhance with a lot of water elemental energy and since it is being controlled by the gods, the attack would much more concentrated.

He needs to make the formation durable for both blunt attacks and sharp and concentrated attacks. The pressure of course is one of the major things that he needs to worry about.

"If only I could convince them."

Sam wondered if he should go back and try to talk it out with the clan leader instead of the young master. But he changed his mind after half an hour.

Shadow mice brought him the news that Sam has already become a wanted man. In fact, the news was even sent to the surrounding cities, villages and towns. He became the most wanted person of the region and the reason is that he assaulted the next in heir of the Makar clan.

The clan is willing to offer any favor as a reward if they capture him.

Sam sighed at this move.

These guys are greedy beyond redemption.

He just decided to go the harsh way.

The next moment, he let the Forrest Bear out of the Divine dimension.

"Change the layout of the forest like this."

Sam sent an image he had in mind so that the bear could use it as a blueprint.

The Bear nodded and left running into the forest.

Then Sam called for Mia and Dia.

"You two need to change the terrain's state. It should be slow and gradual. Just change the state of the soil in general, the effects should be reflected by tomorrow at dawn."

Mia and Dia both left into the forest as well.

Sam then called for all the shadow mice and specters.

"After Mia and Dia lay down the foundation, all of your work together on the second layer. It should be flashy and confusing, they should be overwhelmed."

Then he pulled out Void hopper.

"You little guy are in charge of blocking the space. Don't goof around now. I need you to accomplish the most among all the beasts. You will be in some serious punishment if you don't do it. Understood."

Void hopper didn't even bother to reply to Sam, it just happily disappeared since it got freedom after a long time.

"You should be more strict with him."

Sam said as he looked at Yanwu that just appeared outside.

[How is that my job? Clearly you are the one who should be doing it.]

"I need you and Sky to be with me. You have an important task. We would make a plan to deal with whatever comes spontaneously."

[Alright. What about Raiju and the Ape?]

"Oh, they have job too."

Sam called both of them and said.

"I want you to go ahead and control the beasts in the forest. No matter what happens they should not attack the city. Even if they go crazy and start a beast tide, they should still be travelling away from the city. Not towards it."

The wolf and ape looked at each other before running into the forest.

"It has been a while since we worked like this. This is great."

Sam said as he stretched with a smile. He took off on harbinger along with Yanwu and Sky and went towards the mountain. They decided to practice something just in case.

Meanwhile in the forest.

All the beasts are a bit riled up because of the presence of new auras. All of their bloodlines felt intimidated.

Forest bear caused the most commotion within the forest. First, he started to destroy a lot of trees, creating a large arc around the city. Of course, it is not close to the city, it is a bit deep into the forest.

After destroying these trees, the bear started growing the trees in a certain way. In a particular order and formation that Sam has given him. While Forest bear is doing that, Dia and Mia are working on the terrain.

Everything between the circle and the city is going to their area. Dia's job is to make the earth loose and malleable while creating all kinds of deadly traps. Of course with the Forest Bear and Mia's help, the traps would be much more lethal.

After that, Mia would be responsible for using water and poison to make the soil poisonous. She is going to slowly seep the poison into the terrain completely.

Finally, on top of all that, the shadow energy and death energy that could corrupt everyone easily is going to be added on the top.

They are all working in sync. Apart from the ideas Sam had, they are capable of adding their own touch to the situation. So, there is no need for Sam to worry about it at all.

While they are working on all of this, Sam practiced with Yanwu and Sky for a while. All three of them almost destroyed the mountain. After a while, he left the two of them to practice by themselves and went to start structuring the formation.

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