Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1876: Other Hearts

Chapter 1876: Other Hearts

Sam is standing on top of a huge cliff as he looked forward.

There is a large cliff with a bunch of streams coming from different directions all joining into a waterfall as it fell into the valley. He took a deep breath before he jumped right into it. Mitra sat on the cliff as he looked at Sam while eating some snacks.

They are very free in the last two days.

After they set the Water Giant Tribe on fire from the inside, the human camp launched the pincer attack. Now the war between the Water Giants and humans is going in a full swing. So, before they could get the next orders, Sam brought him here to search for something.

Mitra looked into the valley as Sam slowly disappeared into the fog that was created by the rushing waterfalls.

Under the valley, Sam landed in the large water body that is way too big to be called a lake. He activated water fusion and moved seamlessly deeper and deeper.

After reaching the bed of the lake he cleared the soil away and soon he reached a glowing blue colored orb.

The orb looked exactly like the fire heart, except it is full of water elemental energy.

Sam smiled and waved his hand.

A large chunk of the soil disappeared along with the water heart into a divine dimension fragment.Sam swam out and flew to the top of the cliff.

"So, did you find what you wanted?" Mitra asked. He is really bored. In the last two days, Sam was in his own world. He didn't entertain Mitra's blabbering much and most of the time, didn't even bother to answer his questions.

Even now he just nodded as Sam dried himself off.

"Are you going to show me what it is?"


"Why is that?"

"It is none of your business. That is why."

Sam brushed him off as he thought of his next move. The presence of water heart didn't come too much as a surprise to him. Because as soon as he learned about the presence of fire heart and the rest of the history of these five cities, he felt that it is highly likely that something like this would be here.

After all, these five cities are of equal standing, in terms of strength and authority. They don't have edge over one another. He then studied the resources they have under them. They are of same level. So, he figured that there could be an equivalent of fire heart in other territories as well and his guess is right.

The water territory has the Water heart. It is the exact same as Fire heart, except with water element.

Just from this, he is now sure that the other three cities have something similar in their territories too. Three more hearts of three different elements. Apart from the kill count that he needs to satisfy to move to the next stage, this is one of the things that Sam decided to do. To collect all these elemental hearts and use it to boost his own strength.

And all of this is none of Mitra's business just like he said.

"Alright, I can't take this silence. You don't need to tell me what you were looking for. Tell me, where we are going next? Are we going to prepare for our next mission? Did you anticipate what we are going to do next like you did before?"

"Sure. We can prepare for our next mission."

"So, what would that be? The Earth City and the Earth Giants?"

"Yeah, they are going to be a part of it. But they are not going to be the only ones we are going to focus on. By now, the remaining three cities will understand the motive of the human camp.

They wouldn't just sit back and wait for us to create chaos before giving a chance for humans to occupy the territory."

"Then, how are we going to proceed?"

"We are going to take a similar approach, but this time we need to give up on some elaborate internal conflicts and schemes. We are still going to cause distractions, but this time we won't need to pretend like before.

The Giants will understand directly that the humans are the ones messing with them."

"I still don't understand what we are supposed to do."

"Simple, the main camp will attack head on, while we create chaos in the giants' territory from the rear. We will carry out assassinations, interrupt their intel, kill a few soldiers here and there to mess with their formations, destroy their defenses etc.

I am pretty sure a few more units will be deployed by your commander to do the exact same."

"Damn, here I thought of enjoying some more laid back time. As much as it terrifies me, I really like it when you use the giants to destroy themselves. I would hate to not see that."

"Who said, you are not going to see it? I said, the giants will understand that we are the ones doing this and wouldn't take the bait of internal conflicts, but that doesn't mean, they are smart enough to undo my traps.

Even if there is no internal conflict, I will make sure it will lead to the internal destruction. Anyway, lets go. This time it is going to be more fun than before."

"More fun? Why?"

"Because I am going to get my hands dirty a bit."

Sam jumped up and Harbinger appeared under his feet. Mitra hurriedly ran after him as he tried to keep up. They moved towards the Earth Giant territory. The nearest territory for both Water City and Fire City.

While they are moving there, a meeting is being held within the depths of the Earth City.

Commander of Earth Giants is sitting along with the Commanders of Wind Giants and Tree Giants.

"The humans dealt with both Fire Giants and Water Giants, we are next. I suggest that we team up."

"Straight to the point stone head. What do you suggest we do?" Tree Giant commander asked.

"I got some information that before both camps were taken, there are signs of internal conflicts. The Fire Giants were attacked by Water Giants when they were being pressured by the humans.

It all seemed way too coincidential. I feel like there is some ploy."

"What kind of ploy do you think there is? It is not like humans can disguise as Giants. We are not lycans or demons with their wimpy bodies that could imitated easily. It is nigh impossible for humans to disguise as Giants."

"Disguise might be the only thing you can think of that could cause this. But you must understand that is not the only way for someone to deal with an organization internally. There are many ways to do it.

And one of it might be the difference in opinion."

"What do you mean?"

"You do know that when we infiltrated this planet, there is a certain tribe of Giants that didn't like this idea."

As soon as those words left his mouth, the remaining two exchanged a glance.

"Are you saying the Great Giants are behind this?"

"It is a possibility. After all, Great Giants was the original giant tribe that ruled over our realm. Isn't it a perfect scenario for them to weaken the remaining tribes before taking them over? What if they joined forces with the humans here?"

"That is absurd. Not a single member of the Great Giants made their way here."

"That is what we know. But what if they have their members that infiltrated us long ago?"

"That is a lot of what ifs you are talking about. It is hard for us to confirm this situation."

The discussion went on and on.

But after some time, an attendant barged in. If only a few of Sam's has seen this, they would know that the giants are fucked up.

"Sir, some water giants are outside the city. They are destroying the formation. They are coming from different directions too."

The earth giant commander hurriedly ran out followed by the remaining commanders.

At the edge of the city, the water giants with large inscriptions on their foreheads are attacking the city wall. A bunch of Earth Giant corpses are all over the place.

"Stop them. Check the surroundings and find out the person behind this. They must not be far away. Don't hesitate, kill them. They are no longer our allies."

The commander gave the orders while he spread his divine sense out towards the forest. He wanted to check and find out who sent these Giants here.

While he is thinking that, all of a sudden he noticed the energy fluctuations.

All the water giants that are tackling the formation from different sides suddenly gave out the energy fluctuations. The divine energy gathered in their cores chaotically. The commander realized what that is, they are self destructing.

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