Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1853 - 1853 Next Phase

Chapter 1853 - 1853 Next Phase

1853 Next Phase

A similar thing happened in every tower and to every single trainee that entered the tower.

Dozens of people trained for a couple of hours before they were kicked out. They almost felt like they are brand new people when they came out of the tower again. The new techniques that were imprinted in their heads are all they could think about.

So, as soon as they came out, the faction members tried to send them back in, but after realizing that they cannot do that, the candidates who finished a round of training in the towers were sent to the front lines.

And most of the time, they are distributed towards the other fronts where the pressure is maximized and since in their opinion the pressure on the coastal side is far too less, they didn’t bother sending anyone there for the time being.

Meanwhile, back in Sam’s room, he is still sitting the middle of the formation and his mind his hovering in the soul world.

When the young woman who can control the whole forest learned a new technique, a soul lit up within the soul world and at the same time, an orb appeared within the formation.

As the technique was imprinted carefully in the head of the woman, a tendril appeared on that orb. Similarly, a lot of orbs appeared one after another and with every connection and technique imprint the orb made, there is a tendril.

Sometimes, a single orb had multiple tendrils because they connected to multiple people who happened to have similar attributes.

These are indication of his spectres being active and making some changes in the minds of these people.


They are leaving a part of themselves in the minds of these trainees.

But the trainees themselves don’t even realize what level of mistake are they committing. Letting their prodigies and main forces’ minds be manipulated by unknown specters and letting a part of these specters to remain in their heads, that is nothing more than asking for a long drawn-out mental suicide.

Anyway, it wouldn’t be long before they actually realize what had happened.

The situation in the current city was extremely calm. Soon, the forces from the Dark Sea Sect arrived at the city and the White Sand Guard including Sam managed handed it over to them.

Due to the nature of the war, the city was long evacuated and every single resident happened to be a soldier or mercenaries that worked for the Solar Sect.

So, they didn’t have to do much to take over the city. They just need to kill all the soldiers, which they did with extreme ease.

The status quo was established.

Even though the Dark Sea Sect members who are on the high of this easy victory wanted to march forward while they are still carrying the momentum and the seven-star alliance went into a passive state, White Sand Guard didn’t allow them.

They are waiting for Sam’s next move.

In just few days, Sam already became some sort of de facto leader of the group. Even if he doesn’t have a position and nobody explicitly said it, he is the one giving out the orders and the rest of the White Sand guard are just following him obediently.

Including and especially the captain of the Guard.

Everything Sam has instructed them has gone way too smoothly. Too smooth to the point that he doubted that this could be a dream.

These vines have a perverted set of abilities that made him shiver in fright but at the same time, made their job a thousand times easier. He doesn’t know what exactly Sam is fully capable of and what kind of plan he had.

But the plans he threw casually are already this effective, so if he is putting this much effort and kept on waiting, then this plan could only be much more dangerous, and efficient.

At least he hoped so.

Time passed, it has already been seven days.

In these seven days, the Seven Star alliance is on a constant rise. The people that finished their first round of training in the new towers showed impeccable performance at the frontlines. Among their peers, they had the most contributions.

As soon as the solar sect found this situation, they made their move. They sent their people to the towers to get trained. They didn’t hesitate to pay a high price and promise a lot of resources and authority to the Seven Star alliance.

Even they started believing that Zeus might indeed favor he seven star alliance and they didn’t dare to recklessly take a forceful approach and occupy the towers.

So, many people are entering the tower and the orbs in Sam’s are full of tendrils. Each orb has hundreds of tendrils. And by third day some of the first batch trainees came back for a second round.

And they were able to enter.

Whenever something like that happened, they managed to gain more insights and new techniques while the imprints became stronger.

The tendrils related to these trainees grew thicker and they almost looked like a tentacle. As time passed, and deeper the imprints went, the thicker the tendrils became.

On the fifth day, Sam saw the start of the results he wanted to see.

One of the tendrils on an orb grew too big that the orb looked like a cylinder and slowly the tendril split up becoming an orb in itself this orb has a slightly fainter light compared to the parent one and it also has doesn’t have any tendrils extending from it.

This second orb is connected to its parent orb with a very small energy string indicating its origin.

As time passed, new orbs started coming and the more the trainees entered the more time they are able to spend in the tower.

On the seventh day, some of the trainees saw so much qualitative improvement in their fighting prowess that even some normal soldiers have become elites within their respective cultivation range and they are slaying at the front lines.

On the seventh day, Sam finally came out of the room.

Guard captain immediately ran to him and said.

“What do we do next?”

Sam looked at the usually composed captain and said.

“Why are you in such a hurry? You seem flustered?”

“I am facing a lot of pressure right now. I am appointed as the commander in this front, but the forces of the Dark Sea sect are led by some influential people and they are not really willing to wait for long. Even though your contributions are highest until the current level of conquest, these people are hungrily trying to claim it as their credit.

Of course, it would be too blatant and obvious if they just tried to do it without any participation. So, they are trying to advance forward. Their plan is to make some contributions and then push you back to the sidelines.

I stopped them so that they won’t disrupt your plans. But it is getting harder with time.”

Sam chuckled at this.

“I understand. But I hope you can stop them for another week.”

“Another week?”

“Yes, my plan is finally coming to fruition. I laid down the perfect bait and everyone is biting it. If you can stop them for another week, the plan will go smoothly.”

“Can you speed it up? Or can we find any other alternative?”

Sam shook his head and smiled wryly.

“Do you really think it is that easy? Actually, you are worrying about one week, but do you know I had laid down a lot of groundwork weeks ago while staying in the Seven Star alliance? You don’t know the time, effort, and level of research it took to establish it properly.

If it is disrupted, the loss would be unimaginable. In fact, the losses cannot even be quantified in a number of spirit stones.

So, please hold for another week.

I promise you, after this week, you can have the Seven Star alliance on a silver platter. You can just eat them alive and a lot of Solar Sect elites would be down in the dumps.

You will thank me after this week.”

The Guard captain appeared troubled. By now he started trusting Sam more. But the problem with the remaining commanders is as real as it could get.

He gritted his teeth and said.

“There is one way, that I know would work. It will buy some time and after that time you will also have enough authority to handle these situations well.”

“What would that be?”

“I will talk to Ervin and make you the acting commander of this place.”

Sam felt dumbfounded.

“How would that help the situation? You are only going to make me more trouble. All these commanders eager to take credit will just take it out on me.”

“Yes, that would be the situation at the start. But this will arouse a discussion back in the core of the Dark Sea Sect and various factions will start looking into you. Ervin will hide your background and these commanders will have to stay their hand before they could find out about your information.

At the same time, you will be able to execute your plan successfully and you will gain enough authority for the next round of attacks.”

“If you think it works, then so be it. I would have to move around a bit in the next few days. So, you have to cover for me a bit.”

With those words, Sam left the city on the harbinger.

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