Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1292 - Amateur

Sam looked at the woman and his gaze made her feel like she has nothing to hide in front of him. 

"You are an inexperienced woman who is new at this kind of thing. Aren't you?" Sam asked once again and everyone subconsciously focused on her for a moment.

The woman became embarrassed and took out her sword as she spoke through the gritted teeth.

"I will kill you right here and now and let us if I am just trying to fish the information out of you or not."

Her voice sounded so determined and strong as she lunged forward with the sword in her hand and stabbed at Sam.

Sam was really impressed by her sword aura, but it is not enough to faze him. They are both of similar cultivation level and Sam could see that her affinity and technique with the sword and sword aura are really good. She is even a lot younger than him. He is really impressed by everything about her, but he can clearly see that she has no experience whatsoever in a death battle.

There are too many openings, of course, granted they could be considered as cheap shots in an 'honorable battle' played for preserving some dignity, this is not just a noble battle. Here the winner gets to keep his life no matter how dirty they played.

Sam spun his staff and energy gathered at the tip of it as he used the repel style of diverting her attack to the side. He spun around with the recoil and went towards an elder who is standing in the circle.

He swung his staff at his chest, catching him and the rest of the group off guard. The attack caused energy waves inside his body which blocked his heart and Sam tapped the staff on the same spot once again.


A hole appeared on the chest right where the heart should be and blood started spilling out of it.

He looked at the surprised group and the woman and said.

"What? Are they just here to watch the show?"

He said with a smile.

"I am your opponent and I alone am enough to deal with you. Don't bring them into this." The lady said coldly and swung her sword at Sam.

*clang* *clang*

The sound of metal striking metal came as played defense for a while as he sized up the woman. She is a lean woman with long black hair, wearing men's robes. There is not a single thing feminine about her in terms of demeanor and the way she wielded the sword. It is too masculine, too aggressive and it is not that refined. It is almost like a lot of potentials is being lost just like a gem in the rough.

Looking that Sam is not attacking, the young lady became more and more aggressive and started taunting him.

"What? Are you going to block all the time or are you going to fight back? Or did your balls suddenly magically disappear?"

She took a step back and prepared for a big swing with sword aura riling up. But as the sword was about to cut Sam up, he lifted his staff, he combined the repel style and the ripple style as he blocked the blade.

The repel style diverted the attack and it was then assisted by the ripple style which propagated it.

The sword ray was diminished, but it still hit the elder who is standing on the side. He was caught off guard and before he realized it, his stomach started bleeding and left a puddle under his feet.

"What where you are aiming, you seemed to be too preoccupied thinking about my balls."

The elders on the side were about to make a move by now. After all, they are just being some bystanders but they were attacked twice with one of them dead and another severely injured.

But the girl is just too naïve.


She yelled as her sword aura raged. Then she took a deep breath and calmed herself down before continuing.

"This is my fight and this is the last time, I am going to tell you about this. No one shall interfere in this fight until I say so. If you are that afraid, stay vigilant or stay away from this place. If anybody interferes again, I will cut them apart."

She then stabbed Sam, who blocked the attack once again.

"Are you sure, you are not going to need any help?"

Sam asked once again and this time his voice even sounded like he was genuinely asking which made the sarcasm more unbearable for the lady.

She started attacking with increased rage, but Sam is blocking, diverting, and even redirecting at the elders who are standing by.

After thirty more blows were exchanged, Sam is still as agile and adamant as he was at the start. He didn't attack that much and he is not even breaking a sweat. In the process he destroyed four elders, three of them died and one was severely maimed.

The lady is panting and sweating profusely while she held the sword tightly and looked at Sam hatefully.

"You better start packing up. I kind of like you. It would take some time before I come to the main branch, so you would have some time to try and put up a proper fight."

Sam said calmly as he held his staff.

The Deputy leader looked at the whole scene and felt extremely frustrated.

"Get into your positions. Make your move properly and only move when you are sure you can land the blow. Don't make any unnecessary moves and keep up your defense all along."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the lady yelled.

"I said this is my fight. Do not interfere."

The deputy completely ignored the sword aura projected at him and looked at her coldly.

"Young Mistress, it seems like you are not clear on something. This is not the parent organization. This is our organization and you only have the authority if I say you have authority. I cannot let you play around for your stupid pride. I don't have time or patience."

As soon as he spoke, he lunged forward and threw a punch at Sam's face.

Sam dodged to the side and the punch barely brushed past his face, at the same movement, he swung his staff to the side and blocked a saber strike and a rectangular energy shield blocked the inferno.

"Now that is some decisive action, I hoped from the start. I think you would be more of a leader than your own leader. Who the hell believes the information this blindly and leaves the main base unprotected?"

Sam spoke and the three protrusions on the handle opened up. The energy bullet was shot at the face of the deputy from a close range, but he dodged it and it left a small gash and went past his cheek before hitting an elder in the face.

The face bled as the bones cracked.

He then kneed the balls of the deputy while swinging the staff at the crotch of the elder attacking him from behind.

They didn't dare take the blow and took a step back.

At this moment, the sword came straight at Sam from the side, which he barely managed to dodge. The elder who was about to attack from another side had to stop in his tracks as the sword almost caught him.

"I told you, this is my fight."

She said and it seemed like she stopped holding back anymore. Her sword aura raged and the sword rays were shot at Sam for every strike.

Sam looked at her and shook his head.

"You are going to regret this."

As the sword came, Sam spun around and kicked on the ground with his mechanical leg, creating a large energy wave, blowing the elders away. He then came out of the encirclement, dodging the attack completely. 

In the process, he created a gap between himself and his opponents. All the elders are on one side and the lady is on the other.

Sam took a deep breath and put his staff away as he looked at both of them while standing sideways.

"Come on guys, what are you waiting for?"

As he spoke, his hands and legs started glowing with energy. The lady is obviously making the first move followed by the five elders and the deputy attacking close range while the remaining two attacking from a long range.

He swept his foot on the ground towards the lady, the energy condensed and rippled in the form of an arc that hit her feet as she tripped in the most embarrassing way possible. She slipped forward and her stabbing was completely off. 

Sam moved forward and held her hand that had the sword with his own hand and landed a knee to her chest.

The flesh on her chest rippled and burst into a bloody mist before the impact translated to her ribcage, lungs, and heart. She even levitated a bit and Sam took the sword from her hand before kicking her away.

While she was flying away, the lady who is on verge of death, felt like she saw everything in slow-motion and she saw something she never even dreamt of seeing.

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