Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1290 - Sending Wrong Information

Sam walked into the lab and all that was heard for some time is some screaming and begging along with some explosive sounds and the crashing sounds of the laboratory building and when he is done with it, the building completely collapsed as Sam walked out along with the head researcher.

He scouted the rest of the village for the guards and researchers. He didn't spare the houses of the test subjects and after confirming that there are none left, he knew he was done here.

He didn't even take a second look at the test subjects and walked out of the village towards the waterfall at the cliff that he came from. He dragged the head researcher along with him. He tied him up with the same cultivation restriction collars he has been using on the test subjects and just for the sake of it, he broke his limbs.

There he washed the blood off of his body making the whole lake completely red. He killed that many people today. He also got the relevant information from the memory extraction about the locations of the second branch.

He didn't go after the main branch first, because the parent organization would have definitely known about his massacre of the first organization, so there is no way they wouldn't have sent more people to the other subsidiaries to check if Sam is coming there.

And if they did, Sam wants to send them on a goose chase just for the fun of it. Luckily he got the information about this side branch from the leader of the first subsidiary which helped him locate this one first.

Now he got the locations of the remaining two side branches. He also has the location of the main branch from the start because of Sivan's memories. He has a choice to pick which branch he wants to attack before the news travels to the main branch. Which would be extremely slow as he killed everyone in the village.

As he relaxed in the lake water while bathing, what he didn't notice is that from a cliff far away, the blonde woman is looking at him with a faint smile on her face. She looked at him for a while and left the place before reaching the village.

The test subjects here are a bit too weak to even come out because of their collars, only a few of them have any strength left and they are helping the weaker subjects out of the collars.

The blonde woman appeared in the village and she started building the statue there in the crate.

When the test subjects noticed this, they curiously looked at her and after she was done, she once again told them.

"He is the one that ended your suffering by taking the lives of all your oppressors here. He is your savior. I hope you remember his face for the rest of your lives."

With that, she left the village.

The reaction of the test subjects is kind of similar to that of the women and children in the previous villages. They don't know what they are going to do, but they are not strong enough to leave the village and since this village was in the middle of nowhere, they decided to stay here until some of them recover before going away.

Sam who is just a couple of thousand meters away didn't know this is happening.

He finished his bath and walked out of the lake before focusing on the head researcher.

"You have two choices. The first one is that you listen to whatever I say and do whatever I say without adding anything, I will kill you with one blow.

The second one is, you don't listen to whatever I say and don't do whatever I say, then I torture you until you wish you were dead and beg me for it and do whatever I say before I slowly kill you. You pick one."

He looked at the researcher dead in the eyes while saying this and there is not even a single change in his expression. He looked cold, emotionless, and even a bit too calm.

The researcher gulped in nervousness and wanted to ask something, but…


A slap landed on his face and it took a layer of skin off of that face in that strike.


The researcher cried in agony.

"What kind of pathetic researcher are you? With all the things you have done to people decisively, at least have the balls to be decisive when you consider your own life."

"The… first one. First one." The researcher immediately said when he looked at Sam's face. He is clearly getting annoyed by researchers' cries.

"That is better. Now, do you have a method to contact the main branch?"

"Yes. Yes."

"So, how do you do that?"

"A city in the west. There is someone who comes in and checks the village often. Whenever I have any updates, I give them this report and they send the information to the main branch. I don't know how they do that, but they give back the reply or even bring the main branch members here within three days."

"Okay, do you have any recovery drugs?"

Sam said as he looked through the potions in the spatial ring of the researchers. He was surprised by the variety of valuable medicines, some of them even helpful for him. He took them and only gave one recovery potion to him. Barely enough to heal his legs and one arm. He didn't let him heal his other injuries.

"Let us go to the city."

Sam said as he removed the cultivation restriction, but not before making the specter make a soul a contract between the two so that the researcher wouldn't do anything funny.

They traveled to the west and by the end of the day, they reached the city.

Sam didn't enter the city along with the researcher, he followed him from a few hundred meters. Everyone looked at the researcher weirdly, but no one bothered to interfere with whatever it is going on.

The researcher soon reached the place where the informer is staying and entered the house.

"What happened to you? Why are you here like this?"

The informer asked as he looked at the head researcher in horror.

But before the researcher could even say anything, Sam barged in and punched the guy in the face. Knocking him unconscious.

He once again used the cultivation restriction collar and started asking a different set of questions and when the informer didn't cooperate, Sam just killed the researcher with a punch to his heart and said.

"I actually don't need you to cooperate, as long as I kill you and extract your memories, the news will not travel to the organization and I would still get what I want.

So, be obedient and you will have a quick death."

After that Sam started 'convincing' the guy to sign a soul contract which didn't take many words. Only some extreme actions were necessary until he signed that contract.

The informer then went out and sent the message to the next person in the chain of information and command triggering Sam's plan.

After that, Sam left the place

The information Sam sent is that everything in the village is destroyed and that includes, the researchers, guards, and the test subjects. There is nothing left and the researcher that the informer found in the near-death state, gave the information that there is a team of people that destroyed the branch and they is the ones that destroyed the first subsidiary too and they are currently going after the second side branch.

It didn't take long for the information to reach the headquarters within the chain of command.

Luckily it didn't take much convincing on the informer's part. Because just like Sam guessed the Parent organization members have arrived in this place. But for some reason, they weren't able to take any action.

Inside the headquarters of the second subsidiary, the head of the organization is currently in meeting with some of the people that came from the parent organization.

"I already told you someone is targeting our organizations, the first subsidiary was also stubborn like you and they paid the price when we weren't able to react because of no prior knowledge. That is why we came to you immediately.

But you did the same and you lost one of the branches. So, now do you want to give the location of the second branch or not?"

A woman who was sent from the parent organization yelled on top of her lungs as she looked at the head of the subsidiary.

A man sitting on the side gave her a look making her calm down. The head of the subsidiary organization looked troubled. It is the contract between the parent and subsidiary that they wouldn't reveal the locations of the main research bases to the parent organization just like how the first subsidiary didn't reveal the location of the breeding villages.

They wanted to save their Geese that lay golden eggs hidden from the parent organization and they also agreed. He was hesitant when they came and asked about this a day ago, but now it seems like his hesitance cost him a side branch

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