Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1285: Destiny

The sect leader looked at the Blonde woman and then at Sam. He has half a mind to believe that both of them are related. He could sense Sam's cultivation and is sure that they are of the same level. He decided that it is better not to have conflict and said.

"If you are here for this woman, then take her back. I didn't know that she belonged to someone already. It was a mistake. Since you killed so many of my people, we can call it even."

Sam frowned as he looked at the blonde woman and then at the sect leader.

"He is not here for me. He is here for you."

The Blonde woman once again spoke.

Sam felt the same sensation again, but he didn't like it. Someone else like this mistress or the sect leader might have liked the pleasurable sensation, but for Sam, this is completely unacceptable.

A complete stranger who can affect his soul albeit mildly with just her voice. This just has a lot of danger signals in his mind.

"Can you please stop talking for a while?" Sam directly asked the young lady and she was surprised a bit. This is the only expression she has shown all this while.

Sam didn't bother with her and turned to the sect leader.

"She is right though, I am not here for. I am here for you. I want to make a deal and if you agree to all my conditions you get to keep your life. Otherwise, you would die."

"Hmph, you dare yap your mouth here?"

The mistress swung her flexible sword and a sword ray was shot at Sam.

Sam didn't even move from his spot, an energy barrier came in the middle and blocked the attack.

"I am still talking. If you make a move one more time, the deal is off, you will die." Sam said coldly.

"He is telling the truth." One more time that blonde's voice made Sam close his eyes and take a deep breath. He turned to her and said.

"Young lady, I don't know who you are. We don't have any enmity, but if you speak one more time, you will regret it."

"I am sorry. It is a force of habit." The blonde spoke once again, but this time Sam didn't frown, rather he was a bit surprised. Because the voice sounded just like before, but there is no effect on his brain like before.

He was relieved and ignored her for the next few moments because the couple in front of him decided that the deal is off.

They exchanged a look and swung their swords as both of them made a move at the same time.

Sam blocked the hits with an energy barrier and punched out towards the Sect leader.


The sect leader blocked the blow with his sword and an explosion occurred there. The energy exploded and the sword started cracking which made the sect leader stunned, but that is not all.

Sam twisted his mechanical hand and the energy barrier that was condensed in front of him suddenly turned into a snake and coiled around the mistress through her sword and then to her hand while he used his right mechanical leg to kick forward.

A ring of invisible energy was shot at the sect leader who couldn't even sense it until it came too close to him. The ring surrounded him and exploded.


He took the brunt of the attack from all the sides and collapsed on the spot. All of his skin cracked and he is bleeding profusely.


Another explosion occurred through the energy snake around the mistress. She died on the spot. Specter went to her remaining body and started collecting the souls while Sam walked to the sect leader.

"I told you, all you had to do was accept my terms and you could have lived. Too bad you chose the hard way."

"Who.. who are you?"

The sect leader as he looked at Sam's face that covered by the mask.

Sam paused for a moment and removed the mask.

"Lo.. Lord SIVAN?" The Sect leader yelled out loud.

Sam just smiled and said.

"Not really, your lord Sivan has stolen something from me and since you knew him, you should know what he has stolen from me too. So, if you want to blame it on someone, blame it on him. You are just collateral damage because you are his foot soldier."

Sam then finished him off with a single strike and walked away. Specter did his job by collecting souls and followed Sam closely.

Sam stopped in front of the Cross the blonde lady was tied up to.

He removed her from the binds and she dropped into his arms. He reflexively caught her, but when he realized that she was naked, he immediately dropped her to the ground.

He took out a robe from his storage and threw it to her.

"I am sorry."

He spoke those words and was about to leave.


She hurriedly stood up as she wore the robe.

Sam stopped and looked at her.

"Do you need something?"

"No, let me see your face."

Sam frowned and said.

"I am sorry. I am not going to do that."

"You just showed him, what difference does it make."

"He is dead right after he saw my face. Do you want the same fate?"

"I know you wouldn't kill me. I know I am not going to die today. I know my fate for the next day. What I am interested in is yours."

Sam frowned and decided to walk away by himself.

"Wait. Even if you don't show me your face, I can still feel that we will meet once again. You are dragging the misfortune of a million people with you and you wouldn't stop until you deliver it all to those people.

But from what I can see, that also changes the fortune of a hundred million people. You are about to change the lives of so many people. You are going to free the souls that were oppressed. I can feel it."

Sam looked at her with a frown as she neared him. He could feel her using the same voice as before. Something that speaks directly to his soul.

Sam just stood there as she neared him and removed his mask slowly.

She looked into Sam's eyes as if she is trying to look into something deeper.

"This is not yours is it?"

Sam frowned once again and came out of stupor. His eyes widened in horror and he was about to go berserk, but at this moment, her voice was heard once again.

"I can see it. I can see past this face of yours. I can see your true face. It was stolen. That was the trigger of this misfortune.

Indeed, you are the one I came looking for."

He said as she held Sam by his face.

That voice made Sam calm down, but instantly he became vigilant and held her arm roughly before pushing it away.

"Who are you?"

He asked in a cold tone as he put his mask back on.

"I am the one who followed your fate to come here. To meet you, to confirm your existence with my own eyes."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Of course, you don't. You are not supposed to know about it. But I know, I can see it more clearly than before. You and I will meet again and again. We have the same destination, same path, but not at the same time."

"I am not indulging you anymore." Sam turned around to leave and this time she didn't stop him.

She tightened the robe and slowly walked through another entrance as she entered the forest.

"Finally, I met that person. The Bringer of Misfortune.

I shall act on it now."

She then looked at the sky and smiled.

"Someone that can question you. Someone that can confront you. Someone that can destroy you and you are the reason that he is in this world.

But I hope he would be able to overcome the obstacles that you placed in front of him. I hope to see him destroy you, fulfilling, his, mine, and your destiny. Altogether."

She then walked into the forest and disappeared from there.

Sam didn't know what she talked to herself in the forest, but even if he knew he wouldn't be able to understand what she spoke. It didn't make sense after all.

This is the first time, he met someone like her.

As he walked away, he realized that there is a faint scent of her on his body, he took a deep sniff and frowned.

"She is a Gandharva?" He muttered to himself.

He is slightly familiar with the Gandharva race since he destroyed a branch of theirs. He knew the scent, but he didn't expect he would meet one after such a long time. If he had the previous body and senses, he would have been able to identify her immediately, but it took this long because he didn't have them.

Now, he understood why she had that effect on his brain. It was a special ability of some of the Gandharvas, she tried to mess with his head with her voice.

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