Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1283: Sivan's Curiosity

"No, I only got a fragment and this is in that fragment. What is the point of this invention?"

"I don't know how to answer that. This thing explodes. That is its function."

"I can understand, but how much destruction can he bring with this? From the calculations he gave out, this only kills people at the Novice stage and injures great realm stage cultivators. And who would dig up feces of fire elemental beasts just to make this"

Dayus looked at Sivan as if he was an idiot. Even though he is often cautious and wouldn't show these expressions out in the open, he couldn't help but show that expression.

"You have never been outside of this realm have you?"

"I have, but not much. What does that have anything to do with this?"

"The lives of people in other realms are not exactly the same as your realm. The place we came from is a stray planet. We just managed to come out of that place by luck. There is fighting and individuality starts at the age of fifteen.

After they awakened and crosses the Initiation stage, they are on their own. They need to work, fight and kill for their own survival.

The strongest on that planet is barely a consummate stage cultivator, so it is kind of necessary and for Sam who never had any affiliation with any organization, he had to resort to these cheap tricks.

For that, he would shamelessly dig into people's graves if he has to, much less some feces."

Sivan completely ignored the snide remarks. He never thought about the lives of other people, so he just assumed that everyone's fight would start at the same starting line.

For someone of his intelligence, it is kind of surprising and kind of stupid to not think of that. Sivan kept on asking himself, why he assumed that.

He called for Butler Si and asked.

"Butler Si, when was your first kill?"

"Beast or a cultivator young master?"

"Either one, the first one."

"It is when I was sixteen. I reached the Novice stage and I was not under the protection of our local force anymore. So, eating is the only source of spiritual energy I had. I killed a python to eat it."


"Fifteen years old young master. I had to keep my quota of spirit stones for myself, but someone is trying to get them, so I had to kill him."

"The protection in our realm is until they reach the Nascent stage. I always assumed you were from around here? What is the average cultivation of people in your home realm?"

"Great realm stage. I think so."

This time, even Dayus was surprised. The great realm stage can be considered as the average cultivation level for the Desolate planet as well. Butler Si came from that kind of planet and here he is standing as the right-hand man of one of the strongest powers.

He couldn't help but feel a bit awed.

"Then, why are we not using this kind of system here? You seemed to be quite strong for someone from a realm that weak."

"It would be impossible, young master. The average cultivation of this place is the peak of the Mortal Plane Consummate stage. This is very high, but even the commoners can have this here.

They can save their kids easily from the regular danger and they can afford to nurture them without any problem. It has stayed that way for a very long time.

So, it would be hard to change it and it is not exactly a great method without any drawbacks. You might have an increase in the quality of the cultivators, but the quantity will decrease drastically by a dozen times at least."

Butler Si and Sivan went back and forth as they discussed this and Dayus just stood there like an Idiot. After Sivan satiated his curiosity, he finally asked Dayus.

"I have another question for you? What is the game of gods? There is also something about the Palace of inheritance and names of other gods like Indra, Sun Wukong, Zeus, Kartikeya. They are of different faiths and different categories, why are they all lumped together?"

Dayus was stunned when he heard this.

"How big of a fragment did you absorb exactly?"

"Just a small one. This is the only information that was revealed."

Dayus was surprised once again. He knew a bit about soul fragments and absorption as he started reading up on the matter within this clan's library. The first fragment will always give the most trivial information and the deeper it goes the crucial the information is.

For Sam to consider this game as this trivial information shocked him. Because, Dayus, himself felt pretty strongly about this after all.

"I am still here. I want an answer."

Sivan said coldly.

Dayus has half a mind to lie, but when he looked at Butler Si, he lost the will and just explained the situation roughly.

"So, you and Sam are some of the pawns selected by gods to play a game for their entertainment in which you are forced to destroy their own followers? Is that it?"

"Yes, it kind of is."

"So, is our clan involved in this game?"

"I think so. You guys are our last target."

"Last target? Does that mean, everyone would be going after all the other organizations and then come to it, is that it?"


Sivan's eyes started brightening up. Many thoughts are running through his mind.

"Now that I am in Sam's body, can I participate in his stead?"

"I don't think so. I think you need his soul. The god that was the sponsor of Sam is actually quite eccentric, at least that is what Zeus said to me.

So, if you merge his soul completely, there is a chance that you would be able to play."

"Okay, you can go now."

Sivan went into deep thought. He kept on thinking about the game and the gods, he is very eager to destroy Sam's dormant soul completely. More eager than he ever was.

He immediately sat down to cultivate. He is close to a breakthrough into the Late stage of Astral Plane transcendence, once he is there, things would be easier, after all, Sam's dormant soul wouldn't grow along with his cultivation level. It would stay the same while his own soul will become stronger.

He needs to win this soul and information over to realize the full benefits of getting Sam's body.

He really didn't want to lose any of this.

But what he doesn't know is Sam already destroyed his soul and now is the complete owner of his body and all of his secrets are already out.

Sam is currently meditating on a mountain top. He just finished eating the fruits he got from the Diamond Ape valley and started circulating according to his cultivation. His new limbs, although artificial, made things a bit easier as he doesn't have to create the complete circulation out of condensed energy in thin air.

Now the mechanical arm was designed in such a way that there is a passageway in which if Sam circulated the energy, it imitates the circulation network of the cultivation.

He finished digesting all the energy inside the fruits but was unable to break through that last bottleneck. He would need some more energy boost and he would be able to breakthrough.

He really didn't like this situation now. He has to look for these kinds of special elixirs all over the place. But luckily, Sivan's memories provided the locations of where they are stored. His subordinate organizations.

He opened his eyes and looked at the large city in the valley far away from that mountain top. It looked like a small model city from there. He really missed his enhanced vision because of the Sky sovereign roc bloodline mutation. That was something on a whole new level than any normal vision.

He could only adjust with this.

The next target he is looking at is the sect in the form of a city.

It is called the Mountain Sword Sect and ninety-nine percent of people in this place are members of the sect. The remaining one percent are the merchants who bring goods from other places and the people who sell foods here.

There is only one inn and it is run by the sect people for the outsiders who came for any business with the sect.

The sect members mainly perform mercenary jobs in the surrounding mountain region which is actually very dangerous. They knew this place like the back of their hands as they were trained here since they were kids.

It could be said that within this mountain region, they are the only active party and they could be considered as the owners of this territory.

So, for anything that concerns this mountain, they need to get the permission of the sect.

Sam leaped down the mountain as he made his way towards the city.

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