Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1276 - Three Ghosts

"The test is simple. On the other side of this Undead forest, two of us will be waiting. The third one, that is me will be racing with you guys to that point. If anybody manages to beat me, they will be the candidate.

If no one beats me, then the person that came right after me will be the candidate.

If multiple people beat me, then a battle would decide who stays and who leaves.

And, a fair warning. The Undead forest is full of dangers, everything in that forest tries to kill you guys. The trees, the insects, the beasts, all of them are the creatures that are either undead or they feed on the death energy inside.

Even the plan growing under a tree might kill you, so be careful and we wouldn't be responsible for any of the deaths or dangers you might encounter. So, join in at your own risk."

With that, two of the three ghosts made their move, two minutes in and they can already faintly hear the sound of the battle.

After ten minutes, the third ghost spoke up.

"They must have reached there by now. Remember, this is the last chance you are going to get to leave this place. Once you are in there, I cannot guarantee anyone's life and I will not come and save you if you are in grave danger. You better think before you enter."

He looked at everyone to see if anybody backs down.


With that, he turned around and started running into the forest. The rest of the candidates did the same.

Sam held his staff while running. The branches of the undead trees are already making their way towards the candidates as they moved.

Sam used his staff and some energy to smash any branch that neared him and this made it quite easy for him to defend. The rest of the candidates are also not doing that bad.

Sam focused on the third ghost the most.

He is using two daggers and most of the time, he is dodging the branches. Only when it is absolutely necessary did he start using the daggers and Sam was really impressed by his footwork and the dagger usage.

He didn't make any large flashy and unwanted movements. He is precise with his strikes and he is using cursed energy at the blades.

This is not a new thing, but many few people will use this. For this, a person has to keep the curse going on at the edge of the blades and it takes a lot of concentration. Even the regular curse users wouldn't opt for something like this.

But this guy is really using it perfectly and he seemed to have used the curse of corrosion which really did a good effect in the battle.

The more slashes the opponent takes the easier it would be for him to win.

Soon, the dangers started increasing. The branches are being aided by the vines and then came the undead creatures, specters, ghosts, some rodents that like the death energy, all kinds of things are coming at them, and one candidate after another started giving up.

After fifteen minutes, only Sam and another guy were left in the race along with the third ghost.

The third ghost is clearly holding back. From his actions, he is extremely familiar with the terrain and he is also familiar with the dangers presented in every area, he is also relaxed with his actions.

He is trying to give the candidates an advantage.

Sam didn't run past him though. He just ran at being the close second.

They soon reached their destination and Sam finished as the second. The three ghosts looked at him and the other candidate. One of them went to the other guy and said.

"I am sorry. But you lost. Recover a bit and we will escort you out of the mountain range."

The other guy didn't seem to be too upset, he just nodded and went to the side, then three of them walked to Sam and started sizing him up.

"Your battling is weird, but you are good. You don't seem to be tired."

"I am not."

"That is good. Let us meet in the same spot as today. We will proceed with the expedition. I will brief you on the details then, but this is the most dangerous expedition in the Dark Range to ever happen. So, be prepared."

The first ghost, who seemed to be the leader of the gang said to Sam.

"I thought the Government group does the most dangerous expeditions in the dark range," Sam said with a smile to see their reaction.

"Yeah, the most dangerous for the temporary members." The second ghost who stayed silent all this while spoke up.

They shook their hands and left. They didn't even discuss the price for this. They just agreed on equal share with whatever they are going to obtain at the end of the expedition.

The next day, Sam went there at the agreed time.

"Within the dark range, there is one central mountain which is full of dangers. It is the most dangerous place, but it also has the most valuable resources.

There is an Undying Wyvern's nest in that place. Do you know about it?"

  The first ghost asked as soon as he arrived.

Sam was surprised and shook his head. Undying Wyvern is a rare beast. Even though it is not as good as dragons, it is as rare as them.

The Undying Wyvern has one very peculiar ability. It only eats undead creatures. Whether they are normal undead, ghosts, specters, wights, ghouls, or vampires. It eats all of them, except for the shadow undead.

But they have another quality and that is after they die, they turn into undead. Not just their bodies, their souls will also turn into ghosts and attack everyone that enters their premises. He didn't expect such a creature to be here.

"The Undying Wyvern is a peculiar beast…" The First ghost was about to explain, but Sam interrupted him.

"I know about the Wyvern, I just didn't know that there is one here."

"That is great. And there is not just one, there used to be a small family of Wyverns there. But recently they are all dead and every one of them turned into undead. And on top of that, there is an egg inside their cave. An egg of Undying Wyvern.

Our target is that egg.

If we manage to get the carcasses, whoever takes it down with the final blow can keep it. We will check the grade of the egg and see if the bloodline is pure enough, we would like to keep it, we will give your fair share of the price and if it is not, we will auction it at the town and we will equally share whatever we get.

Do you have any problem with that arrangement?"

Sam shook his head and then his hand, sealing the deal.

"Don't you want some soul contract or something?" Sam asked.

"No need, we are three and you are one. If anyone needs a contract, that should be you."

"Well, I don't need one in particular."

"Then we are all good."

With that, they started moving. Sam kept up with their pace and never once revealed his cultivation. With all the dangers they encountered on their way, they got quite a haul. It is better than any expedition the other group could do.

They traveled for a day and reached the foot of the Central Mountain by night.

"We will stay here. We are not moving at night. It is too dangerous."

The first ghost said and they camped there for the night.

Sam could feel the death and dark elemental energy everywhere in the surroundings.

If one is exhausted or injured in this place, they would definitely die with the death energy corrosion and all the other creatures that are within this area.

The next morning, the four of them moved by dawn.

They started facing the beasts that are coming at them. Most of the Central Mountain is filled with beasts and ghosts. There is barely any undead and even the trees present are not exactly undead trees. There are only a few of them in this large patch.

Sam didn't exhibit any of his true strength. He just kept up with them and only acted as an equal. He didn't overwhelm anything.

They traveled on the mountain for the whole day and once again camped at the night.

The next day, they once again moved and this time, they reached the Wyvern cave by afternoon.

As soon as they entered the cave, they came across the undead wyverns that are staying at the mouth of the cave.

There is no sneaking in. It is a straightforward situation. They just have to fight if they want to get to the egg.

Even now, Sam was only acting as support just like the three of them wanted him to be. Sam used the mild energy bullets that would barely injure the wyverns while the three ghosts fought with these creatures.

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