Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1266: Forced partnership

Sam changed his destination to the Primate realm. A realm that is known for the primate species it houses. It has almost all kinds of monkey species of a decent bloodline. There are many planets with different environments housing different kinds of apes and monkeys.

There are many organizations in this realm and in particular, the Primate sect is the best of them all. The Sect has thousands of years of history and has a deep connection with the Apes of this world.

When Sam enquired a bit about the sect near Gravin's estate, he got the news that the sect is so famous in that area and so connected to that realm that some high grade and highly dangerous ape tribes in the wilderness has connections with the sect and wouldn't harm its disciples no matter what and even goes so far as to help them in critical situations.

This is a decent organization, but the leader of the organization is only a Peak stage Pre-transcendent cultivator of the Astral Plane.

It is easy for Sam to take this down and he decided to take it down without any second thoughts.

After reaching the realm by crossing some wormholes and then crossing another two to reach the planet the sect is in and finally traveling on cougar for three days straight, he finally reached the sect.

He could have used some force to use the space gates of the sect, but he doesn't want to alert them which might lead to their escape or even cause a bigger commotion alerting the supervisor of this organization in a higher realm which would blow his cover.

He would sooner or later be found out by Sivan, but he would rather be it later than sooner.

But once he reached the city, Sam didn't hold back at all.

He directly went to the main gate of the sect ground.

The guards looked at him weirdly.

Sam has only one arm and he is limping. His peg leg is not exactly hidden properly. He is holding a walking staff which is weirdly shaped in their opinion.

He is wearing a cloak and a black metallic mask. No matter how they saw it, he didn't look okay in that surroundings.

"Excuse me? What are you doing in the premises of the sect?"

One of the guards came forward and asked him.

Sam didn't bother looking at him much and tapped his staff on the ground as he moved his hand a bit downwards on the staff.

At the grip of the staff, there are three holes that are exposed and three small cylinders popped out of them. The three cylinders are extremely small they looked like some slight protrusions.

The three of them are facing three different directions. The middle one straight ahead, the top one to the left, and the bottom one to the right.

Energy gathered in it as the three energy bullets went and hit the three different directions.

Two energy bullets hit the walls on either side of the gate while the middle one destroyed the gate itself.


The three explosions made the wall and the gate collapse while the guards crouched down in terror. They couldn't even take the aftershocks of the explosion.

"If you want to live, you guys better run."

Sam said those words as he moved forward. The three protrusions constantly oscillated in the staff. They are very small, each with only two centimeters diameter by the power they are packing is too much for these people.

The disciples and the elders are already running towards the gate. But Sam didn't care. He just walked in as if he owned the place and the slow pace he kept up and the limp made him even scarier.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

One of the Elders sane enough to know that someone that confident in the enemy territory shouldn't be taken lightly asked.

But Sam just aimed the staff at him and the energy bullet was launched.

The body of the elder exploded and in that place, a large crater and a bunch of meat paste and blood.

He walked forward and another elder arrived. Another energy bullet landed and another elder exploded.

Sam didn't bother sparing anyone. Generally, he would have gone easy on people that are not of his concern. He carried a lot of power throughout the years and if he wanted, he could have made a lot of people disappear and occupy everything he wanted and needed with pure tyranny.

But he is not that guy. Even the destruction of the organizations and killing so many people were out of necessity. He didn't have any more personal agenda other than their gods asking him to kill their own followers.

Now, the situation is different. Sivan is the one who threw the first punch and anything that is supporting him is his enemy and opposition. He doesn't care if they are only following orders or if they are indirectly involved and didn't even know of their involvement, he can only clear them out, so that they wouldn't be used against him later.

Soon, the elders gathered and formed a barricade as they attacked jointly.

Sam tapped the staff once again and all the large-scale attacks from the Astral Plane cultivators were simply blocked by a single transparent energy barrier that was formed around him with the staff as its center.

Meanwhile, the energy bullets are still being shot and the elders were unable to escape death.

The leader of the sect finally couldn't take it anymore and activated all the trump cards he could think of, but everything was just useless.

When he finally realized that he couldn't do anything against Sam, he finally relented and knelt down before asking.

"Sir, you are clearly a person of great strength, why are you fighting with us? How have we offended you?"

"It is not you who did it, it is your superiors that did it. I have nothing against you."

"My superior? The Golden Silk Sect?"

The sect leader said involuntarily. Sam just smiled behind his mask and remained silent. He didn't care what this guy thought of the reason behind his demise and his sect's destruction.

Sam got ready to make a final move and the sect leader couldn't let himself go like that, so he desperately pleaded.

"Sir, please give me a chance to redeem myself. Whatever the offense our superiors brought you, I have no idea. Neither I nor my subordinates have any hand in it. I plead with you to give us a chance to redeem ourselves. Please. I believe we deserve a chance to at least save ourselves."

Sam paused and his energy bullet that was about to be shot disappeared.

He stayed silent and gave a quick thought.

What the other party said is right. But he is reluctant to let the subordinates of the other party go just like that. After all, the primate sect is one of the pillars that is providing financial assistance to Sivan without even knowing. He of all people knew that financial assistance can be of great importance in this world.

He defeated most people with just massive amounts of money which enabled him to get manpower and materials for large-scale things that could attack in his stead.

But now that this guy pleaded to do whatever it takes to please Sam, he thought of something else.

"Bring all of your core members and arrange a secret meeting. None of the matters from that meeting can be revealed outside."

The elder hurriedly nodded and immediately called for a meeting with all the core members in the sect.

Sam then started laying his demands down and the core members' faces paled.

They were tempted with some of the offers he has presented, but they were also not exactly ready to give up their freedom as making a soul contract with Sam is one of the basic things to do in the partnership, Sam is proposing.

"Sleep on the matter and come back tomorrow. I will be staying here. I will give you a sample of the things, I would be offering you and if you think it is worth it, you can sign the deal."

That was what he said and the sect members did as they were told.

Sam created a bunch of designs overnight. He didn't make a big deal out of it and only made some normal designs.

Most of them are related to the sect's defense.

"These designs can compensate you for the defense you lack because of the elders I killed. I will give these to you first. You can call your formation masters and check them. Remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg."

He said to the sect members in the next day's meeting.

They checked everything with the formation masters until evening and came back hurriedly.

The sect leader hurriedly agreed, after all the alternative is death, and that too for no apparent reason. He would for something he didn't cause.

"I will be staying here for three more days. Lock down the sect and begin your construction process for the defense. Also, I need the locations for some rare cultivation resources that would be useful for me. I am sure there should be some forbidden zones that you are afraid to go."

The sect leader nodded and did as he was instructed.

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