Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1264 - Staff

"My master is the Weapon Smith and I am also his assistant.

So, if you don't mind, please show the designs to me. If it is not complicated enough for the Master to review directly to agree to make it, I would never hear the end of it."

Sam just shrugged and took out three scrolls. He opened one of them is it actually a large staff. This is not a Bo staff used for battling directly. It is a walking staff, which would help him walk. But the staff is divided into various parts with a very complicated internal structure.

The remaining two scrolls are also part of this design, they are magnified designs of the internal structures that could help them get a clearer idea of what they need to make.

After looking through the design, the shopkeeper was shocked.

"Who designed this?"

"I did."

"You are an artisan?"

"It is kind of complicated to explain. Will it be possible for your teacher to do this? Can I meet him now?"

"Yes, of course. Please follow me."

After that, the shopkeeper decisively closed the shop and led Sam outside. They soon reached the estate of the chief of the dwarven tribe. Within the estate, there is another building behind the main mansion and there is a middle-aged-looking Dwarf working at a forge.

The shopkeeper went to him to talk and after a few minutes, Sam was invited in.

The Weapon Smith looked at the design and said.

"Are you really the one who designed this?"

"Yes." The dwarf looked at Sam who wore a mask and a cloak.

"Your attire is not so convincing."

"I know that. But I don't have any intention or necessity to lie to you."

With that, Sam raised his cultivation. He is a lot stronger than the dwarf who is Astral Plane Pre-transcendence. If not for the fact that Sam is currently in trouble and he is not willing to go to higher realms for some reason, he wouldn't have even come here.

The Weaponsmith stayed silent for a while and proceeded to look at the design.

"It would take some time. This is very complicated. We need to make a lot of small things and the materials needed are also kind of rare. The outer layer of the staff needs to be thin like a sheet of metal, but it also needs to be strong enough to endure the physical attacks and the energy circulation.

From the looks of it, you would be adding the inscriptions too and it looks like they are for some serious energy usage and an offensive one at that.

This is going to be difficult."

"You don't have to worry about the materials. I have them. I even know of the alloy formulae that need to be used. If possible, I would like to be with you throughout the process. But if not, I can only give out the instructions."

"No problem, you can follow along as long as you don't interfere in my process."

"That was easier than I thought."

"My techniques are not exactly that easy to imitate just by watching them and it is not some inscription or formation work to reveal too many secrets. They need practice and most of it is spontaneous. I am not afraid that you would steal my technique."

"That is great. Can we start as soon as we can?"

"I have a project at hand. I will complete it by tomorrow morning. We can start ours in the afternoon."

"I will stay at the East Side Inn."

"I will send someone to inform you. We can discuss the payment details tomorrow."

Sam went back to the inn.

The next day, he was called by the shopkeeper and went back to the forge. They started discussing how to proceed and the payment that Sam offered is something that the old man didn't expect.

Sam is giving out the knowledge of the material studies of the dusk organization, some wine recipes, and some rare metals on top of that.

The old man skimmed through the introductory knowledge of Material studies and was really surprised. Sam also tossed in this world's adaptation of the modern earth's manufacturing processes like the powder metallurgy and the Weaponsmith didn't really give him much trouble before accepting.

Sam spent two and a half weeks finishing the staff along with his old man. While the old man finished each part separately, Sam finished the inscription side of it.

By the time all the parts were completed, Sam has attacked the soul two more times and only got something related to the financials and the sexual affairs of the people from Sivan's Clan.

When the staff is finally assembled, it looked just like a normal bo staff, but it was a bit thick and its cross-section is not exactly circular. Only the top part where Sam holds the staff to get some support while moving, the rest of the staff is mostly square in terms of the cross-section.

The staff is divided into three parts from the handle down. Each part has a square crosssection and in the middle of each part, there is a small circular piece joining the two parts.

Sam held the staff and walked with its support. It is better than the crutch and he went out into the forest to test some of its functions.

After he was satisfied with it, he came back and spoke to the Weaponsmith again.

"I actually have other projects that I want you to make, do you want to do it?"

Sam said and took out a bunch of scrolls, when the Weaponsmith looked at the scrolls, he was stunned. He couldn't help but gulp with his eyes wide open.

It took a while for him to calm himself down.

"I would be really honored to do this for us, but I am unworthy of such a great product."

"You don't need to be so hard on yourself. You did a great job with the staff."

"Yes, I did and it took everything I had to make it. I am not suitable to make something like this. But you don't have to worry. I know of someone that would be more than happy to make something like this. In fact, he would do it for free and even go as far as getting you the best possible materials too."

Sam was surprised.

"Really? There is someone so generous in this world?"

"It is not exactly generosity. It is more of a pride thing. He just wants to be recognized. It has been a few decades since he sent this challenge.

He challenged everyone to bring a challenging design that would make him feel stumped and make him completely overwhelmed. If he can get that design, he would get the best possible materials from his own collection and make the product for them with all he got."

"How can people trust his words that he is not really dazzled by a design?"

"He sits in a special formation that resonates along with his soul. As long as he has an emotional reaction, even if he hides it in his face, he wouldn't be able to hide it with his soul.

I will give you my token and he would allow you to meet him directly, you don't have to go through the regular queue.

Show him this and you would be able to see the reaction. I am pretty sure, this is going to be the best product he has ever seen."

With that, he gave him the token and told him the way.

Sam was immediately on the move. Now he has a staff in the hand that attracted some weird attention when someone looked at it closely.

After entering the wormhole and reaching the place, Sam took a deep breath.

There is a large queue in front of the Artisan's mansion. People have various designs in their hands and they are eagerly praying to whatever the gods they are worshipping that they should be the one getting selected.

Sam showed the token to the guards that are patrolling the queue so that no one causes any ruckus.

He is actually surprised a bit by the diversity in the guards. Some of them are human, some are elves and there are even some dwarves.

The guards didn't shoo him off or immediately welcomed him in, rather they returned the token back to him and they went to inform their leader, who then came back and checked the token again before going back in. After this repeated two more times, finally Sam was allowed inside.

When Sam met the person, he was a bit surprised. Because the artisan is actually a half-elf and half-dwarf.

This is something he didn't expect.

He has seen a lot of half-elves, but most of them only procreated with humans as they resemble the elves but are a little uglier.

Dwarves are too short and their looks are too crude.

So, he didn't expect any union between the two, but since the person is in front of him, he had to believe it.

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