Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1100 - Future Plans

For the two weeks, Sam focused on the Phoenix tail sect and got their heirloom after finishing them off.

By now two organizations are over in twelve and the remaining organizations are all smaller than the Black Curtain for sure.

And with the newfound usage of curses and all the toys he had, any surprise could easily be tackled.

They wouldn't have much trouble dealing with them.

But there is no use in finishing them faster actually. Because, after they finish with this, they would be facing the last of the organizations. Phase four organizations.

Phase four organizations are a bit tricky.

There are only twelve of them in total and they can be further divided into four groups of three..

The first group only has Initial stage Consummate cultivators of Astral Plane and then comes the second group with Middle Stage Consummate cultivators of Astral Plane, the third group has Late-stage Consummate cultivators of Astral plane and finally the fourth group with Peak stage Consummate cultivators of Astral Plane.

With each group only having three organizations each, the situation would be tough for the players to handle.

Each organization has several branches under them that worship different gods, but they only have one heirloom each. The value of heirlooms is too high and the resources they would get for that are too many.

Even for Sam with his team, the organizations are too big and powerful. For every organization, ,multiple players are needed to fight and there is a great chance that players would die in the process.

By the end of it all, only two to three players might live.

So, acting alone would be a bit reckless, so he needs to wait for the rest of the players to finish up Phase three and it might take a year or two.

In this time, Sam has to make plans to not waste any time. His last expansion went great and everything is running smoothly. He can start the next expansion.

This time, Sam wants to involve himself in the expansion this time and eliminate every problem. He also wants to expand the education department under the organization and strengthen it. 

As he progressed in this game and dealt with organization, he realized some things. The gods are powerful and mighty, generally, there shouldn't be any need for them to care about these people and they really don't.

But these people worship him so much and the gods are also reluctant to lose these people even though they don't care about their well-being.

From all the memories he collected from various forces he also learned that the gods really did support the growth of these organizations and their strengths even though they don't care. This piqued his curiosity and he believed that there is a need or at least a use for gods with these people.

If he wants to contend with the gods, he might need some people like this. And with the number of organizations under the gods, he has seen. He was sure that his organization is not big enough.

Along with that, there is something else Sam was confused about.

For example, the feathered race which was the subordinate race of Goddess Nike, used to send people outside as soon as they broken through to a certain cultivation range.

Where did all these people go? That was one of the things that bugged him a lot.

During his break time, while challenging people here and there, he came across some organizations that are under Nike's control. But he didn't see a single feathered race cultivator. They don't even know the existence of a feathered race subordinate organization that worships Nike.

Similarly, he also came across different organizations that sent their cultivators to their god. They all have one thing in common. The people that were selected were selected to be the soldiers for the god.

If so, where did these soldiers go? What are they fighting against? Where are they stationed? He didn't even see any form of the battlefield or never even heard of something like that.

There are many things that are bothering him.

After all, he nearing the fourth phase of organizations and they are the pinnacle of Astral Plane cultivation. After that, the plane of cultivation is completely on a different level. The disparity is too large.

He doesn't know what the next part of the game would be but he is sure that they would come across that next plane cultivators.

That Plane of cultivation is closely related to the gods. The Divine plane of cultivation.

They would come close to the immortals and gods. So, Sam needs to understand their situation better before entering that area.

But the information is scarce and impossible to attain at the moment.

So, he has to work with whatever he has at hand. For that reason, he decided to focus on the development of the force. He wants to strengthen the organization and increase the cultivation limit of the core power.

Currently, the Dusk Organization has a strength of a middle-level Phase two organization without including its own team.

In these two years, he needs to build a solid foundation so that this could increase. After he was done with the organization, the team wouldn't have much to do with Sam and would join the organization increasing its level. The next five years after the organizations are done, the level of the organization should reach phase four, no matter what.

He took a week off after dealing with the Phoenix tail sect and started setting up a plan.

He thought of many things. Even though it might take a long time for this whole process to be over, it is not exactly a long time when the work done needs to be considered. He also needs to leave a strong next generation.

From what he can see the gods cannot come down whenever they wanted, so the next generation of leaders must be properly trained so that there wouldn't be any mishaps with the organization after he was gone.

So, after the plan, he started dealing with the remaining organizations in phase three while giving some orders to the administrators of the organization.

He wanted them to finish tasks that are easy but extremely time taking.

He ordered them to pick kids who just awakened. He wanted Watt to give some basic lessons for them, but he was stunned when he learned that Watt has already left the home planet he was staying in. He resumed his journey a long time ago.

Sam sighed, it seems like he was too disconnected from what is happening back at home.

But he bounced back instantly and just sent orders.

He ordered to construct academies on every planet they are on. The planetary academies will only train people until they reached the Mortal plane Pre-transcendent stage and there would be one Inter Planetary academy for every four planetary academies. In that academy, the people will only be trained until they reach the Mortal Plane Consummate stage.

For every realm with multiple Inter-Planetary academies, there would be one Supreme academy which would be for the Initiation stage Astral Plane students. 

But there is one catch, the recruitment of the academies wouldn't be done in a normal way. For the normal Planetary academies, anyone can directly join as long as they are within the Acolyte or Novice stage after passing the test. But within their time there, they would be checked for some requirements and if they reach those requirements, they would be selected to a special program through which they would be sent to the Inter-Planetary academy after they finished their studies there.

Even in the Inter-Planetary academy, there would be two branches dividing the regular academy that would teach up to the Pre-transcendent cultivators and they would also be selected in the same way as other planetary academies.

Among the students that enter the Inter-Planetary academy once again, people will be selected based on some special requirements which would then be selected the Realm Academy.

This is the basic structure of the educational system.

For this, Sam needs a lot of cultivation techniques that could cover the whole spectrum of things.

But even before that, he decided to open a special academy in major cities of every planet the Dusk organization was in.

A school for primary education. The school where laws and principles of natures, different elemental energies, and all kinds of basics would be taught.

Any kind who is six years old or above can join and they can study different aspects until they reached Acolyte or some even Novice stage.

After the kids awakened, they would be taught how to use energy efficiently. They would be tested there and would be directly sent to the Planetary academy if they are qualified.

When the administrators saw the plans they were stunned. They didn't know why Sam suddenly put such an expansion plan forward. This is going to be quite difficult to do. But Sam didn't care. He made up his mind and used all the resources to them. Currently, his main source of income is not even the profits from the organization. In fact, he didn't even collect profits for a long time.

His current income sources are the organizations he is constantly destroying one by one.

So, he mobilized all the funds he has in profits and started constructing academies.

All the excess staff he had from the Desolate planet and the Feathered Planet are appointed as the temporary administrators and supervisors for the construction of the academies.

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