Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1084 - Pieces Of The Heirloom

The team went to the inn and took the rooms. And coincidentally, the inn is completely empty without any other customers.

They are the only ones in the whole inn.

When they are in the empty lobby Sam said calmly.

"The whole inn is a killing formation, with curses actually. Even Night Ghost will be dead if he is not careful."

"So, what do we do boss?"

The rest of the team is not concerned at all, Saber Monarch who was supposed to be hurt is actually yawning lazily.

"I do have something that might help us with this, I also wanted to find a place to test this, let us see how this works."

With that, Sam took out some tokens and gave them. The tokens are metallic and there are a bunch of inscriptions on them and there is a space jade in the middle of it.

"So, take care guys. Be alert and don't let Saber Monarch die."

"Like hell, these guys can kill me." Saber Monarch said casually.

"Okay then, change of plans. Everyone stay in your own rooms and don't bother coming out no matter what happens. Let Saber Monarch handle everything. I would also like to take a nap." Sam spoke casually as he gave a side-eyed glance to Saber Monarch.

Saber Monarch immediately got tense. 

"Boss, what are you saying? The only reason I said they cannot kill me is that you are all here. Don't think too much into it. How can I be safe without you?"

After some random bickering, everyone went to their own rooms.

Soon, the whole inn started glowing with black patterns inside.

The rooms are assigned by the manager of this inn who went away after the assignment. So, except for the room the Saber Monarch was in, all the other rooms have patterns with shadows that looked like vines.

They all came out of those shadows purely manifested by dark elemental energy and enveloped the whole team.

Sam who already guessed what would happen has been observing the situation with the energy vision and as soon as he got a slight energy fluctuation, he immediately entered the divine dimension, only when the formation was fully activated did he come back and he went to take a look at remaining people.

All of them are entangled, but they are not anxious, they held the token in their hands, but they didn't use it. After all, these maniacs have too much pride, so they wanted to see if they could get rid of the entanglement by themselves.

And to his surprise, the one with the most progress is actually the twins from the Solar Fragment tribe.

Agar and Argan who have a faint hint of bloodline from the Golden Sun crows have the highest resistance against these curse shadows.

The quality of the purity of the bloodline is making the cursed impurities of the shadows.

He let them be and went to take a look at Saber Monarch's situation. The shadows of this room are different, they looked just like vines, but they seemed to have thorns all over them which made it worse, he got a lot of small stabs all over his body and some of them are bleeding generously.

Sam looked at him and said.

"Stop it with your stupid pride. Just use the damn token, it will work."

But the Saber Monarch ignored the words and tried his best to get rid of the vines, meanwhile, Argan managed to break the vines and ran out of the room, and at the same time, Night ghost also came out.

Sam was surprised by this, but Night Ghost explained.

"I have a cursed ghost on me that could swallow other curses of lower power and absorb their qualities for it, this is actually beneficial for me."

"Well, you could have said so. I even told them that you could also die here."

Night Ghost just smiled and looked at the Saber Monarch who is still struggling, when Saber Monarch looked at the other two who escaped, he became even more determined to escape by himself.

At this moment Agar also came out, Sam wanted to make some snarky remark, but Night Ghost sensed something.

"Some people are approaching the inn."

Sam closed his eyes to take a look through the crystal table and said.

"Come on guys, playtime is over. There are some guests more than a dozen assassins are making their way here. They are coming at full force. We need to deal with them."

As soon as he finished his words, some vines started growing out from the walls. They are completely black even darker than the shadow vines that entangled them.

The vines grew at a rapid pace grew fruits before the fruits exploded into a puff of smoke.

"Come on guys I wouldn't ask you again. Some gas is being released in here. Use the tokens and use the breathing devices."

With that, he went towards the gas and took a deep breath to see what that is. After taking in he understood what it is, it is just an anesthetic. The most it would do is make them fall asleep, but the duration of the sleep would be very long.

While Sam is speculating what they want to do with this gas by making everyone fall asleep, outside the inn, the manager of the Black curtain branch is leading the assassins.

"Do not attack anyone other than the target. But he cannot die yet, he needs to give us some answers regarding the missing members.

There is also a possibility that some of the teammates are on the side of the target and might know of this, so make sure you secure our client and keep him under anesthesia for the whole interrogation. 

Kill the target after you get your answers and finally, we will erase the memories of the interrogation from them. That is the plan. So, be careful."

With that all of them entered the building, but as soon as they entered the building.

Meanwhile, Sam started roaming around the building to get a look at how this formation is working.

The teammates, activated the tokens, as soon as they channeled some energy into it, the token started glowing with bright light.

But the glow didn't spread along with the room, rather it injected itself into the skin of the user and spread all over his body, as the glow passed all over the cursed shadows started letting him go, and everywhere the light touched them made them behave like some injured snakes.

When the assassins led by the manager entered the building, he saw the teammates and Sam standing in the hall.

Sam is still looking at the nodes and he is dropping small liquid energy cells made of light elemental energy here and there while he let the rest of the team decide what to do.




With a bunch of explosions, not only was the formation was gone, even the building collapsed into the rubble as the teammates started doing their job.

Within an hour everything became calm.

The assassins are currently kneeling down side by side in an orderly manner. But there is only half of them that are alive.

The rest are dead.

Sam checked the remaining candidates and recalled the battles and picked four of them and threw them into the chessboard.

He then left for Night Ghost.

Night Ghost simply killed the manager first and went through the memories while Tamas tried to make the remaining two into high-level undead.

One of them failed and another one succeeded.

As their level goes up, a necromancer would be able to retain the skills related to the muscle memory of the dead bodies when they turn undead. Even though they still work on instincts, they would be able to use some skills they drilled into their bones.

Sam is not really that focused on necromancy and building an undead army so he didn't care much, but Tamas is really trying his best to perfect the art since he broke through to the Astral Plane Transcendence as it is the perfect time to make high-level undead.

Night Ghost transferred the memories directly to Sam after the extraction.

Sam was stunned when he saw the memories.

This manager really did have some high-grade information because he is the son of one of the core members in the black curtain, they really lucked out by this coincidence.

Even though most of the information is helpful, it is not exactly a pleasant thing to learn.

Because it turned out that there is not just one leader. There are at least six leaders with the same level of cultivation and all six of them have one piece of the heirloom.

The heirloom will be completed only after all six of them are hunted down one by one and every piece is collected.

Six Peak stage Transcendent cultivators of Astral Plane. This Black curtain is really no pushover and it is too late to back down.

Sam was just frustrated at the time that would take to deal with these people.

But he is also glad that they selected this first.. If this is gone, then the rest would be easily finished.

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