Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1045 - Maid's Background

The maid looked at Sam with hesitation. She is very reluctant to give it to Sam, but the threat of the woman was very much real. She knows what that woman can do and what is at stake, which made her feel a bit determined. 

But when she saw Sam, she remembered that he not only gave her this job without much demands, when they first met, he clearly pitied her and showed some kindness. He was never excessive. He knew that she had a problem and asked her indirectly, prompting her to say it out loud.

But she is afraid that Sam will back down. But that is not the only reason she did so. She knows her problem is excessive, but if Sam fails, she wouldn't be able to live with herself considering what is at stake here.

She wanted to wait for two reasons, one of them is to give Sam enough motivation my seducing and make him intoxicated with her. Even though she knew her looks didn't mean much, she also knew that once they were in bed, she could make him fall head over heels for her.

She is confident in doing so and the second thing is to see a test battle. She wanted to know how good Sam is.

No matter how powerful he might be, the poison church is not some righteous place with saints living around, it is a shit house with all scum living there.

She wanted to see how he would fare with some of their tricks. If he managed to survive a few attempts of their attacks, she would feel confident.

So, after she escaped, she disguised herself and tried to get in here and see everything clearly, but unluckily she was found out.

She thought that the decoy he left in the church would buy her more time and the disguise will divert the attention of the church a bit, but it seems like she is too naïve and optimistic.

As a chain of thoughts flooded her brain, she kind of zone out on the spot and doesn't even know what she is doing at the moment.

Sam took the jar away from her, before she could comprehend her thoughts.

He is currently working on some calculations with one hand while the other one held the jar.

When the maid came to herself, Sam asked.

"So, since how long are you living in this place?"

"A few.. few years sir." The maid came to herself and stuttered when he asked this question as she looked at the wine jar.

"You seemed to have a problem. What is it?"


"I asked what your problem is? Why don't you open up and tell me about it?"

"I am… Okay, sir."

"Then why do you want to poison me?"

As soon as she heard the words, she was shocked, she looked at the rest of the teammates, they were all looking at her coldly.

They don't know exactly what the circumstances are and Sam didn't let them observe the woman too closely.

But they knew about the poison because Sia, who was hiding and looking after him, saw the threatening situation in the alley of the market and they became anxious.

Sam just wanted to brush it off as he already have the situation under control, but the team is getting agitated and he couldn't help but create the current scenario.

The maid is trembling and knelt on the floor. 

Sam snapped his fingers and Saber Monarch dragged the woman who threatened the maid out of the room. She looked weak and feeble as he was tied up and couldn't use her energy.

As the maid is not replying, Sam spoke.

"I knew you had a problem from the beginning. After all, why would a new mothers who still has the scent of breast milk on her come and throw herself at the feet of an unknown young man?

I don't know what exactly your problem is, and I don't have a habit of helping people when they are not even daring enough to acknowledge their problem and try to fight back by asking someone's help.

In normal cases, I would have kicked you a hundred miles away from the area.

But who told me to have a soft spot for mothers? If you tell me your problem, I will help you now."

She looked at Sam with tears rolled down her eyes.

At this moment, Vidyut asked

"Boss, not to sound inhuman, what if all this is a ploy from the church. To threaten this woman into doing something like this to get to you. After all, as we established, they don't have a line they wouldn't cross."

"Well, it could be."

"Then…" Vidyut was about to reply, but Sam continued.

"It is a mother's struggle for saving the life of her child, any sin is not a sin in that case and any crime is not a crime when she does that. At least, I wouldn't consider so.

Now, stop trying to convince me and start prying the mouth of our guest open."

As soon as the captive heard these words, she became anxious and said,

"Sir, Sir. I will tell you everything."

And she started narrating a story.

The story is quite good. In it, the maid is actually an elder of the church and the mastermind behind the whole plan. She orchestrated this whole thing including the threat to make them trust her more. She would never let Sam drink that.

After gaining their trust, she would use them usurp the church and her faction will win the power struggle.

The story is quite believable actually, except that it is not true.

Gran took the task of interrogation as she slapped the shit out of her face.

"This is a waste of time, just use memory extraction from her soul, it would be a lot easier that way."

Sam said as he yawned in boredom while he looked at the poisoned wine.

"No no, what I said is the truth."

Gran looked at her and said.

"I would like to give it a one more try."

Sam shrugged and the torture began.

" I said everything I know."

"I I I… Please let me go."

"I will confess. I will confess."

Her words changed in a few minutes and soon they got all the information needed. The maid is still looking lost as he wept for a long while, as she looked at the person that made her life a hell.

The whole situation is simple.

The maid is actually the wife of the deceased guy. Who was previously the most powerful priest of the church.

They had a child and when they noticed some oddities in the body, they looked through some books and found that the boy had an amazing constitution.

The already powerful man, birthed an excellent son.

The Poison church are recently trying to get in touch with a high level power to become a subordinate and enter a bit of higher territory to expand their influence.

They would definitely support the maid's husband when they learn such a future prodigy is born.

So, the brother of Maid's husband got jealous. And it turned out, he has been that way for a long time because the maid herself is also someone he lost in courtship stages as she picked his brother.

So, he managed to finish off his brother and took the baby with him, he separated his mother from him and raped the maid for over a month only letting the child come near her for the breast milk.

One day, the new high priest of the church felt kinky and started raping her in the temple which is also the day Sam arrived and selected the organization, Indra appeared and informed about Sam, unlike Hou Yi, who only gave orders about killing Sam, he explained more and carefully told to be careful.

Maid heard this, she implemented a plan she has been concocting for a long time with her close confidant and escaped to ask Sam for help.

She has nothing to offer except her skills in her bed which are otherworldly.

And the captive even testified to that, because she lost the maid's husband to the maid in a competition regarding the bed chamber skills.

Sam couldn't help but shake his head.

As the story ended, Sam yawned.

"Quite boring and cliché."

As he spoke, he chugged the poison wine as if he was drinking a fruit juice.

"SIR, NO."

The maid was about to stop him, but he had already finished everything and looked at the captive, the poison was really good. I need to get some recipes from you guys before I am done.

So, now that you are done talking, let us finish this. I am tired of waiting for you guys to make a move."

Gran finished her off instantly and Tamas took the body to another room and started operating on it.

Sam looked at the maid and said.

"I will help you this once, that is only because you are a new mother. Otherwise, you would have been dead for that poison stunt. After I give your kid, I will remove the seal placed on you, go to a lower realm and live there peacefully."

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