Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1024 - Claws

Sam looked at the restrictions for the kimpurusha tribe he is visiting.

He needs to use claws. He doesn't know if it is just a coincidence or this is fate to use claws on lion men. The claws were his favorite weapons back on earth, particularly when he was angry and filled with rage.

The claws were by no means the best weapons, but they are good to let the emotions our properly and it has very few limitations in terms of mobility. The defensive aspect is as good as gone, but for the offensive, they are one of a kind.

But in this new world, he didn't use the claws that much. He created a set in the start and even made some modifications that could help him deal with the opponents in tricky situations even in situations where he might have to face multiple opponents.  Even though they were nowhere inferior to any of the weapons he made, he couldn't find a reason to wear them.

Claws are something he wore when he was in the darkest phases of his life. They witnessed all the blood he shed when he was drunk in that darkness and when he was the epitome of the evil.

When he started this new life, he decided to fulfill the promise he made. To not become his old self again. Maybe he truly changed, or he wanted to ignore everything that could remind him of those dark days, he subconsciously ignored the claws very much.

Wearing them after a long time made him feel nostalgic.

The Kimpurusha is a prideful race.

They are more prideful than Elves for that matter.

And there was no scheming or other fools who created nuisances when Sam asked for a duel right after he entered the door.

He was directly led to the tribe head and was arranged a meeting so that he could discuss it with him directly.

"I would like to have a duel with the strongest Initial stage of the cultivator of the Astral Plane Pre-transcendence."

The tribe chief sized Sam up and said.

"The Kimpurusha tribe always welcomes the challenges from others. But before we do that, answer me, what are you? You have too many scents on you. You are a human and not a human at the same time. Just what made you like this?"

"I don't know. I might be the twisted joke of fate? Or the result of a twisted fate? I don't know myself. Does it matter for the challenge though?"

"Not really. But we wouldn't fight in private, all the tribesmen will preside over the challenge and be the judges for the challenge. So, we have to wait for the evening for them to gather. We will do it according to our traditions.

Until then, please accept our hospitality and be our guest."

Sam accepted and they were taken to a special quarter. Nali could take a rest that day as they were served food by the tribe itself.

By evening, everything was ready.

They arrived at a large arena where a young Kimpurusha was standing waiting for Sam alight and as soon as Sam did that and wore his claws, the young man smiled and took out his claws as well.

The only difference is for Sam the claws are something that he wore. For the Kimpurusha they are something he was born with.

They are actually extractable.

Sam doesn't know this detail about the kimpurusha.

Both of them got into their stances and their auras raged.

Sam cannot use any special tricks associated with the claws and he cannot use other elemental energies.

The referee came forward and announced the rules.

"There are torches lit up on both sides of the stage and they are in the hands of your companions if your companion thinks that your life is in danger or they feel like you should be giving up but in a position where you couldn't make the decision, they will just put out the torch and you will lose the match.

If that happens, you cannot fight the result and start a ruckus.

The match is only for sparring and no enmities shall birth or propagate after you leave this stage. Anything that is related to this match shall stay within the arena.

Participants shall not forget that this is a sparring match. Please do hold back from killing your opponents. If by any chance you were killed in this match and if it is proven that the other party did so intentionally, the winner will be punished according to our tribe's laws.

Now, pay respects to your god and fight."

The opponent bowed down to the arena and got back into the stance. Sam still stood there waiting for him to finish. When the referee looked at him in Sam just calmly said.

"I don't pray to any god."

The referee nodded as if he understood and the fight began.

The kimpurusha launched himself towards Sam the very moment the fight began. Sam frowned as he looked at the movement technique and activated energy vision.

He was stunned looking at the way the opponent moved.

He is moving in a weird way and the energy particles in the surroundings are accommodating him according to his motion which making him faster than he should be.

This is similar to the repel style, but instead of using the reaction of repelling the energy in the surroundings, the energy itself is acting as lubricant after calmly siding away and letting his motion happen freely.

Sam moved forward with the energy vision still active as he met with the opponent.

Both of them started with a jab at each other, but both of them managed to block the attacks with their other arms.

Sam held the opponent's arm tightly and tried to throw him over his shoulder while he freed his other hand and got ready to aim for the eyes with his claw.

But the throw was not successful as lifted the opponent over his shoulder and was about to slam him into the stage, the party suddenly kicked his legs in the air. His legs moved like a flash but landed softly on the floor.

He kicked the floor the very next movement and used the force to kick Sam in the forehead.

Sam saw the foot coming towards his forehead and caught it with the other arm and used all his strength to pull the leg towards him.

This made the opponent's head move downwards and Sam used his leg to stomp him in the face making the back of his head smash into the floor.

But as the hit landed, the second leg of the opponent also made its way to Sam's face and kicked him on the nose, making him take a step back.

He frowned as he felt the blood from his nose.

There are two small stab wounds, one on the nose and the other right beside the nose bridge.

Then only he noticed the claws that came out of the feet.

Sam shook his head and rubbed the blood that was running down and lunged forward.

He extended his arms backward and bent forward as he ran straight towards the opponent.

There is not much distance between them and the opponent didn't move and got ready to defend and his focus was on Sam's arms.

Just when Sam extended his arms with the claws aimed at the sides of the opponent and the opponent tried to defend himself by catching the arms and make a counter-attack, Sam changed the direction of the arms and rolled down, before pushing his body upwards aimed at the chin of the opponent.

The opponent was surprised by the attack. But even then, he managed to guard his chin and get a hold of Sam's leg.

But before he could make a move, Sam used claws to dig into the feet of the opponent. The opponent holding his legs benefited him.

Just as he was about to tear the flesh, the opponent let go of Sam's feet. He knew that moving backward would only make it worse for him, so he let Sam land his feet which exposes his back, and wanted to attack.

As his claws landed though, he felt like his claws were stuck in some kind of trap and couldn't move forward.

Sam felt the brunt force of the attack, even if he didn't feel the stab of the claws. He groaned a bit and tore the flesh open on the feet which started bleeding.

The opponent moved back as he groaned in pain. But even then, he swung his claws which condensed spiritual energy into the claws that came at Sam who barely dodged by receiving a small slash on his cheek.

Both opponents stayed still for a while as they looked at each other intently.

The match was pretty and the crowd is cheering their kin.

But the tribe chief is frowning hard as he looked at the fight and said.

"Seems like my son lost the fight."

The elders were stunned and one of them spoke.

"What do you mean chief? There are only two wounds, I am sure young master can find a way to fight back. He has been in tougher fights than this."

"I am sure what he can do. But I have a faint idea what the opponent can do as well and he is currently not doing all of it. He is holding back a lot.

If he is giving it all, he could have killed my son a dozen times by now."

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