Power and Wealth

Chapter 1311: The family is here

Chapter 1311: The family is here

The sutures were done.

The organs stopped bleeding.

Dong Xuebing’s forehead had some sweat. The person on the operating table is Xiao Jing’s boyfriend. He must do his best to save him, and it was exhausting.

“Terrific!” The first Deputy Surgeon said.

“Well done!” The second Deputy Surgeon clenched his fist.

The Primary surgeon looked at Dong Xuebing.  “Good skills.”

Dong Xuebing asked emotionlessly. “Blood pressure.”

The nurse looked at the device. “55.”

Dong Xuebing frowned. “Heart rate.”

“Heart rate is 50.” The nurse replied.

Dong Xuebing mumbled to himself. “This should not be.”

“Wait a while.” The Primary Surgeon knew something was off. He waited for a while and looked at Sun Kai’s vitals. His face changed. “His blood pressure is still low. This…”

The first Deputy Surgeon inhaled deeply. “Somewhere is bleeding.”

The second Deputy Surgeon exclaimed. “All the wounds were sutured. How can this be?”

“Oh no. The patient’s blood pressure is dropping quickly. He is not going to make it.” The nurse shouted.




Dong Xuebing quickly pressed Sun Kai’s neck with his knuckle and pressed his abdomen acupuncture point.

Sun Kai’s blood pressure rises again.



This technique of Dong Xuebing was terrific.

Pressing a few acupuncture points could increase a patient’s blood pressure. The surgeons and nurses had never seen this before.

The two Deputy Surgeons and nurses looked at Dong Xuebing. Is Chinese medicine so amazing?

The Primary Surgeon said. “This cannot carry on. He cannot hold on for too long. Hurry, find where he is bleeding.”

“His injury is on his abdomen and nowhere else.” The second Deputy Surgeon was confused. “There’s no sign of bleeding.”

That’s right.

Sun Kai’s abdomen’s bleeding had stopped.

Although Dong Xuebing does not understand why this is happening, he knows Sun Kai is critical. His vitals are not rising after the blooding stopped. He walked over and opened his wound lightly.



Everyone was stunned when Dong Xuebing opened the wound and looked towards the right side.

A broken-off knife blade was sticking out of an organ. The robber’s knife had broken and stuck inside Sun Kai’s body. Everyone finally understood what happened. The blade was stuck in his organ, and the bleeding was insignificant. Sun Kai was stabbed twice in the same spot. That’s why the doctors thought he was stabbed once. The angle of the second stabbing was slanted, and the doctors did not see it. This was a critical mistake.


This is not looking good.

The Primary Surgeon and his deputies’ hearts skipped a beat.

Dong Xuebing looked and reached in to pull the blade out.

The first Deputy Surgeon quickly stopped him. “Stop! Don’t pull it out!”

The second Deputy Surgeon said. “Pulling out the blade now will cause massive bleeding. The patient will not make it with his current condition.”

Dong Xuebing’s hand stopped, and did not say anything.

The surgeons and nurses knew Sun Kai could not survive.

In this situation, the wound must be sutured immediately after pulling out the blade.

Even their Director and Deputy Director might not do it, let alone them.

The Primary Surgeon is an intern…

The two Deputies do not have experience…

Two nurses who do not know about surgery…

And a Computer Science graduate…

How are they going to handle this situation?

Dong Xuebing looked terrible as he looked at the unconscious Sun Kai.


The operating theater’s door.

Rapid footsteps got nearer.

Sun Kai’s parents, Sister and Brother-in-law, were here. Xie Jing followed behind anxiously.

“Xiao Kai! Where is Xiao Kai?”

“Is he saved? Is my son saved?”

They arrived outside the operating theater.

A male teacher looked at them. “Are you all Teacher Sun’s family members?”

Xie Jing grabbed a female teacher’s arm. “How long has Sun Kai been inside?”

The female teacher replied. “It’s been a while. The doctor said… he said he might not make it.”

“Impossible!” Xie Jing panicked and reached out to push the door. “Let me go in! Open the door!”

Sun Kai’s mother heard her son might not make it, and her legs gave way. Two students saw it and caught her.

The nurse guarding outside quickly stops Xie Jing. “They are doing the surgery now. Calm down. I will go in and ask for you all. Wait here for a minute.”

The nurse entered the operating theater.

The door closed.

Sun Kai’s father was trembling. “Why did this happen? He is only in his twenties!”

Sun Kai’s sister covered her mouth, and tears were flowing. Her husband hugged her to console her.

A few teachers walked up to them. “We called for an ambulance when we found Teacher Sun. But his injury was severe and bleeding profusely. It was too late to send him to other hospitals, and we had to send him to the nearest Heping Hospital. But we found out the hospital's Chief Surgeon had a heart attack and is in the hospital now. The Deputy Director cannot be here in time. Only an intern surgeon is around.”

Sun Kai’s father was furious. “This is irresponsible! They are too irresponsible!”

Sun Kai’s Brother-in-law asked. “Then… then… who is operating on Xiao Kai now?”

A student replied. “Teacher Sun’s friend came, and he entered the operating theater.”

A teacher nodded. “He is around Teacher Sun’s age. He looked average, skinny, and… had a bad temper.”

Xie Jing paused for a second and said. “It’s my Brother-in-law.”

Sun Kai’s sister asked. “Your brother-in-law? I met him before. Isn’t he a civil servant? Is he a medical school graduate?”   

Xie Jing panicked. “What medical school? My Brother-in-law studied Computer Science and does not know about surgery. He just knows some Chinese Medicine.”

“Then why is he…”

“I don’t know.”

Xie Jing and Sun Kai’s family did not expect to hear these after rushing over.

Sun Kai is not going to make it…

Dong Xuebing is operating on him…

A Computer Science graduate civil servant…

Inside the operating theater.

The nurse entered and said. “The patient’s family is here.”

Dong Xuebing looked at her. “Let them in.”

“Ah?” The nurse looked at Dong Xuebing. She recognized him and saw he was holding a gauze. She was speechless as she did not expect him to be the primary surgeon. How can a Computer Science graduate operate on another person? This is ridiculous!

Dong Xuebing hurried her. “Hurry and let them enter!”

The Primary Surgeon sighed. “Let the family members see him for the final time.”

The air was gloomy. The nurse knew there was no hope for Sun Kai. She respected this courageous teacher who fought against robbers to protect his students. Her eyes turned red, and she opened the door. She looked at Sun Kai’s parents and called them in.

Sun Kai’s parents, Sister and Brother-in-law, entered.

Xie Jing and a few teachers followed.

“Only his family members are allowed to enter.”

“I am his girlfriend!” 

“Girlfriend is not…”

They did not listen and entered the room.

The nurse reminded them. “Don’t cross the line. Please stand one meter away from the line.”


“Xiao Kai! Xiao Kai!”

“Wake up! How are you?” 

Xie Jing cried when she saw the opened wound in Sun Kai’s abdomen. She tried to run over, but the nurse stopped her.

A teacher shouted. “Save him.”

Another male teacher shouted angrily. “Teacher Sun’s heart is still beating! Why are you all standing there and not operating on him? Save him!”

The first deputy Surgeon said. “Sorry, we tried our best.”

Sun Kai’s mother shouted. “My son is not dead yet! Save him!”

Sun Kai’s father cried. “I beg you all to save our son.”

The second deputy Surgeon said. “This young man had stopped the bleeding of a main organ, and we stopped a few blood vessels. However, the patient was not stabbed once. He was stabbed twice in the same spot, and a blade is stuck in another organ.”

Xie Jing shouted at them. “Then take it out!”

The second Deputy Surgeon said. “We can take it out, but the patient is too weak. He might die seconds after we pull out the blade.” He paused for a second and said. “In his current situation, he will not last more than five minutes.”

Sun Kai will die if they pull out the blade…

He will also die if they don’t pull out the blade…

The only difference is seconds or minutes.

The teachers turned pale. “Are there other ways to save him?”

The Primary Surgeon looked at them and said. “The only way to save the patient in his current condition is to suture his wound within a few seconds after pulling out the blade. He might survive. However, this is in theory. It also depends on the size of the wound. Such sutures need more than a minute and require many people to assist. It’s impossible to achieve it in less than a minute. Even the top surgeons might not have this technique. I’m sorry, we've done all we can.” He looked at them. “You all can say goodbye to the patient now. He might hear you.”

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