Power and Wealth

Chapter 1238: This is my lover

Chapter 1238: This is my lover

One day…

Two days…

Three days…


A car stopped outside a pub.

Shen Xiaoyan, Shen Xiaomei, Zhang Longjuan, and Dong Xuebing sat in the car. They will be boarding the gambling ship today, and they were prepared.

“We are here.” Shen Xiaomei said. “That’s the place.”

Zhang Longjuan looked at the sisters. “What about your weapons?”

Shen Xiaoyan nodded. “We did not bring any or will not get past the security checks.”

“Ok.” Zhang Longjuan turned to Dong Xuebing. “You cannot back out if you board. Xiao Dong, I am grateful to you for coming to protect me. I do not want you to risk your life with us, as you got nothing to do with this mission.” She repeated it. “I need to confirm if you are going with us.”

Dong Xuebing smiled. “I must go.”

Zhang Longjuan replied. “All right. I shall not say anything. Let’s go.”

“Ok.” Dong Xuebing looked at her. “You will be fine if you are within 300 meters from me.”

Shen Xiaomei asked. “Why 300 meters?”

Dong Xuebing explained. “I can handle any situation within this distance.”

Shen Xiaomei replied after a long pause. “Oh… ok.”

Other bodyguards will laugh at Dong Xuebing if they hear what he says. Who can protect someone from 300 meters away? No one can do anything 30 meters away. It should be 3 meters. But it was Dong Xuebing who said it. Shen Xiaoyan and Shen Xiaomei exchanged looks. They knew Dong Xuebing could do it, and they were amateurs compared to him.

Zhang Longjuan laughed and agreed. “I will not bear to be so far from my handsome boy. Haha…”

Dong Xuebing laughed. “You are doing it again. I am not handsome.”

Zhang Longjuan replied. “You are handsome.”

Sister Zhang started joking again. She seemed relaxed and was not nervous at all.

The twins understood why their higher-ups let an outsider Zhang Longjuan lead this operation. She is experienced and does not get nervous. Others would be shaking if tasked with this mission and might expose themselves. But Zhang Longjuan will not be caught.

Ms. Zhang has been through ups and downs, and few will have her composure.

They got out of the car. Shen Xiaomei and Shen Xiaoyan carried a silver numeric lock suitcase each. The suitcases were heavy as they were full of USD.

They walked towards a bar.

Dong Xuebing suddenly remembered something. He asked. “How many people can you bring on board?”

Zhang Longjuan replied slowly. “I can bring one or two people with me under normal circumstances. We are using cash to gamble and need people to carry the money. Most people will bring a secretary, bodyguard, or two bodyguards.”

Dong Xuebing said. “We got four people.”

Zhang Longjuan looked at the twins. “They are my bodyguards, and you… Haha…”

“How can I be your secretary? What if they don’t allow so many of us to board the ship?” Dong Xuebing is afraid he cannot board the ship. This is a dangerous mission. He must stay beside Zhang Longjuan to protect her.

Zhang Longjuan did not answer him. “Let’s talk about it later.”

They reached the bar.

It is a small bar located in a corner. The signboard is in English, and there’s a small lantern beside it. It looked smaller than other bars along the street, and the doors were closed. A man in his early sixties sat outside the door, reading a newspaper.

They stood at the entrance.

The old man looked at them. “We are not open yet.”

Shen Xiaomei replied. “We are not here to drink. We are here to board the ship.”

The old man was not surprised. He looked at them without saying a word.

Shen Xiaomei passed him a card. It is a golden card, and Dong Xuebing saw a drawing of a cruise on it.

The old man looked at the car and nodded. He put the newspaper aside and unlocked the door. He opened the door and said. “Come in.”

Shen Xiaomei looked inside cautiously and entered.

Shen Xiaoyan, Zhang Longjuan, and Dong Xuebing followed.

The bar is bright, and they saw a few staff in uniforms inside. The old man closed the door and passed the golden card to a middle-aged man. That man checked the card and returned it to Zhang Longjuan. He greeted her politely. “Good afternoon, Ms. Zhang.”

Zhang Longjuan nodded. “What time are we boarding?”

“We can board now, but we must check you all first. This is a normal procedure. We don’t mean to be rude, and I hope you are not offended.” The middle-aged man said.

Zhang Longjuan replied. “Ok.”

The middle-aged man turned and looked at the staff. Three staff walked over to search them.

The female staff conducted a body search on Zhang Longjuan and the twins. A male staff searched Dong Xuebing and used a metal detector on them. Another staff checked their suitcases. He took out all the money and checked the suitcase before putting the money back.

Five minutes later.

The staff nodded to the middle-aged man.

“Sorry to keep you all waiting.” That man gestured to the back door. “I will bring you all to the ship. But you all need to take my car.”

“No problem. Let’s go.”

“Thank you for your understanding. This way, please.”

Dong Xuebing and the rest followed the middle-aged man through the back door and got into a Lincoln. It is long and looks luxurious. Dong Xuebing can tell the boss of the gambling ship is wealthy. A few people were waiting in the car. It was a middle-aged woman and her male bodyguard. Two other men were there alone. They did not talk to each other and seemed to be strangers.

The car started moving.

It drove towards the south.

The car stopped in front of a beach about an hour later.

It is afternoon, and the weather is hot. They could see many people and cars after they got out. A few yachts were on the sea.

The middle-aged man led the way.

A few staff walked over and checked them again. They checked their golden card and scanned them with a metal detector before bringing them to the beach.

An average-looking woman walked up to them. “Hello, are you all together?”

Zhang Longjuan smiled. “We are together. What’s wrong?”

“You only got one gold card, but you have four people. This is against the regulations.” The woman said. “Are they your bodyguards?”

Zhang Longjuan pointed to the twins. “They are my guards.”

“What about him?” The woman looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing’s body is still in bandages. Although his suit covered them, he limped and had wounds on his forehead. No one would believe he is a bodyguard. How can someone injured be a bodyguard?

Dong Xuebing was interrupted when he was about to answer.

Zhang Longjuan wrapped her arms around Dong Xuebing’s arm and said. “He is my lover.”

Shen Xiaoyan and Shen Xiaomei did not react. They seemed to know Ms. Zhang would say that.

The woman paused for a second and looked at them. Their age gap was too big, but she showed no expression. This was not her first time seeing an older woman bringing a younger man. She hesitated. “Oh…”

Zhang Longjuan smiled. “Can we board now?”

Two bodyguards and Dong Xuebing is considered her family. The woman thought for a while. “Sorry for the delay. Please board the ship.”

“No problem. Haha…”

“Please come with me.”

The woman brought them toward a white yacht.

Zhang Longjuan’s continued to hook her hand around Dong Xuebing’s arm and followed that woman gracefully.

But Dong Xuebing was awkward.

I am your lover?

Darn! You are daring to say it.

Dong Xuebing was embarrassed as other guests were looking at them weirdly. A forty-plus woman was walking with a man in his twenties. Anyone would be curious.

However, there’s a benefit to it.

Zhang Longjuan was pressing her breasts against Dong Xuebing’s arm.

He could see her deep cleavage when he looked down.

Zhang Longjuan’s breasts almost burst out of her dress, shaking with every step she took. 

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