Peerless Genius System

Chapter 522 - Desperate Woman.

Chapter 522: Desperate Woman.

Jiang Zhiming and Kong Yunhong didn’t know the cause of the sudden stop. They didn’t find any enemy. Occasionally crows could be heard chirping.

The voices were too far away and too weak were the reason why even Xiao Luo could barely even hear it. It took Xiao Luo some good amount of time before he was able to determine the voices’ position and distance. He opened his eyes and looked to the northwest, and then without saying anything, he picked up his sniper rifle and got off the jeep.

Jiang Zhiming didn’t ask anything, he just beckoned to the other members to keep a battle formation, and keep a close watch on their surroundings.



About 500 meters northwest of Xiao Luo and others, five dark-skinned and well-dressed Libians surrounded a woman.

The woman was sexy. She was wearing a vest and shorts. Her waistline and slender thighs made one unable to take their gaze away. Her golden hair fell down her back in a slight wave. Although her appearance was not particularly outstanding, she was like a unique scenery or a delicious taste attracting men’s desire to conquer.

On the ground next to her, lying in a pool of blood, was a fat man who was stabbed more than a dozen times. From his unfocused eyes, it could be seen that he was dead, and he died very painfully. His wide mouth and twisted facial features displayed his struggle.

“I… I’m a reporter from China. If you … dare to hurt me, our country’s army will definitely… flatten you…” The woman warned them in fluent English. Her voice trembled due to heightened fear. The scene of her cameraman being brutally killed by these thugs made her nerves almost collapse.

But these Libyans couldn’t understand what she said, and they didn’t need to understand it. In their eyes, there was nothing left but the light of lust and evil. They spoke Arabic but the woman couldn’t understand them. The men then started to take action.

“What are you doing… don’t touch me…”

The woman’s body couldn’t stop shaking. She was like a fawn surrounded by five predators. She was afraid and desperate. She clearly knew that these Libyans had evil intentions, even their appearances were awful, they hadn’t taken a bath nor changed clothes in two months.

They were very dirty and stinky!

She was not an ignorant woman. How could she not know what these thugs want to do to her? Her face turned pale at the thought that her body will be defiled.

“? ? ? ? ?” One of the thugs said.

The next second, the five thugs started to rip off the woman’s clothes.

“Stop it…! What are you doing …!”

The woman struggled to resist and screamed, but it only made one of the men furious and he pushed her to the ground with brute force. Then she found that her right foot was pulled by a rough hand, and she was dragged along the ground. She could hear the other thugs laughing wildly, and her back rubbed violently against the ground, causing burning pain.


The woman collapsed and screamed at the top of her lungs. She felt like a domestic pig in the countryside that was being dragged on the scaffold. She could not resist nor break free. She had no choice but to accept the situation, tears falling down her eyes. At this moment, the civilized world was so far away from her.

Amidst those disgusting and demonic laughter, her hair was messy and dirty, mixed with the sand. Her shoes were taken off first, her silk stockings were torn off in a hurry, and then her vest.

“Don’t… STOP… DON’T…”

But a loud and fierce slap across her face made the corners of her mouth to tint with blood. This slap made the woman give up resistance. She just lay on the ground and cried in despair. Tears rolled down her cheeks, smudging her make-up.

All her clothes were almost taken off, her hands and feet were being held down. She suddenly found a smelly man on top of her, and his dirty and disgusting hands rudely tore off her bra which then violently ravaged the two ‘jade rabbits’ on her chest. Her miserable cry intensified, while feeling deep inside that her dignity as a human being was being reduced to none.

The thugs looked at the beautiful woman and they couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. The other four urged their companion who was on top of the women to hurry up, as they couldn’t wait to taste the body of this Chinese woman themselves.

But as they were immersed in their lustful world, they were being surrounded…

When the thug on top of the woman was just about to take off his trousers and proceed with his ‘business’, a cold muzzle was suddenly pressed on the back of his head. The coldness permeating from it instantly dispersed all the thug’s evil thoughts. When he looked up, he saw a group of Chinese soldiers dressed in camouflage uniforms standing around him. His four companions had already been dealt with. He slowly raised his hand above his head and was horrified.


He felt chills all over and had a difficult time swallowing. He was covered in cold sweat.

“You dare ravage our countryman?”

Kong Yunhong was furious and hit the thug on the forehead with the butt of his gun.

In a state of anger, the strength he used was naturally strong. So when the butt of the gun made impact, the thug’s head immediately broke and his body plunged headfirst into the sandy ground.

Jiang Zhiming quickly took off his camouflage uniform and put it on the woman lying on the ground, and helped her sit up, “It’s okay, you are safe!”

Hearing the familiar Chinese (language), the woman shed even more tears, but this time, it was not because of despair. When she saw that Jiang Zhiming was a soldier dressed in her country’s camouflage uniform, she burst into tears of joy and fell into Jiang Zhiming’s arms. She was in shock – shivering and couldn’t say anything. She just kept crying. The experience just now was like a terrible nightmare, she shuddered just thinking about it.

Although Xiao Luo was the first to hear the situation here, he was the last one to arrive at the scene. Jiang Zhiming and others already took care of the five thugs and were just waiting for him to inspect the situation. When Xiao Luo saw the woman who was almost r@ped, she seemed very familiar and he unconsciously blurted out, “Are you… Tang Wantian?”

The woman turned from Jiang Zhiming’s arms, and her face widened with shock, still in tears, “Xiao Luo?”

The two looked at each other in disbelief. Xiao Luo was very shocked. He really didn’t expect to meet Tang Wantian in Libya. His last meeting with this female classmate of his, was last year at the reunion in Jiang City…

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