On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Sixty-Four – Emily Jade Oshiro

Side One Hundred And Sixty-Four – Emily Jade Oshiro

Sitting out in the cool evening air, Emily took a sip of the tea she was holding, looking out over the shrine grounds at Shirohebizumi, and more importantly, the small yet elegantly beautiful tree that had sprung up here instantly recently. It gives me a strange feeling looking at it, like everything around is more comfortable, and it feels a bit… no, I can’t put it into words. More to the point, she was also looking at the woman standing by it, stroking the bark lovingly, her bright auburn hair nearly down to the floor waving in the slight autumnal breeze. Asha. Such a beautiful woman, going out with my little Aki, I can still hardly believe it.

She wasn’t the only one as well. Around the little table, Emily was accompanied by another woman, one who looked barely in her twenties, but was supposedly significantly older, not that Emily understood it clearly. There was a lot of sadness in Tsukiko-chan’s past, it seemed, but seeing the coldly beautiful, almost divinely inspired woman with her black hair long enough to match Asha’s, as well as eyes as brilliant as rubies, Emily felt as if she was in a fantasy. I can’t believe this either. I’m so happy if I’m dreaming I never want to wake up. She’s so pretty. Shiro too. No, every girl Aki has now is a true beauty, even dear little Eri. She glanced over to the girl in question, who was also quietly sipping her tea. She’s changed too. She seems more… confident, I suppose. I rejoice to see it. I’ve always seen Eri as my daughter, our families might as well be one anyway. And now they will be. But I am surprised she seems too calm about everything. Little Eri is surprisingly possessive… but then, she’s grown up. A lot of things have happened, both good and bad.

The third person sitting around the table was Izumi Nagi-san, the mother of Kana-chan. It made sense, as it was their shrine, and unlike the men, who were constantly organising matters of faith, Kana-chan’s father even often in the Boundary now, unwilling to be left behind in his training by the younger generation, Nagi-san was freer, and had offered them hospitality. “You know, I was a little worried, when Akio-kun moved from here.” Nagi-san said, perhaps thinking similar things to Emily, glancing over at the training school, which was well lit with exterior lanterns. Inside were numerous shrine maidens, apprentice priests and even some snooty nobles, all training busily, but not Kana-chan, another of Aki’s girlfriends. Not tonight, anyway. Although, not all the nobles are so bad…

She looked at Hinata-chan, the young firecracker who she had met first when she visited Nishimorioka, along with Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan. At the time, Emily knew nothing about Aki or what was going on, but… no, that’s not quite true. Aki changed so much, got more confident and started taking care of himself, he had money, strange things were happening. A mother always knows when something’s off. But even my suspicions were so far off the mark… The girls had been candid that they were potentially looking for political marriage, though Hinata-chan was more tsundere about it, which Emily had found endlessly cute. Just like her. She’s small and lively, and loves Aki a lot. Hinata-chan was talking on her phone, the boyishly dressed but pretty bodyguard that often accompanied her standing silently behind her, though she had at least loosened up to take a mug of tea too.

“…yes, there’s certainly going to be issues. We need to get on top of everything first. Maximise gains, minimise losses.” Hinata-chan was saying cheerfully, and Emily never got tired of watching her. Nor any of them. She glanced back at Asha for a moment, before listening to Hinata-chan some more. “…certainly an Order. Possibly National Security Merit, that might work. First-class of course, anything less and Japan should cut all relations!” she was saying passionately. Someone must have spoken on the other side of the phone, as she listened, nodding. “Of course, we can’t do it straight away, otherwise the Tengokusentou recovery plan might be jeopardised, but…”

“It wasn’t so bad having your son here, Emily-san.” Nagi-san continued. “At first I couldn’t believe it when Kana effectively brought a man home. She’s always been popular, she takes after me.” Nagi-san smiled cheerfully, showing pride in her appearance. “Your daughter must be the same, Emily-chan.”

“Aiko? She’s always been popular, yes.” It was Eri that answered. “But she’s so single-minded and doesn’t have an interest back in others. It’s getting even worse. Now all she wants to do is grow stronger. Not that I don’t understand.” Eri sighed now. “I wish I could be in Korea, but I’ve learned my lessons. I may be more like Akio and Aiko than I want to admit, at least Shaeula thinks so, but… we do learn, even if we have to be burned first.”

“That reminds me of the time Ai burned her hand. Stupid girl…” Emily sighed, remembering how furious Taichi had been. “…oh sorry, we are interrupting you, Nagi-san…” she apologised.

“It’s fine. This is fun in itself.” Nagi-san replied. “But yes, when Akio-kun started being a bigger deal than we imagined, I was shocked, but everyone was excited. It wasn’t all good… the yakuza broke in and were going to do horrible things to my daughter…” her lips trembled, but her eyes were bright. “…then Akio-kun surged in and saved the day. It was very heroic.”

Emily listened to tales of her son she didn’t know, and Eri shook her head. “Akio blames himself for that. He wasn’t careful, he didn’t think that evil people would use the Material to wage a Boundary war. So you don’t need to be impressed. That’s why we’re moving, not just to have a beautiful home.”

“I know. But… Akio-kun has given my daughter so much, made her shine. I worry she’ll be left behind.”

“I know. I don’t… hate… Kana, not at all. But she’s hard for me to get on with. Everyone says we’re too alike.” Eri puffed out her cheeks sourly, expressing herself in a way Emily had seldom seen, which made her smile. “…but I do know she genuinely likes Akio, so… too late for me to complain. Akio needs her, too. She’s… too ordinary. That should have been my role but… I accept I’m not balanced enough. As well, with me, Akio remembers the way he used to be, so I can’t give him that carefree, ordinary charm. But even if that wasn’t the case…”

“Yes, Akio’s Territory covers this place, and the Anchor is here.” Tsukiko-chan spoke up. She was a quiet woman, Emily noted, but she listened carefully and spoke insightfully. “While the plan is to move the Anchor once the fourth Rank has been achieved, the Tree and the Ring Gates cannot be uprooted, so the shrine here will always be protected. Besides, Akio has suitable respect for the Kami. He made promises, he will hold to them.”

“You certainly do seem to trust Akio-kun, for a woman that has spent so little time with him.” Nagi-san pointed out, and she nodded gracefully.

“Of course. I am a woman who has faith, who placed all my trust in Tsukuyomi, my God. And Tsukuyomi said I was to be extinguished, face oblivion. I despaired, I wished to fight it, but was unable to disbelieve, my efforts hamstrung. But Akio told me to struggle until the end, and promised he would turn aside the Definite, my Fate. And now here I stand. So now I know only one Definite. That my life lies with him, and with you all.”

Emily couldn’t help but let out a delighted squeal at that. Too cute! She acts the age she looks there! That faint blush, so adorable. Oh, how beautiful my grandchildren are going to be. I can hardly wait… She glanced away again, before Eri spoke up once more.

“That’s Akio. It’s a constant pain, not knowing how many hearts he’ll win, but… Tsukiko, you were truly in need so I can’t complain. After all, Akio and Aiko have kept me from breaking my whole life. I know what it is to need someone. Kana… Kana is different, but it’s too late. After all, she took his Favour. There’s no going back. Even so…” Eri looked at Hinata-chan, and her expression was dark and troubled. “…just because I accept Kana, doesn’t mean I’m a pushover. As someone needs to understand. Shaeula…” Eri grumbled. “She’s always sharp, being away with Hyacinth right now, back in the Fae lands. They must think I’m an idiot not to notice…”

“What’s this about?” Emily asked, seeing Eri more like her old self, yet with much darker undertones, and she thought she could almost see some faint blue sparks rising. Rubbing at her eyes, Emily changed the subject. “It’s strange. I can almost feel Aki sometimes, you know. And now I’m starting to get stronger, Taichi too. It’s no fun though, fighting battles, even if everyone makes it so easy for us!”

“Yes, it was only a matter of time for you to get Lovers’ Link.” Eri allowed the change in subject. “When I first got it, in Las Vegas, it was fairly weak. I could only gain three levels, as I remember. Now it’s ten times that. But strength is a good thing. We were saying that earlier.”

“Lovers’ Link. The name is terrible. I’m his mother!” Emily puffed out her cheeks again, not aware that Eri was comparing her to Aiko in her mind. “And Taichi is his father! We’re not lovers!”

“The name of the thing does not necessarily describe the thing in its entirety.” Tsukiko-chan interjected. “Just as I did not need a lake or the moon to see the possible futures. Perhaps it might best be called loving link instead. For I do feel great love from the connection.”

“That’s right. Aiko received it, and she’s not his lover.” Eri agreed.

“I don’t know.” Nagi-san giggled suggestively. “They do seem very close.”

“No, no way!” Emily crossed her arms in the negative. “Aki and Ai are just siblings who look out for each other! There’s nothing going on! Taichi would kill him…”

“It seems a little unfair to me that Akio would shoulder all the blame…” Eri sighed. “…but yes, Aiko’s not mature enough for romance. I daresay one day she’ll find someone she likes enough… but it’ll be tough. She does compare all the other boys to Akio, which has become a bit of an impossible ask, right now.”

Torn by a mixture of worry, indignation and pride at how Aki had grown, Emily struggled to reply, and once more it was Tsukiko who spoke, cutting through the tense atmosphere, her beautiful face looking surprisingly vulnerable. “If we speak of family… Yasuhide has arranged for me to meet my own parents. I admit… to a great deal of trepidation. We were never close, I was always an object of veneration before a daughter, and worse… I died. They grieved. Now I have come back. I hardly know what to say or do.”

“I see.” Emily set aside her own trivial worries. “That’s no problem. You’re Tsukiko-chan, right? Then just be her. If they grieved, then they’ll rejoice ten times as much, no matter how impossible your return is. It’s just like when we heard that Aki and the others safely survived their struggle in South Korea, right? Not that I had any worries.”

“None?” Nagi-san smiled. “I find that hard to believe. Even now I worry for Kana, and she’s working in safety, not too far from here. There’s a lot we don’t understand, which is why I envy you, Emily-san. You have the potential to gain enough strength to at least watch over them from closer than I can.”

“Don’t worry about it. Akio’s kind-hearted, and finds it easy to love, now he truly believes he has the power to protect those he cherishes.” Eri snorted. “You’re Kana’s precious family, I’m sure Lovers’ Link will find you sooner or later. And as for you, Tsukiko-san…” Eri addressed the older woman. “…I’m sure Akio will accompany you to meet your parents, if you want that.”

“I do dearly wish it.” Tsukiko-chan agreed. “After all, it would be reassuring, and… it does not feel right, starting my life anew, without making compromise with the old., As he said, I am still the Diviner, but not just the Diviner. After all, I am a woman too, though I denied it for more years than I wish to count. What woman does not dream of introducing her man to her parents? Especially one she can be proud of.”

So adorable! So passionate! Emily struggled to resist the urge to pull Tsukiko-chan into a hug, and as she was wavering, Hinata-chan sat down beside her with a weary sigh, her bodyguard standing behind her. “Yes, I get that. Though I cheated and used meeting the parents to bully Akio. I still have regret over that. But… it was all for the best, so why worry?” she shrugged. “Anyway, sorry to keep you, but I’m putting matters in place. I’ll be off to South Korea as soon as who I need are gathered.” She looked at Nagi-san. “Thanks again, Izumi-san, for now the shrine grounds here are far more convenient as a staging ground, so we’ll be in your care.”

“It’s fine. I wouldn’t dream of not helping.” Nagi-san seemed embarrassed by the younger girl’s genuine praise. “Use us as you need.”

“I will. Thanks.” Hinata-chan said without any sense of shame, which Emily also found very cute. “I’ve been getting more information, Akio’s up now. It was rough apparently.” Her smile was teasing. “Not the battle, Akio had that well in hand, but the aftermath. Seems there’s quite a profit to be distributed. But that’s just in terms of Favours and so forth. In terms of what we can get here, and also minimising problems, I’m not going to let anything slip. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Akio gets everything he deserves.”

There’s suddenly a dangerous feeling in the air. Emily looked around, perhaps her female intuition warning her, and she saw that Eri’s expression had changed to one of blank-eyed anger, her face pale. “That’s right. You do like to meddle and get your own way, Hinata-san.” Her words were cold, and the bodyguard, Kazumi-chan, narrowed her eyes and was going to speak, before she realised who she was addressing and halted, troubled. Hinata-chan merely laughed.

“Of course. I’m a greedy girl. You are as well, though I admit to you being generous in your own way too, Eri.” She said. “So, just what has upset you?”

“You’re going to make me say it, Hinata-san?” Eri narrowed her eyes dangerously. Emily felt the tension rising, and exchanged looks with Nagi-san and Tsukiko-chan, but Tsukiko-chan merely shook her head.

“Best let this be talked out.” she said wisely. “I have some understanding of this issue. But leaving it to fester is foolish. I have made similar mistakes believing in what I believed, rather than what is.”

“Tsukiko-san is correct, as usual.” Hinata-chan agreed. “So, it’s about Adamant, right Eri?”

“Is that what it’s called? I noticed the uniforms, it’s impossible not to. And also a pattern. No men, and only a certain type of woman, be they human, Fae or even Yōkai. I’m not blind, Hinata-san.”

“No, you aren’t.” Hinata-chan agreed. Oh Aki, your girls are fighting! This isn’t good… but then, with so many, it’s inevitable, I suppose. But why is it when you aren’t here… no, that’s why it’s happening. They want to sort it out before you return, so as not to trouble you. They’re still both such adorably good girls. “Akio needs a trusted organisation. The well-trained, the well-connected, and most importantly, the most loyal. You get that, right?”

“Of course. I’m hardly a fool, Hinata-san. But didn’t you want my input?” Eri asked pointedly. “Or am I not worthy of that.”

“It wasn’t that, Hinata values you greatly…” Kazumi-chan began, but Hinata waved her to silence.

“It’s fine, Kazumi. She’s right to be annoyed. We… look, Eri.” Hinata seemed earnest, as she explained. “We know you’d do anything to help Akio, after all, you allowed us our share. I like you a lot, Eri. But things move fast, and… we didn’t want to trouble you.”

“It’s up to me to decide whether I’m troubled or not, isn’t it?” Eri retorted reasonably. “And isn’t it down to all of us, especially me as the first wife candidate, to manage the women around him? You wouldn’t have forgotten that, would you Hinata-san? Shaeula I get, as she can’t help herself, it’s a prank to her, at least in part, but you…”

“It’s not like Akio is planning on taking them as concubines, is it?” Hinata shrugged. “We will be having male-denominated organisations as well and…” Hinata jumped as the table rattled. Eri had slammed her hand down, spilling several of the mugs, and her annoyance was plain, her cat ears springing into existence, a black tail pushing out from her jeans, waving angrily. So cute, makes me want to touch them! No, this isn’t good!

The argument was getting intense, but Hinata-chan wasn’t backing down. “The rules of Adamant were established to grow loyalty. It’s like an army, or a cult, if you want to be uncharitable. But unlike cults we aren’t exploiting them unfairly or tricking them. Power, wealth, security… Adamant members will have it all, and we’ll always remember and look after those who leave if they were faithful. But we are hurting so badly for personnel. We can’t do everything ourselves, and as our areas of activity expand, like Britain, South Korea, Worldwide… then we have to have more at our core. Or maybe I should say the outer core? If we are like the earth’s inner core, then Adamant will be more numerous and form the outer core, then the rest of our allies and forces will be the mantle, and the crust will be those who support us but aren’t officially in our camp.”

Finishing her speech, Hinata-chan looked proud, and to Emily her ideas made sense. Eri seemed to disagree though, as she was clapping in a slow, sarcastic manner. “Yes, I know you want to build up Akio. I do too. But you wouldn’t lie to me, would you Hinata-san? If so, you know I won’t forgive you. You know if I had refused it, Akio would never have accepted you. I don’t think it’s fair to lord it over you, that was my decision after all, because I too wanted to help Akio, and knew he needed connections I, a simple, sheltered town girl couldn’t give him… but we agreed, didn’t we? The rules. We build ourselves up, not take each other down. And you excluded me… and you’re telling me very pretty tales here, but I’m not stupid, Hinata-san.” Her voice rose. “So, truth. You want to use Adamant to increase Akio’s wives, don’t you?”

Really? More? Emily was a little elated, before feeling guilty, remembering Hana’s troubled face. No, I find all my new daughters-in-law endlessly lovable, and would welcome more such, but… not at the expense of the happiness of little Eri, Hana and Junpei, or any of the others. Nagi-san had a similarly troubled expression, likely thinking of her own daughter.

“Not all of them.” Hinata said, a little defensive, before sighing. “Look, nothing has changed, Eri. There are still those we need. You understand that, but we know that you are the one who feels it the most when Akio accepts a new woman. We knew we could talk you around, but nobody wanted to hurt you. Besides…” Hinata-chan sighed. “…honestly, we worried Akio would be upset more than you. Fortunately he accepted it, trusting we are acting towards his interests. Which we are!” she insisted.

“Oh yes, acting for the best interests of us all. Sure. Sure.” Eri agreed sarcastically, before banging the damp table again. “I believe you, Hinata-san. You, Shaeula, maybe Shiro, I guess… you are all so clever, and so driven. But… you’re all Akio’s. As am I. I don’t think we get to push what we think is best on him, without asking. And you’re again avoiding fully answering me.”

“All right.” Hinata-chan shrugged. “Look, I like you a lot, Eri. I don’t lie. But you have to accept that Akio isn’t ordinary, the boy you used to know and follow around. A simple relationship, it’s not possible. Political union, securing talented people… we have to be prepared to tie them to us unbreakably. Even if it’s not what we want ourselves. Honestly, you think I don’t want to spend more time with Akio, have him hold me?” She flushed adorably. “Ignore that! Anyway, Shaeula might get pleasure out of it, but I’m doing it because it’s necessary!”

“Then you talk to me!” Eri insisted. “If what you are saying is true, then I’ll believe you, and accept it. Hate it or not, I’ve had more joy since Akio came back to Nishimorioka over the summer than I’ve had in my whole life. And I know there’s more. Life isn’t perfect, but if I’m this happy, then I don’t care. But…” her eyes narrowed dangerously, and little catlike fangs were peeking out from her lips. “…you can be wrong. You all can be wrong! So you owe it to listen to us all. Me, Akio, Kana, all of us! Otherwise I’ll speak to Akio and tell him you’re no good! Even if he hates me, I’ll do it!” Eri warned, furious, and Hinata-chan seemed taken aback at her vehemence.

“Keep a calm head.” Tsukiko-chan interjected. “Anger will not serve here. But… secrecy is not a good thing. We are… very open.” Tsukiko-chan was the one blushing now, and Emily smiled, a little relieved, yet wondering what made Tsukiko-chan embarrassed. “It is a strength. I wish to enjoy a true family. I do not like discord. But you are following the right path. Talk truthfully.”

“She’s right.” Emily agreed. “Nobody is perfect. You’re young, Hinata-chan. Shaeula might be older, but she’s not a human, is she, so she doesn’t understand our ways. Shiro is unique as well. Everybody is abnormal, Eri and Kana-chan should be a part of your decision-making. Because if you disregard what is ordinary, you’ll struggle. It was hell when I first moved to Japan, as I didn’t understand ordinary, not Japanese ordinary, being British what I considered normal was foreign to here. But I had family and friends that helped me. So let Eri, Kana-chan and the others help you too, Hinata-chan.”

For a moment, Hinata-chan looked taken aback, before she started thinking, chewing on her lip. “Maybe… maybe I was wrong. But I did it with the best of intentions…” she promised, and Eri sighed, ears twitching.

“Yes. That’s one thing I do believe. I know you love Akio. But… you have your own perspective, and it’s not ours. You know something, Hinata-san?” At her words, Hinata-chan was paying keen attention. “You remind me of your friend, right now. The arrogant one. Ichijou-san.” At those words, Hinata-chan gasped, face pale, while Eri continued.

“Yes, Akio told me. You wanted to be friends with her, but she doesn’t understand what friendship is, at least not the way you did. Even so, she thought she was your friend. Isn’t this the same? You’re arrogant, Hinata-san. I don’t blame you. You got everything you wanted. Akio. Your status. Respect. But don’t then turn into an arrogant noble girl, and look down on us. Akio won’t stand for that.”

There was a moment of silence, and Emily wondered if she should interject, unwilling to see her cute daughters-in-law fight, but then Hinata-chan stood, and then bowed deeply, actually apologising. “Sorry Eri. You’re right. I… I might have got carried away. I still believe Adamant is the only way, but… I needed to seek other opinions. I needed to respect you. And… Akio. But I wanted to surprise him, to have him shocked, happy, praising me…” She looked up from her bow, brown eyes tearful.

“I know.” Eri’s expression softened. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be speaking to you now. But as nobles go, ironically for one who used to worry you weren’t accepted, you act the most like the arrogant others. Natsumi-san is quiet and goes with the flow, while Motoko-san would never assert herself this way, believing she should act as her husband wishes. Yet you…”

“I see it now.” She sat down again, mournful. “I’m too impatient. No, we need speed, but…”

“Stop listening to Shiro and Shaeula and expecting them to represent normality.” Eri said again. “But… let me ask you a question. Hinata-san…” Everyone, Emily included held their breath, waiting, as Eri was deadly serious. “…if there was a man Akio absolutely needed the support of, and his conditions were that he wanted to share you, or Motoko-san, or even me… would you agree to it? Bear in mind, Akio needs this aid, desperately.”

Hinata-chan was stumped by the question, and Emily was shocked. That’s… a horrible thought. But… Eri, you’re a clever one.

“I… I would hate it. No, it’s disgusting. I love Akio! Everyone does! But…” she bit her lips. “…how much need are we… no, I can’t do it. There must be another way!” Hinata-chan insisted.

“Yes. I would hate it too. Akio and I wrestled with this, when Shaeula wished to be accepted. In the end… I know I could sacrifice my happiness, if Akio would benefit, but… I also know Akio would rather die than pay that sort of price for needed aid. He might not seem it, but he turned out to be very jealous. I love that, it makes me feel wanted. But you said it yourself. Another way. So you don’t have to pursue this plan, in this way.”

“Maybe. You’re right.” Hinata-chan sighed, realising. “But… honestly… I wanted to share the happiness I feel with some others. I know Akio has more love to give, can embrace more of us!”

Oh my! Hinata-chan is declaring Aki needs more women in front of me! So bold, so cute!

“Yes. I know.” Eri laughed slowly, tension leaving her, as Hinata-chan actually listened to her genuinely. “But you’re naïve Hinata-san. You haven’t seen everything I have. There’s no chance that we’ve seen the last of this.” She glanced at Tsukiko-chan. “There’s the four remaining Princesses, right? It seems inevitable to me that we’ll end up with them in the end.”

“There is no such destiny.” Tsukiko-chan argued. “Akio has taken the role to protect them, but…”

“No, I’m not talking destiny like you do. I’m talking about inevitability.” Eri disagreed. “Shiro and Shaeula are already his. And even if you look at Princess Eleanor… she has mellowed a lot from first meetings, and she’ll be working with us for a long time, braving life and death. Akio will save her countless times, save those she loves, protect her Country and her dreams… and there’s no escape, is there, Tsukiko-chan?”

“Not if the world is to be saved. I know not if Akio is the one I saw in my prophecies, but he is the one I believe in now, there is no doubt in my mind there is none better.” she affirmed.

“So see, Hinata-san. There’s already four more booked in. I know it. I hope that’s all, because every girl added hurts us all, really. We lose out on more of Akio we otherwise could have had…” Eri sighed.

You mean that I’m going to be mother-in-law to the adorable Princess of Britain? Oh, I feel so hot… Emily’s thoughts raced, but the discussion had hurt someone.

“I feel most dreadful.” Tsukiko-chan said suddenly. “I… I feel I am intruding here, putting my happiness first, and stealing from you all…”

“No, no, I made a mistake in how I said that.” Eri looked horrified. “See, Hinata-san? I make mistakes too! This is why talking things out matter.” Eri was the one to stand and bow in apology this time. “If I hurt you, I’m sorry. I don’t think that of you. For one thing… Akio wanted to save you, and has affection for your struggles, for you. You have nothing to be sorry for! I don’t know when or how, but I’m certain that Akio will love more women, and they’ll join us. Those I can handle. But Hinata-san… I won’t sell our precious Akio for mere gain!”

“Then, my arranged marriage…” she began, and Eri sighed, cat-ears flickering.

“It was just us then. So I was able to let it slide. But if we go down this line… do you want Akio to have dozens more women? I’m not prepared to have my life with him be one day a damn month! Those friends you wanted to see happiness? Bring it to us, we’ll discuss it. And if Akio likes them, so be it. But… no more arrangements!”

“I see. I… your perspective, I should have sought it out. I apologise to you, Eri. And you, Tsukiko-san. I apologise to Kana-san too, Izumi-san.” She bowed to Nagi-san. “Honestly, I might have grown a bit arrogant. But…”

“Yes, yes.” Eri snorted. Getting up she started wiping the damp table down, and Nagi-san slipped off with a smile to get replacement drinks. “You have good intentions. And I don’t doubt your love for Akio for a minute. But you have to remember, you’re not normal, not in your position. Neither are we, but that means we have to work everything out together. Leave the surprises for the bedroom.” Eri sniffed, and Hinata-chan blushed crimson.

“Eri!” Emily gasped, amused and scandalised.

“What? Akio is a healthy man, mother-in-law Emily. And Hinata-san is adorable, even if she’s too sly for her own good.”

“So… I’ll get you your uniform.” Hinata promised. “You’re a ranking commander in Adamant too, of course. But you’ll see… there are girls there we can use. I mean, the elf, Bellaera, she’s actually fallen for Akio. Just because a marriage is arranged, doesn’t mean there’s no love there, or it can’t bloom.” She then puffed out her chest. “Just like my arrangement, and Motoko’s and Natsumi’s. So, if…”

“If Akio wants it, and it’s not just your pressure, then I’ll treat it as positively as I can.” Eri agreed. “And I don’t hate the idea of an army loyal to Akio. Just… make it that, not some pretext to force girls on Akio he doesn’t want or need, all right?”

“I promise.” Hinata-chan held out her hand, and as Eri took it, Emily couldn’t help but sweep them both into a hug, while a relieved Kazumi-chan and calm Tsukiko-chan looked on.

“Good girls!” Emily gushed. “Gosh, you’re both so adorable. Eri I always knew that, but you’re great too, Hinata-chan! My Aki is the world’s most sinful and lucky man!”

After releasing the hug, Hinata-chan giggled. “True. But then he’s doing a lot of good, he deserves his rewards.” Taking a deep breath, she sat down. “So, let me tell you some more details of what Akio got up to…”

As they talked, Nagi-san returned, and Emily enjoyed listening to some of the details she hadn’t heard. All they had was messages from Ai and Haru-chan that they had won, and rescued the victim they were hired for, but hearing more details was thrilling, at least because the danger was already defeated.

“So anyway, Park Do-yun will be arriving soon, and joining us on flying out to Choe-Museon. I was having him and his daughter shown around Japan alongside Mr Kelly and his wife, though they won’t be needed until the aftermath. The Tengokusentou will be secured, no matter what. Uh…” she looked at Eri, a little shamefaced.

Later.” Eri sighed. “So, I’m more curious about the Favours. I’d dearly love one, but I expect you are the same…”

Emily smiled at Tsukiko-chan and Nagi-san as they all listened to the girls who had made up after their quarrel, the relationship between them hopefully stronger for it. Poor Aki, even one girlfriend is hard. Oh well, he’s a big boy, he can handle it!

“Do excuse me. Have you resolved your quarrel?” Asha asked, sitting down gracefully at an open seat.

“Oh, you heard that?” Eri asked, embarrassed, and Asha nodded.

“I perhaps understand, a little. I am a Dryad. Tied to my Tree, my other half. My two other halves in one.” She gazed back fondly at her small tree. “We daughters of Orion do indeed love, but we cannot leave our Tree for long, so we have little possessiveness. I am… somewhat different. I have changed, recently. Now I can part from it, for long enough. I have changed in other ways too.” She touched her belly, and Emily felt a thrill of expectation. I’m sure, a mother’s intuition is blaring, and she’s not being subtle, but… even so, I don’t want to jump the gun. But I need to know.

“Asha, dear… can I ask. Are… are you with child?” Emily managed to say, and Asha leaned back, contented.

“Indeed, I have germinated new life.” She confirmed, and in such a casual way Emily was almost taken aback. Eri looked sour, and Nagi-san patted her head, surprising her.

“Are you jealous? I don’t think my Kana cares much about children, but…” Nagi-san asked her, and Eri replied, but before that, she had the grace to congratulate Asha.

“I see. Considering your suffering, Asha, I’m happy for you. Oh, well, I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t want to be first. I’m jealous. Of course I am. But…” she let Nagi-san console her. “…I’ll have my children one day. For now I have too much to do.”

“Very mature.” Hinata-chan laughed, but Emily wasn’t listening anymore. Leaping up she seized Asha in a careful hug, which the bemused Dryad allowed, her expression tender.

“I’m going to be a grandmother! Aki’s having a kid! I worried I would never see this day!” Tears were streaming from her blue eyes, and her heart was full. “Oh Gods, Ai is going to be an auntie! I wonder how she’ll cope!”

“She’ll be fine, though she’ll complain she’s not old enough.” Eri snickered. Setting down Asha at last, Emily was breathing heavily.

“So, you’ve known a while, right?” Emily pressed. “But I have questions. It’ll be a girl, won’t it? Uh… human, or a Dryad? Both? How does pregnancy for you work? Will it take nine months? Will you…” Her rapid-fire questions were interrupted as Tsukiko-chan grasped her hand warmly.

“You are getting rather worked up, Emily-san. Please let Asha breathe.”

“I’m sorry.” Oh my, I’m ashamed. But it’s just such a monumental event. My Aki, a father. And I know… he’ll be a great one. But now… he really can’t die, else he’ll be leaving behind his children. “But it’s a happy event!”

“It is. For me, who was doomed to die in futility after doing so much cruelty to cling to life, to be able to spread the seeds of life…” Asha’s yellow eyes were full of poignant emotion. “…it gives the sacrifices meaning. My sisters, perhaps wherever their spirits now dwell, they can be at peace, knowing life goes on.” She stroked her belly again. “I was concerned though. While the Fae in the distant past have had congress with mortals, and half-Fae were born, I… am unique right now, as is Akio. I am a Fae, yet I have a mortal body as well, whereas Akio has two forms, and is neither Fae nor mortal. Our daughters… I had to be sure the seeds would not wither, that I could safely cross between the mortal and Fae lands and they would endure, unharmed. Fortunately, it seems that they are hardy, and my soil fertile.”

“That’s great!” Emily sighed in relief. “And it makes a lot of sense, we would grieve if you miscarried, so waiting to be sure…” Wait, hang on a minute. Daughters? “You said they? Are you… is there more than one?”

Asha nodded tenderly. “I know it to be so. After all, there are two Trees that have no other self. And they wish to be complete.”

“Twins, huh?” Emily was ecstatic. “But… does that mean you won’t be able to have more children without more trees? It’s all very complicated.”

“Not exactly.” Asha shook her head gently, auburn locks drifting in the light evening breeze. Behind everyone on the hill several transport helicopters of a military style were landing, and a number of trucks and vehicles had pulled up at the bottom of the hill. Emily wasn’t paying much attention, but seeing several figures in beds being wheeled out, accompanied by what looked like nurses and medical machinery, did catch her interest, but it was quickly washed away by Asha’s talk. Granddaughters. Amazing! I can hardly wait to fawn over them and spoil them. Taichi will be the same, I just know it! And with mom and dad here too in Japan… could things be more perfect? Oh… yes, they always could be… she started giggling, and Eri looked at her strangely, before talking to Asha.

“Not exactly, huh? Does that mean that just like Trees don’t necessarily have a Dryad, then Dryads don’t always have a Tree?”

“Yes. Though such is quite uncommon. After all, the Rhyming Trees of the Court are more numerous than us rare daughters of Orion, even with the many that have been lost over the years to war and mischance. But a Dryad without a Tree is a sad thing. They would always feel incomplete, a yearning, and never show true power. Until they find the Tree that is their other half.”

“Did you know our shrine is a fertility shrine?” Nagi-san said thoughtfully. “So, despite feeling a little bad for my Kana, I’m happy for your joy. May Shirohebi bless your womb… uh… you do have a womb, right?”

“I believe so.” Asha laughed, and Emily couldn’t resist, asking if she could touch Asha’s belly. After her nod, she did so, marvelling at the thought Aki’s children were being born within. And they aren’t human, at least not fully. It’s like a story from my childhood. But they’ll be beautiful and strong, and something that we have to defend…

As Emily was lost in her thoughts, Eri was teasing Hinata-chan. “This should be a big deal to you, Hinata-san. Aren’t heirs a huge thing in the nobility?” Her smile was wickedly mocking, but not cruel.

“Oh, please stop bullying me, Eri. I get it. I was arrogant. In my victory I have become that which I used to hate. And please… stop being so formal with me. I get that you’re more comfortable with others, but… we all agreed, those of us there…” her face went crimson as she remembered. “…to not use honorifics or things that keep us at a distance. We should have included you in that too.” She turned to Nagi-san then. “And that goes for Kana as well. While she didn’t stay for the … fun… she’s our sister too. Maybe this is a wakeup call. But…” Hinata-chan was deadly serious now. “…I may have gone about things wrong, but I’ll repeat that Adamant is needed. Now more so than ever. After all, we have it all mapped out, don’t we?”

“You do?” Nagi-san asked, and Hinata-chan puffed out her chest proudly.

“Of course. Shaeula is going to bring both the Seelie Court and the Hyakki Yagyō under Akio’s control. When Akio wins his agreement with Tan, we’ll also pull a genuine Goddess into our corner where she can’t ever escape. Japan will surrender to Akio, as we’re working to tie the nobility to him, as well as political, financial and other major figures. So sorry… I can’t promise that some girls won’t be necessary, Eri. But your earlier point was true. If it isn’t absolutely necessary then we won’t force it. Though if Akio wants someone, then that’s another matter altogether. But when Akio has Japan… then you were right again. Britain next. And with his actions in South Korea, so long as we can manage the fallout, which is why…” she gestured to the helicopters and people being transported to them. “…we’ll make gains there. In the end… Akio will be the Astral Emperor, ruling both the Material Earth and those powerful Territories that border it.”

“That’s… ambitious.” Emily said, amazed, but also thrilled. Every mother believes her children are the best in the world. I extended that to Eri was well, since she’s like my own daughter, but now I have Hinata-chan, Asha, Kana-chan and so many others. As she removed her hand from Asha’s belly, Eri actually touched it too after a smile from Asha, again looking a mix of envious and happy. “So then, the Princesses…”

“Sorry Tsukiko.” Hinata-chan grinned. “I know that Princess Mikasa is your dear friend, but if she’s so important to the world, she needs to be in Akio’s hands. And what better legitimacy for Akio to rule over Japan? With the Imperial Family, Nobility and the shrines and temples all in his hands, political support across both the incumbent and opposition parties… Japan is ours. My child will inherit Takatsukasa house, Asha’s daughters will fill the Trees all across the Astral… Kana’s and yours, Eri, they’ll have the best start in life, able to live any dream they want… so long as we win, of course.”

“I see. Yukiko is a dear friend. Up until now, perhaps she and Yasuhide were my only friends. But… it is her decision. She is lonely, much as I was, but if she seeks another path, you cannot stop her.” Tsukiko-chan warned, showing her maturity, and Hinata-chan nodded.

“I won’t. Uh…” She looked at Eri. “Maybe I would have, and I would have let Shaeula talk me into manipulating her before, to get what we wanted. I mean, she’d be happy with Akio, just like all of us, so it’d seem like a small sacrifice for the greater good, just like Adamant, but I realise now…” she bowed to Eri again. “…I forgot what was most important. Akio hates sacrifices. So Adamant will not be a burden, but a joy, as well as a power Akio and the world needs. Thanks for opening my eyes, Eri. I‘d hate to go too far and have Akio despise me. I would rather die.”

“He’s too much of an idiot for that. Oh, thanks Asha.” Eri said, before returning to Hinata-chan. “He’d be saddened, but once you are in his heart, he won’t abandon you. But just remember this talk, I know you’ll backslide, it’s part of your nature, to be cocky and pushy. But I’m always watching. After all, the role came to me. As a joke, a bribe or simply because Shaeula’s surprisingly lazy when it’s not about her own interests… but I took it and I own it.”

“How touching. You really have grown up, Eri!” Emily hugged her dear daughter-in-law, laughing as she squirmed, red-faced and embarrassed. “But if Hana could see this…”

“Mother doesn’t feel as displeased as she seems.” Eri shook her head and her tail lashed rhythmically. “But she feels the pressure, that she has to defend my position. She doesn’t understand that I know my place in Akio’s heart. I’m his precious childhood friend, his first kiss, his first… well, you know. Besides, nearly dying does put things into perspective. As does…” she looked at the calm, serene Asha once again. “…this. One day it’ll be me, carrying a child. Kana too, you as well, Hinata.” She omitted the honorific, taking Hinata-chan’s words to heart. “But the world is in huge danger. Kyoto, South Korea, London. It’s only the start. I want my child to grow up happy and loved, not in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, living in fear. And I want … uh… that’s a good point.” She titled her head, ears flat against her skull. “If we call ourselves sisters, which sort of works, does that mean that Asha’s daughters will be our daughters, or our nieces?”

“Us Dryads, we are all the daughters of Orion, despite few actually being his true descendants. I have no objection to them being your daughters too.” Asha said warmly. “Though… I wish my daughters to be known first and foremost as Akio’s daughters, not Orion’s. If the King objects he can stir himself from his slumber. He has slept too long. Though Akio will surely put him in his place.” Asha said confidently, making everyone gasp.

“Such a declaration of war!” Emily giggled until tears were flowing down her cheeks. “This is the power of a mother!” She exchanged a knowing look with Nagi-san, before looking at Hinata-chan, Eri and Tsukiko-chan. “The three of you will have to step up your game. When Aki’s a father, he’ll change. But for the better, I know. Taichi and I did. Saving the world is a worthy goal, but…Eri’s right. Saving it for the next generation, for your own flesh and blood, leaving the world a better place than you found it… that’s a goal that can push you past your limits, make you achieve the impossible.”

At that moment a man ran up to Hinata-chan, saying it was time. With a smile, Hinata-chan bowed. “Sorry, Kazumi and I have to go. I won’t say anything to Akio about you, Asha. When he comes back he might be a little depressed. While he saved more than anyone else could, he couldn’t save everyone. So some happy news will focus his mind. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Say hi to Kana for me when she finishes work!” With that, the two girls hurried off boarding a helicopter, which took off in formation, accompanied by several others.

“She’s a girl too clever for her own good, and she loves Akio a lot, because she’s finally found what she wants in life.” Eri sighed. “But because she’s smart, and is surrounded by people who aren’t normal she’s mistaken her own perception for what’s ordinary and acceptable. So she needs someone to correct her occasionally. It can’t be Shaeula, Hyacinth, Shiro, Daiyu… all of them are more abnormal than her, in their own ways.”

“You have not included me.” Asha noted, amused. “I am not mortal…”

“But you’re a mother now, or will be.” Emily giggled. “Besides, you are very… calm, with an approachable air about you. I don’t see you causing many problems.”

“Eri spoke the truth.” Asha agreed. “Death looming does change a being. I was hollowed out, emptied of all but despair and suffering. When Akio stormed to my impossible rescue, all that despair and suffering was gone, leaving me to be filled by peace, joy, happiness.” I see. Aki’s the one who paved the path for them all, but… they all want to walk along with him. I’m so proud of him, of them.

Tearing up, Emily nodded brightly. “Those are wonderful sentiments. Nagi-san, you, me, Hana… even Tsukiko-chan’s parents, who I am sure will be overjoyed to have you back, be able to start over with you…” Tsukiko-chan nodded gently at her words, and Emily continued. “…Shaeula’s parents… I can hardly wait to get to know them, beings out of fairy tales… Hinata-chan, Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan’s parents too… we all have to come together. Our children have a hard path, but… at least we’ll be there to support them all. After all… they’re all good kids. Even those that are older than us.” I know Asha is very old, but asking a woman’s age is a no-no! From what I’ve heard Aki say, Hyacinth is probably the oldest, not that you’d know it…

“I agree.” Nagi-san said with a slight smile. “Though I also agree with Hana-san that you’d know how we felt if it was your daughter involved in a harem and not your son. Oh well… one day you’ll understand. But… it was strange to me when I married into the Izumi family, and I discovered there was actually magic. Rather a let-down, a little flame here and there that a lighter could surpass was anticlimactic… but now…”

“But now?” Emily pressed.

“In a world where we are sitting here having tea with a Dryad, and a woman who has been brought back to life by the power of love…” Nagi-san giggled teasingly at those words, and Emily found it adorable the way that Tsukiko-chan went pink and looked down, embarrassed, just like a girl of the age she looked. “…I don’t think anything is too strange to consider. So long as you all make sure my Kana is happy, you have my support. And to be honest…” she looked a little sorry. “…ever since Shirohebi, the white snake Kami was revealed to us, Daichi and my father-in-law have felt Kana should have been Akio-kun’s wife, since we were the shrine that first brought him into connection with the Kami, and… since Akio-kun is his master, we would have had the bloodline of the master of our Kami in Kana’s children. Men.” She snorted, both amused and exasperated.

“It’s hard to not think about such things, when Asha is pregnant. And she won’t be the last.” Eri sighed. “It seems everyone wants a piece of Akio. It’s not that I don’t understand it, he’s the greatest!” Eri insisted stoutly. “But it makes it hard… to stand out. To not be left behind.”

“Maybe so. But…” Tsukiko-chan looked up at the moon overhead, hanging large in the sky. “…I need no gift of foresight from Tsukuyomi to tell you that Akio will never leave any of us behind. So… take heart. Tonight you stood up for him and for yourself, and Hinata, she respected you for it, and understood her mistakes. I am inexperienced, so… when I err, please do support me to right my wrongs.”

“I don’t think I have much to teach you.” Eri said, flustered, and Emily giggled at the lighter mood after some heavy conversations. Yes, Aki is the best. Tsukiko-chan is too precious to die, she’s simply adorable, a perfect combination of innocence, naivety and wisdom. To see her blushing, thinking of Aki… oh, how can any boy resist? My Aki is the best, but he’s the best at being sinful too!

“You would be surprised. Are you not his first and thus most experienced?” Tsukiko-chan pressed politely, and Eri blushed red as a tomato, bringing laughter from around the table. As the girls continued to drink tea and chat, talk turned to the children once more.

“So… we need two names, right?” Emily pointed out. “Asha… huh, there’s the ash tree, right? And Dryads have Trees…”

“Yes, you are quite correct. There is no particular law, but it is customary to have a name referencing a tree.” Asha agreed.

“Well, Aki is Japanese, so maybe some Japanese words for trees? But then, he’s also half a Brit, and Fae are from the British isles, technically, so…” Lost in cheerful discussion, Emily met the eyes of Nagi-san, who smiled ruefully. Don’t worry, Nagi-san. My Aki might have been a fool who left behind Eri and hurt her before, running from himself and her, but now… he’s stopped running, and instead shelters, saves and loves. Eri’s heart was mended, and now she was actively taking an interest in the lives of her fellow sisters, as they called each other, a huge change. Asha had been saved and now was pregnant, which would hopefully pry out the remaining thorns in her heart. Tsukiko-chan had the second chance to finally know her parents properly, and live a life of joy and friendship. Kana-chan had shed her selfish attitude and was striving hard for her own dreams and those of Aki’s, while Hinata-chan was living her best life, like a fireball streaking across the skies, bringing warmth to all, but had also been told to keep her fires under control, lest she burn those around her, and the others…

Everyone’s moving forwards together. And not just those. There’s Aki’s friends from university, the trainees at the school, the Fae, Princess Mikasa, Princess Eleanor, Karen-san, Haru-chan and that strange catgirl who is with him now, even the poor, conflicted Chinese girl, who did such terrible things, but for a reason I can’t hate her for… Looking at Asha once more, gaze dropping to her belly for a moment, Emily made up her own mind. One thing is for sure. I have to live a long life, to see my endless legion of grandchildren born, to see my army of daughters-in-law. To be there for Aki, because despite everything, he’s my son and I want to support him. And he has a lot of weight on his shoulders. Hinata-chan’s plans… no, all of their plans, to push Aki to the top… it’s not going to be easy for any of them. Mind made up, she was determined to throw herself into the training in the Boundary, no matter how scary and unpleasant it was, and get strong enough so that not only was she not a burden, but she was able to support them all in her own way. Taichi too. And Hana and Junpei. And soon the others too… we’ll be the example that Aki, Asha and eventually the others can follow, of parents who love their kids and support their dreams…

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