On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Eighty-Nine – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata

Side One Hundred And Eighty-Nine – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata

“Cheer up, Mayumi. Everything will be fine.” Hinata promised, as she lounged in the comfortable leather seat, a mug of an exclusive, luxury tea in hand. Despite everything bad that had happened, the overall situation really called for champagne, but Hinata wasn’t particularly interested in celebrating alone, as Mayumi was still rather too quiet, though she was trying to hide it. It’s not that I don’t understand, but as her friend, it’s my duty to help her through this!

“Really? As it happens, I am fine. Just… thinking.” Mayumi replied after a moment, in a passable imitation of her usual poise, though Hinata knew her too well to fall for it. Still, a different approach might be needed.

“I see. I’m thinking too.” Hinata glanced over at Kazumi and Katana, both of whom gently signalled their agreement. Uncle Kira was watching too, clearly leaving Mayumi’s fragile state to her. Uncle Kira. Now I truly feel like a daughter of Takatsukasa house, no, like a genuine equal to Mayumi. “It was rough, wasn’t it?”

Mayumi looked up, and Hinata continued. “We’re always taught about the dangers we face as noble daughters. Even before, when you considered me just a rich girl… well, there’d certainly be a good ransom for me. But it never seemed real. After all… sorry to say this, Kazumi, Katana, but while you’re both professional and skilled, if a gang of kidnappers, well-armed and prepared, came after us, the end result would be the same.”

“It pains me to say it, but you’re right.” Kazumi agreed. “I’m confident against two or three thugs or opportunists, after all, criminals in Japan seldom carry guns, but… professionals…” She shook her head, a grim smile on her face.

“My family has protected the heirs to the Ichijou house for many generations.” Katana agreed. “My big brother protects your brother, Mayumi-sama. I train hard, I have honed my skills. A woman has some disadvantages in terms of combat, it is harder to build up muscle strength, we are more fragile. But instead, we have other strengths. Greater flexibility, and I like to think we remain calmer.”

Kazumi nodded, and Katana continued. “I have trained with the sword I am named for, daggers, hidden weapons, anything to keep Mayumi-sama safe. What we do is no mere playtime for children, I would lay down my life to see you safe. But it is true. There are certainly a number of situations in which I would fail. One woman alone cannot beat off a gang of dedicated criminals.”

You think so? Perhaps that was true, but those days are gone. Still, Hinata liked the way the talk was going, so she kept her silence, merely sipping on her tea, waiting for the right moment to interject.

“That’s right. But bodyguards are important.” uncle Kira agreed. “Not just from a traditional standpoint, but as a deterrent for trouble, and to handle… unexpected problems. The gangs and armed criminals that could overpower you pair are organised, and thus it falls to us adults to deal with them. Why do you think Fujiwara Security Services exist? It’s not just a company providing bodyguards to the nobility, and those who are on good terms with us that can pay. No, it also has behind-the-scenes, underground operators and intelligence gatherers. They make sure that the greater dangers never reach you. Never again.”

Hinata was clearly curious, so uncle Kira elaborated. “This is a great secret, so…”

“I won’t tell, grandfather. I am a woman who can be trusted!” Mayumi promised pridefully, a spark of interest in her eyes, and Hinata was glad to see it. Obviously, she agreed too, and uncle took the agreement of their bodyguards for granted. Something which I admit I do too much. Bodyguards are people too. But I’ll do better in the future…

“In that case. Hidemasa-san is not Shige’s oldest son.” At that revelation, Hinata and Mayumi were shocked, but uncle didn’t let that stop him telling his tale.

“His oldest son was a good boy, and he married a cousin of your mother, Hinata-chan. So in a distant way you would have been related. They had two young children, a boy and a girl, and all was well in Fujiwara house, no worries over succession, not like now. They had bodyguards too. Fujiwara house doesn’t have any remaining vassal families like Ohta house, but even so, many were crying out to take the positions. After all, being bodyguard to the heir of Fujiwara house is a great honour, and then your children can follow you, and perhaps a new vassal house of bodyguards could rise.”

Mayumi nodded, understanding, while Hinata already knew there was more to the story. Something bad obviously happened…

“Yes, it is as you both surmise. On a trip to America, he and his whole family were murdered, bodyguards and all, in what was a heist gone wrong on the surface. But there was obviously more to it. Because even in the land where there are more guns than people, his bodyguards should have been capable of defending from a random carjacking. But… even with all the might of Fujiwara house, answers were never found…”

Really? I think you know more than you want to say. Hinata’s senses had improved dramatically ever since Akio had granted her a Favour, and she picked up on the subtle cues that indicated uncle wasn’t giving her the entire truth.

As if he noticed her disbelieving stare, uncle Kira coughed, took a sip of his own tea, which smelt of brandy, and explained. “So, Shige was determined that this would never happen again. He built Fujiwara Security Services from the ground up, and any schemes are dealt with behind the scenes. But not even such a behemoth as they can solve the lone wolves and fools who would try and cause trouble. Hence why you girls…” he nodded at Katana and Kazumi. “…are far from obsolete. Except…”

“Except that everything’s changed now.” Hinata declared. “Wouldn’t you agree, Mayumi? Even a dozen of Fujiwara Security’s best men wouldn’t have been able to protect you during that battle. Honestly, it’s a miracle that Akio’s mercenaries managed to take one down, and that almost killed them.”

Hinata didn’t miss the shudder than ran through Mayumi, but her friend nodded firmly. “Quite. It was a credible performance, I suppose. Akio-kun does have a knack for finding the right people.”

“And the best fiancées.” Hinata couldn’t help but boast, hoping Mayumi would smile. She did, at least a little, so she pressed her attack. “My point is, while I wasn’t aware of the reason for the formation of Fujiwara Security Services, it makes sense. When tradition alone wasn’t enough, expand it. And now… when this no longer offers us enough protection, we have to go further again.”

“I agree.” Kazumi acknowledged. “I’ve been throwing myself into training, but it’s not enough. I see that now. Battles are terrible…” she confided to Katana. “…but somehow, when Akio-san is there, it always seems manageable. It’s the same when you see Shaeula in action. I no longer wish to dabble at the edges, gain a little strength.”

“But to get what you want…” Hinata narrowed her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile. I’m glad you finally understand, Kazumi. Natsumi did from the start, though… she’s surprisingly romantic. The idea of marrying the same woman as her beloved friend Motoko appealed to her like a sweet dream, and then Akio captured her with his own charms… “…there’s really only two routes. Yes, you could train like Aliyah and Treyvon, have weapons provided by Akio and Ixitt, and you’d do quite well. You’d probably be able to handle some idiot Chosen who underestimated you. Though the idiots will decline over time. Only the strong, the smart and the ruthless will be left five years from now, I’d imagine.”

Uncle Kira looked on, clearly impressed by Hinata’s perception, and as everyone was hanging on her every word, Hinata puffed out her chest proudly. “You can go the original Eri route. She’s basically what the training can do, taken to the extreme, flush with Levels and personal instruction. But that comes with its own set of problems and consequences.” Lovers Link. I’m sure that it wouldn’t be too hard for Akio to reach a level where he loves Kazumi enough to share two Ranks with her, as he likes her well enough, and she could put some effort in. Which would be thirty Levels available, and that would only grow over time. After all, he loves Aiko dearly, and despite our teasing it’s not romantic. His family too. The only problem with that is…

“The second way, and possibly the more feasible route, is to simply find a Divine Favour you are suitable for. Or if not, to make yourself suitable for. Even I’m rather strong in combat now, at least I presume so.” Hinata chuckled self-deprecatingly. “When I return, I’ll seek out the others and they can give me some training, help me work out the best way to use my metal element. But again… there’s a rather large obstacle to that.”

“Scarcity.” Kazumi agreed. “And I can’t really blame Akio-san if he priorities those like you, Hinata. And even if by some miracle the Favour is perfectly suited for us, Katana-san…”

Katana-san nodded, fully understanding, but also having been thinking about this non-stop since the incident, Mayumi’s condition the only other matter than could intrude on her consciousness. “If we take the most precious treasure in the world currently, that comes with obligations. Which makes it hard to reconcile with the absolute love and loyalty of a bodyguard.”

“That’s simply no good.” Mayumi pouted. “You’re mine, Katana! There’s no room for split loyalties!”

“I know. And I’ll always be your bodyguard, Mayumi-sama. But… what use a guard that can’t protect you?”

“Basically, if Akio grants someone a favour, then they are either one of his fiancées, like me, family, like Aiko, or perhaps a Vassal. Honestly, I wouldn’t let him give one away just for sentiment.” Hinata added.

“That’s petty, Hinata.” Mayumi pouted, the stimulating conversation making her temporarily forget her worries, as intended. “Akio-kun and I are clearly friends. Friends should help each other, yes?”

“There’s help, and there’s being unreasonable.” Hinata snorted. “But we’re straying from the point. The issue is about needing strength, and there only being one source of it. Now, there are surely others, in fact, Midas and his wife were performing a degraded version of Akio’s gifting in exchange for support, but… why would you go to anyone else? There’s only one real choice.”

“I put on the uniform.” Kazumi nodded. “Even knowing the rules of Adamant. Though I also know Akio-san well, it’s not going to go as Shaeula and Shiro wish. Nor you, Hinata.”

“I’m hurt.” Hinata puffed out her cheeks, pouting. “I’m not truly trying to force a massive harem on Akio. Honestly, I love spending time with him. Even with company, our date on Table Mountain was great, and while it was frustrating that we were delayed in South Africa, at least I got a day more with Akio, and time to have… fun.” She knew her cheeks were flushed, but remembering her antics as a cosplay nurse, and then as a patient, it made her both hot and happy. “After all, much as I poke fun at Eri for her possessiveness, I get it. And I’ve apologised and seen things from her point of view. Each woman added is less time for us. However…”

“I can’t quite understand you.” Mayumi was curious. “When I get married, my husband had best not have other women. Nobody sets aside Ichijou Mayumi!”

However…” Hinata repeated teasingly. “…there are some prospects that are too valuable to ignore. It feels bad, but my proposal to Akio was based on common interests. Now, don’t get me wrong… for me it was love at first sight, but even so, without my family wealth and influence, it would have been hard to entice him. It’s not so bad now, at least. He still suffers guilt, but he’s capable of judging others fairly, and opening his heart to those he desires. But if there’s someone who can offer a lot of benefits, is cute, intelligent and tries hard… you’d best believe we’ll not let them escape. And for the others… well, Akio was visited by a Valkyrie to begin all this, we agreed it would be wonderful for humanity to have our own warrior women, the host who serves Akio. Adamant.”

“That’s still… hard to accept. I don’t get it.” Mayumi shook her head, troubled.

“Why would you? Your pride is simply too high. Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting love and faithfulness. It’s the norm outside the nobility.” Hinata agreed. “Eri sometimes complains about that, but she doesn’t really mean it. She’s become used to the way things are, and she’s actually supportive when you get past her prickly exterior. But… we were made for more.” Her words were designed to appeal to Mayumi, stimulating her sense of self-importance.

“More, you say?” she took the bait, curious.

“Yes, more. Miyu understands. Being Fujiwara Miyu is noble indeed. But being simply Fujiwara Miyu, Chosen and Vassal to Akio is something noble she has taken for her own, and polishes herself. From fear and uncertainly, she has found meaning, and support. I am the same. Two daughters, two of the Three Great Houses. Mayumi, if you want to truly shine… don’t just be Ichijou Mayumi, arrogant, funny, and often annoying…”

“Hey, that’s rude! I’m always charming and witty, not annoying!”

“…often annoying. Instead, be Ichijou Mayumi, who instead of relying on the Ichijou, polishes and treasures the Mayumi. And if you do so, you’ll find that you no longer have that fear. Because that way strength is born.”

“Are you trying to poach my Mayumi too, Hinata-chan?” uncle Kira protested mildly. “You think I’d allow that?”

“Don’t try and tell me you’ve not thought of it before or aren’t thinking of it again now.” Hinata shot back, unmoved by his rebuke. “Every day makes the future clearer. But… honestly, not right now. She doesn’t deserve it.” Hinata’s grin was now wicked. “But what Mayumi does deserve is peace of mind. So take this on board.”

Mayumi listened earnestly, even if she had scowled at being told she wasn’t worthy to her face, even if it was something she had no wish to be worthy of. “I’m listening, you cheeky girl. Nobody else would dare to speak to me so.”

“Not true. I can think of plenty of others who would.” Shaeula, Shiro, Eri. They’d be less tender than me, that’s for sure. “So if you don’t listen to anything else I’ve said, just remember this. It was horrible, I know. You got scared, you thought you might die, or worse. You thought uncle would die, or Katana. But… just like Akio made it back in time when it should have been impossible…” With a smile, Hinata held up her hand, sparks of gold flaring into existence. “…I too can do the impossible now. And it’s not just me. There are two roads in front of you. One, you can walk as you have been, and Katana and others will seize the strength to protect you. It will cost them, but it’s a price they’ll pay gladly for you. Or… you can walk that road yourself. It may not be noble, but if I can walk it, if Miyu can… well, who is more noble than us? So if we do it, by definition it’s suitable for noble daughters of the highest standing, right?” With a teasing smile she made her point, downing her tea, before grinning at uncle Kira. “How about a little brandy in my next cup? I feel like celebrating after all…”

“Why not?” uncle Kira laughed. “Mayumi, you too? And Katana-chan, Kazumi-chan, you both might as well unwind, there’s no danger here.”

As Hinata received her fresh cup from the stewardess on this private jet, she grinned at Mayumi, who was looking contemplative, but also far less troubled than before. Good, best to give her something else to dwell on other than the fear. As for the others… Kazumi met her gaze boldly, having decided, and Katana merely smiled a touch ruefully, also having made up her mind. …Yes, sometimes a harsh failure is the best guide to a better future, so long as we survive them…


The flight was long, some seventeen or so hours, and it gave Hinata time to relax. She had continued talking to Mayumi and the others, though matters had turned to far less serious ones, idle chatter about fashion and the goings-on at Hanafubuki. As Hinata watched the clouds below, like a white, fluffy sea, she knew that Akio would also be on a flight, heading in the opposite direction. America, huh? I hope everything goes well. Adelheid is with him, and she seems reliable, but…

Pursing her lips, she considered Christina Bakker. The woman was trouble, certainly, but the information she had provided from America was proving very useful to both Akio and the Ministry. And she’s smart. She bounces off Ixitt and the Mortal Engineers well, even if we’ve sensibly been keeping her away from any major projects. The question is… is she worth the downsides?

Hinata genuinely wasn’t sure, and that bothered her. There were certainly ways of making her safe, via Shaeula’s befuddling winds, perhaps… Oh wait, it’s winds and waters now, isn’t it? Anyway… but even if she could be trusted, her very presence was liable to cause friction with America. Drumming her fingers idly, Hinata sipped on another brandy tea, feeling the warmth spread through her. It was then her phone pinged, signalling a message. Uncle’s did as well, and as he pulled it out, mobiles working on this private jet due to clever engineering, his expression hardened.

Coincidence, or… having first thought it was another message from one of her group chats, or from her fellow fiancées, she hadn’t hurried to check it, but now… fumbling out her phone, she glanced at the message, seeing it was actually from Miyu. Reading it, she let out a hiss of surprise and anger, and her expression was mirrored on the face of uncle Kira, who in an uncharacteristic display of anger threw his empty mug across the jet.

“Damn it all, why now of all times?” he growled, infuriated.

“What’s wrong, grandfather?” Mayumi asked, puzzled. Her phone hadn’t received any messages, which made sense, as other than Hinata, Mayumi had few friends close enough to contact her, especially not with this. Hinata ground her teeth, before scrolling to her contacts and firing off a sympathetic message, not that her words would being much solace.

Uncle looked at his granddaughter for a long moment, stroking his white beard idly, before sighing, conceding. “Well, you’ll find out soon enough, Mayumi. It’s… about Sakura-chan.”

“Sakura-san? What about her?” Mayumi seemed puzzled, and uncle Kira and Hinata exchanged a meaningful glance. Yes, I’ve suspected, at least enough of it. It is one reason I used to be so bitter…

“It seems that news of her… irregular birth… has come out, and she is being ostracised at school over it, and Takatsukasa house is reeling. It’s fortunate that you effectively seized control, Hinata-chan, otherwise this might be a blow that Takatsukasa house might not recover from.”

“Irregular birth? I don’t understand…” Mayumi did seem puzzled, but then, to her, Ichijou, Fujiwara and Takatsukasa houses were special, and could do no wrong.

“Itsuki’s son is a bit of a fool.” Uncle Kira sighed bitterly, remembering. “I mean, he couldn’t accept the way things are, which is why he’s currently in retreat for his ailing health. But even back then, he was careless. It’s accepted for the men of the nobility to play around a little, I’m afraid. It’s not fair…”

“No, it’s not, though I understand why us girls are taught so strictly. Love is a wonderful and terrible thing. I’m only glad I got the chance to find my own.” Hinata agreed.

“It’s not just for the reasons you are thinking.” uncle Kira sighed. “Yes, it’s certainly traditional and desirable to have the bride a virgin on her wedding night, archaic though that is. It’s tacitly assumed the groom is too, even though that’s likely not the case, but with men, who can tell? But there have been instances of grooms having to accept brides with experience in the past, though if it becomes common knowledge, honour won’t allow the wedding to continue, and it brings shame to both houses. But the issue is, back when Itsuki, Shige and I were young, there were several daughters who died together with their lovers, seeing suicide as romantic and preferable. That’s what we fear. Love is sweet, but it can also be poison.”

“Maybe, but I support the right of any woman to find her own love. Though I don’t particularly object to arranged unions either. It worked for me, Motoko and Natsumi after all. Anyway, yes, hearing the whispers, and the way my mother acted, her incredible bitterness… I knew something was up within Takatsukasa house. It hardly seemed fair. If it was true, then Sakura was no more a Takatsukasa than I was. I… wasn’t kind to her at times. I feel bad now…” Hinata sighed.

“I see. What… what of her mother?” Mayumi asked, and uncle was the one sighing now.

“Itsuki paid her off to disappear. Rather cheaply, as it happens. He was too proud, we didn’t find out until later, though I know Shige made arrangements so that she wouldn’t starve and could live a peaceful life. Now it shames me to admit this, Mayumi, but I had lovers in my youth. Your father too. But we were always careful to prevent pregnancies, and when we were done, the women were well looked after for the rest of their lives.” He glanced at Hinata then. “It’s one reason we don’t particularly object to however many women Akio-kun has. So long as he supports them properly, it’s not an issue. To be noble is to grasp what you want, but also… to take responsibility for your actions. Your uncle didn’t do that, Hinata, and he failed Sakura-chan and Minoru-kun, as well as both Sakura-chan’s true mother and her new one. A real shame.”

“I see. So what will happen to Sakura-san then?” Mayumi asked, frowning. “It’s hardly her fault that her father was a fool.”

“Really? Shouldn’t you be decrying her as not noble now, Mayumi?” Hinata chided, and Mayumi flushed, clearly embarrassed.

“I’ve learned the lesson you’ve been trying these last weeks to teach me, Hinata. Don’t be snide. Sakura-san is Sakura-san, and finding this out doesn’t change what I think of her. She’s comported herself as a proper daughter of Takatsukasa all these years. What’s your plan, Hinata, you must have one?”

Hinata nodded. “I’m glad you finally understand, Mayumi. Sadly, since I’ve been invited to the return of the Tengokusentou, I won’t be at school tomorrow. So I leave it to you, Mayumi. You’re not in Sakura’s class, but if you show your support, it might help.”

“I’ll be at the Tengokusentou as well. I had considered bringing you, Mayumi, but instead your brother will go, along with your father. So yes, it would be helpful if you could help manage the situation.” Uncle Kira’s expression hardened, his brown eyes flinty. “Those who knew the truth of Sakura-chan’s birth are few, so finding out who released this shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ll certainly make them regret it. Shige is furious. But again, we can’t do much until after tomorrow.”

“Don’t you think the timing is a little too perfect?” Hinata asked, having a bad feeling. “Why now? And the Tengokusentou… it’s great getting it back, but it seems too easy. Yes, the Ruby Group is making an absurd profit, but… it doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Nor us, Hinata-chan. We old men aren’t fools, despite Itsuki’s mistakes.” Uncle Kira shook his head, stills stroking his beard. “Both events seem designed to hurt the nobility. And we won’t stand for it. Don’t worry, we’ll be cautious. It seems you and Shige are of one mind. Fujiwara Security is going to be ramped up, and those Chosen the nobility can trust will be drafted in to attend the handover as guests. And of course…” his smile was warm now. “We have you there, don’t we Hinata-chan?”

Glancing at Kazumi, who nodded firmly, Hinata agreed. “It seems so, uncle Kira, it seems so. But I’d still like to make some of my own preparations, just in case.” Yes, it’ll be late when we land, but even so, I don’t need much sleep now, and the others are the same. Besides… One thing they all agreed on was trouble for one was trouble for all. Nobody would mind being roused from their rest in an emergency…

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