On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Fourteen

One Hundred And Fourteen

“So, what’s up bro? Why do we need a room?” my sis asked, curious. “If you wanted to have some more… fun… with Eri, our hotel room is better, right? Oh my god, you aren’t turning into exhibitionist pervert moonstone now you are an experienced man are you? Say it isn’t so, big bro!”

“It is not so.” I replied deadpan, lightly bopping her on the head. As she mock-pouted, I told her more seriously. “Anyway, you know Eri and I can’t, well… you know. Not until she’s more stable. I am not going to put her in danger just to wallow in some pleasure. No, it’s time… to take Eri to the Boundary.” I turned to Eri, my gaze serious. “Are you ready for this Eri? I’m loathe to put you in any danger, but Shaeula is right. If we can help you this way…”

“I’m… definitely nervous.” Eri said, betraying her unease as she unconsciously clutched herself tightly. “But… if I’m with you, I’ll go anywhere, do anything… besides…” she looked at Shaeula, who was making herself comfortable on one of the chairs. “… I don’t like it that there is a world only you and Shaeula knows. If it is a part of your life, it needs to be a part of mine, too.”

“Damn girl, you keep surprising me over and over. Where has timid little Eri-chan gone? Now we have feisty brave Eri instead. Everyone at school is going to be shocked at your transformation. And the boys are going to hate big bro even more now…” Aiko laughed. “… I’ve got to admit though…” her face fell. “… being the only one who can’t go to this place is making me super jealous. Why is it that I am the only one that can’t go yet? It’s way not fair bro!”

Shaeula spoke up before I could, grinning in her usual amused yet mocking way. “Master could always ask Buck if he has a room with a bed in it. It did not hurt-hurt Eri too much, so…”

“Eww, no, no! Why do you keep suggesting that? Gross!” my sister spat. “I’m jealous, but I’d have to be a moron to… yeah, no way. Big bro is big bro. We aren’t a pair of perverts like you Shaeula!”

“Shae-u-la!” Eri said, her face like a frozen arctic sea, radiating cold annoyance. “We just had this conversation a few minutes ago. I don’t find your jokes funny, even though it’s about Aiko, so it could never happen. Akio is mine, you hear me? I am going to be his wife, and I’ll take care of all his needs. You… you just do your job and follow his orders, after all, you are his servant, aren’t you?”

Yeah, she’s super pissed off. I get it this time though, I don’t appreciate that type of joke myself. I know Shaeula doesn’t mean any harm by it, and as she gets to know Aiko and Eri better she enjoys teasing them, but still… over the line. I love my sister, but yeah, that is a no go!

“Many apologies Eri, I may have-have been too crude, as ill befits a princess.” Shaeula tried to apologise, but Eri wasn’t done.

“I know your father has many women, and while I think that’s wrong, it isn’t for me to tell him how to live his life. But I think it has skewed your perceptions. We only get one husband or wife. So even in the worst, most cruel of times when Akio…” she looked at me then, and I couldn’t help feeling guilty. “… if he has another woman… then…” she brandished her ring in Shaeula’s face. “… they are at best a mistress, a concubine. I am his wife, and I will be obeyed. Not that I’ll allow other women to have even a taste of Akio.” With that she hugged me tightly, as if to replicate what Aliyah had done earlier at Shaeula’s behest.

Although she’s still wearing clothes. Oh damn, got to get that image out of my head… my body reacted, and Eri flushed, some of her anger dissipating.

“Seriously though Shaeula. I do like you, and you’ve supported Akio through a dark time, I know that and I’m grateful. But please… stop causing trouble with other women, even as a joke. That poor Aliyah girl, sure she was annoying, but even so… she didn’t deserve that prank you pulled on her. I bet she is mortified now she has sobered up…”

“Very well. I shall consider your words and take them to heart-heart.” Shaeula nodded, looking a little contrite. “But I can not-not accept that you shall monopolise Akio, for he is my other half, and so destined to be mine also. However… I am patient, and I concede that you have made him yours-yours.”

Before Eri could get into another round of arguments I hugged her tight, kissing her to mollify her. Aiko took her cue and also changed the subject. “Wow, we got heated here, and way off topic. Anyway, I’ll swallow my tears and hold the fort here. But when you find a sensible way to help me, I want it right away, okay big bro, Shaeula?”

“Indeed.” Shaeula was also grateful for the subject change. “Though in the meantime you must continue to practice. Merely being able to enter the Boundary only puts you at risk, strengthening yourself is vital too-too.”

“Is it really that dangerous?” Eri asked. “I’ll still go, I will, but…”

“Yeah, it definitely can be.” I agreed. “This is why we aren’t going to take you in back at our hotel. Larger buildings have a presence in the Boundary, and are often home to… well, nasty things. Our hotel sucks… best we take you in here. I expect it to be a quick visit, you only need to gain three levels after all.”

“So how long will I have to stand guard? I don’t think Buck is the sort of guy to try anything, but leaving your poor little sister to guard you all alone… I think you owe me bro.”

“Sure, I’ll reward you properly, I promise. Time tends to flow differently, so it’s hard to say, but maybe an hour or two?” I answered.

“Well, all right. I’ll do my part. I’m still jealous though…” her pout was adorable.

“In that case Eri, follow my words carefully.” Shaeula instructed. “You should perform your exercises while you guard us too Aiko, use your time well-well.” With that Shaeula talked Eri through the process of raising aether within her. Since it was just an extension of trying to create a functioning network (and Eri had been very dedicated to doing her exercises before) it proceeded swiftly. Still, she was at a similar stage to me in my first days of being an Astral Emperor-candidate, when it took me days to raise enough aether with my poor cobbled-together system of chakras. Still, we had an advantage now…

Shaeula used her abilities as an Aetheric Chirurgeon to supplement her aether, also making minor adjustments and repairs to her foundation. As Eri felt energy prickling hot within her she gasped, sweat springing from her skin.

“Go on ahead and make sure it is safe, my master.” Shaeula advised. “Eri is nearly ready to enter.”

“All right then. You can do this Eri!” turning to Aiko I asked her to hold the fort once more and keep Eri and Shaeula safe.

“Sure thing bro, you can count on me…”

With that I closed my eyes and effortlessly entered the Boundary, days where I had to struggle like Eri long behind me. Kelly’s Rest certainly looked different in the Boundary, made up of walls of foliage laden with cactus spines and strange white flowers, with dinner-plate-sized crabs and scorpions scuttling about. Still, there is no oppressive presence like a Territory, so I think this is fine…

Several minutes later Shaeula appeared, followed by… she did it! I wasn’t sure it was possible, but she made it!

Eri was looking about, open-mouthed in shock and awe at the otherworldly landscape around her. She needs to pay more attention though… I swept fine blades of wind through several crabs that were approaching her, turning them to a fine scattering of ether.

“It’s… it’s… I don’t know what it is.” Eri said in wonder. “I believed you, Shaeula, Akio. I really did. But… to see it…”

“If you think this is impressive, I fear you have much to learn, Eri.” Shaeula boasted. “The lands of the Fae are wonderful indeed, the moon so large and bright you can almost touch it-it, the beautiful nymphs and faeries dancing amidst the Rhyming Trees… to say nothing of the splendour of the Seelie Court itself… one day I shall take you there, master too-too…”

At her proud words I ruffled her hair instinctively. As Eri scowled at me my free hand went to hers too, and she squirmed in pleasure. “Do you spend all your time flirting here?” she asked then. “I can see I need to keep an eye on you two.”

“Don’t be like that. You are the one I asked to marry me, right?” Even being here hasn’t changed her. Though I have seen such a new side of her this week… “Anyway, I think my Territory will be a match for the lands of the Fae soon enough. I’d be delighted to show it to you Eri. Aiko too, when the time is right. But for now shall we get out of here? We don’t want to linger, so we need to find suitable… experience points for you.”

Shaeula gestured and dazzling blades of wind sliced open the thorny plant-walls of the building. She’s showing off for Eri, she doesn’t need that much power normally, her control is leagues better now…

“That’s so cool!” Eri gushed. “Can I learn to do that too? If I’m going to be helpful to Akio I need to, right?”

Shaeula nodded, also enthused by Eri’s intensity. As we stepped through into the non-light of the Boundary, that looked like a dark aurora borealis, Eri was looking around, mouth agape at the strange buildings covered in growths and other mysterious things. “You must strengthen your chakras greatly first before you can have such power-power. Still…” Shaeula’s eyes gazed at her, burning a bright amber. “Since you have a rudimentary lunar chakra after the… fortunate happenings during your consummation…”

Ugh, don’t say it like that. I feel hot, and Eri is blushing too.

“… once you have weeded out the broken pathways and blocked nodes, your strength should increase apace-apace.”

“In that case, let’s hurry.” I said, guiding them out of the strip and into the deserts, where prey was more plentiful.

“I just have one thing to ask though.” Eri said, puzzled. “What are you carrying?” she asked Shaeula, who was still bringing along the crude sack she had made from her outfit, wrapping it around the shaman staff, which was stuffed with gore-stained soil. Luckily her wyrmscale mail dress covered her, or it would have been rather lewd.

“It is Thunderbird blood.” Shaeula replied. “Such a rare thing, full of rich elemental lightning, it is too-too precious to abandon. Akio is quite skilled at making things, so gathering suitable materials is wise indeed-indeed.”

“I see. This really is like a game.” Eri observed. “You’ll make me something too, right Akio?”

“Sure, when I get to my Territory I’ll whip you up some defensive gear.” The kobolds should have mined me more stuff by now. “But you can borrow this.” I handed her my spear.

Eri examined it, surprised at the weight. She held it a bit unsteadily, but after thrusting it a few times she realised she could use it.

“A week ago all I worried about was whether I should finally give up on you or tell you how I felt…” she muttered. “Now I’m a warrior… mother, father, your daughter is an adult now in more ways than one…”

“Well, this is probably going to be hard for you, after all you are a kind girl Eri.” I said, as we guided her across the sparkling sands. “But this world is very kill-or-be-killed. Sure, there are those like Shaeula who we can make allies, and I am always thinking of friendship first, but then…” I gestured to a large, car-sized scorpion that reared out of the sand a score of metres in front of us, brutal-looking pincers twitching, stinger leaking acrid venom. “… there are many foes that can only be… dealt with.”

Eri stepped back, panicked, yet seeing Shaeula and I were with her, she looked at us, resolute. “I… I’m scared Akio. Can I really fight something so terrible?” she swallowed nervously, yet her dark gaze met mine, clearly trusting me despite her massive misgivings.

“No way…” I shook my head. “I’d never make you fight something so brutal unaided. You need to get as strong as Shaeula and I first. No, you are just having a power-levelling trip today. Shaeula, go ahead.”

At my word blades of air severed the legs, claws and stinger of the scorpion. It fell to the sands, hissing, blood splashing outwards. “There. I have rendered it harmless for you Eri. Deal the finishing blow-blow.”

Seeing Eri frozen in fear and revulsion, I put my arm around her, guiding her slowly closer. “Don’t worry, I’m with you. You’ll never need to fight in this world alone. But even without ever returning to the Boundary, if you succeed here your life will change.”

Eri nodded. “I… I know you’ll never let me down. You never have… except when you decided I didn’t need you so you stopped calling and visiting.” She managed to get one barb in, though her nervous smile robbed it of its sting. The scorpion tried to stagger towards us, causing Eri to shy away, but my hand went over hers.

“It’s all right, you can do this.” I assured her. “I’m holding your hand, so I’m with you.”

With that, Eri nodded. She thrust the spear with shaking hands, and it bounced off the shell of the foe, nearly jolted free from her weak grip.

“Steady. Try again.” Another thrust, another fail. But after a half-dozen attempts Eri landed a true blow, piercing an eye. She gagged at the blood and the smell, but at my whispered encouragements she shoved with all her might, and the scorpion melted away into ether.

Shaeula topped up the aether within Eri that she had lost during our brief sojourn here, and I asked her did she feel like she had levelled up.

“I do feel something inside, but I can’t see this status screen you are talking about.” Eri said, puzzled. I quickly used my own Kin Appraisal, causing her to fidget restlessly, and I nodded. “Yeah, you’ve reached level one. All your stats have gone up by a couple, except for aether which has gone up a little more… oh, and you’ve gained some more Charm too… I always knew you were charming indeed, it’s why I asked you to marry me!” I joked around to relax her. “And some Determination.”

“So I’m stronger now? Better able to help you?” she asked, leaning in close, happy at my words.

“A little, don’t get carried away.” I warned, and Shaeula also added her own warnings.

“Indeed Eri, you are but a fledgeling compared to me-me. You have much distance to travel on this path yet.”

“Maybe so. But now I know I can walk it. After all…” she looked at us both, her dark eyes meeting our grey and amber, resolute, sure of herself. “… I’ve taken the first steps. I am charming and determined after all, am I not?”

After that we hunted another scorpion and several desert jackals, until I had determined Eri had reached level three. She was mentally and physically exhausted, her arms trembling as she handed me back my spear. Lying in my arms, gazing up at the impossible sky, she sighed, her eyes moist. “That was frightening. But even so… because I was with you Akio… and I guess you, Shaeula… I was able to do it. Thank you.” with that we kissed, our first in the Boundary, and whether it was because it was a higher world, more malleable to the mind, our kiss was much more intense, sending shivers through us both. As we parted, streams of silvery moisture between our mouths, Eri grinned. “I will never get tired of kissing you. I love you so much Akio. And to know I’m the one that is with you… I’m so happy I could just explode.”

“Well, me too. But… even though time passes slower here, we need to get back to Aiko. I don’t like leaving her to look after us alone.”

“Aww, I wanted to spend more time kissing.” Eri sighed, but she nodded. “I know though. We’ve done what we had to, right?”

“For now.” I agreed. “Though when we return to the hotel Shaeula and I have to do something else.”

“And I can’t go?” her hands still shook as she offered, putting on a brave face. So adorable.

“No.” I said gently. “This is a Territory raid, not something you are ready for. You’ve done well, but you need to be eased into this gently. “Still, the owner is away, so I don’t want you worrying. Shaeula and I should be able to handle it, I’m sure.”

Looking at her stats I observed the changes as we prepared to return.

I still worried about her poor physical condition, but even so, she had made gains. I should suggest she does some exercise with Aiko as well, the strengthening from her levels should make it easier to gain tangible physical strength too…

“All right then, let’s go back.” I said, satisfied, and with that we let the remaining energy deplete from Eri, returning her to the Material, Shaeula and I following after…

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