On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Four Hundred And Sixty-Seven

Four Hundred And Sixty-Seven

“So… uh, Violet-noona, just why would you do that?” I asked her, and she gave up looking around at the celebrating, crying patients and their families, merely shrugging, deciding the situation didn’t matter.

“Why not? Look, I took charge because I can’t trust my little brother, he’s too timid.” Kang Da protested beside her, but she paid him no mind. “And what with One through Four…” she paused, saddened, perhaps remembering how many of them had perished. “…no, it’s fine. One, Two, Three and Four will live on through their replacements. It’s happened before…”

“Isn’t that a bit callous?” Hinata asked, frowning, though I could see the calculation in her eyes, as she was clearly weighing up what we could gain from the situation.

“Yeah, but this isn’t a game, girl.” Violet-noona agreed. “My life was on the line, just like theirs was. And while they aren’t the same when they come back, they do retain a few memories. So it’s a bit like a shoddy reincarnation. Shit, when we die, there isn’t any coming back for us, is there?”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Aliyah spoke up from where she was guarding the patients. Since we were all conversing in English she could easily follow along. Trey looked at her, exasperated, but she ignored him. “There’s that dead girl over there…” she nodded towards the main makeshift hospital. “…and another one back in Japan, right?”

“I think we’re getting off the point. Yes, it’s not entirely dissimilar to Shaeula’s Kin Bonding.” I calmed the situation. “Though I agree, while all our lives are constantly on the line, any death is a tragedy, and I’m sure you could be a bit kinder. Though…” I narrowed my eyes. “…I think it’s just a coping mechanism. I can see you’re more upset than you seem.”

“This is a first, Bora-noona…” Kang Da muttered, surprised. “He’s interpreting your unladylike behaviour very charitably.”

“Of course. He’s a fighter and a leader, just like your big sister!” Violet-noona said proudly, which bemused me a little. “Anyway, you asked, but it’s simple. I’ve seen Shiro-unni fight, and you’re even more impressive, aren’t you? Then there’s your sister, and the others… I want to be the best in Korea, for Violet Scorpions to be the strongest. After all…” she looked at her brother, snorting dryly. “… as my little bro would tell you, I’m not the ideal Korean girl. I drink too much, I like a fight, I have tattoos… and before now, society looked down on me like I was worthless, an eyesore. Fuck them, who gets to tell me how I get to live, or what’s right? I never hurt anybody, I was just trying to live my best life.”

It was then she was surprised as Aliyah smacked her on the shoulder warmly. “Yeah, no shit. Society don’t give a crap about anyone that’s different. All it does is keep the status quo, keeping the men in power in power to do what the fuck they like. I appreciate a girl who gives them the middle finger.”

Violet-noona looked at her doubtfully. “Men in power? Sure, Korea is a very male-dominated country, but you think women are any better? Most of the spite and shit I get is from other women, bitter and hateful I don’t fit the mould. You a man-hater, into girls or something? Not that I care to judge. Do what makes you happy.”

Treyvon loosed a bitter laugh, before seeming to regret his lack of professionalism, the new role he had more guard duty than being a private military contractor. “She’s got you there, Aliyah. Uh…” he took a deep breath. “Sorry about her. We… we didn’t have an easy start in life. We’ve seen the dark side, and it changed us. So we got tired of being prey, and took charge of our own destiny. But living down in the pits, down in the mud… it leaves a mark. And Aliyah, she…”

“I can fucking well speak for myself!” she snapped. Realising a few of the patients were looking at her with wide, scared eyes, able to speak a little English, she took a deep breath, and apologised in stilted Japanese.

“Yeah, calm down, don’t cry. I’m not angry I… uh…” she looked at me, and I nodded.

“Don’t mind Aliyah. She’s always loud and argumentative, but she’s good at heart, and here to protect you. Besides, she’d never hurt a child.”

Aliyah puzzled through my Japanese, picking out what she could, and she looked down, embarrassed. Violet-noona didn’t understand what I had said, but she had grasped the situation. “Oh, okay.” She brushed off Aliyah’s hand, but in a kindly manner. “Yeah, must be rough. Korea has its problems too. But you can’t blame everything on one group, or even if they were from one group, that doesn’t mean everyone is bad, right? Boss Akio-oppa here isn’t a bad man, is he? I mean, look at the relief in everyone here, not that I get what’s going on… healing, I guess, since he helped me and the others?”

“Fuck, I know it. But it’s hard hanging around this guy. Unless you’re like Trey.” She smiled bitterly. “He might be the only one that doesn’t care our bastard employer is stealing all the women around him.”

“You do you.” Violet-noona shrugged. “But I’m not into women, so…”

“You’re not my type. For romance, anyway. You’re just my type of woman to hang with though. We should have a beer after this… or what do you drink in Korea?”

“Whatever I can get my hands on.” Violet-noona laughed. “But weren’t we talking about some important shit?”

“Sorry.” Aliyah agreed, glancing at me, before turning back to Violet-noona. “Just… be careful, all right? before you know it, you might be… nah, I don’t even want to say it.”

“Is it always so interesting here?” Yu-mi was asking my sister, who laughed.

“Pretty much. If we’re not living through a romantic comedy love dodecahedron, it’s shocking battles and scary monsters, though I’ve only just joined in on that, as I didn’t have my Golden Sisters until recently, so…” My sis suddenly covered her mouth, making an oops face. Yu-mi didn’t say anything, but I could see she had understood something. Way to go sis. You were the one telling me I’d got better at not disclosing things I shouldn’t… oh well. If she joins Hinata’s organisation, there shouldn’t be too many problems…

“So yeah, when I gained these abilities, when Serket…” Violet-noona pronounced the word strangely. “…I looked it up. She’s an Egyptian Goddess, apparently. Anyway, when she sent her messenger, promising me power to save the world, to change it to my liking… I was thrilled. People would finally look at me like I wasn’t a freak, some idiot woman who didn’t get what it meant to be a good Korean woman. Always look small and pretty, perfect hair, clean skin, modest dress. Show respect to my elders, find a husband, dedicate my life to him, take up nice boring hobbies, pop out some kids… fuck that.” She growled. “I wanted a life of excitement, where I could be me, where I could be happy with myself, where people respected me for me, and didn’t try and shove me in the boxes they made.”

“Oh Bora-noona…” Kang Da sighed. “You’ve always been a rebel…”

“Then…” she continued to ignore him, addressing us. “…Akio-oppa didn’t seem to be bothered by me, by any of us. And he treats everyone with respect, right?”

Shiro nodded. “Sure, be they Fae, Japanese, Chinese… whether they’ve attempted to kill him, or fought against him… Aki’s not phased. It’s one of the things I love about him….”

“So yeah. This taught me a hard lesson.” Violet-noona continued. “I may have changed, but I’m still not strong enough to force the world to accept me. And I hate that. But… that doesn’t mean I’ve lost. So now…” She looked at me, smiling, and I was struck by her appearance, with her piercings, dyed hair and vivid tattoos, and was reminded of all the prejudice, all the hardships she would face in Japan looking the same way. I mean, I don’t exactly care for tattoos myself, but… mom said in the West they are perfectly common, and usually nobody bats an eye over them, seeing them as personal artistic freedom, But then, the East doesn’t encourage expression, merely conformation. Yeah, not everything here is good…

“…I don’t have to lead to win, right? I can pass off the duty to someone else. And I chose you. I might be hasty, but…”

“That’s just you, Bora-noona.” Kang Da sighed. “When you make up your mind, you just do it. Not ladylike at all!” He looked at us apologetically. “But my big sister has taken a liking to you all. Please look after her, after us…”

It was then that Minister Kang burst in, having temporarily abandoned her duties with the arriving families of the victims of Choe-Museon Academy. She was brandishing her phone, and on seeing Violet-noona, her eyes narrowed. “Just what is the meaning of this? You can’t do this, Kang-ssi!”

“Oh?” She crossed her arms under her chest, grinning savagely. “I think you’ll find I can…”

“I think that you should take this elsewhere…” Shinohara-san said quietly, still flexing her restored arm, barely able to believe it. “This is private business.”

Hinata agreed, eyeing the South Korean Minister with a predatory gleam in her eyes. “Yes, you’re quite right. While it does no harm for those Akio has helped to know he is favoured even by South Korean heroes, it seems matters are turning more… technical.” She addressed Minister Kang. “Do calm down, someone in a position of power should remain tranquil. We have a side room we can use.” As the relevant parties left, Aliyah murmured some parting words to Violet-noona, and she nodded, laughing. Guess Aliyah has taken a liking to her…

Once we were all seated in a small side room, Minister Kang took a deep breath, before addressing Violet-noona fiercely. “I have just been informed that you’ve attempted to change leadership of your Hunter Guild to Mr Oshiro…”

“I didn’t attempt, I did.” Violet-noona sneered.

“But you can’t do that! Hunters are a specifically Korean…” she began to rebut, before Violet-noona interrupted her.

“It doesn’t actually say that. I checked. Besides, if you don’t like it, I can always emigrate with my little brother. I heard Japan is accepting immigrants with our skills.”

“That’s right.” Hinata agreed. “I am more than happy to put in a good word for you, and Haru-chan is the undersecretary to the relevant Ministry. I am sure she can provide the correct paperwork at very short notice. But…” she looked at the Minister wryly. “…is this really such a problem? From what I understand, the Hunter initiative is driven by the failures here at Choe-Museon. South Korea is woefully underrepresented in terms of Chosen of significant influence. Can you afford to alienate two more? And the other Guilds here are grateful to us, being too harsh with the Violet Scorpions and curtailing their rights might make the other Guilds consider whether it could happen to them as well. Once trust is lost it’s hard to regain.”

“Yeah. Our trust was restored by the government allowing us autonomy, as long as we pitched in when emergencies cropped up. For fair pay and with useful support.” Violet-noona pressed. “Let’s face it, the government support here was shit. If it wasn’t for boss Akio-oppa and his girls, we’d be fucked, and you’d be down a lot more Hunters.”

“But the government negotiated with Japan to bring in Mr Oshiro, so that surely counts as support…” Minister Kang protested, on the back foot.

Violet-noona glanced at Yu-mi, who was trying to look inconspicuous. She’d obviously picked up on what was going on behind the scenes, but she merely shook her head. “Yeah, okay I’ll give you that one. Good job. So you get a passing grade, I suppose. But… see, you admit that without foreign aid, we were screwed, right?”

Minister Kang didn’t want to say anything, but under our expectant gazes, she tried to sugar-coat it. “Certainly, it prevented unnecessary casualties, but you can certainly argue that South Korea has shown it has powerful beings, equal to any…”

Had.” Shiro snorted. “Besides, saying your country has the best villains isn’t exactly an endorsement. I have to admit, they were a pain, but nothing we can’t handle, right?” She looked around to nods from my sis and the others. “And sure, you might shake out another few, or find some spiritual beings who can protect you, but… compared to the threats we face, it won’t be enough.”

“Yeah, just what I was thinking, Shiro-unni!” Violet-noona said with sparkling eyes. “The whole point of Hunter Guilds wasn’t just to make money, but to band together and live our best lives, and not end up used up and dead like others. Sure, money as well…” she grinned.

“I quite agree. Profiting from any talent is simple free-market capitalism. Though we also embrace altruism too. We want to do good… but not be sacrificed just because we have gifts others don’t.” Hinata declared. “So, Minister, I would have thought you’d rejoice at having a connection with Akio and the others.”

“It’s not that simple.” Minister Kang was frustrated. “Setting aside the damage this would cause to the Hunter system…”

“Damage? It might well encourage Chosen to emigrate to South Korea, much as we are hoping to attract talent to Japan…” Hinata disagreed, and the Minister held in a sour look.

“Yes, but… relying on outsiders, especially Japanese…” she began again, and I felt the need to step in.

“Yes, I get it. Japan and South Korea have rather strained diplomatic relations. But that was then. Even if you disregard the threat of apocalypse, China is surely a looming danger. I know your country must be aware of what is going on.”

“Kyoto…” Minister Kang sighed. “Mr Oshiro, we do understand the danger, but… old fears die hard. Many in government worry if we let outside powers once more influence Korea, this time we will be swallowed up, occupied, dominated…”

“Who cares?” Violet-noona scoffed. “The weak and the different are always pushed about. I don’t want to be treated like that, not when I put my life on the line, my little brother did too. Choice is the privilege of the strong. Besides…” she looked at me, eyes narrowing. “Britain doesn’t seem to worry, right? They’re trumpeting your alliance, calling you the Heroes of Britain. We could have the same… in fact, wouldn’t a three-way alliance be better?”

“Certainly there are potential diplomatic gains, but…” Minister Kang began, agitated. “…it goes against the policy…”

“Then fix your fucking policy.” Violet-noona snarled, clearly exasperated. “Make changes to the law. But when I made the changes to our Guild, it was legal, so you can’t take that back. Or we’ll quit Korea, and I’ll talk to Choi Ji-ho and Lee Jong-su, plus any other Guild Leaders I can find… last I checked, you can’t restrict that.”

Maybe I should step in. “Minister, I don’t fully understand what being a Hunter entails, especially not a Guild Leader, but I do know we came here to try and bolster relations. I envisage something similar to our alliance with Princess Eleanor of Britain, a mutual defence pact, and potential sharing of knowledge, resources and training. I think it could be a win-win. I mean, we’re the stronger party, so while it’s natural to fear coercion, it also means we have more to offer, and you a lot less to lose.” I nodded at Violet-noona. “So, just what do you want from me, and what do I have to give in return? Then I’ll tell you what I want.”

“Great.” she seemed enthusiastic, knowing I was potentially on-board with it. “Basically, in exchange for being called upon in emergencies for fair pay, we get tax breaks, favourable treatment in other ways, and we can refuse certain tasks. Though…” she frowned. “…asking you to drop everything and defend Korea in an emergency might conflict with your own wishes…”

“If trouble breaks out everywhere, I have to prioritise my friends and family first. Then my allies. Then my country and the countries allied with us.” I admitted. “But…” That’s the point of the training school and other measures, as well as gathering Chosen. While I still don’t want to send anyone into danger alone, it’s wrong of me to say Shiro, Shaeula, Hyacinth and Daiyu can’t hold their own… and others will be joining them. Even my sis acquitted herself well… Seeming to read my thoughts my sis gave me a thumbs-up, puffing out her chest proudly. “…I have ways of making things possible. We would need free access to South Korea for me and my fellow new Hunters…” I smiled, thinking I would have to register a lot of personnel, and we’d certainly outnumber any other Guild. “…and also concessions on land purchases, import and export tariffs…” I nodded to Hinata, who quickly prepared a list, handing it to the shellshocked minister. “…but yes, as an ally, I’d be more than happy to aid the Korean government with issues that don’t cross my morality.”

“I can’t just agree to that.” The Minister flinched. “But… I’ll take it to the President and the others. We can… look into it.” She looked as if she was sucking on a lemon, her expression sour, but I think she realised that offending the Hunters that had responded to the government’s call was a disaster waiting to happen.

“In that case… I think you should go. This is business you don’t need to know about.” Hinata said pointedly.

“No, as your liaison, I have to remain party to all discussion here…” she protested.

“That’s fine.” Hinata said, glancing at me, and I nodded. “If you can handle the consequences. Chosen and Hunter matters should remain between Chosen. Knowing too much can be a burden. Besides…” her stern expression relaxed. “Won’t all the important people receiving their traumatised loved ones need briefing, the situation handling? We also need to show our faces, after all, we helped in the rescue.”

With that Minister Kang was defeated, and clutching the documents, she shuffled out, and Violet-noona laughed with mirth and relief. “Mean old hag. I can’t believe we share the same family name. I swear she’s no relation.”

“I don’t know, you have quite the temper yourself, Bora-noona…” her brother began, before she told him to shut up.

“So, what’s so secret that you can’t tell the bitch?” she asked. “Hunter matters, huh?”

“I’m going to ask you honestly.” I said, serious, and she gulped, looking me in the eyes. “If this is a whim, or something you’ll regret, there’s still time to back off now. But if you want me in charge, then I’m in charge, and while I’ll help you both grow stronger and protect you, in exchange you follow my orders, and work towards my goals. Don’t get me wrong, I encourage everyone to fulfil their own dreams…”

“That’s true…” Shiro murmured.

“…but saving the world and those we love on it come first.” I finished, and Violet-noona looked offended.

“Fuck it, boss Akio-oppa, you think I’m not sincere? I’m always honest, I don’t give a fuck if people think I’m rude, but I don’t lie. I want in. I want to be somebody. I want people to look at me and not see some rebel girl who doesn’t fit in. And I want my stupid little brother to have a good role model as well. So don’t insult me. I’m ready for anything.” She glanced at the women. “Though if you want that I’m not easy, at least take me out for some damn beers first.”

Yu-mi laughed cheerfully. “You don’t have to worry. He’s not as lusty as the rumours say. Which is equally fascinating and oddly frustrating.” Turning to me, Yu-mi nodded, impressed. “I’ve seen you conquer two of South Korea’s Hunters in record time. You’ve been here less than a day. Now I definitely don’t regret joining Adamant.” She looked at Hinata boldly. “I will resolve their issues over the next few days, you have my word. If so, I want a promotion!”

“In that case, you’ll also need to work hard at training.” Hinata giggled. “But if you can finally pull this last thorn, we can move ahead with what needs doing. So you won’t just have my gratitude, but that of the others. And they are all girls whose debt is worth more than gold.”

As they discussed that, I sighed. “Sorry. But I don’t want any regrets. If you are certain… then I want you to swear Vassalage to me. That way I can guide you and there shouldn’t be any trust issues. Plus…”

Shiro laughed heartily. “You can legally get a couple more treasures from the Tower for your new Vassals. Clever. Besides, getting Hyacinth to set up a Ring Gate, it should definitely be in a Vassal Territory for security. Damn, Asha’s Tree is going to have to work overtime.”

“You too.” I promised her, thinking of her new buff skill. We’ll have time to run a few preliminary tests in a minute, I hope. “But you’re right. This is the best way.”

“Vassal, huh? Sounds subservient, but… you won’t mistreat us, right? He won’t, will he?” she asked the girls, and my sis answered for them.

“No way. My bro’s too kind to a fault, especially to girls. Though you’re an odd one. I’d say you aren’t his type, but my bro has a wide strike zone nowadays. Anyway, just don’t worry and let my bro handle everything. Our overseas expansion continues!”

“Fine then. Little brother, you too.” Violet-noona said, agreeing.

You have gained a Vassal Territory. Your Class, Conqueror, has increased from Level 22 to Level 23.

I also received a second amber message of a Vassal Territory, but Conqueror didn’t change. On asking some brief questions as to why, it seemed that while Violet-noona’s Territory was surely at Rank 3, Kang Da’s was at Rank 2. So there should be another Level in it when he reaches Rank three. Excellent.

“This is weird. I can feel I’m restricted a little. Like… if I wanted to attack you, I don’t think I could without really pushing myself, and then it feels a terrible idea, with consequences.” Violet-noona mused.

“That’s the Vassal rules. I’ll set a low tax rate, I don’t need your ether at the moment.” I promised, looking over their Territory with my Eye over our new connection. Impressively, the highlights were the two Rank 2 Throne of Heroes that Violet-noona possessed to aid her Divine Favour, and was the reason that her brother’s Territory was still trash, as most of their effort had focussed on that.

“So, just what’s your abilities?” I asked, working out how they could be used.

“I’ve got three.” Violet-noona said proudly. “I’m very poison resistant, unless I don’t want to be, so booze still works, or I’d be pissed…” My sis and I shared a rueful smile at that reaction. “I can also exude venom, through my breath, fingernails or hair… maybe I’ll grow it out.” She touched her dyed hair girlishly. “And lastly, I can summon scorpions. They aren’t much use… unless I stick them on these strange things I built. I don’t know how I knew what to do, but it seemed the best idea, and it worked.” She sighed. “Going to have to call more… but not today. I’m too exhausted.”

“As for me, you’ve seen what I can do.” Kang Da explained. “My explosive orbs are slow to create but deadly. I’m not much use in longer fights, but in quick and dirty conflicts…”

“Great. You’ll both be useful.” I agreed. “But… uh, the Guild name…”

“You can change it. Seems odd when I’m not the boss anymore.” Violet-noona agreed, a touch regretfully.

“Maybe we’ll keep a scorpion on the Guild emblem…” I promised, feeling a little guilty. “Anyway, Hinata, Yu-mi, do we have a little time? I want to test Shiro’s new buff skill. I think now is a good time for the basics.” I looked again at my new Ether Healing notification.

Your Skill, Ether Healing, has increased from Rank 9 to Rank 10, ascending the third pinnacle and reaching the fourth horizon. You can now sense the presence of ???????? within Material and Spiritual bodies and touch it, though your comprehension of ????????? is insufficient for safe manipulation. Aether and Adherence are both extremely easy to use in repairing injuries to the subtle bodies, and your own subtle bodies regenerate at a rapid pace. Your subtle bodies are more malleable, and parameters such as age and appearance can be manipulated slightly. Natural aging of the Material body is no longer a concern, and the wear and tear the centuries place on your spirit is less damaging and more easily weathered. Your ability to accelerate and augment the healing of damage in others with Aether and Adherence is increased significantly, and your Aether and Adherence can leave a lingering regenerative effect which persists a short while if you so wish.

As always, crossing some sort of barrier to progress gave rise to the biggest leaps in power. It was also a slightly different description as to when I had reached Rank 10 using Shiro’s buffs, perhaps because I had Ranked up a number of related skills like Aetheric Chirurgeon and Adherence Manipulation, and gained some others.

“Oh joy.” Shiro sighed. “You might as well take a look, Violet. We didn’t get this strong by just relying on what the Gods gave out. No, we train like crazy nearly every day, doing impossibly stupid things if it’ll give us a boost. I think Aki has a fetish for it…”

“No way. My bro was always too lazy to train before, hence why he sucked at sport. But…” my sis grinned. “…maybe you’re right, and my dedication has influenced him!”

“If you’re going to be rude, sis, maybe you should test Shiro’s buff first?” I teased, and she went pale.

“The way you say that sounds pretty damn awful. It is going to be Ether Healing all over again?”

“Probably. Maybe worse. But…” I grinned. “Shiro, I know you’re tired still. How many can you throw out?”

“Hard to say.” She answered, waving a hand uncertainly. “Two should be easy. Maybe three. Four at the maximum for now?”

“Okay then. Might as well start by giving it to me.” I said, unwilling to let anyone else test it first.

Shiro nodded. “I knew you’d say that. So… it’s a non-targeted one, like Blessing of Many Gifts, so… here we go.” She waved her hand, and aether, coloured with some adherence, surged into me. I immediately felt energy bubbling within. It was a pleasant, almost hot feeling, like I had drunk warm amazake on a cold winter day. My Eye glowed, and I could see that indeed, several of my Skills that were close to the limit had Ranked up temporarily, giving me hope it could work. The only problem was the warmth was building, and suddenly my body began to shudder, needles of hot pain replacing the comforting warmth.

“Yeah, this is not nice. Not at all.” I groaned, coughing some crimson blood, which was smoking and bubbling. “Oddly enough though, it hurts a little less than being bathed in Hyacinth’s spores. Though it is increasing!” As ten minutes passed, I started to sweat blood from my skin, a fairly horrific sight, after twenty, my eyes were also bleeding. What I had noticed was that around fifteen minutes in, one Skill that hadn’t been elevated ticked over to the next Rank as well.

“All right, that’s enough.” I said, and I used Chirurgery to clear out the adherence, and the buff died down. Washing myself off with some water element, I considered the brief experiment.

“That was fairly awful.” Yu-mi said quietly to Hinata, who giggled softly.

“It’s not for fun. But amazing things happen when Akio works together with everyone.”

As Violet-noona and Kang Da watched on, unnerved, I turned to my sister apologetically. “Sorry, sis. You’re the best choice for the next test. We’ll have to run proper dedicated experiments when we’re back in Japan, but I want to get a feel for it.”

“Fine. I knew I’d have days like this when I accepted…” She glanced at Yu-mi, unwilling to make the same mistake again. “Just do it.”

Shiro nodded, and soon my sis was trembling, even early exposure to the buff painful. It was then I started expanding my Boiling Blood Resonance Link, and suddenly my sis appeared more relaxed, as a significant proportion of the damaging side effects passed through into my body. We kept it up for twenty minutes again, before I cleared the buff from my sis. She hadn’t bled like I did, as I had contained a significant amount of her escalating pain and injury. Offering her some water, she rinsed herself.

“Yeah, not fun. But we learned some things, right bro?” she winked at me.

“Yeah. My skill does mitigate the damage, and while we’d need to test it for a good twenty-four hours or so, it seems that the longer Shiro’s buff runs, while the injury is worse, the effects are greater.”

“So what does that mean?” Violet-noona asked.

“It means that certain Skills we really want to work at higher Ranks can potentially be buffed. But the downsides need working out. It’s definitely not safe.”

“I guess it’s my turn then.” Shiro complained. “I can manage one more.” With a groan she buffed herself, and unlike Anesidora’s Blessings, it seemed to work on her. I connected the Resonance Link, and after ten minutes it seemed to confirm it worked the same as it did for me and my sis. As a bonus, my Skill also Ranked up, which seemed very quick.

Your Skill, Boiling Blood Resonance Link has increased from Rank 1 to Rank 2. Your Boiling Blood and that of those you resonate with will be slightly strengthened, and the distance at which a Link can be maintained increases. You can further mitigate the backlash of others who are suffering from the effects of Boiling Blood, and the damage to you will be increased slightly less.

“So there’s a range limit, is there? Interesting.” I hadn’t seen such a limit on Lovers’ Link, so I was curious about the difference. Once Shiro had mopped her brow, I offered her some water as well. “Yeah, we need to run some further experiments, but I’m confident we have something special here.”

“You don’t want us to step up?” Violet-noona asked. “Rather than your sister and your girlfriend?”

“It’s a matter of practicality. It’s easier with them for several reasons, even if I’ve no wish to hurt them.” I pointed out. I was about to say more when the door opened, revealing Haru. On seeing us all here, she greeted us, then said that Kim Eui’s parents had arrived at the facility, and she wanted us to be there.

I see. Haru has taken an interest in her, and she’s certainly brave, resourceful and driven, if traumatised by the hell she’s lived through. But none of that matters. I owe Haru, so if she wants my help, she can have it. “We’re about done here anyway with the tests and the discussion, so lead on.” I turned to Yu-mi. “You should probably keep a low profile. Otherwise you might expose your father’s position.”

“Yes, I’ll stay behind. Besides, I’m waiting for Miss Eri, aren’t I?” she smiled, looking at her rather nice watch. “But I trust you can take care of what needs doing.” She looked at Violet-noona and Kang Da. “Why don’t you stay and talk a bit? I’m very curious about Hunters… or Chosen, I should say.”

As Violet-noona and Kang Da exchanged looks, agreeing, I gestured to Haru. “Lead the way. I’ll support you and Kim Eui in whatever you decide is best…” Beside me, Hinata was smiling as if she was about to enter a battle, and I supposed she was. Now that the families of the victims are coming, she’s going to want to see what she can wring out of their gratitude…

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