On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Four Hundred And Sixty-Nine *Contains Status – Eri ?*

Four Hundred And Sixty-Nine *Contains Status – Eri ?*

“This isn’t exactly just the two of us…” Eri said, looking at Yu-mi, who shrugged. “But it’s still nice.” Eri was controlling her cat ears and tail so they hadn’t materialised, but it was amusing that some of her mannerisms had become more catlike, and I was sure if they were there, they’d have been twitching adorably.

“Don’t mind me.” Yu-mi said politely, showing Eri respect. “Consider me merely a chaperone, to make sure you can enjoy Korea to its fullest, as well as to hopefully offer you an outside perspective in solving your issues. Please take it as my assessment for Adamant.” She smiled, and at the word Adamant, Eri’s expression was a little sour, but she nodded, understanding.

“Anyway…” Yu-mi continued in English. “I don’t speak Japanese, so if you don’t want me to understand when you talk intimately, you can just switch language. I suppose I’m going to have to learn, though…” she sighed. “English was hard enough.”

“It’s not so bad.” Shiro said, coming over to say her farewells. “Besides, Aki’s already given you the tune-up, and that makes it a lot easier to learn. Better memory helps a lot, you should already be noticing some effects.” She paused, looking at me with a wry smile. “Anyway, Tan says that you’ve got enough adherence to manage for a while, so as long as you don’t get into trouble you can hold the Favours. We’ll take stock again when you return. Me… I’m back to buffing duty again. Don’t worry though, I won’t use the new trick until we’ve fully tested it.” She turned to Eri then. “Sorry, Eri. Guess it must feel a bit like a betrayal, and I feel bad, but… honestly, you understand more than you let on, right?”

Eri nodded stiffly. “It’s not what, it’s how. But…” she took a deep breath. “I find it hard to be irritated right now considering I’m about to have a long date with Akio. Just… you owe me, all right?”

Shiro nodded, laughing. Aiko then came up and also said she was leaving. She wished Eri good luck and made a joke about being glad she wouldn’t be watching us this time, which made Yu-mi raise an eyebrow, equally curious and confused.

“Long story.” My sis laughed. “Several long stories. Wow, it wasn’t long ago, but I remember your first time together…” Her face was red, and she confided loudly in Yu-mi. “I was in the next room while they were getting it on. I could hear everything. ‘No, no condoms!’” She mimicked, and Yu-mi was the one blushing now, looking at us in a new light.

“All right, enough of that.” I said, as Eri was embarrassed, her ears shading pink. Pulling Eri into a hug, once more eyeing the box she was carrying, I offered to take it, and Eri passed it to me. Yeah, it’s a bit heavier than the one I bought her, but I’m sure it’s the same thing…

“Yes, you’ll just convince Park-san here that you’re a brocon, Aiko.” Eri said, and Aiko spluttered at that.

“Brocon? Says the biggest yandere in Tokyo…” Aiko shot back cheerfully, and as they bickered, Yu-mi frowned.

“I’m not a -san. You can use my name, it’s just weird mixing languages like that.”

Eri nodded, and went back to arguing with Aiko, while Haru also briefed me on her plans. “I’ll be staying here a day or two as well. I want to make sure I’ve used enough Mind Healing Light on the recovering patients to leave them stable, and the worst cases might need to me go a bit deeper with Telepathy. Hinata-chan will be here too, she’s laying some groundwork for our Korean expansion as well as trying to find out some stuff regarding that fancy hotel the nobility care about. Don’t worry about security though…” She smiled at Violet-noona and her brother, who had both been very quiet since new people had started to arrive. “…since we have another couple in our Vassal family to help keep us safe, don’t we?”

Violet-noona looked embarrassed, scratching at her tattooed arm, but she nodded. “Of course. Leave it to us, boss Akio-oppa. No harm will come to anybody here.”

“Great. Yeah, there’s no benefit in the Korean government doing anything so foolish, but we’ve learned to always take precautions.” I agreed. After some final discussion, I turned to Eri, who had finished her good-natured bickering with my sis, and extended a hand. As she took it, we both smiled happily. “So, sorry it’s not quite the trip abroad you probably were hoping for, but…”

“But nothing.” Eri shook her head. “Even with our tagalong…” she glanced at Yu-mi. “…it’s time I get to spend with you. Besides, apparently we need to talk. Again.” she sighed.

“Tagalong? I’m hurt.” Yu-mi said, though she also was smiling to show she hadn’t taken any offense. “This is an important task for me.”

“I’m sure it is.” Eri sniffed. “So, shall we go?”

“Go? Where?” I asked, usually being the one who planned out these things, and Yu-mi giggled cheerfully.

“Yes, I’ve found a suitable location, just like you wanted. It’s a little mysterious, but I admit to being curious.”

“Thank you.” Eri said, before switching into Japanese, which made Yu-mi snort, amused. “Anyway, it’s the best place for us to talk, and besides…” She tapped the box I was now carrying. “I very much enjoy this, especially with you. It holds a lot of wonderful memories.”

I see. Well, it doesn’t matter where we are, so long as we’re together, does it?


“It’s scary what we can get used to.” Eri said cheerfully, adjusting the rather sizeable telescope in the chill night air. “Even taking the train to Inuyama was a big thing a few months ago, and now I see helicopter rides to where I want to go as normal.” Seeing me looking as she adjusted the telescope, she grinned, and once more I was struck by her change in hairstyle, she no longer wore her bangs down over her eyes as if to hide, but now her beautiful features were always on full display. “I did want to bring the telescope you bought me for my birthday, as it was a precious gift, but… mother-in-law Emily said if I didn’t spend some of the money you were giving me it’d make you feel bad, and so…” she shrugged. “I bought some other things too.”

Yes, there was a case inside the helicopter. Clothes I’m guessing? “Yeah, money is for spending. Sure, we can’t be reckless, but… if you can’t enjoy life, why are we even bothering?”

The light from the city was a bright bloom in the distance, but up on the mountain it was dark, and the skies above, while a little cloudy, were sprinkled with brilliant stars. Our breaths hissed in the cold, but despite wearing only a thin cardigan over her dress, Eri didn’t seem too bothered. Instead it was Yu-mi who was chilly, wrapped in a big coat. Seeing her I took pity and conjured a warm flame, which hovered in the air, giving off a dim light but a lot of warmth. I don’t want to pollute Eri’s observations with light, after all.

“That’s amazing.” Yu-mi exclaimed in wonder, looking at the dim yellow flame. “Seeing it in front of my eyes like this…” She reached out her hands, rubbing warmth back into her fingers.

“It’s not so special. I can do that too…” Eri said in English, before cocking her head. “Though not as well, I have to admit. My grasp on flame element is decent, but I don’t have Akio’s knowledge or reserves.”

“I see. But you’re not… special, like Akio here, are you? I mean… gifted by the Gods?”

“No.” Eri admitted. “I’m not. It’s a shame, but…”

“Why doesn’t he help you with that, like he did his sister?” Yu-mi asked, and my eyes narrowed. Eri looked surprised, but Yu-mi merely giggled cheekily. “Oh come on. Sure, I may look an airhead, but I’m actually quite smart. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly intellectual, but I’m good with socialising, picking up on cues and the like. And your sister did say she had only gained such an ability recently.”

“Aiko…” Eri hissed disapprovingly, and I could only laugh, impressed.

“That’s quite the inference. But I could have trained her like I did Eri…” I began, only for Yu-mi to raise an eyebrow, subtly mocking my clumsy lies.

“Sure, sure. It’s not impossible. But you see, I’m now determined to be a leader in Adamant, so I have to show I’m useful. Since you turned down my marriage proposal.” Her smile broadened as Eri choked a bit at that, looking wry. “It isn’t just your sister, though her words were a smoking gun. You all talked about gains from the battles, and then you were testing new abilities, and the strange surgery you did on me with magic… it isn’t hard to put it all together, if you are listening and paying close attention. Besides… you’re just bad at lies and dissembling, Akio. It’s slightly cute, but probably causes you trouble.” she intimated correctly.

“You’re not wrong. Hinata is constantly having to clean up after our loose lips.” I admitted. “Although I’d appreciate it if you kept what you know to yourself.”

“Yeah, I can see why. I’m not sure if just anyone can do it… no, that doesn’t seem too likely. Else we’d be doing it here in Korea.” Yu-mi intuited. “Looks like it’s a trick of yours. Don’t worry, I have no intention of crossing you. After all, you saved my cousin, and my dad’s broken heart. And while you’ve still taken away my inheritance…” she laughed at that, a touch pained. “…you didn’t trample on my heart or body, and I’m grateful for that. And I’ve been offered a priceless opportunity, it seems…”

“Of course he wouldn’t. Akio’s kind to girls in trouble, too kind, mostly.” Eri snorted. “Besides, he has some trauma with arranged marriages, though he’s telling us he’s over that. But that’s for later.” Eri continued to adjust the telescope. “For now, I want to enjoy this.” She paused, thinking, before deciding to keep speaking in English, which surprised me a little. I guess she doesn’t mind Yu-mi hearing her thoughts…

“When we were kids, Akio used to look after me and Aiko all the time. I was shy, cripplingly so… I was scared of others, especially boys, but mostly… I just didn’t care. Perhaps I’m abnormal, but I never really liked other people, or took any interest in them. Not until recently.” As she continued, she looked through the eyepiece, almost purring happily. “Such a pretty sight. Anyway… one thing I used to really love was looking at the night sky up in the mountains back home. And no matter how many times Akio got scolded for taking us, he never complained. I really loved it there. A world without people other than Akio and Aiko, the only two people I actually felt affection for. Other than my parents, I suppose. Well, mother-in-law Emily is nice too. Though father-in-law is a bit scary. But…” she paused, gesturing to Yu-mi. “Come take a look. I’m peering at Mars right now.”

Yu-mi, who was listening intently, took a look. “Oh, I see it. It’s small though. But definitely red.”

“My eyes are much better nowadays. I can see it so clearly, even with a telescope like this. Not that this is a bad one. It was expensive. But it’s even possible to see the outer planets a little, though they look like tiny smudges. But that’s beside the point… even if I do love the night skies.” As I watched Eri open up to Yu-mi I was surprised and proud of her. Eri had gained in confidence ever since that night in Nishimorioka, and had also gained in… kindness, or perhaps warmth? “What does this have to do with anything, you ask? It’s simple. It’s no longer a world with just Akio, Aiko and me in it. And Akio will still do anything to please me.”

“That’s not true.” I felt a pang in my heart. I’ve done so much that goes against Eri’s wishes. All for good reasons, and honestly I don’t regret the decisions, but still…

“Isn’t it?” Eri scoffed, before confiding in Yu-mi loudly. “I used to think Akio was perfect. He saved me from a terrifying animal when I was young, he always supported me, was kind to me… I even thought that when he went away it was my fault. And in a way it was. But not just my fault. Shaeula was the first to see that Akio has huge wounds in his heart, just as I did, Aiko did, and Shaeula did herself.”

“Nobody is perfect, though I can see how you thought that way. I mean, you were a young girl.” Yu-mi said. “But if you don’t mind me saying… it doesn’t sound healthy. That sort of dependency.”

“It wasn’t.” Eri laughed. “But one thing about me hasn’t changed.” Eri moved the telescope, looking at another heavenly body. “I still love Akio more than anything. And that’s as immutable and unchanging as the planets above us. He’s like the sun…” Eri looked down at the engagement ring she still wore, before offering the telescope to Yu-mi again. “…this engagement ring he bought me, was because he remembered how much I loved stargazing. He’s so sweet sometimes. Though the proposal itself was horrible.” Eri said, remembering, her black eyes distant. “I was so offended that he only offered to get engaged to take responsibility after our first time, and he didn’t even surprise me, he just asked me what ring I’d like.”

“He didn’t?” Yu-mi laughed nervously, a touch sympathetic. “That’s… a bit too clumsy.”

“Yes, very much so. But he made it up to me. He redid it atop a rotating restaurant on the Las Vegas strip. It was very romantic, and I’ll never forget it. But it started his habit of making hilariously bad proposals. Shaeula’s… well that one wasn’t much better.”

“I’m curious.” Yu-mi asked, and it seemed a little orchestrated, but I knew she was trying to help us work through our issues, so I didn’t mind. “How did that make you feel? Akio here and another woman.”

“Honestly, I absolutely hated it.” Eri admitted. “I’m very jealous. I know it’s a flaw. I’m getting better though.”

“Is it?” Yu-mi raised one eyebrow. “I’d think it’s only natural to want the person you love to think only of you. Though obviously, it’s not uncommon to like more than one person. Especially for guys. A lot of them do cheat.”

“I know. But… I was utterly vile to Shaeula. I saw her as a threat, saw how much Akio cared for her. They’d been through a lot together, things I could never have dreamed of, life and death struggles. And Akio may act dense, but he’s not as oblivious as he pretends. He knew Shaeula had feelings for him, and his own… but he denied them, all for me. Even so, I blamed Shaeula. I even called her a whore.” Eri’s face fell, and I moved to comfort her, but Yu-mi shook her head.

“You just sit there and listen. You may have heard all this before, but this time… work it out. Properly. Otherwise one day… everything will break. And nobody wants that, least of all me.”

This is hard to listen to. Everyone else… they knew what they were getting and accept it. But Eri… “Fine.” I sighed, feeling rather sick.

“But when Shaeula had to fight her idiot brother’s troops…” Eri didn’t have a high opinion of Shaeraggo, it seemed, probably still holding a grudge after their first explosive meeting. “…and she was hurt so badly, so desperately, just to save us, and I realised if I wasn’t so selfish she could have been stronger, not suffered so much. And more, I realised Shaeula genuinely wanted my love to bloom with Akio, and that she saw no issue with loving him too, and she cared for me as well.”

“So you accepted her?” Yu-mi pressed, peering through the telescope, admiring the heavens.

“I did. And even now, I don’t regret it. I’ve come to love Shaeula just like I love Aiko, as one of my dearest friends. It’s impossible to resent her anymore. Even if she still does rather annoying things, despite claiming she would be careful. But then, she never lies, just… she’s fickle, like the Faeries from old stories. You have to be careful to listen to exactly what they say, not what you think they say.”

“So there’s no problem then?” Yu-mi asked, and Eri shrugged.

“I wouldn’t say that. There’s a big problem. Despite me saying I could accept Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi…” At least Eri had stopped with the honorifics finally. Perhaps that’s a good sign? “…Akio just felt so guilty, it was making me feel bad.” She glowered at me, dark eyes expressing her annoyance. “I wanted him to own it, otherwise he just made us all unhappy. Then more came, and yes, it’s started to get out of hand a little, but…” she blinked, considering her next words carefully, and I listened intently, keeping the warming flame going, heating the air around us. “…Akio, you didn’t hesitate to bring Tsukiko in. I understand, she’s beautiful, and tragic, and just Akio’s type…” Eri said to Yu-mi. “…and worse, she’s sacrificed her whole life for the good of others. I think I’d be angry if Akio didn’t save her from that, but… I’m the only one you worried for, right?”

That’s true. No, I have concerns about giving everyone enough time and love to be happy, but… Eri most of all. “That’s because this isn’t what you dreamed of. When you asked me out finally, that night at the festival in Nishimorioka, I promised myself I’d love you and make you happy. You made it clear that you wanted a relationship that would last forever, just the two of us.”

“Of course I did.” Eri rolled her eyes. “That was my dream. I’m not strange like the Fae, who don’t have the concept of monogamy, or the noble girls, who are so used to the concept of concubines and arranged marriages they barely bat an eye, and Motoko and Natsumi are delighted at the thought of being married to the same man.”

Yes, it’s just as I thought. Eri’s swallowing down her pain for me. But honestly, there’s no good solution. I can’t toss the others aside…

“You can read his thoughts very easily, can’t you?” Eri said, and Yu-mi nodded, having looked away from the telescope.

“You can indeed. He looks like a dog caught out having done his business on an expensive rug.” Yu-mi chuckled. “If he’s going to be a world leader, a hero, he needs to learn how to control his facial expressions. Now… Eri, I understand. When I was told by my dad I’d be getting an arranged marriage, I wasn’t overjoyed. I was even pretty upset and frightened. But I knew my life wasn’t entirely my own. I grew up wanting for nothing, you know? And dad let me do my own thing so long as I didn’t go crazy, unlike poor Yu-jun, who ended up at that vile school. Like everyone else, I dream of falling in love, raising a family. I mean, I’ve dated here and there. None of them were keepers though and I got bored of them easily. But you… Eri, right or wrong, Akio here is the man of your dreams, isn’t he?”

Eri nodded. “My only dream. At least, that was the case. Now my world’s expanded. Look, Akio… life isn’t a fairy-tale.” She said, exasperated. “And … no, wait, words alone never work. Not with us.” Her eyes had a realisation. “Shiro didn’t exactly want to share, at least until she went crazy.” Eri shook her head. “I think she decided if she can’t have him all to herself, she’ll make sure that Akio has a harem of all the women in the world that are worthy. I don’t agree with those sentiments, I’d be awfully pleased if we kept it under twenty in the end…” she snorted, and Yu-mi chuckled, shocked, covering her mouth with a hand shyly. “…but everyone copes in their own way. Kana… who I honestly don’t hate anymore, and never really did, she just made me feel awful, as a lot of her flaws were my flaws, just in a mirror… she’s oddly enough, the one I feel the rivalry with most keenly. Because she can give Akio what I can’t. Because you still see me as shy, weak Eri, deep down, don’t you? You don’t think I’m strong enough to cope, so you coddle me, worry over me, single me out. And I fucking hate it!” she cursed, a rare expression for her. “Words never work, you just hear what you think I’m saying, so…” she looked at Yu-mi again. “You’re going to join Adamant, you said?”

Yu-mi nodded. “Maybe I’ve come down bad with Stockholm Syndrome, but I was prepared to marry Akio, despite my misgivings. Perhaps I’m just a stupid woman after all. But when he turned me down… I can’t say I want to pursue him, I mean, he’s got you and ten others, and I don’t know him that well, but my interest was piqued, and since then a lot of interesting things have happened one after the other. And seeing such confident, powerful girls and women… I thought I wouldn’t want to miss out again.”

“In that case… Akio will show you a secret.” Eri managed a small smile. “Akio, check my status please, and see the proof of how I feel.”

Proof, huh? I mean, I get it, I know you love me, that’s the problem. But… “All right.” My Eye shone a vivid orange, brilliant in the dimly lit darkness of the mountaintop, and I looked at how Eri had improved.

Mori Eri


Bonded Kin

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]




























[Material Skills]

[Aetheric Skills]




Silver Cord

Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Eight Night Moons Chakra Network

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 3

Rank 4

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Third Eye Chakra Of Light

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Light Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Throat Chakra Of Darkness

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Darkness Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 3

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Physical Combat Skills]


Axe Technique

Rank 3

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Combat Technique

Rank 2

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Elemental Axe Technique

Rank 1

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (3)

[Intangible Skills]

[Unique Skills]

Lovers’ Link

Rank 8

Rank 9

Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)

Shifting Cat

Rank 1

Rank 2

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)





Dark Temptress 8/10 9/10 Fae-Bonded 5/20

Spirit Pledged 7/10 9/10 Kami-Blessed 2/20

Shapeshifter 1/10 2/10 Maneki-Neko 1/203/20

“My stats are pretty pathetic compared to those with Favours, but… for an ordinary girl…” Eri laughed. “No, I’m not ordinary, not anymore, and you have to realise that, Akio. I’m not the small, shy girl who used to follow you and Aiko around, or even the girl who fought with Shaeula, jealously trying to keep you all to myself. I’ve shed blood, sweat and tears, faced death and worse, and crawled my way back to being whole again, but not alone. And not just with your help too. I care about all the girls. Even Kana.” Eri snorted again, perhaps seeing the irony. “Perhaps I don’t love them all like I love Aiko or Shaeula, but I do respect and like them. Hyacinth, Asha, Tsukiko, Daiyu, Shiro, so many sad, broken girls that make me feel happy they can finally experience love and joy again. Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi… you’ve lit up their lives, allowed them to follow their dreams for the first time. Then there’s Kana, who despite her shortcomings, has stepped up and proved she’s not just a selfish bitch, but genuinely cares.”

“You… have some interesting data.” Yu-mi said, not sure of how to take things. “Dark Temptress? Lovers’ Link? They sound…” Words failed her, and Eri nodded.

“Dark Temptress does embarrass me. It’s a source of shame. The only man I want to tempt is Akio. But it’s also part of me. My jealousy, my neediness. My darkness element. Apparently I’m rather well-attuned to dark emotions such as lust and jealousy.”

“But is lust so wrong? It’s just physical love, right?” Yu-mi asked, and I spoke up idly, having a lot to think about.

“No. Daiyu is right. Yin and Yang, Darkness and Light. Emotions are neither good nor evil, it’s all how they are expressed, and whether they are excessive.”

“Exactly. Anyway… Lovers’ Link… despite it not being an exact measure of how much we love Akio, and he loves us, as we have all spent different times with him, different experiences, it is a small mark of competitive pride between us about whose is higher.” Eri grinned then, beautiful under the starlight. “I’m fairly certain I’ve pulled ahead again. It’s embarrassing though. It really should be called Loving Link, since Aiko and our parents have it too. But since it was I who awakened it first, though I don’t think it could have happened without Akio’s ties to Shaeula… it got stuck with that name. Because we are lovers. And will be forever.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I get it. I know you love me. I love you too, I always have, even if I was too scared to admit it to myself. But when I saw you in that yukata at the festival, my heart raced, and you confessed, and I knew I couldn’t let you hurt anymore. But I am hurting you. You’re the only one of us who has to sacrifice what you wanted, and I hate that…”

“Fuck!” Eri swore a second time. “He’s not listening to me, Yu-mi. I don’t think he can hear me, because he’s still seeing the me he remembers, not the me I am now.”

“Look, Akio, you’re being dense. And I don’t think you’re faking it this time.” Yu-mi crossed her arms, annoyed. “Eri’s brought you out here, talked about her past with you, the other girls, and you still don’t get it? From where I stand, everyone has to sacrifice something, but that’s life. I think everything is like that. Do I go to karaoke, or do I go to a club? If you do one, you sacrifice the chance of something meaningful happening at the other. Life is all about compromise.”

“That’s not the sort of sacrifice I hate. Obviously I know life is a series of choices.” I shook my head, irritated. “But dreams, that’s one thing I can’t abide people having to give up on, and I’m hurting Eri’s dream.”

“Yeah, you weren’t kidding when you said he isn’t perfect.” Yu-mi sighed. “Eri, your childhood dream, your dream when you confessed, was for a normal relationship, get married, have kids, live together, right?”

Eri nodded. “Of course. I wanted it more than anything.”

“And then Shaeula and the others took that from you!” I insisted, guilt that I had tried to supress gnawing at me.

“No.” Eri shook her head. “Why do you think I brought you up here? Not just because I love stargazing with you. Though I do love it. And you.” She repeated. “It’s because I had a dream I had nearly forgotten as a child. I once said I wanted to be an astronomer. Do you remember?”

Oh yeah. “I remember saying it was perfect for you, as it was a job that could be done quietly, without having to deal with people. That was kind of mean of me, now I think back on it.”

“Yes. Though it’s true. Now while I hardly care much about most people, I’ve put others in my sight. You had dreams too, didn’t you? Though haven’t they changed as you’ve changed?”

I nodded. “Yeah, now… I guess my dream is to be Astral Emperor, and protect everyone I love, and the Earth. Perhaps I can trust Tan to do it now, at first I was wary of her, that she was just using Shiro, but now I know her, she’s always been honest, even if her morality is rather pragmatic, and she’s too proud to lie. But one of us needs to do it… maybe there are some other good, strong Chosen out there, but I can’t entrust the fate of those I cherish to unknown people.”

“A cool dream. One I’d have laughed at a few days ago.” Yu-mi agreed. “So, what was your dream before that? Make money, find a girlfriend, the usual stuff?”

I nodded once more, feeling like a broken puppet, but also starting to see just where the two of them were going. Is it really that simple? Have I been letting my own projections of Eri and my own guilt that I thought I’d dug out fester into this mistaken illusion?

“So, does the fact you have a new dream mean you’ve sacrificed the old?” Yu-mi asked, and Eri was next to speak.

“When I asked you to accept Shaeula, my dream changed. No longer was it just you, me and Aiko, but I wanted Shaeula as part of my life too. And before you say something stupid like aren’t you jealous of Shaeula, it’s not the same… damn right I’m jealous! Just as she is of me! We’re all jealous of each other, and all slightly fearful, because the one thing we fear is you leaving us, being taken away! I don’t care that you sleep with her, because that doesn’t matter. When I accepted Shaeula, I accepted you wouldn’t only be mine. And my dream changed! And it changed again, and again. And it’s not sacrificing what I wanted, it’s evolving it. A sacrifice would be to lose you!” She took a deep breath. “Akio, I love you. And yes, like everyone, I want you to spend time with me, like today, even if we have a hanger-on here…”

“How rude, I’m helping, promise!” Yu-mi giggled, and Eri ignored her, continuing her impassioned speech.

“…but even if we went back to my first dream, and none of any of this had happened… honestly, I’d have been happy. But I’m not sure you would have been.” she admitted, surprising me. “Don’t misunderstand, I’d have done everything I could have to be the perfect wife, but… what I thought isn’t reality. Just the dreams inside my head of a girl who only saw the you I wanted to see, not the you who really existed. I’d have tended the home, waited for you to return each day. You’d end up working late all the time, trying to make us enough money to live on. You’d be exhausted, and I imagine most of the time you’d go to sleep, leaving me alone. Honestly… you’d probably have been happier with Shiro, though if you ever tell her I said that, I will get angry with you.”

“I won’t, I promise!” I raised my hands. Shiro, really? Poor, sickly, dying Shiro? But then… Shiro did understand me better than I understood myself, in a way. But… Eri’s been thinking that deeply about things?

“Dreams are a beautiful thing. I never really had one other than you.” Eri continued. “Not like the noble girls. But now I do. And I’ll cling to it with all my might, growing stronger, becoming a woman you can love forever, not pity. I know you hate sacrifices, but we all have to sacrifice. Everybody does. It’s just making sure those sacrifices are meaningful, and that we preserve what we need to be happy. Even you do, with your worry over us. Though nobody should feel sorry for you!”

“She’s right. Anybody that does is an idiot. Eleven women, all deeply in love with you, for their own reasons.” Yu-mi laughed. “You have power, and fame, and money… sure, I’m certain that you get scared, that you worry, that you lose your way, like you have here… but look at her, and listen to her. I’m an impartial observer, and from what I see, Eri’s far from unhappy.”

“Each of us believes you love us the most. I believe it. After all, I’ve been with you since the day I was born, and while we may have been apart, our hearts were always connected. Now we have tangible proof of that. Perhaps that’s why Lovers’ Link was born. Connection.” Eri said solemnly. “You know, I think that’s our greatest strength. We are tied to each other, love each other, and grow stronger together. That’s why we’ll win. You or Tan… no, either way, it’ll be both of you together. Tan’s already caught in our web of bonds, like a fly to your spider.” Eri rolled her eyes. “See, Yu-mi, you were very fortunate. You can escape if you want, but…”

“It’s quite the fascinating web.” Yu-mi said, looking up at the night sky once again. “I hardly know what to make of it all. I should absolutely despise you, Akio, but… everything you do, every person you are close to… it all seems somehow noble.”

“Because it is. Akio might be shameless, and he has a rather wandering eye, which I just know will ensnare the poor Princesses too.” Eri sighed. “But Tan would never have consented to a wager, even one she was confident of winning, if she wasn’t prepared to pay the price of losing. And her price was simple.” She confided in Yu-mi. “If Akio can’t replicate his Eye, create another miracle, then Akio has to allow her to become Astral Emperor of Earth and support her. Of course, he’ll be her most rewarded follower, and she’ll look after us all as well, but if she loses…”

“I know where this is going. She’ll be the twelfth, right?” Yu-mi said, shocked.

“Yes, a Goddess, a real Goddess, placing her eternal future on a simple wager. And worse… she’s been helping him. She says it’s her pride, but… what do you think?”

“I think it’s almost certainly pride. But not in the way she thinks.” Yu-mi laughed. “Damn, the Gods are really real. Really?”

“Yes.” I conceded. I had wondered myself, why Tan accepted the wager, and was still answering questions and offering adherence in ways that only pushed me towards my goals. Either it’s truly impossible, as she says, and she’s just being kind, or…

“So yes, Akio, I’m tired of this. I’m not weak, I’m not suffering. My world has opened and expanded, wider than I ever dreamed possible.” She took the telescope, turning it towards the distance. “Before, we could only see out to Saturn with our eyes, and other than the moon, they were faint smudges, barely visible, nearly illusory. With a telescope, we can see further. Now…” she grinned. “Akio, we can see things we never could before. Just like I see and experience what I never have. If you offered to go back, just to you and me, I’d refuse. Because I like my life now. And while you regret having to spread yourself so thin, and you should, because you need to make time for us all, that’s your sacrifice, we all regret nothing. Because we each believe we can make you want us, want to be with us. And it’s not just for now, but for near eternity. After all…” She smiled brightly then, as though a demon had been exorcized from her. “Yu-mi, Akio has broken the bounds of mortality. And where he leads, we’ll follow. So we don’t just have days, weeks, months, years ahead, but decades, centuries, maybe even millennia. Some small sacrifices now, which barely even count worthy of the name, and our future is golden.”

Eri’s so impassioned. And… she’s right. Tsukiko, I brought her in, knowing everyone would welcome her with open arms, except… I worried for Eri. And in doing that, I made her less, treated her as the child I sometimes still see her as. But… she’s strong, stronger than I ever gave her credit for. Damn, I’m a jerk. “So why are you so aggressive when it comes to other women?” I asked, and Yu-mi winced.

“Don’t be annoying, Akio. You know why. I don’t care if we end up with fifteen wives, like mother-in-law Emily jokes about with her Rugby team, or fifty, or even seven hundred wives like King Solomon. Just so long as you love them, and they know how to toe the line. But if I’m not hard on Shaeula and the others, we’ll end up with chaos. I don’t want just anyone, and those girls are indiscriminate! I’m the first, and I’ll manage your womanising. I’ve had your first kiss, your virginity, and more. There’s some firsts I won’t get now, which does make me a little sad, but it can’t be helped, but I’m an indelible part of your life and memories, and you’ll always protect me, help me grow as a person, and make me happy until the stars burn out, and only the black, empty sky above remains, right?”

As I stood there, pondering her words, seeing her earnest expression, I remembered her stats. Of course Lovers’ Link will continue to grow. Because our love grows. Yes, life isn’t perfect. I already accepted that. I don’t want anyone to suffer, to make sacrifices, but… Yu-mi and Eri are right. There are always times it’s necessary. Just as I couldn’t save everyone in Choe-Museon, and had to defeat Chae Cho-Hee. But… the limits to what I can achieve aren’t set in stone. In fact, there’s no limits, only what my determination can bring. And right now… I’m determined.

I felt an impact on my back, and Yu-mi was slapping me, though she winced as my hand burned in pain. “This is the time to kiss her, idiot!” she hissed, and I looked at Eri, standing there like a Goddess herself, and smiled, bowing like a courtier.

“Eri, my dear first girlfriend, my fiancée, soon to be my first wife… I do love you. And I never want to leave you. I might make mistakes, might hurt you. I’ll be selfish again, despite my protestations, I’m sure. Not just you, but Shaeula and the others too. I’m not perfect. Really, it’s only because of connections that I made it this far. You’re right. Without Shaeula I’d already be dead, though so would she, most likely. Without Hinata, without Shiro and Tan, without Hyacinth, Asha… even Kana, Motoko and Natsumi have brought knowledge and connections. Daiyu too, and Tsukiko… and without you… I’d never have been able to accept love. I think… if Shaeula had made a move on me, I’d have turned her down.”

“She said that was the case.” Eri sighed. “We were all incomplete. But together we’re a constellation, planets and moons orbiting the warmth of your sun. But we’ll make mistakes and hurt you too. Like when I nearly died. But… because we love each other, that’s normal. Otherwise… we’re just fakes. A mere orrery, gears and clockwork, beautiful but something that pales in comparison. Only when we truly open our hearts to each other and fight for the best outcome can we achieve true happiness. Before, my dream was like that orrery, and I would have been happy with it, but when cold gears and brass are replaced with the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the planets, I can never go back. My dream didn’t change, or get ruined, it expanded, grew.” She paused, breathless. “Now Yu-mi is right, aren’t you going to…” I cut off her words with a passionate kiss, my tongue slurping on hers as my arms pulled her into my embrace.

As we made wet, gasping noises, feeling each other’s breath and body heat, I sensed Yu-mi looking away, embarrassed. When we finally parted, Eri was flushed and bright-eyed, licking at her lips, giggling. “See? I’m not unhappy. I’m in love. In love with you. I have friends, not just Aiko, and I actually have things I wanted to do. I forgot what it was to have those. As I grew up, I stopped wanting to be an astronomer, and instead just wanted to be a housewife, your wife. But that’s not good for me, or for you. Yes, I’d have been a lousy wife, in some respects. Though I’d still have done my best to make you happy. Because that’s what love is.”

Yu-mi clapped her hands, excited. “That’s… rather amazing. You’ve just explained away his rampant infidelity and made it sound almost cute!”

Eri gave her a flat look. “You’ve helped me out, helped me formulate my thoughts, so don’t ruin it now.” She took a deep breath, nestling her head into my chest. “There’s just no way an ordinary, childish yet pretty dream can survive this world. Akio is so big I can’t hold him back. Nobody can. Not even a Goddess.” Her smile was wicked. She gazed up at the moon overhead and asked an odd question. “I wonder… what’s the Boundary like on the moon? Do you think we can ever go there?”

“I don’t know. Or if it’s the moon in the Seelie Court or something else. But… maybe you’ll be the first. After all, you do love the night skies. Maybe you can be the first Astral astronomer?”

“It’s another good dream. In fact, all our dreams keep increasing, every day.” Eri agreed. “But for now, I want to be helpful, not just being a housewife. I’ll study business and what Haru-san and Karen-san do, and decide my own path. Just like the others. But I’ll also do my duty as first wife, and … you do yours too. The more within your arms, the harder you’ll have to strive to keep us all happy. But you’ll do it, because you’re Akio, my sun, that burned away the darkness shrouding me, that warms the hearts of the others as well. The star I always yearned for, reached out after, missing your warmth. It’s going to be hard, as each of us is a woman that any man would struggle to handle, and you’re collecting us like we really are celestial bodies. Still, I don’t sympathise, because this is the path you and I chose, and Shaeula, and those who came after us.”

“You know… there’s currently two hundred and ninety-three known moons, though maybe we shouldn’t count those around Pluto, so call it two hundred and eighty-eight, plus eight planets… yeah, your solar system of girls could get a lot bigger yet.” Yu-mi finished checking her phone, before yawning. “So, we all good now? Have I aced my first trial?”

“I admit you helped. We had a good talk before I arrived and it helped confirm what I wanted to say, what I wanted Akio to finally understand. Some of the other girls had noticed this mess as well, and offered to talk to Akio, but… it’s hard.” Eri admitted, still nestled in my embrace. “Because we mean so much to each other, and our lives are entwined, it’s hard to change how we see each other. I had to realise Akio isn’t perfect. I mean, I love everything about you…” she told me. “…even your mistakes, but… my childish view of you had to change. And you had to see me as a strong woman. Which is hard, as up until now I’ve only shown you my pathetic, needy, greedy side. Which I still have. But not just that. I’m strong enough to be a woman for you. So now, if we have things we really can’t take, we have to be honest, and we’ll work through it. And the others, they’ll help us. Just as we help them with their sorrows. Connections.”

Yes, Eri’s right. As I looked at her, it was like an overlapping image, her old self, timid, bangs over her eyes, quiet and withdrawn, contrasting and merging with her new, more confident image. Sure, she still had her insecurities, but all of the girls did, and I had my own. Squeezing shut my eyes for a moment, I opened them again, fixing the Eri I saw now, in my arms, in my mind. She’s right. Even to satisfy my own conscience, with the girls I have now, I’m going to have to keep growing in every way to make them all as happy as they deserve to be. But… I think I’m up to the challenge. No, I have to be. There’s no other way.Because just like Eri says her dream didn’t break but grew, mine has grown too. All the way to Astral Emperor and beyond… “So, what are we going to do now?” I asked, and Eri smiled.

“We’re up on this lovely mountain, with a nice telescope, I think it’s obvious.”

“It’s getting late, shouldn’t we go back?” Yu-mi asked, and Eri grinned wickedly at her, relief at finally saying what was on her heart, finally having me see her as Mori Eri now, not the Mori Eri I remembered, making her elated.

“Oh, Akio and I don’t need much sleep, we can pull an all-nighter and still enjoy Seoul tomorrow. As for you… you’ve a long night ahead of you. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell Hinata and Shiro that you did well. You’ve had Chirurgery, right? You should be able to manage a little something like staying up until dawn without complaining.”

“Of course!” Yu-mi pouted. “I’ve stayed out in Gangnam partying many a night and went to lectures the next day! But if it’s just you two flirting, I’m going to feel pretty sour…”

As Eri laughed at that and left my arms, going back to the telescope and adjusting it, all the while bantering with Yu-mi, a woman she barely knew, I felt warm inside. Yes, Eri’s not lying. She has changed. I don’t think I can easily shed all the guilt of trampling on Eri’s original dream, even though she asked me to and it was for the right reasons, but… if she’s happier now, then I can finally accept I did the right thing, that it wasn’t a mistake. Now all I had to do was take her words to heart, and the words of the others. Everything I do affects everyone. I need to be sure of not only my own heart, but theirs as well… With a smile, I joined the two of them at the telescope, thinking of several ways to make the magnification even greater…

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