On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Thirty-Six

Five Hundred And Thirty-Six

“Don’t you look very self-satisfied?” Mayumi-san pouted, sitting up in the bed, Ohta-san beside her, relief showing on her face. Mayumi-san was still rather pale, but she was smiling at least. “You could have visited me a little earlier, Hinata, Akio-kun!”

“Sorry, but I had better things to do.” Hinata replied teasingly, clutching my arm tightly, her flushed, satisfied face and bright eyes showing her satisfaction after our love. “Besides, you’re Ichijou Mayumi, right? A little thing like an attempted kidnapping won’t get you down.”

Little?” Mayumi-san managed a weak snort. “There’s kidnappings for ransom, then there’s… that.” She took a long, shuddering breath, clearly still not over the experience, but her smile came back, even if it was a little wobbly. “But you’re right. I have to set a good example for other noble daughters. After all, we must always remain composed!”

“How did things go?” Ohta-san asked us, surprising Mayumi-san, who didn’t expect her taciturn guard to be so close with us.

“All good!” Hinata held up her hand in the victory pose. “Much as I’d have loved to have Akio beat that crude blowhard to a pulp and teach Zozibini a lesson she wouldn’t forget… this isn’t our backyard. We’ve already caused a lot of trouble here for the South African government, even if it mostly wasn’t our fault.”

“Yeah, although…” My grin was rather savage. “Settling the score isn’t something we abandoned. I beat Miss Zozibini at her own game, plundered a little of her Intangible Statistics. It probably doesn’t quite offset what she gained from this mess, but it’s a warning, and I assume she’s smart enough to heed it. But… the beauty is, they missed the real kicker. In being forced to allow us to set up a Territory, they haven’t realised they’ve been outmanoeuvred.”

Hinata nodded. “It’s only natural of course. They’ll be Rank three, certainly. But from three to four is such an incredible jump in time and resources, it seems impossible to get there any time soon. But…” She gazed lovingly at me, talk of expansion, power and wealth exciting her as much as our lovemaking. Yeah, she’s certainly perfect for Ajé-Shaluga’s Favour.

“We can do it. Early next year, we’ll hit Rank four in Tokyo. Then it won’t take more than a few months to do the same in Kyoto and help Princess Eleanor advance in London as per our alliance agreement. Then, while our good friends here in South Africa are protecting our Territory, they’ll be forced to watch as we leap ahead of them, reach Rank four and hem them in. They’ll end up as isolated bubbles of Territory within our greater dominion, and eventually they’ll have no choice but to submit, or be choked out.”

She clapped her hands happily. “I can hardly wait to hear that boorish Nkosi swearing, and see the look on Zozibini’s supercilious face. They don’t know it, but they already lost. Consider it a little revenge for you, Mayumi. Although the true perpetrators are dead.”

“I see.” Mayumi-san’s face relaxed, her smile seeming more natural. “Of course, as my best friend, you understand well that nobody gets to disrespect the Ichijou house. Well, you carry the same burden as me now, so it’s only natural.”

“It’s not a burden. Being Takatsukasa Hinata is something I had to do to raise my value for Akio.” She smiled at me teasingly, before her expression turned serious. “You’re right though. Akio can be a bit passive. Compromise is good, business is built on it, but when we’re going for a win-win, it needs to be at least sixty-forty in our favour from now on. But from a longer-term standpoint, we need footholds everywhere. Just thinking of Japan isn’t enough. After all, I don’t know about you, Mayumi, but I’m not content to leave my fate in the hands of some other Astral Emperor. No, it’s got to be Akio.”

“I don’t disagree, but…” Mayumi-san looked at me searchingly, before shrugging. “…well, it’s not like we were Chosen, were we?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Hinata teased, before becoming serious once again. “There are also other benefits to claiming a Territory here in South Africa. With Ginneka’s abilities and Ixitt’s technologies, it won’t be long before moving materials between the Boundary and Material becomes routine. That way we can use Ring Gates to directly traffic ores and metals between here and the factories in Tokyo, making our supply chain resistant to external troubles. I think that’ll be important…”

Seeing them chatting away happily, I disentangled myself from Hinata, and headed to the other room. Aliyah and Trey were in there, recuperating well after my Ether Healing, while Adelheid had joined them. She was reading a magazine she had found somewhere, though it seemed she was more looking at the pictures idly, not speaking the language.

“Settled things then?” Trey asked, and I nodded. Adelheid looked up, and I smiled at her. She puffed out her cheeks and looked away, sulking a little. Don’t worry, you’ll get your reward for the hard work you’ve put in this trip, I promise.

“Yeah, all handled.” I agreed, explaining what had transpired again. When I was done, Aliyah laughed until her aching body hurt.

“Fuck me, that’s funny. But the bitch got off lightly. I mean, you busted up my ribs good, and that firecracker Shaeula, she…” Aliyah paused, glancing across at Trey, who was pretending not to listen. Aliyah shrugged, trying to laugh it off. “…anyway, I get she doesn’t know you, but if she had half a brain she’d not have tried to rope you into her shit. I mean, I ain’t foolish enough to mess with you again, once bitten, twice shy, and you can bite bad.”

“Learning some wisdom with age, Aliyah?” Trey asked, and she snorted sourly, shrugging again, clenching one hand into a fist, showing off her impressive muscles.

“I ain’t old, bastard. I’m in the prime of my damn youth. Which makes it so sad I ain’t got a girlfriend.”

“With an attitude like that and your foul mouth is it any wonder you’re single? Especially as you like the cute types, sis.” Trey replied, and she smirked nastily.

“Maybe so. But shit, Trey, you get to talk to me like that when you can stay with a guy for more than two fucking weeks. You always pick a cheater or a flake.”

As the siblings bickered, Aliyah lacing her words with vitriolic but harmless swearing, I couldn’t help but grin. They’ve got a good sibling dynamic, and obviously love each other, have each other’s backs. I respect that.

Adelheid put down her magazine, sighing. “It is always like this. They argue incessantly. Fortunately, I only understand the train station, their nonsense makes no sense to me.”

Finding Adelheid’s entertaining idioms rather cute, I simply smiled back, also ignoring the two siblings as they argued, seeing that they were clearly recovered enough to fight, though it would likely take a little longer to fully restore them. “Yeah, that can be a mercy.” I agreed. “Anyway, I’ll say it again. Damn good job during the battles. You proved why it was right to seek you out.”

The blonde girl looked embarrassed at that, idly twirling at her long hair, looking more childish than she was. “It was nothing. It was kill or be killed there, and I embody the Furies. I’m not one to just lie down and die. Though…” She fixed me with her stern, blue-eyed gaze, looking anything but young for a moment. “…it’s looking like I might have been safer staying in Luisenstadt, waiting for others to come hunt me down!”

“Don’t be like that.” I laughed ruefully. “We’ve strength in numbers. And I can tell you’ve grown stronger.”

Adelheid crossed her arms defensively. “It seems so, but I still don’t care for being forced into life-or-death battles constantly.”

“Believe it or not, neither do I.” I promised. “I can hone my strength outside of battles just fine. Though there are benefits to be had in conflict.” Seeing that she understood, I changed the subject, asking her how Christina Bakker and Titan were.

“That madwoman.” Adelheid sniffed, wary of the scientist. “At first she seemed rather distant and possibly traumatised, but… after a few hours on the helicopter she seemed to recover, and while I don’t understand most of her jabbering, I get that she’s working on something.”

I nodded, not sure whether to be relieved or not. No, I guess I am relieved. I’ve little liking for her and what she’s done, but… honestly, even if her affections are a little, no… a lot creepy, it’s hard to absolutely hate someone who expresses a liking for me. Even to the extent of trying to trap me into being her boyfriend… oh, no, wait, that’s just swung around to creepy again. But one thing is true… There would certainly be no benefits to letting her die, and it might even cause problems in America. Though what with Adam White’s likely misunderstanding she’s provoked, as well as her stealing of his Vermillion List… there’ll be problems aplenty anyway…

“Sometimes we have to make deals with our conscience.” I remarked, once again thinking of Miss Zozibini and Nkosi. I’d done it before, when I took Yamato-san’s Favour, rather than risking myself in a futile effort to rescue him from Nurarihyon, or on Nie Ling’s situation. Even something as simple as forgiving Ginneka and her brother for attempting to murder Shaeula and me. Life was complicated and far from clean, but so long as I kept the main objective in mind, which was for me and those I loved to be safe and prosper, I could live with making hard choices. Especially when I don’t have to make them alone. The others… they carry the weight with me.

I spent a little while chatting to Adelheid, which relieved her, as I was the only German speaker here. My phone then rang, and I glanced at the caller, only to see it was Buck Kelly. Hmm, about the Tengokusentou, I imagine? “Hi there, Buck.” I greeted him, and his boisterous voice came back over the speaker.

“Akio, as I live and breathe. Good to speak to you!” He was as enthusiastic as ever. “Sorry for the late call, or is it early? Time zones are a pain to figure.”

“It’s fine.” I reassured him. “I’m just relaxing before I head for America. So, what’s up?”

As expected, Buck mentioned he’d heard the Tengokusentou was being handed back, though he was apologetic in the end he hadn’t been much help. “…not like I didn’t try, Akio my man, I talked to a few people who had business dealings with the Ruby Group. But it didn’t amount to much. Mr Park had similar issues. Although…” Buck’s voice took on a sly tone. “That Yu-mi girl, she’s a real doll, yeah? So, you interested in her? Wouldn’t put it past you, my man!”

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Yu-mi’s a good woman, and she’s very keen on helping with our South Korean operations, but she’s already turned down an arranged marriage. I don’t blame her, really. She’s definitely good fun and cute though.”

“Sure, okay man, that aside…” Buck didn’t seem convinced by my argument. “…you’re my lucky charm like always, Akio. Thanks to your support and the favour I got from the bigwigs in Japan for tossing my two cents’ worth in over this situation, I sorted my business in record time. Two locations for now, Tokyo and Kyoto, but with plans to expand to further sites in Tokyo and more cities in Japan assuming all goes well. Which it will.” His tone was certain.

“…after all, you’ll be a friend and turn up to our grand opening, right? And bring your women with you, at least the ones who are of an age to drink, yeah?” His tone was teasing. “Also, with the theming rights, we should be a smash hit. Think of a combination of classic Irish-American charm, coupled with a sports bar feel, only instead of sporting memorabilia… well, you get the picture. It’ll be printing money!”

“Sure, if we’re free.” I promised, and Buck continued.

“Of course you’ll be free. Your doll Shaeula won’t want to miss out on the finest of whiskeys, I know! Anyway.. so, you’re headed back to America, huh? In that case… I must insist you meet up at my bar for a drink or ten! I’ll get the old poker crew together. Honestly, David Jacobson can’t believe he met you, considering you’re all over the news nowadays. Even better, he’s jealous as a green-eyed snake that I’ve been making business connections with you!”

“It sounds fun, but… I doubt I’ll have much time to head to Vegas.” I’ll be in Washington DC and Maryland for most of the trip, as I’ll apparently be meeting the President, and the NSA headquarters are in Maryland. That’s the wrong coast. Damn, I can’t believe I’m meeting the most powerful man in the world, so they say. Even if not everything I’ve heard about him has been flattering. Still, I shouldn’t judge until I meet him…

“No worries, Kelly’s Bars are a US-wide chain. Where will you be?” Buck asked, and when I told him his tone brightened. “Awesome. As it happens, one of my bars is in the vicinity. And better still, my lovely wife Mary is eager to hoist a drink with you. My better half is quite a fan of your exploits, and sees you as my lucky charm, as I do. We never did get time to party in Japan, you’re too busy, my man. All work and no play… oh wait, when it comes to debauchery with women, you’ve got me beat hands down, like a flush to a pair!” He then lowered his voice, as if he was worried about being overheard. “Also… you’d be doing me a favour. After all, that deal with your doll Shaeula was approved in Japan just fine, but… well, there’s American bureaucracy to contend with. So, making a bit of a show of you…”

I understood. “Fine, if I can make time I will. I might need to unwind anyway.” It’s almost certainly going to be a trying time dealing with Adam White… and Christina is sure to cause more trouble. I paused then, my tone a little harsh. “Also, don’t call it debauchery! My fiancées and I are all going steady, it’s not casual!”

“Sure, sure!” Buck laughed uproariously. “By the Virgin Mary, you make me smile. Fiancées. But you’re a good guy, if you weren’t, I’m sure little Shaeula would cut off your balls one night, she’s the sort.”

“I can’t argue with that.” After some more light chatter, I agreed to liaise with him regarding the bar visit when I reached America, but it was tentatively set for Monday night. Hanging up, I realised that Aliyah and Trey were listening. Seeing me looking, Aliyah smirked.

“If us ‘old poker crew’ are getting together, then shit, I’d better be invited, right? Drinks are on you and Buck, and this time I’m not on mission, so I can get hammered if I want, yeah?”

“You’re the boss. I’d advise against it.” Trey warned me, but I shrugged.

“I don’t mind her unwinding. After all, you both had a brush with death. Besides, if she gets too wild I can deal with it.”

“How so?” Aliyah smirked. “Shaeula isn’t here this time. And you don’t have the guts, I know that!”

“You’re thinking of that, are you?” I raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. “I never would have guessed.” As Aliyah’s expression turned shocked and sullen at my retort, I dropped my teasing tone. “No, in all seriousness, purging alcohol from someone isn’t much effort. Honestly… good job this trip.” I praised them again, embarrassing the two of them. “You proved worthy of a second chance, and Mayumi-san will recover. Anyway…” Speaking of Mayumi-san, I checked my watch. “…it’s about time we finalised our plans for this leg of the trip.”

As Aliyah started berating her brother, saying he was cramping her style like always, and Adelheid went back to peering at her magazine as if to pretend none of us were here, I stifled a smile. I couldn’t say I was eager to deal with the troubles in America, but securing the Seeds was paramount, so… Guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and get on with it. At least I don’t think the Americans will be so foolish as to provoke me and Japan again, so the trip should be peaceful. I hope…


“How fascinating. Most intriguing indeed. The ability to transplant abilities, these Favours, as you call them…” Christina Bakker was almost drooling as she inspected the rather bemused Hinata. I had healed the fresh wounds Christina had accrued in the Boundary, not that such seemed to phase her for long. After a further day of dealing with the tense political situation our battles had left behind and some additional rest and healing, everyone seemed almost back to their old selves.

“…it’s light years ahead even of your ability to change us ordinary humans to be able to enter the Boundary, as you call it. Honestly, I think Adam does you a disservice. He might need to make a new priority on the Vermillion List, just for you!” She turned to glance at me, her expression a sloppy grin, her eyes moist, her face red, her breath fast. I took an involuntary step back, but she didn’t seem to notice.

“You should stop bothering Hinata now.” Mayumi-san complained, rather unhappy with Christina’s antics. We had all gathered, our final meeting before our two groups would part, some of us to America, the rest back to Japan. “Really, you have no decorum at all, it’s frustrating.”

“Oh, don’t mind little Miss Christina. Or is it I shouldn’t mind it?” she cocked her head, and Hinata scuttled back to my side, frowning. “Sorry, am I being off-putting again? I’m… trying my best, you know?” Her face twisted into the approximation of a sorrowful pout. “It’s just… so amazing. It’s like being there when Sir Issac Newton discovered gravity! How can I not be moved… oh. I’m doing it again, yes?”

“Yeah, you’ll never score like that, even with that body. Not if you want more than a piece of shit who just wants to fuck.” Aliyah told her unhelpfully, and I decided to step in.

“All right, that’s quite enough of that.” I fixed Aliyah with a stern glare, and she turned her head aside with an irritated flounce. I then addressed Christina. “At least you’re recognising when you’re being creepy. It’s a small step towards progress, I suppose. Anyway, you need to stop thinking in the moment, and think longer-term. I thought all scientists were great at planning.”

Christina shrugged. Oddly enough, while she still wore her tattered, faded lab coat, she was wearing clean and new jeans and a jumper underneath, looking almost tidy. Her hair had been combed too, and hung down straight behind her. Wait? Is she wearing… makeup? It wasn’t exactly a great job, but it seemed like she’d made some sort of effort.

“Actually…” she remarked dryly. “…you’d be positively amazed at how many scientists are living moment to moment. I’ve often been called a magpie, flitting to newer, shiny things. And I’ve never had much time or energy to spare for things that haven’t caught my interest. I’m… regretting that now, I suppose. I’ve missed out on a lot…” Her smile was rather sloppy again. “…but then, I’m still young and fresh, it’s not like I’ve expired like stale milk, is it?”

“This is all very well…” Mayumi-san complained again. “…but we’re talking about serious matters, not your harassment of Hinata, and whatever this rather terrible attempt to appeal to Akio-kun is.” She waved a hand at Christina, her expression one of distaste. Behind her, Kira-san hid a smile behind one hand, careful not to provoke his granddaughter.

“Oh, so you think I’m appealing? Good to know, I’ll make a note of it.” Christina smirked, as usual missing the point. She realised that, as she blinked, reorientating her thoughts on the now. “No, I’m not dressed up for that. We’ll be boarding flights soon, and at the other end…” She glanced at Titan, who was wisely keeping his silence. He too had made an effort, and was wearing a nice suit, though with his frame and muscle he looked a little comical. “…Adam will be waiting. I have to… uh, well, it’s like this. Maybe if I seem more professional, Adam will go easy on me? No, probably not…” She laughed nervously. “I’ve heard it said that dying a virgin is a great shame, and we’re flying first class, so… at least give me a test drive on the flight. Who knows, you might like it?” More nervous laughter followed, her cheeks pink, and sadly I was sure she wasn’t joking.

No way though. Objectively, she’s a woman with attractive features and a great body, her curves are different to the Japanese. But… Despite that, I certainly wasn’t interested in her that way. Though honestly, I did feel a little sorry for her, and treacherously, a corner of my Split Thoughts couldn’t help but replay the messy kiss she had given me when on the video call to Adam White. Blame my Intellect, forgetting anything is near-impossible nowadays.

Whether it was the brief moments on play-pretend boyfriend that had affected me, or it was my natural tendency to be too soft on women, I realised I couldn’t let Adam disappear her like she feared. No, it’s definitely just that she brought us helpful information, and I owe her for that. I’ll never forgive her for her experiments and complicity in the cruel acts of the Americans, but… if she genuinely wants to make amends, then she should be given the chance, even if it takes her a whole lifetime. Though I just wish her reasons were rather better than she’s got a weird schoolgirl-in-love crush on me…

Yes, women could be just as evil and dangerous as men. Kiku, some of the Chinese invaders at Kyoto, Chae Cho-Hee… I can’t be lenient, just because they appeal to my memories of my sis and Eri when we were younger. But that aside… “No thanks.” I declined her, making her pout. “I’m planning on enjoying a relaxing flight, it’s not often I get much time to myself.”

“I can be relaxing…” she whined, and I heard the buzz of desperation in her voice. Yeah, she’s like a magpie in other aspects too. She stole Adam White’s shiny classified data, not thinking of the likely consequences. If he’s noticed…

Sure you can. I’m not feeling very relaxed now.” I shot back, and those in the room who understood couldn’t hold in their laughter. “But seriously, I’m not going to lie for you, cover things up, pretend to be your boyfriend, but I’ve said I won’t let Adam arrest you without a fight. Be content with that.”

“You don’t have to pretend…” she whispered, and for a moment her expression changed. It was vacant, distant, and her lips twitched, perhaps in fright. Is she… remembering? Christina had gradually started to return to her previous teasing, annoying nature, but in quieter moments, or when stressed, I could see the cracks in her façade. To my great annoyance, this made me sympathise with her more.

It’s at times like this, I need Eri here. Although… thinking about it, Eri, despite putting up a jealous, tough front, can be rather tender towards other girls having a hard time, like Hyacinth, Asha, Daiyu and Tsukiko… nah, our mad scientist here isn’t comparable, I’m sure Eri would kick her to the curb without remorse.

“I’ve got to applaud you for persistence, but can we drop the subject?” I shook my head as my answer. “Anyway… please stop bothering Hinata. If all goes well, you might get a chance for further study… humanly.”

She didn’t look like she believed me, but she did remain silent, stopping her clumsy attempts at flirting. “So, those of us getting on the flight to Washington DC are me, Christina, Titan, Trey and Aliyah, as well as Adelheid.”

“It’ll be good to be back home. The place can be shit, but fuck me if I don’t want a real burger. It’s just not the same in Japan.” Aliyah complained, and her brother echoed her.

“No kidding. The booze is fine too, but sometimes I miss American beer. And the men. Japanese guys are fine, but they tend to be a little scrawny for my taste.”

“Shit, bro, you like pretty-boys, you should be in Heaven.” Aliyah shot back, and he shrugged.

“There’s a difference between thin and lean, sis, just like there’s a difference between fat and stacked.”

“What would you know? And don’t ogle your sister, pervert. Fuck Trey, you don’t even have any use for tits…” Aliyah crossed her arms under her ample assets as if to make a point, and Titan and I tactfully looked away as their usual arguments started. I had one concern, and that was Adelheid. Originally, I hadn’t planned to take her with me to America, I didn’t want to put any other Chosen at risk of being used to try and leash me, but…

“You should be assured.” Ohta-san was back to her clipped, professional manner of speech now Mayumi-san was back with us. Her brown eyes were earnest, and she looked rather noble in a sharp charcoal grey suit, with trousers rather than a skirt as usual. “I am hardly so arrogant as to claim I can protect Mayumi-sama and Ichijou-sama by myself now, but I assure you this…” She exchanged a glance with Kazumi-san, who nodded reassuringly. “I can most certainly buy time for Hinata-sama to act, even if I must die for the opportunity. My resolve is stronger than the sword Mayumi-sama named me for.”

“I don’t want you to die, Katana.” Hinata interjected. “But… I’ve got to respect your guts. Honestly, I still don’t want to be a fighter, it’s not my style, but any wife of Akio’s has to be more than dead weight. I understand why Akio’s going alone. The Americans probably can’t do anything to threaten him, but they can us.” She pulled out her phone and used the translation app to convert her words to rudimentary German for Adelheid.

“I understand why you’d want to stay with Akio. It can’t be any fun, nobody understanding you.” At the words coming out of Hinata’s phone, Adelheid nodded.

“….and I hope you’ve seen that Akio is reliable, and he’ll treat you as a friend, not as a tool.” A slower nod this time, but she did nod, which relieved me.

“So, keep yourself safe, Adelheid, and look after Akio.” Hinata sniggered then, her expression her usual impish one. “Not that you’ll be able to stop him getting into trouble. Just… keep an eye on our liability here.” She nodded at Christina, who managed a faint smile in return.

“Have no fear.” Adelheid glanced over at me. “I don’t think he’s the sort to pull me over the table.”

As Hinata seemed confused, Adelheid sighed, finding different words for the phone to interpret. “I mean, he won’t try and use me one-sidedly. It’s all… give and take, yes? As for our liability, as you call her… I doubt there are many men who can resist her if she tries so hard, even with a personality that shitty. So don’t ask for miracles.”

“How rude. I’m simply honest…” Christina managed, but everyone ignored her. Hinata finished speaking with Adelheid, before she reassured me not to worry.

“We’re taking a private jet back to Japan just after you leave. We’ll be in no danger. Instead, it’s you who is going into the lion’s den… no, wait, that was here, wasn’t it?” She giggled at her own joke. “Seriously, be careful. And hurry back, you don’t want to miss the start of the Pilgrimage, or worse, Shaeula’s birthday is at the weekend. She’ll make your life hell if you don’t spoil her that day!”

“That’s true.” I agreed. “Yeah, at least after the middle of January my schedule clears up for a bit…”

“I wouldn’t count on it.” Hinata shook her head. “That’s the thing about important people, their schedules always fill up. Isn’t that right, uncle Kira?”

“I’m afraid so.” He laughed happily. “Now more than ever you’ll be busy. After all, work is going very well on the factory site, and I can hardly wait to start production, and I know Mayumi is the same.”

Mayumi-san agreed. “Yes, it’s time to start making a return on my investment! If it’s a disappointment, I’ll lose respect for you, Akio-kun, Hinata!”

Seeing her putting on a brave face, I nodded. “Don’t worry, even in just the parts you’re involved with, I’m sure profits will be huge…”

As the conversation turned to back in Japan, my thoughts drifted towards America, and what troubles and opportunities I would find there. Surely it can’t be as much trouble as South Africa was. Although… I glanced at Christina Bakker, who once more seemed lost in thought, disconnected from the conversations around her. …there is this troublesome issue to resolve…

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