On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Thirty-Four *Contains Status – Akio ?, Hinata 1*

Five Hundred And Thirty-Four *Contains Status – Akio ?, Hinata 1*

“What a day, huh?” I muttered, and beside me, Hinata nodded. Ordinarily, she would have been utterly exhausted by the events of the last day, of battles and danger, but instead she was radiant, full of energy, although there were certainly the shadows of concern on her face. Having arrived back by swift helicopter, I had filled her in on Mayumi-san’s situation, which left her angry but thoughtful.

Seeing that, Ohta-san, who was in the room with us drinking a mug of warm coffee, had her usual impassive, boyish expression break, concern in her eyes as she glanced at the door to the other room. “She’s… still sleeping. It was extremely traumatic for Mayumi-sama. She’s always been aware of the potential of being kidnapped or attacked, for the nobility it’s a constant threat….” Ohta-san’s usual clipped, impeccable manner of speech was now more informal, and Kazumi-san, who was also here with us, seemed a little wierded out by that. Seeing us looking, she grinned ruefully.

I suppose for bodyguards, it’s rare to see behind the mask, the professional personality. To others, it may look like young women playing pretend, but knowing Kazumi-san, Natsumi, and now Ohta-san… yeah, they take it seriously, train hard, and are willing to be injured or even die, and worse… kill… for their charges if they must. Adopting a manner of speech and conduct, making it their lives, is nothing in comparison.

“…of course, she believed in Ichijou house… in me…” Ohta-san clenched her fist, full of self-recriminations. “…but she was put in danger, could have been killed… I’m too weak.”

“I feel that.” Kazumi-san agreed, repeating her past worries. “So… no hesitation anymore. I’ll do what it takes to be able to stand next to Hinata. You… can do the same, Katana-san.”

“But I…” Ohta-san once again glanced at the closed door, troubled.

“You’re overthinking things, Katana.” Hinata broke in. “Mayumi’s strong-willed. Some…” Hinata smiled impishly. “…might say Mayumi’s a bit of a naïve fool, but I like that about her. She’ll recover, she’s too self-centred not to. Besides, we have Haru-san to help with any lingering trauma. But… if you want to be strong, Katana, there are certainly ways.”

Hinata’s wicked smile was tempting, like the Devil, and Ohta-san seemed unsure. “But… Mayumi-sama…”

“Don’t worry about it. Don’t you get it? If Kira-sama hasn’t worked out what’s best for Mayumi after these events, he’s a fool, and as I’m sure you’re aware, Kira-sama’s not an idiot.” Hinata draped an arm around Ohta-san, who was still unsure, though I could see her wavering. I exchanged a glance with Kazumi-san, who shrugged.

“Hinata knows what she’s doing.” she mouthed at me, and I had to nod. Despite the chaos, Hinata had remained surprisingly calm, although she said it was because of her trust in me, though I disagreed, at least in part. Hinata’s always been strong-willed, she’s just got the chance to show what she can do now.

Hinata’s grin deepened as she turned to me. “Akio, now might be a good time. Since it’s just us in here.” Indeed, uncle Kira… damn, still can’t get used to that, and there’s no way I’m taking his advice and calling Mayumi-san by -chan, she’ll get the wrong idea for sure… was, despite the terrible scare he had endured, and the worry for his granddaughter, starting to manage the political fallout, from which I’d taken a break, as Hinata and Kazumi-san had returned.

“Time for what?” I asked, and Hinata grinned.

“To take stock. I think Katana could do with hearing about my growth.”

I see. Yes, there had been other priorities, so I let my Eye shine, examining Hinata, who released Ohta-san and shivered a little. “They’re right.” Hinata was a little red-faced. “It does feel very intimate when you peek like that. I think I like it though…”

As Ohta-san seemed confused and Kazumi-san chuckled wryly, I set that aside, focusing on Hinata’s new status. She wasn’t really a combatant, so I’d had little cause to do so before, but now things had changed.

Fukumoto Hinata

Bonded Kin

Chosen Of The Twin-Aspected Bringer Of Wealth And Prosperity, Ajé-Shaluga

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]




























[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Cord

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Eight Moons Chakra Network

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 2

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Ether Healing

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Elemental Skills]

Metal Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus And Root Chakras Of Gold, Silver And Copper

Rank 1

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Earth Manipulation

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Root Chakra Of Earth

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Unique Skills]

Ajé-Shaluga’s Golden River Of Prosperity And Treasures

Rank 1

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Lovers’ Link

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)




Fae-Bonded 3/20

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 1/10

There were a few surprising points to note, but the one that grabbed my eye was her Chakras. “You’ve fire element as well? I know you mastered earth, but…”

Seeing my shock, Hinata grinned impishly, looking a lot like Shaeula when she succeeded in pulling a prank on me. “Yes, I’m not just a pretty face and sexy body. You remember how at first, I wanted to learn wind element, but it was too hard without Chiaki-chan and Chiasa-chan? Honestly, they might be the two best recruits Adamant has…” Hinata seemed proud of her achievements, and of Adamant too. “…anyway, I lost interest in it when I wasn’t going to be an attacker. Earth offers more benefits in defence, and the Levels from the Earth Altar, while not so important to me…”

Her cheeks flushed at that, as well they might, as she was clearly thinking of Lovers’ Link. “…are still Levels. Each one counts. But… since the twins listen to me, and now we have Mount Atago and its rich elemental resources, and it’s easy to get there via the Ring Gate, or just take from the Elemental Silos… I managed to make it work. I’ve been waiting to show off!” She giggled then. “Motoko and Natsumi spend too much time on their weapon Skills, but when we get some downtime, go help them learn more elements, okay?” Hinata showed magnanimity for her fellow fiancées. “Though I suppose they are still ahead of me, after the race to gain a Divine Favour, which I ended up beating them to, so… yeah, I’ve had my rewards for now!”

“That’s true.” I agreed. “Anything else would be greedy!”

“Well, I am compatible with wealth and prosperity!” she grinned happily. “Do you think the fact I have both earth and flame make a difference? Metal seems to be a composite element?”

“Maybe.” I agreed. “Anyway, it seems that the Favour mostly focuses on Aether, most of your other Material Statistic gains come from the fact inheriting the Favour has increased the Ranks of your Silver Cord and Chakra network. Though it seems somewhat inferior to the boost my sis got, for example. Maybe due to its nature, or the work I did with it?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Hinata shrugged. “How can any girl find fault with a gift such as this? I’m pleased my fiancé is a man of means.” Her impish smile turned serious then. “Yes, I’m still not a fighter, that’s clear to see. Status-wise Motoko and Natsumi aren’t worse than I am, and they have actual combat sense and talents. But I’m no longer a liability, one you need to protect so strictly. And if I can master the same sort of attacks Midas used, I’ll not be so vulnerable. Although…” She frowned. “I still don’t generate much metal element. It is as you said when you gave me the description of the Favour earlier.”

“Yeah …due to the incorrectly applied nature of the Seed that enhanced the Metal Element, only a very small amount of Silver and Copper Elements are generated, and Gold Element is also significantly reduced from what it should be as compensation. A bit annoying, but there’s certainly a workaround, other than just Ranking things up.”

“Oh, do tell!” Hinata grinned in anticipation.

“It’s linking the elements to your lunar Chakra. It’s rather difficult, but when you do, generation and storage of your elements increases significantly. I struggle to explain it, and it seems easier for the Fae, but…”

“I’ll ask Shaeula and Hyacinth, Asha too.” Hinata nodded. “With the twins or Haru-san’s help, I can make progress, I’m sure!”

Seeing Hinata so enthused, Kazumi-san was smiling warmly, while Ohta-san was a little confused.

“It’s fine. You know enough about what’s going on, Katana-san.” Kazumi-san reassured her. “Now… Hinata’s beyond where she needs my protection, so… I simply have to grow stronger still, so I can reclaim my role! It’s… not easy though.” She looked at me earnestly, and I didn’t have the heart to refuse her. I’m a jealous guy, if it was a man so passionate about protecting Hinata, I’d probably balk at it, but Kazumi-san… she’s honest, and it’s not romantic love, but friendship. And the more friends my girls have who they can trust, the better.

“Can you do it? It seems… impossible.” Ohta-san glanced at the door again, clearly downcast, but Kazumi-san was undeterred.

“Alone I can’t. But I’m not alone. Anyway, just think about your future path, what you want, and how you can achieve it. And… take it from me. I feel rather inadequate, but I’m still happy for Hinata. Strength is a wonderful thing. Because only with strength and influence can she decide her own destiny. Mayumi-sama, for all her lineage, doesn’t have that, so she’s a prisoner of what others want for her. But maybe…”

Hinata nodded. “When she bounces back, it’ll make or break her will. Whether she chooses to be Ichijou Mayumi-sama, or something more, simply Mayumi… we shall see. Anyway… I’m feeling pumped up.” She clutched her Pot Of Faerie Gold. “Once things settle down, I can’t wait to see just how I can influence the Pot with my new abilities.”

Nobody commented on the fact that my Eye identified Hinata as Fukumoto Hinata, not Takatsukasa Hinata, which made sense, as honestly, she still saw herself that way, her adoption was just a formality so she could help us take over Takatsukasa house. Other than that, Hinata’s status was quite standard. While she was conversing with Kazumi-san and Ohta-san, I took a moment to scan my own improvements, of which there had been a number recently.

[Material Statistics]

[Intangible Statistics]


2075 2295




2057 2279


34 35


2209 2430


52 54


2550 2821


30 35


2149 2373


46 48


2225 2475


34 36


7903 9001


28 32

[Material Skills]




[Aetheric Skills]

Silver Connection

Rank 6

Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)

Eight Moons Chakra Network

Rank 6 Rank 7

Imperious (6)

Rule (5)

Aether Manipulation

Rank 7

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Aether Combat Technique

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Boiling Blood

Rank 1 Rank 2

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Ether Healing

Rank 11

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Aetheric Chirurgeon

Rank 11

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Adherence Manipulation

Rank 5

Noble (5)

Law (8)

Crude Soullight Manipulation

Rank 1

Powerful (4)

Law (8)

Split Thoughts

Rank 7

Imperious (6)

Rule (5)

Calculative Predictions

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Artifice (6)

[Elemental Skills]

Crown Chakra Of Space

Rank 3 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Space Manipulation

Rank 3 Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Third Eye Chakra Of Full Moon Light – Mangetsu

Rank 4

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Light Manipulation

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Throat Chakra Of New Moon Darkness – Shingetsu

Rank 5

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Darkness and Yin Manipulation

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Heart Chakra Of Wind

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Wind Manipulation

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Flame Manipulation

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Root And Sacral Chakra Of Wood

Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Wood Manipulation

Rank 4

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Sacral Chakra Of High Moonlight Spirit Water

Rank 6

Noble (5)

Foundation (4)

Water Manipulation

Rank 7

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Root Chakra Of Earth

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Earth Manipulation

Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

Lunar Chakra Of Seven Primal Elements And Wood

Rank 5

Imperious (6)

Artifice (6)

[Cultivation Skills]

Moonlight Jade Qi Refining

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Artifice (6)

Spiritually Pure Dual Cultivation

Rank 2 Rank 3

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)

Spiritually Pure Physique

Rank 3

Noble (5)

Principle (7)

Third Noble Pursuit: Talisman Crafting

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Physical Combat Skills]

Spatial Perception

Rank 3 Rank 5

Powerful (4)

Rule (5)

Spear Technique

Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Sword Technique

Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Combat Technique

Rank 5

Cantrip (1)

Simple (1)

Elemental Weapon Technique

Rank 3

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)

Void Motion

Rank 2

Noble (5)

Principle (7)

Tsumura Arts

Rank 2

Powerful (4)

Foundation (4)

[Practical Skills]

Crude Soullight Crafting

Rank 2 Rank 3

Powerful (4)

Law (8)

Adherence Crafting

Rank 3 Rank 4

Noble (5)

Law (8)

Ether Crafting

Rank 7 Rank 8

Noble (5)

Rule (5)

Dvergr Techniques

Rank 2 Rank 3

Noble (5)

Rule (5)


Rank 1

Sufficient (3)

Foundation (4)


Rank 2 Rank 5

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)

[Unique Skills]

Mystic Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge

Rank 5 Rank 6

Legendary (7)

Law (8)

Kin Bonding And Restoration

Rank 7

Legendary (7)

Principle (7)

Foehn, Inextinguishable Blaze

Rank 7

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Might Of Indestructible Jade

Rank 2

Noble (5)

Artifice (6)

The Future Reflected By The Moon

Rank 3

Legendary (7)

Fate (9)

Prominence Twilight

Rank 3

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Boiling Blood Resonance Link

Rank 2 Rank 3

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Soothing Waters Of Self-Sacrifice

Rank 3

Imperious (6)

Principle (7)

Seven-League Wings Of The Chooser

Rank 1

Imperious (6)

Law (8)


148 154


Kami-Blessed 12/20 Conqueror 24/50 25/50

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 7/10

Wielder Of Elements, Primal Seven 8/20 11/20

True Faeduine 7/30 9/30 Qi Refiner 2/10 Dual Cultivator 2/10 3/10

Master Of Many Crafts 7/20 13/20

Prodigy Of The Lower Worlds 7/10 8/10

Shaper Of Flesh And Spirit 3/20 5/20

Namebinder 6/20

[Mastered Class]

Fae-Souled 30/30

Wielder Of Elements, Classic Western 10/10

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 10/10

Territory Rank


As usual, there was significant strengthening across both Skills and Statistics. Now that I had a clearer understanding of the missing energy obscured by question marks so often, soullight, and the Truesoul it seemed to derive from, I felt confident of making further gains, and the drain of adherence I was experiencing with the numerous Favours I was carrying had slowed, the wastefulness less, though obviously it still wasn’t manageable for long.

As I watched on fondly as Hinata was explaining something to Ohta-san, the door opened, and Kira-san… Yeah, uncle Kira’s a no go for me, I think… stepped in. Ohta-san looked at him with an expression of yearning, and he interpreted it correctly.

“Mayumi’s awake. Still rather shaken, but not physically harmed.” he assured her. “It’s just shock and stress. My Mayumi’s a fighter, she’ll come out of it. For now though…” He looked at me and Hinata. “All the players have assembled. Are you ready?”

I nodded, an expression of annoyance creeping over my features. “I am. And I’m pissed off.”

“I can imagine. I’m not exactly happy myself, Akio-kun.” Kira-san agreed. “But… international politics seldom cares whether we are pleased, only that matters run smooth, and face is preserved, as our Chinese cousins might say.”

“Kazumi, you stay here with Katana and make sure Mayumi is okay.” Hinata ordered, before turning to Kira-san. “Well, Kira-sama…”

“Uncle Kira.” he insisted, and Hinata giggled.

Uncle Kira then. I shall be accompanying you. After all, I was privy to half of this mess, and now…” She raised her hand, and sparkles of glittering dust appeared. “…things are complicated.”

“So it seems. You’ve had it tough too, I know, Hinata-chan. But then, you were with Akio-kun, so…”

“Hey, he made it here in time, uncle!” Hinata protested. “Even when it shouldn’t have been possible. You try running from Botswana to here!”

“True.” Kira-san agreed, clasping hands in prayer for the two Ichijou House Chosen who didn’t make it. I knew that there was at least one more they had unearthed, a woman who could heal, if not to mine or Shaeula’s level, but it had certainly hurt Ichijou house’s political capital. “And I’m very grateful, as is my Mayumi. But…”

“Yeah, let’s go.” I held out my arm to Hinata, and she took it, making sure that she was presentable still, and once out of our private waiting room, there were a number of armed soldiers. Nodding at them, we followed Kira-san, up a flight of stairs to the hospital’s lecture hall, which had been converted into an impromptu meeting room.

On entering, I couldn’t help but frown, as sitting across from us were some familiar faces. Nkosi, still bare-chested apart from his array of beads, some of which seemed new to me, subtly different, was sitting with his legs idly slung over the edge of the desks in front of him, which was an irksome position to sit in considering his choice of clothing. Hinata giggled beside me, averting her eyes, but she nudged me, as my eyes flickered over to Miss Zozibini, who had changed her outfit to another crimson suit with crisp white shirt. She smiled at me, though there was nothing seductive about it, her beauty cold.

There’s another, who I don’t know. A wizened old man, who could barely have been over five feet tall and was as thin as a rake, his face painted with vermillion and pearl streaks of pigment, was peering at us with his azure eyes.  He was wearing traditional dress and beads similar to Nkosi, though his chest wasn’t bare, instead he was wearing an ochre mantle and scarf.

“Well, look who it is, it’s our foreign pair of dangling balls.” Nkosi sneered, only for Miss Zozibini to raise one eyebrow in reproof.

“Mind your language, great Nkosi. We are in august company.” She then bowed to me. “I apologise for his words, but great Nkosi is a simple man, though a noble one.” She then turned to the others already here. In one corner was the British ambassador to South Africa, as well as the Japanese one, who had finally arrived after making great haste, and the local head of the consulate.

On the other side was sitting the President of South Africa, and a number of what looked like high-ranking politicians. Taking advantage of my incredible hearing, Kira-san advised me in a barest whisper that the Minister for Home Affairs and the Minister for Defence was here, as well as South Africa’s foremost General, and the room was filled with more armed soldiers and police around the walls.

“Thank you for coming.” The President, who recognised us from the Kumba-Stillwater gala, greeted us. As we nodded back politely, his expression softened. “I heard that your granddaughter is awake. How is she?”

“Rather shaken, as you can imagine, but thanks to Akio-kun’s timely intervention, she escaped serious harm. Though I must admit…” Kira-san’s expression hardened, as we took our own seats with the ambassadors. “…if she had come to harm, we wouldn’t be sitting here so peacefully.”

“We understand that.” The British ambassador agreed, as we were all communicating in English. “But dwelling on what-if’s doesn’t help resolve this mess.”

“That’s right.” The President sighed dramatically. “This is… quite a messy incident. And impossible to cover up. The hotel attack was witnessed by many, and the numbers of the dead…”

“They were a load of hippo-dung rhino-fuckers anyway.” Nkosi snorted bitterly. “Dino’s useless fucking goons. Good riddance to them. Can’t say you’ll miss them, will you?”

“Mr Khetho, please maintain some decorum.” The President warned, though he seemed to quail under Nkosi’s fierce gaze. “As what the Japanese and British are calling a Chosen, yes, you go beyond our expectations, but that doesn’t mean you are above the law. Your actions have been recorded.”

Rha! Those hippo-cocks started it.” Nkosi laughed. “Bunch of vultures and hyenas thinking they can fell the Lion of Africa. Stupid heaps of dung.” His snort was loud and derisory, showing what he thought of the dead.

“It’s not a matter of missing them.” The Minister for Home Affairs, a dark-skinned and powerful looking man in his fifties or sixties declared, his voice booming in the hall. “Chaos is to be avoided, and this whole incident has damaged Japan’s trust in us, although…” He glowered at me then, eyes narrowing. “It seems you were heavy-handed as well. This is not Japan or Britain, and you were not invited to aid us, unlike South Korea.”

“Sorry but when those under my protection are at risk, I’ll take appropriate action. I’m not so soft as to let harm to me and mine slide.” I was staring at Nkozi and Miss Zozibini as I said that, and he grinned back, while she seemed unruffled, despite her hand in this mess.

“There’s a difference between not letting things slide, and killing in the streets. Even a diplomat wouldn’t get away with that!” the Minister continued.

“Besides…” the General stated, his stare cold and hostile. “…like it or not, these Chosen are military assets on a national scale.”

“Go eat shit.” Nkosi smirked. “We’re for Africa, not for your useless government, which has done nothing for South Africa, the people, or Africa as a whole. If you think you can use us in your games…” He glanced at Miss Zozibini, whose smile never faltered. “…why not play one of ours?”

“We need calm.” The President declared again, waving a hand. “Yes, it’s true, General. A country without these Chosen is a weak one. And though it was not on our soil… Mr Dino Moloi and his followers, they were South African citizens in the main. If one of our Chosen murdered…”

Murdered?” I raised one eyebrow, rather incensed. “As it happens, most of them survived. It was only Dino and a few others who were too crazed to stop who died by my hands, and it was Midas who killed most of the others. In self-defence, I suppose.”

“That’s right.” The British and Japanese ambassadors had exchanged notes, and were coordinating. “While we would obviously strictly investigate the deaths of any of our citizens abroad… we also adhere to local laws. Weapons, and thus abilities are allowable in justifiable self-defence, when unlawfully attacked, by South African law. What isn’t justifiable is the kidnapping of Mr Ichijo, and his granddaughter, which led to the deaths of two bodyguards, and nearly others as well.”

“Yes, it’s an outrage.” The Japanese ambassador agreed, adding his weight to it. “Mr Oshiro here, he is an investor and business partner of Kumba-Stillwater, here to celebrate that, and the recovery of Miss Lindiwe, which was his doing. South Africa stands to benefit immensely from alliance and investment, but… instead, we are attacked relentlessly, and then treated as criminals for defending ourselves!”

He’s good. He puts just the right amount of passion in.

“This isn’t fighting off some gangs!” The General complained. “Or killing a carjacker in self-defence! Mr Moloi and the others are treasures…”

“Which you could not control.” Miss Zozibini spoke up. “Else, you would never have allowed them entry to the Kumba-Stillwater gala, and to provoke our good friend the Fairy here.”

Fairy? Never mind…” the President sighed, clutching as his temples. “It’s true, we have given a great deal of leeway, which you and yours take full advantage of… but when you were just fighting amongst yourselves… no, this is a mess.”

Rha! Dino was a fucking wild hyena. Greedy and a scavenger, and can’t be trusted. You’re well rid of him.” Nkosi insisted. “And as for why you let us do as we please most of the time… it isn’t rhino-shit like the goodness of your hearts, or respect for us, is it? It’d be too costly to stop us. And you need us!”

“Precisely why this is a disaster!” The General pressed, and Nkosi snorted, his beads jingling as he crossed his arms insultingly.

“You’re the fool, soldier boy. No good having a gun that blows up in your hand, you’re going to have a better fucking time going in barehanded. He had ambitions, but was a worthless hippo-cunt. Rha!”

“Allow me to translate for great Nkosi.” Miss Zozibini took over. “In the longer term, Dino and his cohorts would only have brought you to ruin. Their ambitions were lofty, but their moral characters… to say they had any character at all would be a lie. Besides… all was fair. Anansi tells tales and the outcome is now written. A page which is written on can never return to being blank again…”

As both sides argued over the rights and wrongs of the situation, Hinata held my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. I reached for Eri in my thoughts, and apparently the concert was going rather well. Which is more than can be said for here, that’s certain. Damn it, I refuse to accept any fault here. No… Miss Zozibini saw my glare, her lips curving into a rather alluring smile, and she winked, which made my hand tighten on Hinata’s.

“The issue is…” Kira-san was saying now. “…if we are talking about losses, we have two dead Japanese Chosen, and this is not even a question of self-defence. We were attacked in our hotel, kidnapped, and there is ample evidence. What redress for that?”

“It’s true.” The Japanese ambassador agreed. “Ichijou house has long enjoyed a diplomatic status, this is tantamount to failing to protect a VIP, no, a visiting politician. Wars have been declared for less! Sanctions are almost inevitable!”

“There’s no need for haste.” I shook my head. “Both sides have suffered losses, I understand that. And so long as the perpetrators are punished… all the perpetrators, and compensation paid towards the families of the dead and the injured…” Might as well get Aliyah and Treyvon some cash. They did the best they could, more than I’d have expected against Chosen. “…I can let my grievances go. As for if you wish me to compensate those I’ve injured… do criminals often take money from the victims legally here in South Africa?” I raised one eyebrow, seemingly curious, and Hinata’s grin grew wider. Yes, the days of me being cowed by political elites are over. I’m still up for a compromise, but… if we don’t get the better of the deal, we’ll be seen as easy to take advantage of.

Rha! By everyone, you mean us?” Nkosi laughed loudly. “Brave little shit, aren’t you? We didn’t hurt you and yours, in fact, we’re getting dragged into this mess for helping,  just because I put down a few flapping vultures who thought they could take advantage of me! Fuck, have some dignity and gratitude!”

“Oh really? Then what about Miss Zozibini here?” I scowled, showing my displeasure. You spun your web, your Spider Tales, and pulled on all our strings. Me, Midas, Dino… so this could all be laid at your door!”

“You think so? I’m flattered.” She titled her head, smiling, dark skin and hair accentuating her charms. I blinked, not vulnerable to her allure, strong though it was, the gap between her cool demeanour and her seductive one emphasising her beauty.

“I know so.” I shook my head, and her laugh was bright, musical.

“You give me far too much credit. Yes, you became part of a tale, and I certainly cannot deny I set a few strands myself, but… I am not Anansi, nor Qamata. I am no Goddess, with knowledge of all things, of how events will play out. I simply saw a chance. And it was a fair trade, no? Did you not retrieve what you sought here in our African continent?”

“Didn’t you get what you wanted too?” I shot back. “But… Mayumi-san…”

“Mayumi-chan…” Kira-san whispered inaudibly to others.

“We can hardly be held responsible for the evils of others. I saw the tale, I made small adjustments, so that all the participants were able to write their roles. You came seeking treasures. Poor King Midas and his wife, hands that turn all they touch to gold are cold, and one must be careful not to overreach and turn to gold themselves. As for Dino… great Nkosi is right. He is a hyena that thinks himself a lion. Hyenas have cunning, and sharp fangs, but when against true strength, a pack of hyenas will cast aside their wounded and weak as bait to distract their predators. Sadly, Dino was unaware that in this tale, he was not the predator…”

“And what of you?” I asked.

“We simply played our part as well. You would have found conflict, it was inevitable. We merely steered it a little. And in doing so, benefitted. As did you.”

“But…” I began, only for Hinata to speak up.

“Maybe so. But intent matters. Mayumi is the cream of Japanese nobility, a flower loved by all…”

I held in a grin at that. Mayumi-san was certainly pretty, but her personality was too domineering for my taste, without the redeeming charm of Shaeula. Though to be fair, bold women are fine by me. Now that she’s not looking down on Hinata, anyway…

“…if she is left traumatised by this incident, it will be a national disgrace, a slap in the face to the nobility of Japan. Imagine if we were to put at risk the daughter of your President for one of our schemes, even if you benefitted? Wouldn’t it lead to cries for redress, anger that we had no respect for South Africa and its important people?” Hinata’s words were reasonable. “Yes, we came to South Africa to find something, but it was found in Botswana, so you have no cause to complain.” She addressed the South African contingent, explaining everything calmly, her newfound confidence from her Favour shining through. “We are clearly the victims here.”

Rha! That rude little girl…” Nkosi began, before Miss Zozibini stopped him with a gentle laugh.

“Now, great Nkosi, don’t be rude. The rich have their own styles. Now…” she smiled at Hinata. “I understand what you are driving at. Very… business minded. Now, what will you demand in exchange for the humble part we played in your misfortunes? Though bear in mind, without brave Nkosi defeating a number of Dino Moloi’s forces, it could have been far worse, and even without our prompting, your presence here would have drawn his ire in any case.”

“Why don’t you tell me?” Hinata asked, and everyone else faded into the background, as it seemed only Hinata and Miss Zozibini were present. Imagining Hinata with a gleaming aura of gold, confronting Miss Zozibini in a spider web, I wasn’t the only one waiting for their words.

“After all… you’re a cunning woman. A spider indeed.” Hinata’s grin was teasing yet harsh. “If you can read a story as well as you say you can, you must know this was never going to fly.”

“If you don’t like it, little girl, I can come over there and turn you over my knee and give you a fucking spanking.” Nkosi snarled.

“If you did that, Akio would kill you.” She laughed, unconcerned, not taking her eyes off Miss Zozibini.

“That rhino-cunt, I could…” he began, only to stop as he felt my gaze on him. He smirked, to show he wasn’t afraid, and his hand glowed with shimmering light element, which definitely gave off a sense of danger, but I merely stared back, unmoved.

“We adults are talking.” Miss Zozibini’s teasing grin remained. “Do forgive great Nkosi. He is a leader, but also a man. And men can be childish, no?” She spoke as if Hinata was a close friend, her manner charming and informal. “But we would rather be friends, despite his bluster. So… you think I already know the answer you seek?”

“Your confidence says so. Honestly, if you provoke Akio like this, you’re either a fool or you’re confident you have something to soothe our anger.”

“How very amusing. In that case…” Miss Zozibini nodded. “…I hardly believe I am a fool. So yes.” She gestured to the wizened, small man beside her. “I did so happen to bring the one thing you need the most now. So the threads and skeins of the story say. Consider it our heartfelt apology for the unfortunate deaths of your bodyguards, and the trauma to the young Miss. If it was just the danger you were in, you would surely have to consider it the perils of being Chosen, no?”

Hinata snorted, realising Miss Zozibini knew more than she was letting on, and had clearly realised Hinata’s new status. She glanced at me, and I nodded. I trust you to handle this. But…what do I need most right now? After all, I’ve retrieved the Seeds…

“In that case, if we receive an apology…” Hinata began.

Nkozi growled at that, but Miss Zozibini had no shame, bowing deeply.

“Indeed. I am sorry. Especially since he bravely defended me from an unfair Scales Of Judgement. The story was crueller than I imagined. But… trust me. The Fairy Mmoatia will not leave… disadvantaged. Four for two. It seems fair to me. Let them be frozen, halted.” She tapped the old man on his shoulder. “After all, what you need most is time. Let our friend here call upon Khonsu, and his moon shall steal your time… holding four, no… five… in a frozen moment. It seems you have a great affinity with the moon. Is it not wonderous, how all these tales come together?”

Hinata turned to me, understanding, and I nodded. It’s true. Going to America now is important, any delay could compromise my chance of getting the Seeds from Egil Andersen’s corpse. But also… I’m overloaded. So… Narrowing my eyes, I decided to listen to her, despite my annoyance at how we were used for their ends. Though… I’m not foolish enough to trust her unconditionally. I’ll not be strangled by her threads of spider silk like Dino and Midas were…

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