On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Five Hundred And Forty

Five Hundred And Forty

“So, then the stupid bastard goes and asks Aliyah if she’s done playing for the other team, and if she’s happier now she’s got a taste of a man’s rod, a hero’s, no less.” Trey was waving his half-drunk glass for emphasis, clearly tipsy and amused. “Of course, I tried to calm her down, but…”

All eyes turned to Aliyah, all except for Adelheid, who was sipping from a glass mug of beer, well satisfied, though she had complained bitterly at first that American beer was awful. Fortunately the bar did stock some European bottles, so she was drinking one happily. Belgian, I think?

“Dumb dipshit. He’s lucky I didn’t knock out his teeth, just busted up his nose a bit. And he’s an ugly fuck, nobody can tell the difference.” Aliyah shrugged, her expression a little awkward as she noticed Buck and David couldn’t help but check out her chest as it bounced. As for me… nope, no way I’m getting caught doing that. Besides… my vision’s nearly three-sixty anyway. Unless I was doing other matters or trying to recover ether, I usually left one Split Thought processing expanded sensory input, it was good training in the Skill and also mental stats.

“…anyway…” Trey took over again. “That started a bit of a brawl. A few of his guys were there, and a couple of other Captains joined in for fun, though…” He smirked at his sister, who was angry, but still in control of her temper. “…wouldn’t surprise me if a few of them just wanted to cop a feel during the scrap.”

“Normally, the price for that is high. Ain’t it?” she sneered at me, and I had to smile. Hey, I did let you hit me. Not my fault it didn’t do anything to me.

“There’s a story there, I know it!” David grinned, and Buck nodded.

“You’re not wrong, old buddy. But I’m a gentleman, and I’d never dish the dirt on a doll like Aliyah. Besides…” He turned to Mrs Kelly, kissing her on the cheek gently, making her flush a little. “…I’m a happily married man, I leave the playing around to the younger generation. Though…” he pointed, and we could see the busy Fae-themed bar through the glass surrounding our luxury booth. “…Shaeula, she sure is a wicked one. No mercy on men or women.”

Aliyah grunted. “She sure is. Bad to the bone, cute as hell, but she’s got a mean streak and loves to tease.” She then paused, embarrassed. “Shit, don’t get the wrong idea. It was only a hug. A hug! I lost a bet, that’s all. Bitch cheated me!”

“I think you were trying to cheat her first.” I replied mildly, my treacherous mind remembering Aliyah, naked as the day she was born, big and muscular in a way no other girl I’d been around was. Well, it’s all water under the bridge. Honestly, she’s crude, short-tempered and not a fan of me, but… she and Trey do have their positives. And since they’ve accepted my deal, they’ve worked for me wholeheartedly. I’ve forgiven them for their part in the attack on me. And why not? They’re right. They kept Aiko and Eri out of the mess I caused.

“Maybe so, but… oh, fuck it. Done is done. Anyway, my point is, none of those bastards would enter my eyes, even if I was in the market for a guy. I’ve got standards, yeah?” She then paused, glancing at Mrs Kelly. “Oh, sorry. I should mind my language.”

Mrs Kelly shook her head gently. “It’s fine, dear. I’ve a fair share of Irish blood in me, a bit of colourful language won’t upset me. You should hear Buck swear when he’s losing at cards or on the horses. Drinking, gambling and cursing, the trio of Irish vices!”

“And I fear I am prey to them all.” Buck admitted. “So… Aliyah, doll, what happened next?”

“Simple. Trey didn’t even need to step in.” She downed her drink and clenched one fist. “If it was before, their numbers would have overpowered me. Sure, I’d have taken a few bruises, but we’re professionals. We’d not do more than brawl, no lasting injuries. I’d have busted up a few more noses though.” She sniggered, tossing her head, beads jingling softly. “This time though, the dumb shits haven’t worked out the world’s changed. I beat the fuck out of all of them. They’ll be nursing aches and pains all day tomorrow. Serves them right. I ain’t giving up on my dream of a cute girlfriend, not even for you.” She smirked at me. “Besides, you’ve got your hands full with the madwoman there.”

“How rude!” Christina, who was lying against my shoulder, face alarmingly flushed, giggled. “I’m not mad… unless I’m mad for knowledge… no, madly in love? Yes, that one, that one!”

“Fuck me, she’s an awful drunk.” Aliyah rolled her eyes. “And she’s staying in your room tonight? I’d normally call bullshit on that, saying you wanted to take advantage of her… but it’s not like I don’t know she’s more than willing.” She let out a cavernous sigh as Christina giggled, nodding, trying to kiss my cheek, so I held her at bay with my free hand, which she then began to lick, which was rather annoying.

“I can learn. And having that giant Shaeula staring, it creeps me out but makes me think.” Aliyah shuddered. “Anyway, it wasn’t all just fun and games. We got the intel you needed. Though it doesn’t make a lot of sense, ain’t that right, Trey?”

“Yeah. There’s the usual crap, though more of the missions involve assisting in actions against others like you two.” He nodded at Adelheid and I. “Usually support or area suppression. We’re hardly equipped to handle what the US government can’t. Damn, gives me shivers remembering.” He did indeed shudder, like his sister did earlier. Yeah, they’re quite a lot alike, as much as they bicker and fight.

“Anyway, cutting through the crap, one thing of note was that rumours have been circulating about some strange deals for weapons. Mostly in Russia, there’s a crap-ton of old AK’s and RPG’s in circulation there. But I’ve also heard tell of a few raids, jacking more upmarket equipment from Europe and even some in our own backyard, the US. Once or twice could be coincidence, but this many? No way.”

“Yeah, and obviously, since we get a lot of our gear from these same channels, so do most PMC’s, people have taken note. A couple of groups have just up and vanished, poof, into fucking thin air!” Aliyah drained another glass of Fae liquor and waved the empty vessel to emphasise her point. “Shit, this stuff is awesome. You know, Luciana gets to drink this all the time, rubs it in my face. Thinks she’s a bigshot now, just because she wears the damn uniform…”

“Aliyah…” Trey warned, and she paused, grinning shamefacedly, before refilling her glass.

“Yeah, shit, sorry. Getting off-topic there. And she does share with me, so I guess she’s not all bad. “Anyway, yeah… we know usually when a Company is liquidated, we hear on the grapevine. Like that redneck bastard Alex Trakand and his team. But these… not a whisper. It means trouble, and I ain’t exaggerating.”

“I agree.” Trey nodded, supporting her. “We’ll keep digging tomorrow, when the hangovers and the bruises fade. But… I’ve got a bad feeling.”

“No kidding.” I nodded sourly. “Me too. I’m just nothing happens while I’m away from home, but…”

“Yeah, life ain’t that easy.” Aliyah agreed. “But you can’t sit at home, babysitting, can you? Shit, even I know your trips abroad have brought in big gains.” She nodded at Adelheid, who was watching the TV, still drinking. “You’ve planned, and it’s just a matter of trust, ain’t it?”

“Excuse me…” David asked diffidently. He had listened to the talk with sparkling eyes, most men being patrial to talk of martial heroics and bar brawls. “…I don’t exactly understand, but like everyone, I saw the press conference in London, watched your talk show with Arisu Arisugawa…” He suddenly grinned. “She’s gorgeous. I reckon you can work your charm on her and win her over!”

“I wouldn’t dare.” I laughed, and the idea was a little scary. “She’s a good friend and ally, and she’s best friends with another of my fiancées, so it’d be awkward as hell. I do agree she’s stunning though. Objectively, Shiro and Tsukiko are more perfect, but… when you add on Arisu-san’s poise and professional charm, she seems a cut above almost anyone.”

“For someone who’s not… aha… interested…” Christina giggled, breath hot on my cheek. “…you sure do talk well about her. I’m a little… jealous? Yes, how interesting. This is jealousy! I only ever used to feel that when I looked at funding for experiments I wasn’t given! But I’m not a woman who is here to… annoy you! Want me to help you win her over?”

“No thanks.” I grimaced, flicking her forehead lightly, making her giggle, already flushed face darkening. Adelheid roiled her eyes and told me to stop flirting, which I denied internally. I’m not flirting!

“Anyway, you were saying, David?” I changed the subject.

“Oh yeah…” he nodded. “I saw the concert too. Not really my thing, but everyone was watching. I donated too. Not that I’m interested in the random rewards.”

“You say that now, but some of them might be worth a dollar or two down the line, right Akio?” Buck winked conspiratorially. “Which one do you think will be worth the most?”

“Arisu-san, definitely. Though Suzu-san’s a dark horse.” I considered it. “And while I’m in there, and just as rare as Arisu-san… generally, female figures are far more valuable. Due to the usual type of collector, I guess. Oh, and thanks for your donation, it does help.”

“No problem.” David shrugged. “We may have only met briefly, but we’re poker buddies, and a friend of Buck’s is a pal of mine, I won’t hear otherwise.” As Buck teased him, saying he just wanted in on the Fae booze and image rights deal, the conversation devolved into a drunken squabble, before my ears picked up an interesting conversation, even over the buzz of the busy bar.

“This isn’t a good idea, Zack. Why must you always be so headstrong? If dad finds out, he’ll be pissed!”

“Oh come on Beth, lighten up! It’s him in the flesh, the Hero of Britain, Saviour of South Korea! There’s no way I’m going to miss meeting him, he’s my idol! Besides…” As they came closer, the voice was getting lower. “…dad doesn’t want us using our powers, does he? He won’t even let us learn with the others. I want to ask a few pointers!”

“…but that’s…” The exasperated young woman’s voice sounded again. “…dad’s only thinking of what’s best for us. I nearly died, didn’t I, Zack? I still have the scar. I hate this. It’s so ugly…”

“Well, not like you have a boyfriend, Beth! So don’t sweat it!”

Don’t sweat it, you little bastard! I’m your sister, how can you say that? You want me to end up a spinster, all alone?”

“When you don’t nag, you’re a great catch, sis. What’s a few scars? Anyway, just… don’t be mean, okay? I’ve wanted to meet him for ages…”

Now the others could hear. Buck frowned, as this was a private booth, and he left instructions for only the staff to enter, and indeed, a bouncer intercepted the two, but after a brief conversation, he let them pass. That made Buck’s expression uglier, but I understood. They demonstrated they were a Chosen and the young man claimed to be a friend of mine. Sure, he should have asked Buck, it’s sloppy work, but in odd situations the instinct is just to go along with things.

“I’ll just go and…” Buck stood, but I shook my head.

“It’s fine. I think I know who they are.”

There was a diffident knock on the glass, and a head popped round. He was brown-haired and rather handsome, somewhere around twenty years old, I’d imagine. Yeah, he does look like Director Christopher. Seeing me looking, his eyes brightened, though he was clearly nervous.

“Sorry to intrude, but… you’re Akio, right? I just had to meet you. Oh, you don’t know me, but…”

“If I had to guess, judging by your conversation, and your sister, who’s still hiding…” My words surprised him. “…you’d be the children of the Director of the FBI, right? Might as well come in, then.”

His blue eyes widened, and from beside him another head popped into view. She was older, maybe my age or a year or two younger, and she looked similar to her brother, though her hair was a darker shade, closer to black, and her eyes were green with blue tones. “Wait, how…?”

“Just sit down.” I gestured to a pair of open seats. Luckily as this was the best VIP booth there was ample space.

“Don’t mind if I do!” Zachary agreed, striding in confidently. He was wearing a black shirt which was unbuttoned, revealing some sort of band t-shirt underneath, as well as blue jeans. His sister followed him in. She was also wearing a shirt, this one black and pink, seeming to be velvet or some similar material, and she wore a black lace miniskirt, tights and a fetching pair of black, high-heeled boots. Seeing me looking, she tossed her head, before striding over towards the empty seat. As she did so, she stopped, suddenly frozen as if she was a mouse being stared at by a snake. Seeing that, her brother turned, blinking in surprise, only to also notice Christina, who was grinning sloppily at them. She raised one hand in a wave.

“If it isn’t Bethany and Zachary! How are you both? Well, I… aha… hope?”

“Dad never said you were here!” Bethany squeaked. “I… oh, God, stay away!”

“Come now, I’m here on a date…” Christina began.

“No, you’re not.” I interjected, and she giggled.

“To me it is. But who cares? I’m having fun! More fun now dear Bethany and Zachary have arrived! You know, I was just talking about you this morning!”

That scared them more, so I decided to calm down the situation. “Take a seat. You came all this way to find me, didn’t you? As for Christina, she won’t bother you. She’s… uh, seconded to my service for some repentance. So I’ll keep her in line.”

“I… see?” Zachary muttered, calming down, but Bethany still seemed suspicious.

“I knew coming here was a mistake.” she complained. “But Zack was desperate to meet you. He’d go alone if I didn’t keep an eye on him. Uh… oh, yeah, my manners. Sorry, I’m Bethany Wright, and this is my little brother, Zachary. Seems you’ve heard of us from her, huh? She’s a bad woman, you know? Eyes like a dead fish. Although…” Bethany frowned. “Whoa, is she drunk? That’s terrifying. She’d try and slice you up, dissect you sober, so drunk…”

“How rude. Warranted, but still rude. You know, I don’t enjoy it when she’s cold to me. It’s… enlightening!” Christina drawled. “Do sit down, Bethany. Even if I was interested in your abilities still, I’m off duty. I’m here to flirt and drink and maybe a little more… ehehe…” Her damp laughter earned a sigh from me.

“Look, I told you, you’re not my type. I prefer my women rather less amoral and murderous.”

“Oh. I shall… where did I put my phone… Hyacinth, Hyacinth…” Christina teased. “And yes, that… that gives me those shivers! Such a putdown!”

“I… am not sure what’s going on here.” Zachary shook his head. “Oh my God, is that Fae booze? I saw the prices at the bar! Crazy, on my allowance I can’t afford it, and Beth won’t buy me any…”

“Of course I won’t. You want booze, pay for it yourself!” Bethany protested, still eyeing Christina warily, before she shook her head, giving in. “Fine. Anyway, dad said he met you today, and then when Zack looked online, there were some photos of you entering this bar. Though she…” she nodded at Christina. “…wasn’t recognisable. Where’s the scruffy hair, the lab coat, the total disregard for looking pretty?”

“I’m pretty? Yes, yes I am!”

Ignoring her babbling, Bethany continued. “…I thought it rather risky coming here. After all…  oh well, no point hiding it. With her here, you must know. We’re like you. The Gods visited us. But I know… it’s dangerous to tell the truth. Dad’s said others hunt each other down, kill each other. I don’t want that.”

“You don’t know that, Beth.” Zachary cut in, stealing a whiskey. “It could all be hearsay.”

“It’s not. I’m not dumb, Zack.” She shook her head, face pale, hand going to her side, idly stroking around her ribs, seemingly unaware she was doing it. “You weren’t there. It’s kill or be killed.”

“I know, we’ll ask Akio!” Zackary turned to me. “So, is my sister right? Is there no way for us to live in peace? She can’t be, after all, you’ve got a group, yeah?”

“She’s both wrong and sadly right.” I admitted. Mrs Kelly was distancing herself from the conversation wisely, saying she was going to the powder room, but Buck and David were listening intently. With a sigh, I leaked some wind energy, isolating sound from leaking out. “There’s certainly some incentive for conflict, but that doesn’t mean there’s no value in working with others you can trust. Far from it. The worst option of them all is doing nothing and pretending everything will be okay, though. Only regret lies that way.”

“See Beth, I told you!” Zachary was excited at my words. “I knew hoping it would all go away is stupid! Besides, we’re one in a million, the chosen ones!”

“Actually, we believe it to be closer to one in eighty thousand, based on the numbers from America and also information gathered worldwide…” Christina disagreed, only for Bethany to snap at her.

“Oh shut up, psycho mad scientist! You should be in jail!”

“Maybe so.” she agreed, and Bethany froze, surprised.

“What?” Christina shrugged. “I get it. I did terrible things. I still say the reasons were right, but… the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, yes? Don’t worry… I’ll accept the consequences of my actions. Just so long as the work is done.”

“I’m… never mind!” Bethany was thrown off, but quickly recovered. “Zachary, this isn’t some game. We’re adults, we can’t keep living off dad’s money forever. We need to get jobs, start a family… not mess around, pretending to be superheroes. And then get killed.” Her hand on her side moved faster, and her face was pale.

“But why else was it us?” Zachary disagreed. “It could have been anyone, but it was us! There has to be a reason.”

“There is.” I agreed. “But that doesn’t matter. What does are your choices. But there’s really only two which are wise. You give up your power and live an ordinary life. That way you aren’t a target, but… if you see a tragedy in front of you, won’t you regret being unable to stop it? The second way is fight, grow strong enough to defend yourself and others. The third way, of ignoring it and hoping everything goes away… that’s simply a fool’s choice.”

“It can be given up?” Bethany whispered, and before I could speak, Buck waved his phone.

“Whoa there, newcomers. This is supposed to be a party, to celebrate. Go on, have a shot of this.” He poured them both glasses of Fae brandy, and the scent was intoxicating. Zachary grabbed the glass eagerly, and even Bethany seemed interested. “My Mary, she wants to come back, so… no hard talk, okay? Besides…” Buck gestured to the giant Shaeula and the bar staff in their yukatas. “This is a sight for sore eyes, isn’t it? The changing world isn’t all bad. Else you’d never have met that doll Shaeula, would you?” he winked at me, and I laughed.

“True.” I let the wind barrier down, and moments later after a text from Buck, Mrs Kelly came back, taking her seat, relieved.

“Not every person you meet’s going to be an enemy, or if they are… sometimes you can make common ground.” Aliyah snorted at my words, chinking a glass with Trey, and I continued. “Shaeula loves the mortal world, and the Fae realms… they’re something special, all right. Though I’ve not seen too much of them. Buck’s right. There’ve been some tough times, some sad times…” My thoughts went to Kyoto, where disaster befell the trainees due to Yamato-san’s foolish pride, and where Mine-san paid the price for her belief in him. “…but more times of joy. I don’t regret a thing. I’d wish to do better, prevent a few more sorrows, but… what I have now, I’ve fought for, we’ve fought for, is simply irreplaceable. And no matter the intent or the reason I received my power, that’s what matters to me.”

“And that’s why all the girls fall for him, sis. Take note.” Trey ribbed Aliyah, who rolled her eyes.

“Anyway.” I finished. “Just enjoy a drink with us if you want. But I’m not talking any business tonight. Especially not if your father doesn’t know you’re here. I had enough trouble in negotiations today. But if you want to know more, clear it with him, and I’ll try and make a little time. But my schedule is tight…”

“We’ll do that.” Bethany declared, and before her brother could protest, she fixed him with a stern glare, her green eyes full of determination. “No arguments, Zach! I only tagged along to stop you getting into trouble. And he’s right.” She inclined her head to me in thanks. “Dad’s going to be furious. Especially since we ran into her.”

Christina let out a drunken giggle, which we all ignored. The subject was changed, and as Buck was once more telling the story of the poker match at Casino El Diablo, which both Mrs Kelly and David pointed out was his favourite story, one he told often, Aliyah joined in.

“Shit, yeah, I can’t believe I got third place. Although…” she glowered at me, and I laughed.

“Yeah, I was trying to help you and Buck win second and third. But in the end, the game was too rigged. I could only manage second place myself.”

“Sorry I wasn’t sharp enough to notice…” Buck apologised. “But it was mighty swell of you to care, my lucky charm!”

“Yeah.” Aliyah agreed. “Looking back, you were rather good to me. Though you’re still a pig, who checks out my tits.”

“Maybe if you stopped flaunting them, sis…” Trey broke in, and their argument kept everyone amused, until talk turned to Buck’s plans for his chain of bars.

“So yes, the Fae, they have a great deal of presence in tales of the old country, Ireland. And many Irish-Americans yearn for that land, even if they only have stories from their granddaddy to listen to. Kelly’s is a bar where you can get a little slice of that mythical home. It’s probably about as Irish as our Saint Patrick’s Day parades, but it’s not about what’s real, but what provokes a reaction.”

David nodded, agreeing. “Yeah, it’s about what sells. And people come to bars, pubs and clubs for ambience, atmosphere.”

“So yeah, now I know the Fae exist, leprechauns too, like Princess Ffionnan, you can bet your bottom dollar I’m going to capitalise on it. And…” He winked at me. “Thanks to Akio here, I got a deal with Shaeula, and I finally managed to get clearance to sell Fae booze, though it was a close-run thing. I had the costumes and the bar fixtures ready, but… yeah, nearly didn’t make it for your visit.”

“It’s certainly a bit disconcerting…” I nodded at the watching Shaeula cutout. “…but yeah, I’ve seen people taking photos with it. And so long as we both profit, and people are more accepting of the Fae as a result, everyone wins.”

“That’s so cool.” Zachary was starstruck, and had forgotten the presence of Christina, which wasn’t that odd, as even with her increased stats from Chirurgery, she wasn’t used to alcohol, and had been guzzling it, so she was now half-asleep, muttering and drooling. “See, Beth? It’s not all bad!”

“I suppose so.” Bethany muttered grudgingly. She had enjoyed the Fae brandy, which was indescribably fruity and sweet without being cloying, but packed a punch, even if that kick was also somehow mellow. “You did save Princess Eleanor, I suppose.” She finally admitted. “She’s so elegant and refined.”

“Yeah, it’s a little intimidating, meeting Princesses.” I chuckled, sparking a new round of tales. I was listening to Trey explaining the difference between various types of guns and their use, which left the women bored, but the men interested. Yeah, not every girl’s a tomboy like my sis…

Akio, it’s bad, there’s a problem! Eri’s alarmed thoughts echoed in my brain, and suddenly the sickening feeling of Foresight I was feeling spiked up, magnifying intensely. Immediately, I let Ether Healing kick in, and I was suddenly sober, though the side-effect was my bladder was suddenly painfully full. No time for that now. Eri. Is everyone safe?

Yes, but… can you get Japanese TV where you are? It’s Kyoto…

Seeing my sudden urgency, Adelheid tensed, looking around for enemies, and Christina blinked blearily, trying to sober up. Having no time for that, I gripped her forehead, pouring in ether, and her gaze cleared, becoming lucid again.

“Can we get Japanese TV here? It’s an emergency!” I cried, and Buck shook his head, but then realised the TV was also internet connected. He hurried out to get a staff member to see what they could do, while Eri was hurriedly explaining, sending images to my mind. That’s… the ungrateful bastard… I was enraged and shocked by what she was saying, and soon Buck was back, and the TV was displaying a feed from the Kyoto Broadcasting System. On it was Uchida-san, father of Yamato-san, and he was accompanied by several other priests who were former Susanoo faction and hadn’t come under our umbrella.

He’s accusing you of all sorts of things! Eri was clearly incensed. And worse… there’s more trouble…

Indeed, there was a buzz in the bar, a surprised one, and I could see that the sport had been interrupted by an emergency broadcast.

“Oshiro-san is no hero, he’s a thief and a murderer!” Uchida-san was declaring coldly. “See?” Footage was then played of his son, calling his golden statues. Then it switched to Korean footage of my sister, and her Golden Sister Army. Damnit, Hinata was right. This is why we didn’t want any broadcasts…

“Oshiro-san steals the power and lives of others, spits on the Gods… no, no, there is only one God!” Uchida-san declared, shocking me. “Oshiro-san’s only Deity is greed. After all, he heals the rich, not the poor. Isn’t that the opposite of how it should be?”

I think there’s more to it. Those church people are on TV again…

As Uchida-san continued his rant, displaying yet more incriminating footage, mostly from Korea, but some also from other sources, even within Japan, I was simultaneously listening to Eri while watching the footage on the TV outside.

“Be not afraid.” The white-haired old man, who called himself Cardinal Lorenzo Giudice last time, was again addressing the world. “Once more, to all who believe in the Lord, you shall be saved. Your sins before are irrelevant, the Throne is forgiving. So long as you cast aside false Gods.”

There. On the footage of Kyoto, I could just make out white and gold robes in the background. Seems like Uchida-san’s cast aside his faith and thrown his lot in with them. That’s not good, if they’re already present in Kyoto… Eri, is the disaster protocol active? My phone was starting to ping, so rapidly it was nearly non-stop, and I opened it even as Eri’s thoughts were transmitted to me at a rapid speed.

Yes. Suzu-san, Arisugawa-san and Futamura-san have all relinquished their Anchors and carried the ether to your Territory. Word has gone out to Kyoto and our other allies, but I’m still waiting to hear. But… everyone’s so scattered. Hinata’s at the Tengokusentou, alongside Shiro for support. I think Miyu-san was going there too, along with the Shiraishi girls. Motoko and Natsumi are at school, Kana too, obviously… I’m at home, and Daiyu’s here too, but Asha went to the shrine to see her Tree. Shaeula and Hyacinth are at the Spring, but I’ve sent someone to send word…

Shit, the situation’s spiralling as I feared. If only…

“The hour is darkest just before the dawn. I believe that to be true. God’s radiance has dimmed, too many sinners, using the false and profane powers of Devils, Idols and unclean beings, preventing us from righteously ascending to the Ninth Heaven. Yet it is not too late. For repentance can be sought or issued.” The Cardinal was calm, composed, yet cold. “If you are willing, when the swords, spears and words of the Lord come for you, simply kneel and ask for forgiveness. You shall be spared. Those who persist… they shall still be saved, only through fire, sword and rope.”

I calculated, and even with Wings Of The Chooser, there was no feasible way I could cross the ocean, and unknown dangers surely lurked in the depths of the Boundary seas, so swimming was totally foolish. If I get a plane chartered now, even a military one from the US Government, the battles will be over, one way or the other… fuck!

Skimming my phone I saw messages from various people, and the situation was escalating. Apparently, the murders that Bunta-san, Yoriko-san and Detective Kato were investigating were being laid at our door, and evidence was being presented. Clearly fake, but right now, with everything going on…

“We will endeavour to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.” the Cardinal finished, a holy glow behind him shining, whether by aether or carefully crafted artistry, I wasn’t sure. “But when one is dealing with cancer, the body sadly suffers. Know that those who perish shall be guaranteed a seat at the Lord’s side, and even the sinful shall be cleaned in death! Now, Deus vult! God wills it!”

“Damn… this is bad, right?” Buck was saying. He didn’t understand the Japanese, but he understood from the footage. “I mean… you didn’t, did you?”

“His stupid son got himself into a deadly situation. I simply salvaged what I could, after he got a lot of innocent people killed.” I grated, furious. “Fuck. I…”

Akio, I’ve got word the Territory is under attack. We’re rallying forces, but… without you… no, forget it. I’m not weak any longer. I’ll take up my axe and fight! You… be careful too. You’re far from home. And they likely hate you after your victory in London.

Wishing Eri luck, I cursed again. “This is shit. Damn it…”

“Calm down.” Trey tapped my shoulder, and I took a deep breath, and my Resilience spiked up. Soon I had regained control, and I nodded.

“You’re right. Since I can’t do much from here…” I glanced around the room. Trey and Aliyah were resigned but ready, Adelheid had put down her beer, watching me patiently, and even Christina seemed calm. Buck, Mrs Kelly and David were white and pale, as was Bethany, but Zachary seemed eager. Poor guy, he’ll learn. “…it’s up to me to coordinate. But… if he’s after Chosen… we need to get somewhere away from people.” I fixed Zachary and Bethany with a stern glare. “It’s up to you. Coming with us might put you in more danger, but if you are going it alone and you’re a target…”

“Come on sis, let’s go with him. He’s the Hero of Britain. He can be trusted!”

Bethany rubbed at her side, biting her lip until it bled, but in the end she nodded. With that, the four of us left, while Aliyah and Trey would see Christina back to the hotel, but not before she’d awkwardly wished me luck, making the Wright siblings stare, shocked. As we raced out into the night, me keeping my pace down so that the others could keep up, my phone was constantly updating me, as was Eri. Each message was grimmer than the last. Now, public and damning condemnation of Takatsukasa house and the nobility as a whole was being disseminated on the internet and broadcast on TV by KBS and FujiTV, and it also targeted me and my relationships, making me out to be a pervert who did unspeakable things to girls. Similar smear campaigns were being directed at Eleanor in Britain, as well as other people worldwide, who must have been Chosen I was unaware of, as some were on the Vermillion List data Christina had given us, but others weren’t.

Clenching my fist, I vowed that we’d weather this storm, and if it put those I cared about in danger, I’d be sure to bring retribution. Come after me if you dare, but slander my friends, my family, attack them, harm then… I don’t care if you have Nine or Ninety-nine Heavens, I’ll smash through them all until I’ve had my own retribution!

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