Omega Summoner

Chapter 2232: Retest II

Chapter 2232: Retest II

The research institute as Adrian dubbed it did not look massive from the outside. It is actually a large pocket dimension home that is made sturdy with the effort of all the elders. They even said that Elder Pann helped in creating it as he was bribed with the research of better beast food. Adrian does not know if that rumor is verified but he did hear that Elder Pann sometimes visits this place from the other players that come here for quests.

A lot of things needed to be gathered which is why a lot of gathering quests are generated by this place. A lot of the players are also interested in the rewards as some things are useful for them. Some rewards are also incredibly great as they could test things that could potentially let them unlock skills.

The design of the research institute is also interesting as it looked like a large tower with numerous doors. Each of the doors are divided into ten levels that correspond to the level of research difficulty. The higher the door then the more difficult and more dangerous it is. Each of the doors also lead to a smaller pocket dimension room which can isolate incidents should anything happen.

There are exactly three doors at the tenth floor and one of them leads to the Time Chamber. The Time Chamber is basically the dedicated research room for Elder Koronn as this is where he experiments on temporal magic often. It is also the reason why they call it the Time Chamber as Adrian refused to call it the Den of Koronn.

Adrian opened the door of the Time Chamber as he has all access to the all the doors in the research institute. Upon entering the room, Adrian was swept away by the thick energy signature of temporal magic. He looked above and saw intricate temporal magic spells woven into a bundle. Just as he is about to say something, the temporal magic circle above him suddenly broke into particles of light as they could no longer sustain itself.

“It seems that it is a failure once again. Is it due to my power not being enough? I made sure to use the power of that magic core so that it could be sustained enough for me to observe.” Elder Koronn stated as he was deep in thought.

“Elder Koronn, are you incredibly busy that you cannot accommodate me?” Adrian stated as he knew that the elder was busy, but he wanted to know to what degree.

“I know that you were there, brat. I am busy but now I am annoyed.” Elder Koronn stated.

“I hope I am not the reason for that annoyance. I do not like to be sent to a Mobius Loop again.” Adrian stated as he remembered a time when Elder Koronn punished him for playing a prank on him.

“It is not you that is making me annoyed but maybe it is since you walked in here with your positive vibes and attitude.” Elder Koronn replied sassily.

“I thought the sassy old man was Old Man Pann, but it seems that you are becoming one as well. Maybe the rumors of him coming here are true since you are catching some of his sass.” Adrian stated.

“Never liken me to that old fart. It is giving me the shivers thinking that I would end up like him.” Elder Koronn stated as he shivered.

“Anyways, since you do not seem busy… I was wondering if you could retest me in my mastery over temporal energy.” Adrian stated.

“Ok then.” Elder Koronn agreed immediately which actually shocked Adrian.

“Wow! No strings attached!? No need for me to get this rare herb found in a lake within a volcano or something!?” Adrian exclaimed.

“Do I think of you as my personal servant or something?” Elder Koronn stated looking like he is shocked.

“I mean… sometimes. I can list all the things that you made me get for you. Not like the list of things that Old Man Pann told me to get but you are going there. Both of you have almost tied to the list of errands that I went and did.” Adrian stated.

“Moving on then. The first trial would be…” Elder Koronn stated which made Adrian hold his right hand up to stop what the former is about to say.

“Wait a moment! First trial?! There was nothing like that before. All we did was just a trial, and it was mostly combat.” Adrian stated.

“Are you the one making the test?” Elder Koronn asked.

“Nope.” Adrian replied weakly.

“Exactly which is why you just need to listen up. The first trial would be to inspect this magic circle and point out the flaws in it.” Elder Koronn stated as he took out an old looking scroll.

“What is it?” Adrian asked as he could see that there were some runes that even he did not recognize.

“It is a temporal spell that could basically create a fixed point in time that will reset when elements of it is disturbed.” Elder Koronn stated.

“So basically, it is a spell that creates a save point.” Adrian stated which made Elder Koronn looked confused.

“What is this save point that you speak of? Care to elaborate as I do not know the hip words of the current time.” Elder Koronn stated as he thought it is like a generational lingo.

“It is not a new word that I made up. You can think of it this way, I am standing here for now and I marked that point in time with this spell. It is not just me that is marked in that point in time but also everything around it as this is a wide area spell. Now, say that I was attacked from the marked timeframe, and it distorted everything, but this spell would send me back to the point in time where none of it happened. That is why I call it a Save Point.” Adrian stated.

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