Omega Summoner

Chapter 1675 What is up with Hell?

Chapter 1675 What is up with Hell?

Adrian, still shaken about what happened, is currently reading on forums that talk about Hell. He searched for dungeon entry restrictions and there was not much about it. He looked at the details and it seems that this restriction is not applicable to all dungeons in Hell.

The thread goes like this:

Hell Lover 143: Is it just me or the dungeons in Hell have entry limits per day?

Wandering Devil 01: LOL! What are you talking about? (Thinking Emoji)

Just Here: I think he is high or just upset that he lost inside a dungeon. LOL! (Devil Laughing Emoji)

Hell Lover 143: I am serious! I entered a dungeon that was for a recommended level 250. I am level 270 if any of you are wondering, and it is for reference. I entered the dungeon thinking that I could carry my party members, but we were floored. We all died to a floor boss that is incredibly powerful.

Wandering Devil 01: You died to a floor boss when you are 20 levels above it? Make it make sense.

Just Here: skill differential. (Orc with dark shades emoji with a cool pose)

Hell Lover 143: That is just it! The floor boss was actually the same level as me. This was the floor boss on the eighth floor of the dungeon. The mid boss was level 265 if anyone wants to ask. We wanted to try again as there is actually a free respawn daily in Hell if you buy the Devil Charm, but the dungeon barred us from entry.

Wandering Devil 01: I asked a devil NPC that I have gained trust with (AKA bribed) and they told me that there are dungeons that cannot be accessed continuously because those ones are Trial Dungeons. She said that dungeons like those have a protective enchantment from the ruling devil nobility.

Hell Lover 143: It means that the rewards must be great if you clear it at the level cap specified! I will try again with my party and reply if I get good loot.

The thread ended there, and it seems that he has yet to clear the dungeon. Adrian might have entered one of the trial dungeons if that was the case. He is currently in the devil kingdom ruled by the Devil Earl Furfur.

“If there is one trial dungeon for each region then there should be seventy-two of them in the entirely of Hell. I better go an ask around to be sure as I might be able to get a clue on that dungeon.” Adrian muttered to himself as he arrived at the devil kingdom ruled by the Devil Earl Furfur.

Adrian entered the kingdom in a disguised as he did not want to get bothered by other players. His disguise was able to fool the players and weak devils, but the strong ones could be seen eyeing him while he walked. They did not give him stares full of bloodlust but stares of wanting to challenge him to a duel.

The devils could also see the Mark of the Seven Original Sins that is present on his left hand. This was the one that drew the most attention as it is considered as a mark that he has been recognize by the Original Seven Devils. This increased the stares, but it was more of admiration which does not feel bad. 𝘪𝘦.𝘤𝑜

Adrian went to the store where one can buy Devil Charms. The Devil Charm is basically a special charm that lets outsiders from Hell revive from death at most once a day without repercussions. This was done by devils infusing some of their mana into a special stone.

The charm acts as a body double for the backlash and saves the holder of the penalties upon death. The Devil Charms comes in different shapes and sizes as it varies depending on the devil that created it. The devils in this kingdom have deer like features as their ruler looks like a humanoid deer with bat wings.

“Can I help you?” The store owner asked.

“I need information.” Adrian stated.

“I do not sell that here.” The store owner stated.

“I will pay. I did not expect it for free.” Adrian stated as the store owner smiled.

“Ask away.” The store owner replied.


Adrian was able to get information with a thousand gold as payment. He was able to learn about the Trial Dungeons and how they operate. He also learned the secret techniques for the Hell Storm Paradise dungeon from the store owner.

Apparently, one needed a powerful wind element protective charm for the mid boss of the dungeon so that they can resist the stun. Even Adrian’s bloodline was bypassed by the stun status ailment. The only problem is that the wind element protective charm that he is seeing right now cost a large amount of money.

“I cannot even pay with mana. It seems that is only effective for the gate guards.” Adrian stated.

There was also another way to get the wind element protective charm. He needs to do a quest from one of the demon nobilities in this kingdom. They can create that charm from scratch as they are mainly the ones that sell those things anyway.

“What if I try with a talisman that increases wind resistance for a few seconds?” Adrian stated as he rested for today.

[You have died.]

Adrian tried again the next day, but he still died from the attacks. He created a wind talisman that increased wind resistance and placed in on Kimat. He entered the dungeon on Kimat’s back so that he would be taken to safety.

Just as he planned, Adrian was able to negate the stun on Kimat that has large wind resistance. The only problem was what came after. They were suddenly surrounded by enemies that formed a net to hold them in place. When the five second stun was up, Adrian was blasted by another lightning attack that deleted his entire health bar. The damage of the attack was stronger with lesser distance from the Hell Storm Homunculus.

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