Omega Summoner

Chapter 1404 Reward From Punishment III

“Great! We are trapped in a death zone but at least we did not die earlier.” Levin Cloud stated sarcastically.

“You are welcome by the way.” Adrian answered.

“Sorry about that. I am just airing my frustration and was not an attack towards you.” Levin Cloud stated as he did not mean to say what he said earlier.

“I get it. Next time, we will not mess with the natural order so that we do not get punished.” Adrian stated.

“What are you talking about! That was cool and was really rewarding!” Levin Cloud stated which shocked Adrian.

“I actually agree with him because I got my wind crystal upgraded to the lightning element for free. Well, it was not free since I had to endure a powerful lightning strike that could have ended in my death but that is still great! My master said that it would have taken me two years to upgrade it, but it actually upgraded into a Lightning stone with the energy that was poured out earlier.” Peridot stated as she was not that upset as she benefitted something from it.

“I also benefitted a lot. I actually got a magical defense skill called Lightning Aura. This is quite rare for Selvaggians as we do not have the best magical defenses compared to the faekin.” Kabrakan stated as he showed the new skill to his friends.


Skill Name: Lightning Aura

Tier: Semi- Mythical (Can be evolved to Mythical tier)

Type: Passive Magical Defense


– When the skill holder instantly gets damaged by 7.5% of his total maximum health then his body would create a lightning aura around him.

– Increases defenses by 15%, regenerates 1% of total maximum health, and damage reduction by 5%.

– When the lightning is released, all enemies in the surroundings get shocked which deals 3% of the skill holder’s health as magic damage.

– The effects of this skill can stack up to five times.

– The skill effects can only be dispersed when the skill holder is no longer in combat.

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None

Skill Evolution Requirements: Eye of Lightning π‘–π˜¦.π’Έπ˜°π‘š

== .π’Ž

“You probably got that skill because you already went against the providence of this world once. It might have triggered a special interaction which is why you got such a powerful skill. You also have the item needed to evolve the skill listed. You are basically getting a mythical skill at this point. Congrats!” Adrian commented as he really thought that the skill is really great for a tank such as Kabrakan.

“I also got something as my Guardian of the Forest skill got a new form called Lightning Blessed Form! I do not know what it is but seeing I got it from that powerful lightning meant that it must be powerful.” Levin Cloud stated smugly but returned to a more comfortable position as his whole-body hurts.

“I also got something from the lightning as Kimat powered up and is currently digesting the energy that he absorbed. I just hope that it is enough for him to get an evolution as his next evolution requirements were empty. If he gets an evolution path, then that makes three of my soulbounds ready for evolution.” Adrian stated but that is not the only thing that he received.

Adrian also had his Cube of Paradox absorb enough energy to complete its transformation. Adrian knew that it would not take long for it to transform into another weapon. He could feel it because the Cube of Paradox is currently attached to his soul as well. It is now in the process of using all the energy it accumulated to evolve as well.

“It is good that all of us got something from that troublesome lightning but what about the former Queen of the Alluring Forest?” Peridot asked as she was not informed that she would be a mortal starting now.

“You do not need to worry about that because I already tasked Yuki about that. The fox that Sirius had converted to become a member of his pack.” Adrian stated.

“I see. No wonder there was no white fox earlier. Then our only problem would be to get out of the Scarlet Mountains and towards the Imperial City. If we get out of this place, then we should be near the Imperial City of Hinomoto as it is only on the other side of this mountain range.” Peridot stated as she has memorized the map of the eastern continent.

“That is great then! I will heal everyone so that we can continue on for the current quest.” Levin Cloud stated as he started to heal everyone.

“Why not summon Saena to aid him? She also has authority over bird monsters as she is of ancient blood.” Peridot stated.

“I would have done so if I could, but my core is damaged. I cannot summon any of my soulbounds for a whole day because they are needed to strengthen my current soul. Unlike you guys, I absorbed the lightning damage needed for eight people.” Adrian stated as they could see that his current color was paler than usual.

“I should summon Moksha then.” Peridot stated but all of them said that she should not.

Peridot is currently being targeted at the eastern continent as well and it is known that only she has a qilin as a mount. If they rode Moksha, then they will only be telling the ones harming her their location. They decided that they have no choice but to continue by foot. Thankfully, Peridot already has the trail covered as she has a complete map of the eastern continent.

When all of them were able to walk by themselves, they started to head towards their destination. Peridot carefully chose the track to make sure that they do not encounter any fire birds or locations of their nests. Fire birds are not really known for their patient temper as they could ignite with just simple statements.

As if the heavens were taking pity on them, they did not encounter any monster that can pose a threat to them. They were only an hour away before they were out of the Scarlet Mountains when they suddenly heard people talking. Adrian casted Spirit Form Transformation on all of them to turn them invisible.

The people that they saw were a group of ten people with Taoist robes, but they were wearing a fox mask to hide their faces. They also do not seem like pacifists or spiritual in a sense as they did not even sense the group despite being in spirit form. This only means that they were using the clothes as mere disguises.

“Are you sure that the information that the Soul Princess is heading back towards the Imperial City of Himonoto?” One of the masked people stated.

“Affirmative. They said that she will be using the special passage available here in the Scarlet Mountains as we ambushed her party at their earlier intended path.” One of the masked people added.

“If that is the case then we could claim her and present her to the Veiled Ones. We would be greatly rewarded for out efforts should we achieve this.” Another masked person indicated.

“Everything is for the restoration of the past glory!” One of the masked individual stated as the other soon followed in saying the chant.

The ten masked individuals then ran off to the location that they called the secret tunnel. It seems that they want to capture the individual called the Soul Princess. The fact that they want to kidnap her means that she has incredible worth as they were not there to kill her.

“Do you know the Soul Princess that they are referring to?” Adrian asked.

“The Soul Princess is Princess Shini. She is a direct descendant of the reigning emperor and is also one of the daughters that she dotes on. She is also a powerful shaman that can erect barriers using what she calls as spirit energy which the eastern continent is abundant of.

The fact that they are targeting her means they have a death wish because she can never be captured. Fighting her would not only mean getting pass through the great defenses but also her personal guards that are great fighters. There were attempts at first, but they all stopped when the heads of those that dared to do so was posted on the walls of the imperial city.” Peridot stated.

“I see then we do not need to interfere then.” Kabrakan stated but Adrian and Levin Cloud had a different look when they saw the masked individuals.

“You saw it too, right?” Adrian asked Levin Cloud.

“Yes. It was something that made my eyes hurt and soul tremble.” Levin Cloud replied.

“Feel free to inform us if there is something important. We do not operate on both your realms of life and death.” Peridot stated.

“They have something that smells of death. Not the blissful kind but the begrudging kind.” Adrian replied.


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