Omega Summoner

Chapter 1384 The Sleeping Serpent Awakens IV

The buzzing noises did not come from any monster that is already present in the battlefield but a swarm of them. The buzzing sound came from the west as all the players heard this irritating sound. The ones that are more on guard are the insect monster soulbounds that Mariposa is using.

The stars in the sky could he seen but some parts of it is suddenly covered with a black mass. The buzzing noises came from this black mass which is actually a swarm of Locusts. The locust monsters were not ordinary small locusts, but monsters called Desert Locusts.


Monster Name: Desert Locust

Level: 170

Tier: Rare

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Special Characteristics: Insatiable Hunger – able to eat anything in their way to make sure that they can continuously move.

Description: A mutated locust monster that has adapted to the harsh deserts of the western continent. It has a brown upper carapace while the lower carapace is black in color. When the swarm is viewed from below, they look like a black smoke moving like ordinary locust monsters. When the swarm is viewed from above, they look like a sandstorm hitting an area.


It was not just Desert Locusts that are present in the area as Adrian could see that there are about eleven special monsters in the mix. Those eleven locust monsters have a humanoid form as if they became insectoids. Each of the arm of the insectoids are also equipped with a sharp scythe like claw while the legs look so bulky that they could kick an elephant to death.

There is even one locust monster that is more special compared to the other ten. This locust monster had the aura of royalty as its wings spread like a cape even when it is flying. There is also a small crown looking part on top of its head that is between its antennae.


Monster Name: Desert Locust Champion

Level: 200

Tier: Epic

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Special Characteristics:

Insatiable Hunger – able to eat anything in their way to make sure that they can continuously move.

Sickle Arms – Able to apply bleed on its physical attacks.

Leg Champion – Increased strength on its legs and deals 50% more damage for attacks using the legs.

Description: An evolved form of the Desert Locust that has become a being that loves to fight. It fights it opponents to death before devouring them in order to nourish its battle hardened body. It is said that the Desert Locust must win about a hundred battles by itself in order to evolve into this form.


Monster Name: Desert Locust Princess

Level: 220

Tier: Epic

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Special Characteristics:

Insatiable Hunger – able to eat anything in their way to make sure that they can continuously move.

Royal Majesty – increases the stats of all locust monsters under its command by 20%.

Queen Candidate – Increases all stats by 20% and gains great intelligence. Can command the swarm of locusts that are under its control perfectly.

Description: A unique evolution of the Desert Locust that is said to be the start of the disaster level monster called the Desert Locust Queen. When a Desert Locust Princess is spotted, it is imperative that it should be subjugated immediately before it evolves into a Desert Locust Queen. It has great leadership skills and intelligence that is on par with a human.


“Kanlaon! Burn them down!” Adrian commanded as Kanlaon nodded and rose to the dark skies. .𝒎

Kanlaon then summoned flaming balls that crashed on the location of the Desert Locusts. Adrian also supplemented it by using the Elemental Dragon Summon: Red Dragon. The flaming fireballs increased due to this. Adrian did not think that these attacks will destroy the swarm of monsters but he expected to decrease their number.

The normal Desert Locusts did not even evade as some got hit directly and burned to death. The Desert Locust Champions and the Desert Locust Princess are different though as the latter commanded a small swarm to protect her from the bombardment. The locusts protected their princess from any sort of damage like she was their lifeline.

When the attack ended, the Desert Locust Champions all flew towards Kanlaon to defeat him but Sirius would not let them. Shadows suddenly rose from the ground and grabbed all ten Desert Locust Champions. The shadows were not enough to actually constrict them as they used their powerful legs and sickle arms to destroy the shadows.

Sirius did not get downtrodden though as dark clouds suddenly formed above the heads of the Desert Locusts Champions. Lightning suddenly struck the Desert Locust Champions and it seem to have damaged them greatly. Adrian thought that these monsters would be easier but he is shocked upon seeing the next scene.

The Desert Locust Princess commanded some of the Desert Locust to fly towards the Desert Locust Champions. The next thing that they saw is outright cannibalistic as the Desert Locust Champions ate the Desert Locusts that the Desert Locust Princess sent. The Desert Locust Champions restored their health back to full because of this.

Monsters that could restore their health via eating the same of their species are very troublesome to deal with. The reason for their troublesome ability is that they are often in the thousands in number. All of the players there could exhaust their abilities but the Desert Locust Champions would still be alive even after all that.

“The only way to defeat them is to defeat the Desert Locust Princess first.” Adrian muttered as he commanded Saena to blast them with sun energy.

Saena fired sun rays from her feathers towards the Desert Locust Princess but the latter just commanded desert locust to protect her. To make matters worse, the locust swarm is still getting bigger as their number increases by the minute.

[Wisteria has used Flower Gift. She has temporarily gained the skill Needle Storm.]


Skill Name: Needle Storm

Tier: Epic

Type: Temporary Attack Skill


– Fire off needles that are produced from the body that deals 10% of the user’s magic damage per needle.

– Fire off one hundred needles per second

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 3 minutes

Mana Cost: 10, 000

Cast Time: Instant


“Wisteria, use Needle Storm!” Adrian commanded. .

The giant nether tree located behind Wisteria’s back suddenly grew thousands of needles. She then fired off these spikes towards the flying enemies and showered them with pointy needles. One needle might be small in damage but getting hit by thousands at a time is a different feeling.

Numerous Desert Locusts could be seen falling down as their wings were hit which made them unable to maintain balance. The Desert Locust Princess defended herself with her underlings once more but they fell faster than they could protect her. Some needles directly hit the Desert Locust Princess, but she was not that affected by the needles.

The wings behind the Desert Locust Princess could be seen beating at a fast pace which created some sort of sonic barrier around her. Some of the needles hit her but her carapace was stronger. She was still damaged, but it did not stop her overall function in the battle.

The Desert Locust Champions could feel the frustration of their princess which is why they went berserk. The large built body of the Desert Locust Champions suddenly expanded even more and bulged up as if they produced steroids. The brown and black carapace suddenly became tinted with the red color to signify that they have transformed into a berserk state.

The Desert Locusts that were still alive despite falling down struggled as they wanted to follow the command of their princess. They tried to regrow their wings via sacrificing some of their life force to fly once more. These Desert Locusts would have flown again if not for a large nether mass suddenly swallowing them up.

Dodu was not being commanded by Adrian explicitly, but it was told to eat to its hearts content. The Predator Slime became happy upon receiving the orders of its master as it was such a long time since it was given permission to do so. The gigantic nether Dodu started to sweep not only the locusts but also the dead monsters in the area due to the efforts of others.

[The God Osiris has received great damage from the clone of the Distorted God Apophis.]

Adrian is suddenly awoken by the notification as he could see that the health of the God Osiris suddenly plummeted to 35%. The God Osiris still has five more minutes for his summoning but he could become unsummoned if his health vanishes.

“Charon!” Adrian shouted and the Lifeless Lord already knew what its master wanted.

Charon floated near Adrian as it suddenly sent numerous chains out of its coffin. The chains passed through all the mirrors that Adrian uses and were attached to his allies and enemies. Numerous monsters meant numerous health that could be sapped. The players struggling to defend suddenly saw their health bars triple as they received a health shield that is triple their current health.


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