Omega Summoner

Chapter 1373 Blocking The Sun I

While Adrian and the others were hunting for the followers of Apophis, Peridot and her group consisting of Vayu, Soleil, Ark, Basil, and Pana with other guild members that could fly are heading to find the source of the sun being sapped of energy. The Sun God Ra already told them that the angels were doing something with the sun energy as it is not giving enough energy to the world.

The Sun God Ra is only harvesting the sun energy that hits his area of the western continent, but it seems that the problem is not just the western continent. All of the continents were experiencing a weak sun which is why the plants and trees seem to be lacking in nourishment. There are even reports of crops dying because of this phenomenon.

The Sun God Ra pointed the group to a location just east of the western continent as he felt that the sun energy is being sent there. Peridot and the others were guided by Ark as he was the one that is most sensitive when it comes to matters with light energy. The Sun God Ra can point the general direction but Ark would be able to discern it since he is a Nephilim.

“Are we there yet?” Peridot asked as she noticed that they have traveled a bit to high up in the clouds.

“We are almost there. Just a few more minutes.” Ark stated as he could sense the powerful influx of light energy.

Ark suddenly came to a stop, but the surroundings were all clouds. He thought that he sensed wrong, but this is the area where the light energy is the most powerful. He looked around but there was nothing there but clouds.

“There is nothing here.” Basil stated as she could also not see anything.

“It seems that the young ones rely on your sight more than you think. Unless you are like our guild master then you must use all of your senses. Do all of you not feel that the wind is not blasting through your faces?” Vayu suddenly spoke up as he could see that the others are confused.

“I can feel a powerful heat source in front of us.” Soleil stated as she was not fooled like the rest of them.

“Very good my cutie pie.” Vayu praised as he started to become a doting father again.

“The extra senses that you have are not wrong but all of you have yet to realize that not everything can be explained via sight. I shall show you why I have claimed it.” Vayu stated as he suddenly gathered powerful storm energy into his katana.

Vayu is no longer an ordinary half wind elemental because he managed to upgrade it into the storm element. He can now wield wind along with lightning in his attacks as he has evolved into a different elemental. When the storm energy in the katana is filled to the brim, Vayu suddenly did a quick draw, and a loud crackle could be heard.

Vayu’s attack suddenly came like a powerful boom of thunder and it actually released a powerful sword wave in front of him. The sword wave had the wind element with crackling lightning element as well. The sword wave traveled quickly in front and they thought that it would just pass through but it actually hit something invisible.

The sword wave hit something invisible and it was diffused by the invisible barrier. When the sword wave hit the barrier, a large structure suddenly materialized in front of them. The large structure looked like a white castle that is floating in the sky and is protected by a barrier.

When the barrier successfully protected itself from the sword wave, it vanished once more as if it was never there. All of them suddenly knew that the large structure has a cloaking mechanism and that is the thing that they are looking for. The light energy that Ark could feel is coming from this structure and he felt it even more when it entered his vision.

“That is the source!” Ark stated.

“To think that mere mortals would come here. Since all of you have seen the Light Collector, all of you must die to make sure that no evidence is revealed.” A voice coming from above them suddenly stated.

All of them followed the source of the voice and it actually came from a person that they are familiar with. She had six wings behind her back that is of pure white color while her hair is that of a golden hue. She is none other than the Church of Light’s Pope, Pristina.

All of them suddenly tensed up as she is not an NPC that they can easily defeat. They can defeat her if she was by herself but she was accompanied by at least twenty angels that have four wings. They were more powerful than the angels that they have defeated that only has two wings.

“Can we defeat them?” Basil suddenly asked. π‘–π˜¦.π’Έπ˜°π‘š

“We can if that six-winged angry woman is not here. She might actually be able to wipe us out if we are not careful. She has the same power as the one that our guild master fought.” Peridot stated as she could feel the energy coming from Pristina.

Peridot already knew that she was an angel, but she did not think that she would be this powerful. When she was masquerading as a human, she has powerful spells and heals that could be defined as cheat like. If she uses that to support the small army that she has then they would have a difficult time.

“If we can have someone take her on then would we have a fighting chance?” Ark asked.

“We will. Do you have any ideas?” Peridot asked.

“I do but you need to protect me for five minutes.” Ark stated as he suddenly took out a trinket that looked like a small coiled figurine of a Nephilim.

“Five minutes is doable.” Peridot stated as she suddenly transformed into her ryujin form and shouted for everyone to prepare for battle.

The angles looked at the group before them with disdain as they could not believe that lower beings were trying to even fight them. Pristina was the same, but she sensed the energy that Ark was emitting. She instantly knew that he was the being that Mikhail was obsessing over. If she were to deliver Ark to him then she would once again be rewarded.

“Kill everyone else but capture that boy. We will need him if we want to be rewarded by Mikhail.” Pristina commanded as she started chanting buffs to all her subordinates.

“As you wish, your eminence!” All the angels answered as the casual white robes that they are wearing suddenly turned into armor.

“As expected, they are underestimating us. That will be to our advantage.” Peridot stated as she started to use her abilities as a Fairy Dragon to manipulate the air currents.

She made sure that the air currents are coming from behind her team to make sure that they are boosted by it and the enemy is hindered. She could see it working as the flight speed of the angels are greatly reduced compared to her team members. She also did this to conceal Vayu as he was already preparing to destroy the structure.

“Regulus!” Soleil shouted as her lion stuffed toy transformed into a gigantic flaming lion.

“A fire elemental! She would make a good fuel for the Light Collector!” One of the angels stated which caught Soleil’s attention.

No wonder she could sense a terrifying energy coming from the structure. The thing that was actually fueling it were fire elementals that were captured by the angels. Unlike magic stones or gems, elementals were virtually a limitless source of energy, but they were still alive.

Making use of elementals as a power source is basically torturing the elementals. Hearing this, Soleil could not control her anger as she is very fond of the lesser elementals. She would not let any elemental get mistreated as they are forces of nature. Elementals are usually beings that do not mess with the flow of things but they could retaliate when mistreated.

“Regulus: Sun Lion Form!” Soleil shouted as half of her health and all of her mana suddenly vanished from her body and transferred to Regulus.

Regulus emitted a powerful roar as he received powerful energy from her master. Regulus is currently a Mid Grade Elemental since Soleil is not yet that powerful but he is actually a High Grade Fire Elemental that Soleil managed to get a contract with. What Soleil basically did is to unlock the fierce power that Regulus originally had.

Regulus’ body changed from a fiery red to an orange flame body with his mane looking like the rays of the sun constantly burning. Regulus also became fifty meters in size and looked like a miniature sun from afar. Each roar that Regulus did would make the fire surrounding him burst.

This content is taken from 𝘳.π‘π˜°

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