Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1522 - Clues Regarding Tailless Monkey

Chapter 1522: Clues Regarding Tailless Monkey

“No, it’s related. It’s very related!”

Meng Chao’s eyes were bright. “I’m certain that when Tailless Monkey was captured, he was lying on his back in this position.

“The marks where he lay are completely different from the marks on the ground.

“The former would be on his back, the area of friction with the ground would be larger, and the rubbed sludge would be shallow.

“The latter would land on his knees or elbows. When someone catches you, your ten fingers will definitely struggle and scratch wildly.

“Such a huge difference is impossible for the captor to fake no matter how carefully he tries to stage it.

“The problem is, if a person wants to enter the cupboard, isn’t it more convenient for them to lie down and crawl forward?

“Even if Tailless Monkey discovered that someone had broken in and wanted to escape to the next room, he would still lie down and crawl in. It would be easier for him to exert force and be faster.

“How could he be lying on his back? It’s such a weird posture.

“By the way, has this Tailless Monkey ever served in the army?”

Ai Lei shook her head

“I don’t think so. I’ve never heard him talk about it. He usually looks loose and shameless, and he doesn’t seem like someone who has served in the army.”

She asked curiously, “Is there anything particular about being in the army?”

“Yes, there is.”

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Meng Chao explained, “People who have been in the army sometimes have to carry a large number of guns, ammunition, and special tools in front of their chest to pass through barbed wire or very low shrubs and thorns. In order not to damage the guns and trigger the ammunition, they will receive special training. They will lie on their backs and use the squirming muscles on their back to move forward silently.

“If the tailless monkey had never been a soldier, he probably wouldn’t have moved in such an awkward position. Then, there is only one answer.

“When the intruder caught him, he didn’t want to go through the cupboard and crawl into the next room. He was just lying here.”

“Lying in the kitchen?”

Ai Lei looked around and then looked at the ceiling. She couldn’t understand. “The tailless monkey doesn’t cook. The kitchen is so dirty and the floor is so greasy. Why is he lying here?”

“Yes, the kitchen is so greasy…”

Meng Chao stared at the ceiling for a long time. Then, he suddenly stood up and removed half of the ceiling.

However, he did not find anything hidden inside the ceiling.

Except for a crystal-driven tape recorder that had been burnt.

It seemed that the tailless monkey had made a ‘insurance’for himself.

Whatever was happening inside the room could be faithfully recorded by the tape recorder as evidence and bargaining chips.

Unfortunately, the people who took him away had swept the entire room carefully with high-powered interference devices before and after the operation.

They had made sure that all the highly sophisticated electronic and spiritual equipment had been scrapped by force.

Meng Chao was deep in thought.

The last two words that he was mumbling suddenly had an epiphany.

“Right. Greasy!”

Meng Chao lay down again.

His head crawled into the cabinet and stared at the top of the cabinet.

This was a blind spot.

If he had not been lying on the greasy floor in such an awkward position, his head would have crawled into the cabinet, and he would have been focused on looking up.

Even if he had lived here for thirty to fifty years, he might not have known what the top of the Cabinet looked like.

At first glance, there was nothing on the top wall of the cabinet except for the seams of the inferior wooden boards and the scars of insects biting mice.

Meng Chao raised his extraordinary vision to the limit and scanned it inch by inch like a microscope. After scanning for a full five minutes, he found a few crooked marks in the corner.

The marks were very fresh.

The details were also very rich.

It could not have been accidentally scratched during daily use.

It was more like using matches, toothpicks, or pencil lead, dipped in oil, and gently applied it.

Perhaps he was afraid of being discovered by intruders.

The marks were very faint, so faint that ordinary extraordinary people would not be able to see it with the naked eye.

Or perhaps it was done too hastily, and before it was finished, it was taken away by the other party.

The traces were very messy, and the overall composition was severely distorted. It was even harder to recognize than a child’s graffiti.

However, Meng Chao was still invigorated.

“This is it!

“This is the clue left behind by the tailless monkey!

“When it discovered that someone had broken in, the tailless monkey realized that it had encountered an expert. It was impossible for it to crawl into the next room through the cupboard and then escape from the next room.

“Therefore, it pretended to crawl into the cupboard to escape. In reality, in just a few seconds, it used the oil sludge in the kitchen to leave such a pattern on the top of the inner wall of the cupboard!”

Meng Chao copied the mark left by the tailless monkey on the paper.

The main body was an oval with a horizontal line in the middle and a large number of radiating lines around it.

Because the tailless monkey’s drawing was very obscure and sloppy.

Meng Chao didn’t dare to add too many details without permission.

After looking at it for a long time, he still couldn’t get the gist of it.

“It seems to be a sun.”

Ai lei said, “Dragon City uses the Sun as the main body. There are too many trademarks or badges designed. It’s impossible to lock onto the target with just this sketch.”

“I have an idea.”

Meng Chao said, “Since the tailless monkey has a clue, why didn’t he say it earlier?”?

“Of course, he’s not stupid enough to expose the unverified clues to the public.”.

“He’s just a broker, not a vigilante who upholds justice. As long as the other party doesn’t harm his interests and safety, there’s no need for him to fight to the death with the other party.

“However, as soon as possible, write down the clues clearly and store them in a safer place, or even in online forums and e-mail accounts. Once he hasn’t been online for a long time, he will enter a specific password and automatically release it. Only then will such ‘insurance’be effective, isn’t it?

“The picture in front of him was scribbled and easily discovered by his captors. It could only be a desperate gamble and not a part of an elaborate plan.

“I only have one explanation for this.

“The tailless monkey only just got this clue. He didn’t have the time to preserve the clue in a way that he thought was safe enough.

“As you said, after introducing you to interview Shen Yulin, the tailless monkey went into hiding and never showed up in public.

“Then, the main channels for him to collect clues can only be newspapers and online media.

“It just so happens that the tailless monkey has the habit of cutting newspapers.

“Can we reasonably infer that the tailless monkey has found some clues in a newspaper in the past few days?

“In other words, instead of finding all the trademarks and emblems of the Sun in Dragon City, as long as we flip through the newspapers in the past few days, it is very likely that we will find similar patterns!”

Meng Chao and Ai Lei returned to the living room.

According to the date, they began to flip through the newspapers, magazines, and newspaper clippings left by the tailless monkey from the back to the front.

Meng Chao wrapped the stack of newspapers with his spiritual energy.

Like a pair of invisible mechanical hands, he flipped through them at lightning speed.

A tremendous amount of information was immediately imprinted into his eyes.

He did not have to worry that his fingerprints, hair, and grease would be left on the newspapers.

Just like that, Meng Chao flipped through the newspapers and magazines that the tailless monkey had collected over the past month in less than twenty minutes.

Ai Lei had also finished browsing through the tailless monkey’s newspaper clippings.

Unfortunately, neither of them found a similar pattern.

“Could it be that I guessed wrong?”

Meng Chao took the newspaper clippings from Ai Lei’s hands.

He scanned them page by page.

With this scan, he immediately discovered a problem.

“There are a few strands of fibers between these two binding threads.

“It seems that someone was very careful and removed a page from the notebook.

“In other words, someone didn’t want others to see what content the tailless monkey had pasted into the newspaper clippings.”

Meng Chao wrapped two threads that were thinner than spider silk with his spiritual energy and brought them to Ai lei.

Ai lei nodded. She thought for a moment and asked, “But the other party has already removed the entire page. How do we know what content the tailless monkey has pasted

“It’s very simple. Look, the newspapers and magazines in the past few days are all here. Many newspapers have ‘skylights’open. The parts that have been cut down are all pasted in the notebook.”

Meng Chao said, “If there are only one or two skylights on a newspaper, the tailless monkey will still keep the newspaper.

“But if there are too many skylights open and the newspaper is broken into pieces, the tailless monkey will throw it away.

“Therefore, we can see that many of the newspapers here are missing some page numbers.

“Next, we just need to find the corresponding dates based on the time of the newspaper clippings and see which newspapers are missing these few days. Then, we can go to the Internet to find their electronic editions and browse through them.”

The person who took the tailless monkey did not dare to tear too many page numbers from the newspaper clippings.

Therefore, the time frame was quickly reduced to the last three days.

Just browsing through the electronic editions of newspapers and magazines that could not be found in the past three days was not too much work for the two extraordinary humans.

Soon, Ai lei cheered.

“Found it, senior!”

Ai lei pointed at a piece of news report that was the size of a tofu. “It’s this company, Horizon Biological Technology Co. , Ltd. !”

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