Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1445 - Secret War

Chapter 1445 Secret War

Deep within the collapsed mountain rocks, in the waist-deep floodwaters.

Meng Chao sat cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, and his breathing was long.

Every breath he took created a ripple in the floodwaters, like the tentacles of an octopus extending into the distance, causing the splintered floodwaters to flow in the direction he wanted them to flow.

He waited for half an hour.

He made sure that the flood did not gather again and rush towards the mining area.

Nor did it form an even more dangerous barrier lake behind the collapsed mountain.

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief and stand up from the flood that had turned into mud.

At this moment, Meng Chao heard a buzzing sound.

He saw an unremarkable little black dot flying low in the middle of the raging dark clo

It was a search-and-rescue drone.

Meng Chao pondered for a moment, then lay back down in the mud and became one with the earth, only revealing a pair of sparkling eyes.

For the time being, he did not want to return to Dragon City with great fanfare.

He still had not figured out the recent situation of Lusiya.

What had this jungle banshee become?

Could it have grown three heads and six arms and become a ferocious and terrifying tigress?

Would it be possible to suppress the power of chaos in her body and wake her up and heal her?

Would the Blood Alliance still exist?

Would it change its appearance and even keep its evil mission in a different way even if it was nominally falling apart?

Would its dirty claws reach out to Bai Jiacao and turn his cute little sister into the Dark Witch or something even scarier?

Even if little sister could survive with her identity as “Meng Chao’s sister,” would there be more innocent children like his little sister who had fallen into the hands of the Blood Alliance?

Also, why was Dragon City so eager to develop the world beyond Monster Mountain Range, and why was the development method so simple and crude?

They didn’t have a deeper understanding of the Turan orcs, and they also lacked respect for the ode world. Did they really think that they were the best in the world after defeating the monsters?

These questions made Meng Chao realize that he was facing a war that was a hundred times scarier than the Monster War.

At least, during the Monster War, he and everyone else knew very well who were our friends and who were our enemies.

Identity was his biggest trump card if he wanted to win this war.

Meng Chao decided to sneak back to Dragon City secretly to see what his hometown had become a year after the victory of the Monster War.

He also secretly investigated the problems of Lu Siya, the blood union, and the remnants of the monster civilization, and dismantled all the time bombs buried in Dragon City.

Of course, the task was arduous.

Fortunately, one thing was certain. No matter who his enemies were, how high their status had been in Dragon City, how much power they controlled, how prominent their reputation was, and what kind of rigorous and crazy conspiracy they were planning. As long as the vast majority of ordinary citizens and low-level superhumans were still like what Meng Chao had seen just now, working together, bravely making sacrifices, and united as a city.

Then, with the help of these most adorable people, the final victory would definitely belong to Dragon City!

Thinking of this, Meng Chao’s chest, which had been soaked in the cold rain for half a day, began to heat up again.

Just as he was about to avoid the sight of the search and rescue drone, he sank into the depths of the mud and dived three to five kilometers away.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face. There was something wrong with this search and rescue drone.

Since it was here to search for survivors in the storm.

The search and rescue drone should, of course, circle around and continuously expand the search area.

If its flight path was drawn with a fluorescent pen, it would be a shining spiral that was getting bigger and bigger.

However, this UAV was in the northeast direction, between the two points in mid-air, circling back and forth. The space it passed was very narrow, and its flight path was practically a straight line.

As such, its search area was naturally extremely narrow.

Moreover, as a search and rescue UAV, its flight height was a little too high.

It had always stayed close to the dark clouds. Its movements were very mysterious as if it was afraid that others would discover it.

If it flew so high, could it really see clearly the ruins on the ground and the survivors in the rain and mud?

Meng Chao’s interest was piqued.

Deep in his eyes, the specks of starlight were continuously magnified, turning into dark golden circles that covered his pupils.

His pupils were zooming in and out at a frequency of hundreds of times per second.

His vision was like a bullet fired from an anti-material sniper rifle, locking onto the ‘search and rescue drone’.

Exposed to the extraordinary vision of a godly state expert, all the secrets of the drone were exposed.

Meng Chao saw that it was a large-scale rotorcraft with eight propellers.

The fuselage was painted with the symbol of Universe Corporation. After the wind and rain, it had become mottled and covered with scratches and dents. This was quite in line with the usage conditions of large-scale industrial and mining enterprises. However, below the fuselage, there was a small and exquisite honeycomb launcher that was filled with rockets.

“Since it’s a search and rescue drone, why would it carry weapons?” Meng Chao mumbled to himself.

Of course, the enterprises in the other world were different from those on Earth.

In order to explore and excavate the crystal veins in the wild environment filled with monsters, super enterprises such as Universe Corporation and Sky Pillar Corporation all had their own weapons manufacturing teams, corporate equipment, and unparalleled experts.

Their unit firepower was even more powerful than that of the Red Dragon Army.

When everyone came out to conquer the other world, it was not surprising even if they used a large pod to hoist a train cannon, let alone a beehive launcher under the drone. The rainstorm came suddenly.

It was normal for them to launch armed drones to carry out search and rescue operations when they were caught off guard.

The problem was that even if they really wanted to launch armed drones, there was still time to take down the beehive launcher in more than ten seconds, right?

One had to know that after loading weapons, not only would the weight of the beehive launcher greatly reduce the duration of the drone, but it would also reduce the scope of the search and rescue.

Moreover, because the beehive launcher protruded out of the drone, the appearance of the drone would become more irregular, making it easier for the drone to lose control in the storm.

Therefore, no matter how anxious the drone operator was, before the remote-controlled drone took off, it was impossible for him to forget to unload all the weapons.

“The current drones are all modular in design. Uninstalling the weapons, hanging an extra battery or a dedicated camera for search and rescue will only take ten to twenty seconds at most, but it can double the search and rescue efficiency.

“This armed drone did not do this.

“This can only mean that it is not here to perform a search and rescue mission at all.

“It was cruising back and forth between two points, and its flight path was in a straight line. It’s carrying out… a blockade mission! “That’s right, it’s closely monitoring the entrance and exit of the valley ahead. Anyone who passes by here will be discovered by it immediately.

“Interesting. In such a torrential rain, who exactly is it trying to monitor and blockade?

“And the weapon it carries, who is it prepared


Meng Chao’s line of sight crossed the blockade line of the armed drones.

If one imagined the entire mining area as a crouching flood dragon, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.

The northeast direction of the valley was where the flood dragon stretched out its thickest right claw.

The valley was also brightly lit. It was filled with large-scale factories, super mining vehicles, and all kinds of bizarre mining, smelting, and even casting equipment.

At this moment, the valley was filled with people and countless steel beasts were rumbling. They seized the time that Meng Chao had bought for them to strengthen the dam at the entrance of the valley, dig a diversion channel that was better than nothing, and evacuate the workers in the depths of the mine, they were so busy that no one noticed that there was actually another drone flying in the depths of the dark clouds above them. Perhaps there was more than one drone that was secretly spying on them.

Meng Chao’s mind raced.

He spread out his palms and tested them. He found that the rain was gradually getting weaker.

The extreme weather that was triggered by the planet’s magnetic field had come and gone quickly.

The biggest troublemaker, a branch of the Raging Tiger River, had also been temporarily subdued by Meng Chao. This allowed him to free up his hands to study the secret behind this armed drone.

Meng Chao was like a wily crocodile, quietly disappearing into the mud.

When he reappeared, he was already two kilometers away, in a bush spinning in the water.

The armed drone, which knew nothing about him, was still patrolling in the dark clouds.

Meng Chao did not directly cut into the valley that was blocked by the armed drone.

Information. If he wanted to formulate an effective and reliable combat plan for his mysterious opponent, he needed to gather as much information as possible.

Ten meters to the left of Meng Chao was his target. It was a temporary building made of containers.

From the small communication tower that was not too high beside the temporary building, this was not a dormitory. Instead, it should be a field office or a simple laboratory where there was a high demand for information transmission.

Because of the low terrain, the entire building was soaked in stinky sewage and mud.

The container in the southeast corner had even been washed down by the flood, and half of the entire building had collapsed.

The part that had not collapsed was also pitch black. The people inside had long run away — it was own whether they had evacuated in time or participated in the rescue efforts in various places.

Unfortunately, from the signs on the container, the office at the scene did not belong to the universal group that the drone belonged to.

It belonged to Sky Pillar Corporation.

Meng Chao thought for a moment and still went through the tear in the container. He first held his breath and pricked up his ears to listen for the faint sounds of breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, and internal organs squirming in the depths of the darkness.

After making sure there were no survivors and no bodies, he was emboldened to rummage through the closet to find what he wanted.

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