Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1442 - Charging Toward the Raging Waves!

Chapter 1442 Charging Toward the Raging Waves!

With the restoration of the crystal communication tower, the wireless communication channels that had just been cut off were connected one after another.

The tactical communication devices that the low-level superhumans carried were projecting a series of messy orange and red alarms.

The sudden rainstorm had disrupted the human formation.

The entire mining area had turned into a water country.

Other than here, there were many places that urgently needed rescue from the superhumans.

The distress signal was an order, and they saw the red information flow that poured down like a waterfall.

The low-level superhumans’ wounds were still bleeding, their hands and feet were still trembling, and their veins, which were as thick as earthworms, were still twitching violently under their skin.

Despite all that, they still gritted their teeth and supported each other as they stood up again.

“This is not the time to rest!”

“Come on, hang in there!”

“It’s nothing! Compared to the great earthq and flood that Dragon City encountered when they just transmigrated, the rainstorm in front of us is nothing at all!”

Under the encouragement of the low-level extraordinaires, Meng Chao plunged his hands deep into the mud.

His life magnetic field gushed out from his fingertips. Like the roots of the mandala tree, it grew freely underground and spread to an extremely far place in an instant. He sensed a weak but ominous vibration.

It was as if a huge ferocious beast had woken up. It was yawning lazily, combing its hair, and wiping its claws and teeth.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction where the ‘beast’had woken up and the debris was sweeping away.

At the end of his eyes was a narrow valley.

It was also the lowest place within dozens of square kilometers.

The torrential rain and the flood that had broken the dike naturally converged into the valley from all directions. Meng Chao remembered that, when he was looking down from the sky, he had seen that the valley was filled with twinkling lights, as if seven or eight crystal mines had been built in one go, and a lot of super mining ships and heavy trains had been deployed, countless workers were working day and night in the depths of the rift.

If the flood really wreaked havoc in the rift…

The consequences would be ten times worse than the collapse of the crystal communication tower.

“We must stop the flood peak from attacking the rift!”

Meng Chao’s eyes flashed.

However, before he left, he had to give these low-level extraordinary humans a ‘gift’.

Meng Chao took a deep breath. The ‘domain’exclusive to godly state experts had been expanded to the extreme.

The incomparably dense and warm spiritual energy flowed into the ground like a trickle and into the bodies of every low-level extraordinary individual through the soles of their feet.

In an instant, all the low-level extraordinary individuals widened their eyes.

Most of them were born in poverty. Without a

trong background and profound knowledge, it was even more impossible for them to taste the taste of being carefully treated and enhanced by a godly state expert at full strength.

They only felt a warm current, as if it had a life of its own, flowing slowly in their limbs, bones, and extraordinary meridians, dispelling the bone-piercing chill brought by the rainstorm.

The cells that had shrdue to the excessive burning of mitochondria were nourished by this warm current and refilled. They became sparkling and translucent, as full and elastic as ripe fruits.

The wounds that had turned white from soaking in the sewage were also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the white bones that could be seen just a moment ago had now grown a layer of tough skin, which was enough to resist the invasion of the bacteria.

Even when this warm current surged into their hearts, their hearts, which were exhausted and beating weaker and weaker due to the exhaustion of their lives, reignited a ball of blazing flames, it made them feel as if they had been filled with the best fuel and could once again summon the power to fight against the heavens and the earth!


“What’s This?”

“So comfortable!”

“What’s going on? Could it be that the resonance of our life magnetic field has unintentionally awakened the spiritual vein hidden deep underground?”

The low-level extraordinary individuals were both surprised and delighted.

Especially the disabled veteran who had lost his right calf. He was overjoyed to find that not only did the wounds on his body that had b out when he was fighting against the Crystal Communication Tower recover without any medicine, but the old wounds on his right knee were also healed.

Even the old wounds on his right knee, which would flare up every rainy day and were extremely painful, seemed to have been pasted with a dose of panacea meticulously refined by heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The wounds were numb, and the bone marrow was growing inside like tender b It was indescribably comfortable.

“Little brother, you… you feel it too?”

The disabled veteran turned his head, wanting to ask his comrades who had fought alongside him just now whether they had also felt the warmth that contained boundless vitality and hope.

However, he was extremely surprised to find that his little brother, whose face was still somewhat green and his back was as straight as his, had disappeared.

Fifteen kilometers west of the Crystal Communication Tower.

The constantly exploding lightning illuminated the entire world.

It also illuminated the river that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws in the torrential rain, constantly expanding, as if it could not wait to break out of its cage.

That was the largest tributary that Tiger Fury River had split into after it rushed out of the monster mountain range. Because mining, crystal smelting, and metal casting all required a large amount of fresh water.

The entire mining area and the planned heavy industry area were sandwiched between a branch of the Tiger Fury River and a long and narrow rift valley. A large number of factories and accommodation areas under construction were lined up along the branch of the Tiger Fury River.

Although the plan also took into account the problem of flooding, dams and water conservancy facilities were built along the river.

However, in order to excavate a large number of crystals as soon as possible and let investors see the great benefits of venturing beyond the monster mountain range.

Whether it was universal group, Atlas Group, or the other few super enterprises that were advancing at a high speed.

They had all invested their most important manpower and material resources into the crystal mine itself. They had built it almost crazily, and had delayed and neglected the exploration and transformation of the surrounding environment.

Perhaps, with the continuous integration of Dragon City and the other world, the memories of the great earthq and the Great Flood had long been forgotten. People were full of hope and naively believed that as the fog gradually dissipated, the main road facing the entire other world had appeared in front of them. There was no longer any power that could stop their footsteps.

Even if a brand new enemy really appeared, whether it was a natural disaster or the natives of the other world, they would be easily defeated by them. Just like the monster civilization that they had just defeated not long ago.

The sudden rainstorm and flood was a blow to the humans who were more confident than ever before.

Facing the increasingly violent tributaries of the Raging Tiger River, the mining area that was protected by the crumbling dam was simply an undefended city.

Once the flood really broke the dam, the entire mining area could be wiped out.

The flood peak rolled over.

The humans had indeed inspired amazing courage.

Meng Chao saw that at the weakest and most dangerous part of the dam, there were people everywhere. There were people everywhere. Whether it was low-level extraordinaires or ordinary people, whether it was miners or builders, whether it was the driver or the civilian staff who were sitting in the office, they all faced the incoming flood peak and charged forward without fear of death.

They were like ants that could carry goods six times their body weight.

They carried bags, baskets, and boxes of sand and gravel on their shoulders, carried them in their hands, carried them on their heads, and piled them up behind the crumbling dam.

Sometimes, before the sand and gravel were in place, a terrible crack would open on the dam, and high-pressure water arrows that were like sharp blades would shoot out from the crack.

They would puff out their chests and block the crack with their flesh and blood, until the sand and stones were sent to the front line. Many people’s shoulders, hands, and feet were badly brd, and their white bones could be seen.

Some people were hit by the high-pressure water column on their chests and spat out large mouthfof blood.

Some people even carried sand and stones that were several times their weight and trudged through the mud with difficulty. As they walked, they staggered and fell to the ground, and the sand and stones smashed on their bodies like huge hammers.

However, those who fell to the ground often did not even have the time to groan. They clenched their teeth and stood up inch by inch. Once again, they straightened their backs and took a step forward.

And this was not the most dangerous battlefield.

In front of them, the branch of the Tiger Fury River was the narrowest, and it was also the place where the roar of the flood was the most intense.

Dozens of heavy transport vehicles filled with sand and stones lined up in a long line. They charged directly at the branch of the Tiger Fury River with murderous intent.

The whistle was shrill, the engine roared, and the tires with a diameter of more than three meters bit the bumpy and muddy ground. Accompanied by thick smoke, the rotating speed reached its limit, causing the maximum load to be around 500 tons, at this moment, the steel behemoth, which was filled with more than 700 to 800 tons of sand and stones, was charging at lightning speed.

Until it was less than ten to twenty meters away from the river bank.

The driver jumped out of the driver’s seat. He jumped into the mud on the river bank. As for the 700-800 tons of iron and steel beasts, they fell straight into the branch of the Tiger Fury River, and at the same time, they also slightly changed the flow speed and direction of the river.

It could be seen that the drivers of these heavy transport vehicles wanted to use hundreds of thonds of tons of sand and stones to force the branch of the Tiger Fury River to change its route, so that the flood peak would avoid the mining area with the densest personnel and facilities.

Such a dangerous operation was simply driving with their heads held high, dancing on the edge of the blade.

The dikes on both sides of the river had long been eroded by the acid rain and the repeated impact of the flood. They had become brittle, and even the bottom had been hollowed out.

It was difficult for the drivers to determine the safe escape distance.

It seemed to be twenty to thirty meters away from the river bank, but once the overloaded heavy transport vehicles drove up, they would often collapse without any warning.

Even those who could drive this steel behemoth were all low-level extraordinary humans with mechanical and driving talents.

If they were slightly careless, they would also bring the vehicle and nearly a thond tons of sand and stones into the surging river. They would be swept away by the violent and unparalleled flood.

However, even the driver in front had encountered more than one near-death danger.

The heavy transport vehicle that followed him did not hesitate and even sped up, rushing towards the open bloody mouth of the raging waves!

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