Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1354 - The Shortest Straight Line Between Two

Chapter 1354: The Shortest Straight Line Between TwoPoints!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Wolf King, or more accurately, the totem armor on the Wolf King’s body

was indeed in a completely different state from before.

Earlier, his totem armor had been like solid steel and silky mercury.

Now, the surface of his armor was rippling densely, and even small bubbles

were popping up.

It was like a bunch of goosebumps, but also like a boiling pot of oil.

No, it was not just the Wolf King’s Six-kill Armor.

It was also Meng Chao’s own totem armor.

“How interesting.”

Meng Cha0 raised his arm and opened his palm, observing the restless armor

on his palm and fingertips with interest. He muttered to himself, “Are you…


“It’s a liquid metal-like substance that can be independently condensed into a

killing statue and attached to powerful carbon-based intelligent life forms to

help carbon-based povwerhouses break through the life barrier. It seems to be

very afraid of a small, ugly, and weak human-faced spider. Why?

“Since you don’t want me to find that human-faced spider and communicate

with it, it seems thatI must return the same way and leave the area controlled

by the temple of the Sacred Mountain to investigate!”

Meng Chao understood.

No matter how powerful the “Jackal”kanus had become in his previous life, he

would stil end up dead.

If he wanted to change the future in this life, he had to do something

completely different from the wolf king in his previous life.

He did not deny that the mysterious power lurking in the depths of the sacıred

mountain temple could indeed help him and the Wolf King become powerful

and even destructive existences.

In order to prevent the end of the world, Meng Chao did not mind making a

deal with this power that was called the “Terror Demon King”by the Ninth

Circle mages 3,000 years ago, or paying a certain price.

However —

Meng Chao was a person who did not like to give up the initiative.

He also did not like signing a bet with a mysterious existernce without any


Since the other party was so afraid of the human-faced spider.

Perhaps he could get some bargaining chips from the human-faced spider?

As for how to find the human-faced spider, it was not too difficult for Meng

Chao who had broken through to the godly state.

Now, his memory, computational ability, space scanning and modeling ability,

and the ability to collect sound, image, and heat source information were

several times or even dozens of times better than before.

He clearly remembered the entire process of him stepping on air, breaking

through the outer wall of the pipeline, falling into the pipeline, sliding all the

way to the warehouse of fierce beast bones, and then stumbling all the way


The pipeline array that seemed to be as complicated as a maze was filled with

360-degree sharp turms and small turns. It was enough to make ordinary

people dizzy, and even vomit out their bile.

However, Meng Chao remembered every detail of every turn, including how

many turns he made, how many meters he dropped, and how many degrees he


He was confident that he would return to the place where he and the Wolf King

fell through the pipes.

That was also the last place where the man-faced spider appeared.

He believed that he would be able to find traces of the man-faced spider there.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, if the human-faced spider really wanted to

send him some kind of message, then the other party would not run far away,

nor would they avoid him. Who knows, they might sense his return and take

the initiative to show themselves!

This suggestion hit the Wolf King’s soft spot.

After a moment of silence, the Wolf King suddenly let out an extremely shrill

howl from the depths of his throat.

The sharp wolf teeth embedded in the surface of the six kill armor became even

more violent than before. They were like scarlet poisonous thorns that stood

up, making his body double in size.

Thousands of wolf teeth shook crazily, stirring up a bloody storm that blocked

Meng Chao’s vision.

The Wolf King split into dozens of afterimages from the bloody storm and

pounced on Meng Chao at the same time.

The first round of the fight between the two was just a warm-up to help each

other familiarize with the new realm.

At this moment, the howls of thousands of hungry wolves emitted from the

Wolf King’s body were enough to prove that he — or more accurately, the six

kills armor on his body had activated the strongest killing intent.

Looking at his crazy appearance, he looked like the “Lost ones”in Dragon City

who had gone mad, or the “Origin Warriors”who had lost their sense of self

after being deeply eroded by the totem armor.

Meng Chao really wanted to know if he could still recognize his crazy

appearance after removing the Wolf King’s nmask and dragging him in front of

the mirror?

The two of them crossed each other again in the air.

Just like two overloaded armored trains, they brushed past each other on two

rails that were too close to each other.

Dazzling Sparks were produced from the friction.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing scratching sound, cracks that were deep

enough to see bones appeared on the totem armor of the two of them at the

same time.

In the depths of the cracks, a large amount of liquid metal-like substances that

seemed to be nerves, blood vessels, and flesh-like contacts drilled out. At a

speed visible to the naked eye, they repaired the armor perfectly.

The two of them fought to a draw again.

However, Meng Chao retreated quickly.

He flew towards the holes that had penetrated seven layers of the deck in a

row, trying to escape upwards.

One reason was that the Wolf King had already lost his mind. Even if Meng

Chao and he fought to the death, it would be meaningless– if that happened,

it would only benefit the “Horn of destruction”and “Violent blade”for nothing,

in other words, it would make the Horn of destruction and the blade of fury

become the targets of the demon king of Terror, transforming them into the

Doomsday Lion and the Doomsday Tiger.

On the other hand, Meng Chao vaguely felt that his totem armor was losing


In the depths of the sacred mountain temple, the totem armor that had been

sealed for three thousand years was strengthened and upgraded by liquid

metal-like substances. At the same time, it had ten times more metal activity

and combat strength, it also had a higher level of intelligence and a more

independent will than before.

It seemed to be able to tell that Meng Chao was not a willing puppet like the

Wolf King.

He was definitely not willing to dance under his baton.

Therefore, he was restless, interfering with or even resisting Meng Chao’s

actions within the scope of his authority.

Towards such a peerless weapon that was “Harboring evil intentions and acting

on its own”, Meng Chao naturally had a huge headache.

However, he was unable to finda way to control the totem armor for the time


He didn’t even know how to remove this layer of pestering liquid metal-like

material from his body.

He could only take the initiative to distance himself from the Wolf King while

he was still barely able to control the totem armor

He went to the human-faced spider to find the answer.

Since the “Killing statue square array’made of liquid metal-like material had

the ability to easily destroy a city in theory.

However, it was unable to kill the human-faced spider even after being sealed

for three thousand years.

This meant that the human-faced spider was either not within their attack


Or it had mastered some kind of method to deal with the killing statue and

even liquid metal-like substances.

Meng Chao’s mind raced as a crystal-clear and intricate architectural model

appeared in his mind.

He had already explored the inner structure of the temple of the sacred

mountain, and he could see everything clearly in the crystal model.

Now, he was at the bottom of the temple of the Sacred Mountain, which was

the power area of the ancient Turan spaceships.

He had just entered the temple and discovered the human-faced spider. There

was a drop of about 270 meters in height.

According to the friction and disturbance between his life magnetic field and

the planet’s magnetic field, he was about two to three degrees to the west.


A shining, meandering line suddenly appeared in the crystal model in Meng

Chao’s mind.

It was connected to the ‘starting point’where he was at the moment and the

‘end point’where the human-faced spider appeared.

Meng Chao followed the flashing line in his mind and darted up to the third

deck through the hole.

However, ‘Rustling Sounds’came from the top of his head.

Messy and powerful spiritual energy ripples were set off.

It seemed that the other statues of slaughter had been awakened and infuriated

by his audacious behavior and were surrounding him from above.

At his feet, the Wolf King also let out a series of irrational howls and blocked

his way.

It seemed that there was a mysterious connection between the liquid

metal-like substances that made up the statues of slaughter and the totem

armors. They could communicate with each other through some high-tech or

mysterious means and cooperate in battle.

Just like the main brain of the monster in the hidden fog domain and the

torrential beast tide that it controlled.

There was no way in heaven and no way in earth.

But Meng Chao didn’t hesitate at all.

He immediately changed direction and moved horizontally, pushing his speed

to the limit. Like an armored train with a battering ram, he charged at

everything in front of him, whether it was the seemingly indestructible wall..,

or the complicated tubes and machinery.

It was the super alloy monster with the head of a bull, the body of a bear, and

the wings of an eagle that had inspired him.

After all, this was not a real underground temple. The space around him was

not blocked by rock layers that were as hard as iron and of infinite thickness,

but by thin bulkheads and decks.

After the distortiom of space ten thousand years ago, as well as the double

erosion of ten thousand years of time and spiritual energy, most ofí the

bulkheads and decks were mottled and brittle.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King stepped on the outer wall of a seemingly thick

spiritual energy tube.

The Super Alloy Monster with the ‘bull’s head, Bear’s body, and Eagle’s

wings’even penetrated seven decks in one breatlh.

It was obvious that the seemingly insurmountable barrier was only a

self-limitation on the surface.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Meng Chao was like a burning meteorite that smashed and crushed everythingg

in front of him, leaving the killing statue and the furious Wolf King far behind.

The crystal model in his mind replanned the route again and again.

In the beginning, he tried to scan every cabin and every pathway in the

surrounding, planning the most reasonable route in the complicated space.

After crashing through countless layers of bulkheads and decks in one breath,

Meng Chao suddenly realized that there was no need to go through so much

trouble.. He only needed to follow the principle of “The shortest straight line

between two points”, he would just have to charge forward!

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