Offer To The CEO

Chapter 719 - Why Did You Help? - Part 2

Saturday, continued …

Hearing Anna explain all her actions while he had been away and seeing how she looked, all Hou Yi could say in response was "You know I cannot resist you. Assuming you finish getting qualified here, I will not stand in your way if that is what you want. Just keep yourself safe."

Mindful of little Jang, Anna leaned over and gave Hou Yi a brief quick kiss, before saying "Thank you my love."

"Now what is this I hear about a gathering here today. You promised me we would have the weekend when I got back. Over two weeks away, and I missed you two so much."

"I thought you were going to reduce your travelling. But Lexi was finally able to come, even though it is under strict control for this weekend.  Tan is driving Amanda crazy, and Alecia is already feeling claustrophobic that Tan forced her onto maternity leave as soon as she hit her third trimester.  Of all the fathers or expectant father's, you are calm and able to cope with things.  I need some girl time, and with the help of the nannies, I figured this weekend would be good for some daddy-son time."

Shaking his head Hou Yi responded "You can exploit me weaknesses. Just do not let my competitors know."

"Never, now get out of here for a few hours then we can have the time we want. I just need this."

"Fine, but Phillipa will be annoyed that she is not included in this?"

Then came this voice, that Hou Yi had not expected "Who said I was not invited. I missed a number of things, but I had to come and handle a few things for my parents."

Hou Yi immediately knew who that voice was. Damn it, Anna was still good at keeping things close to her chest. "Pip squeak …"

"Stow it, Yi. I want to talk to your wife and cuddle the cutie in her arms, not talk trash with you."

"Damn it …"

"Yi, has Anna not told you, do not swear around your son, he is impressionable."

Anna, by now could not help laughing. These two when they got together, were fun to watch and thank goodness her and Yi's marriage had not impacted their friendship.

Hearing Anna's laughter, little Jang started to chortle in his mother's arms. All Anna could say as "Even this one thinks his daddy and Aunty Phillipa are funny." This drew looks from both Hou Yi and Phillipa, angry at this.

"Phillipa sweetheart," came a very English sounding voice. "You told me about your friend, but I did not expect to see something so funny right off the bat."

"David, you and your cricket metaphors. You know I hate the game …"

"And who said the English were any good at cricket? You just get lucky occasionally."

Hou Yi, looked to his wife and then Phillipa, before turning and glaring at the man who interrupted their conversation. Phillipa knew if she did not act, this could become messy. She moved over and quietly said "Yi this is my fiancé David Elder."

Hou Yi looked stunned at this news. Phillipa had gotten engaged and not said a word. "Mr Hou, Phillipa has told me a lot about you. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for her otherwise I would never had had the chance to meet her or anything else."

Hou Yi did not know what to say. Anna, having carefully stood up moved over and whispered in his ear "The word you are looking for is thank you."

That shook Hou Yi up and looking at Phillipa he realised that she was the happiest he had ever seen her. Professionally she was always about to project an image, most likely due to her mother's background and training when she was younger, but since she had been attacked, he had never seen her like this. With everything she had been through she deserved happiness, and as her friend he was glad that she was.

The only thing was that her life, rather than being split between both her cultural backgrounds was soon about the be cornered in the UK.  She had told him a few weeks ago, that her mother handing over the title to her was almost finalised, it was just awaiting the approval from the Queen.  When her parents married, as Lady Amelia's brother was years younger than her they never expected the title would fall to them.  They made their plans, that on her retirement from her career in the UK, they would return here for their retirement years.  Yes Lady Amelia's parliamentary career changed things, but her parents always wanted to follow up their retirement decision.

"Yi are you going to say something" asked Phillipa. Yes, she loved David with all her heart, and most importantly before he proposed he demonstrated that all he wanted was Phillipa, not her title, her maternal family inheritance or her paternal family wealth.

"Phillipa, this is a shock. You said nothing. You just need to let me take it in. But all I can do if offer you both my congratulations."

"Yi, I am going to ask you something, before you go, take David with you, go out and enjoy the day, Jang can stay with me." Anna said, and paused before continuing "And no messing with him or you will have me to answer to."

"Yes, my love. I will see you in a few hours. Take care." As Hou Yi gave Anna a brief kiss, David walked over and kissed Phillipa on the cheek.

After they men eventually left Phillipa asked "Are you sure he will not hurt David."

"Phillipa, he loves you like a sister, all he wants is what you want, but pity anyone who hurts you."

Before they could chat further, in walked Amanda pushing a twin stroller with an obviously pregnant Alecia and a less obviously pregnant Lexi Yao. "Amanda, let us take these three to the nursery where a couple of nannies are, and I have arranged for us a spa day in the poolside guest house. We need spoiling while we have some girl time."

"Thank you, Anna. Tan is driving me insane. Yes, he has done all this before, but can he not let me learn."

"Amanda, they never listen. At least he loves you, and you know what my situation is…" said a despondent Lexi. "Now let us get this girls day on the road before we all get too miserable."


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