Offer To The CEO

Chapter 712 - Anniversary - Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

Du AnLing, observing Anna, responded "Anna that is not you.  Yi fell in love with the whole person you are, and that includes the hard nose lawyer that I have occasionally had the pleasure of seeing at work.  I would be disrespecting him and you, if I was not willing to consider what you want.  So, what do you want to do?"

Anna, hearing those words realised that she had had a wonderful mother-in-law, someone who cared about her, rather than her own wants.  That was the stark contrast to her own mother, who ever since their return home from Jang's christening in Australia had been sending constant emails and attempting to contact her.  She had not learnt, and her constant emails to her ANX emails were enough for the police to charge her..

Standing up, Anna quickly moved and gave Du AnLing a hug, before sitting back down.  "You know I need to hear that.  My own mother, as I have realised, treats me like something she can control.  It is no wonder that I fell into a relationship with Lu Jinho, because I was so use to it.  You just made me realise that you love me for being me.  That I need.  And more importantly you are more a mother to me that I believe she will ever be."

Anna looked over at Du AnLing and noticed that she was tearing up "Please do not cry, I did not want to make you sad…"

"I did not realise how you felt."

"It is the truth, mother.  You have made me realise what being a parent is about, and that is what I want to ensure that I give Jang, and any other children Yi and I are lucky to have."

"All you have to do is your best, that is all any of us can do as a parent," responded Du AnLing.  She then paused and noted that Anna was already avoiding answering her question.  "Anna, stop trying to distract me.  My question still stands.  What do you want to do?  You should make the right choice for you, not what you think we what you to do, as you know Yi will support your decision, as much as you support the decisions he makes."

Laughing Anna said "Well that was not true this morning.  He wanted to stay at home and I harassed him to head into the office, finally using the argument that him staying at home simply for his anniversary was not a good message to send to every all the Hou Enterprises employees worldwide, but I promised him something later."

Shaking her head Du AnLing said "You little blackmailer.  Yi will do whatever you want…"

"Well not everything."

"True, since you have given birth, he has finally developed a backbone when it comes to saying no to you."

"I liked those days where he let me do what I wanted, but do you know there was a reason?"

"Because he wanted you to be secure as he feared you would leave him?"

"No.  You know the issues I had and still have problems with psychologically as of what Lu Jinho did in our relationship." Seeing Du AnLing nodding, Anna continued speaking "The obstetrician, along with Phillipa and everyone else that was around me, dealing with my pregnancy and mental health, were concerned that if Yi pushed me too far, I would fall apart psychologically with a resulting impact on an already risky pregnancy.  They told him not to stress me out, hence what he did.  It was that same reasoning that they told neither of us about the problems with the pregnancy or the likelihood that we would lose Aaron quickly after birth, because they were worried about what would happen to me, if I found out."

"Not knowing about Aaron made both of us angry, as we could have been prepared for what happened, but with time having gone on I can understand this.   When I was dealing with legal matters where I had information, I knew would be harmful to the client's I minimised what they were told, telling them only the necessary information.  After time elapsed, I could see what they were doing and have accepted it, Yi however still is angry about that as he believes he could have found a specialist somewhere in the world that could have saver Aaron."

"Reaching that understanding has me realizing that I want to return to work, in a few months.  Not full time, as I want flexibility with Jang when I want to, and for us to travel with Yi when we can."

"Then go for it Anna.  The two nannies you have are great, and you always know you have us for support.  Plus, you can tell that son of mine if he wants to argue with you, that he will have me to deal with.  Just promise me one thing."


"You never give up on what you are passionate for as a career.  You have skills and choices, and I do not want you to seem limited by expectations in society here for women.  Do not let others, even me, influence what you do, as I believe that will sell your and Yi's relationship short."

"Thank you."

Pausing Du AnLing looked at Anna and with a smile on her face said, "We do, however have something important to do today."

Seeing the look, Anna was worried, and asked "What?"

"Well it is your anniversary, and Jang will come back, with the nannies to the family villa tonight, so you and Yi can spend the night together.  But that means, if I took your understanding of your earlier comments, we need to go shopping for some special items before you meet up with him."

Anna immediately understood what D AnLing was referring to and said in a shocked tone "Mother!"


From the Author.

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