Offer To The CEO

Chapter 709 - Anniversry - Part 1

Wednesday, several weeks later

Ever since they had employed the nannies, Hou Yi rarely allowed Jang to sleep in their room.  As he kept reminding Anna, they paid the nannies to be there to care for Jang and letting the two of them have time to themselves was important.  While Anna always wanted to argue with him that it was important, they were there for Jang, every time he reminded Anna that in leaving him with the nannies gave them time with each other she would blush.

However, last night he relented and gave into Anna's demands.  She quietly said that she wanted the two most important men in her life with her in the morning when he awoke and told Hou Yi he would receive his reward that night for letting her have her way.  It was only after a brief pause that it clicked with Hou Yi that it was the anniversary of them obtaining their marriage certificate. 

A significantly important date, and almost missing it due to being busy at work was sending him into a spin.  How could he have almost forgotten the day that marked the happiness that he had.  Married to the love of his life, and having such a beautiful child.  While thinking about Jang, it was still touched with some sadness of having lost Aaron so young.  Like Anna, despite him having his name, they always called him by his English name, Aaron, due to its meaning.

As he sat watching his sleeping wife, Hou Yi last night had felt guilty in calling Assistant Wang to book a restaurant for tonight, and to arrange for flowers to be sent to Anna throughout the day.  He knew at some stage he would need to leave work and visit Fengs to pick up the Eternity Ring Assistant Wang was emailing them about last night.

Turning away from Anna, he could see Jang just starting to stir in his cot.  He was still surprised that he was sleeping through most of the night.  As he moved over to pick him up, he could still not believe that this little person was their child, and despite everything he had been through, he was not overly demanding.  According to the nannies, he was a pleasure to care for.

After changing Jang's nappy, he carefully headed back to their bed to wake Anna up.  Just thinking about things made him feel sentimental.  Carefully sitting down, he leant over and gave Anna a kiss to wake her, and allowed Jang, who was now wide awake to pat his mother's cheek.   As she started to move, he carefully moved back slightly, and saw that she awoke with a smile on her face, as she drowsily said "What a wonderful way to wake up, with the two most important men in my life at this time with me."

Smiling at that, Hou Yi said "Happy Anniversary darling."

"Happy Anniversary, Yi.  Now are you…"

"Do you need to ask.  I will spoil you later, but we need a little family time before real life intervenes.  All I ask is that you be ready for a night out tonight, without Jang.  Just let the nannies know we will be at the apartment rather than returning here."

"You know I want to be here in case something happens with him."

Hou Yi smiled and quietly said "How do you expect me to spoil you, if we are worried about Jang and not willing to let the nannies do their job?  And we are only a call away if there is any issue."

Pausing Anna, "You better spoil me, or …"

"Threat's Anna.  You know they do not work."


"No Buts.  I gave in to you when you were pregnant as of everything else, but do you think you can manipulate me all the time…"

"If you want to have your fun…" laughed Anna.

Shaking his head Hou Yi said "I do not know what to do with you sometimes…"

"You just have to love me."

"That is a given, and it better be a two-way street."

"It is.  What happened twelve months ago was meant to be.  Who would have thought, despite Aaron's death we would have all the happiness that we have, and we have a lifetime to look forward to." With that Anna leant over and gave Hou Yi a quick kiss before taking Jang from him and settling into his arms.  When she was comfortable, she quietly said "This is perfect."

Kissing Anna briefly on the head Hou Yi said "It is."

Before either of them could say another word, Jang started crying and looking for Anna's b*east.  Laughing Hou Yi said, "Our son knows how to spoil the moment for his parents."

Giggling, Anna said "He does seem to have that timing, but I better feed him." Resting in Hou Yi's arms, Anna quickly opened her pyjama top and Jang immediately fastened himself onto Anna's b*east and started feeding.  Neither of them was willing to speak, and just looked down at him while he had his fill.

As Anna tidied herself up, Hou Yi took Jang, and changed him again, before calling the nannies for them to collect Jang, and get him ready from the day.  While he loved having Jang with them, he did want to spend a few minutes alone with Anna before heading into the office.

As Jang left with the nanny, Hou Yi headed into the en-suite where Anna had drifted.  On entering he realised Anna had no idea that he was there, and he quickly undressed before moving into the shower and carefully pulling Anna into his arms, before moving his hands to carefully start to caress her b*easts.


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