Offer To The CEO

Chapter 2 - What Do You Mean?

Tuesday, continued...

Anna spotted Lu Jinhu exiting the Civil Administration Bureau, dressed in the black business suit with a white shirt and tie that they had picked out together. It was easy to spot him, as he was just on six foot tall, and his short black hair, had the blonde tips at the ends that he always preferred to have.

On Lu Jinhu's left hand side was a woman, who Anna had never seen before. She was, Anna thought about her height, but with an almost fragile look to her. She was of a slight build, and Anna noticed that she was in a white dress, and had a few flowers woven into her black hair that was pinned up. When she looked down, Anna noticed that Lu Jinhu and this woman were holding hands.

Behind Lu Jinhu and the woman Anna immediately recognised Jinhu's parents but there was also another couple that she did not know. All six people had wide happy smiles on their faces, and the woman beside Jinhu was gazing up at him with look of pure happiness and adoration on her face. Jinhu, was repeatedly glancing at her, and had a look of joy on his face, along with something else that Anna could not determine. None of them seemed to be looking for her.

Anna wondered what was going on and stood up to move towards Lu Jinhu as she and they moved across the plaza outside the Civil Administration Bureau towards them. She was hoping that she could determine exactly what was going on, and resolve it so she in Jinhu could marry as soon as possible. When Anna was about 6 paces away from the group, Jinhu looked and spotted her. The group stopped and Jinhu, kept a tight grip on the hand of the woman beside him.

"Jinhu, where have you been? I have been so worried that you were not here at the time that you said to meet you, so we could get our marriage certificate with your parents here. I even left you a message to find out where you were," Anna said.

Before Jinhu could respond, the woman beside him, with a vicious undertone said "Get away woman. He is my husband. You are delusional if he would ever marry you."

"What…. What do you mean?", stuttered Anna. "Tell me Jinhu that this is not the truth."

Mr Lu, clearly enunciating his words jumped right in, before Jinhu who was looking anywhere other than at Anna and said "That is right your evil woman. My Jinhu, did what he was always meant to do and marry Yang Lin. He is a good son, and in marrying her they will take care of us as they are meant to do and prevent you from taking him away from us and meeting his obligations to his parents."

Mrs Lu, in a vicious tone, then followed her husband "Get away from us, you witch. Jinhu was always going to marry Yang Lin as we had arranged between us and her parents. You bewitched him into staying in Australia for so many years forgetting his obligations not only to Yang Lin but to her parents and us. You kept him away from the family business. You had no right. He has just done what he was always meant to do."

Two more voices from the other couple with Mr & Mrs Lu, who by this time Anna realised must be this Yang Lin's parents responded, but without the viciousness that Mrs Lu had. "True. Our Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu were always going to marry. It was arranged when they were young, and it makes sense for personal and business reasons."

The viciousness then started to come into the words of Mrs Yang's tone, when she continued "Get away from us or we will call the police. I know I can have you arrested for being an illegal in our country."

The bombshells had all just fallen on Anna, with what had been delivered to her. But it could not be true, could it? The only way, she thought to herself that she could be sure was to ask her Jinhu for the truth.

Anna turned slightly to look Jinhu in the eye, and asked "Is this true?"

Jinhu's response was dream shattering to Anna "Yes you b**ch. I have done what I was always meant to do. Get away from us, I do not need you anymore."

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