Offer To The CEO

Chapter 186 - Admissions? - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

"Vice-CEO Lu has the right to accept of deny the allegations, like any person, He clearly denied all the allegations. He was also clear in his statement that the footage the police had been provided with as allegedly coming from the Key Plaza Hotel was a forgery. He clearly indicated that he had a copy of the true footage, which would prove his version of events as correct."

"Vice-CEO Lu then alleged that Madam Hou was not and could not be legally married to CEO Hou, and consequently had no right to be in the country. Further he stated that she was a thief in that he had Australian Court orders that clearly stated a laptop, among other items was his. Madam Hou, refused to hand that over."

"It is not unusual when allegations are made against someone, that they make allegations against the person making them. However it became weird in this case. Vice-CEO Lu claimed that his wife had spoken to the jewellers Fengs about their intention to purchase a particular engagement ring and wedding ring set, for them to have a final inspection before purchasing them on the same day as the Key Plaza Hotel incident."

"The allegation made against Madam Hou, who he insisted was Miss Jones, was hat she had convinced CEO Hou to illegally persuade Fengs to provide them with the rings that were in fact his and Madam Lu's given that they had told Fengs that they would finalise their purchase when they attended the store after the final inspection."

"Added to that he claimed she also prevented CEO Hou, who if he had known who was making the reasonable requests hand over the rings, and given the inconvenience cause to them allow them to have them at no cost. Vice-CEO Lu stated he believed Madam Hou prevented CEO Hou from knowing it was Madam Lu who made request. He said he believed CEO Hou would have granted the request if he knew about it, given his and Madam Lu's past relationship. I found this highly strange, as I believed any jewellers would sell items to whoever was willing to pay their price."

"Vice-CEO Lu, in the discussion with Inspector Gang, indicated that he immediately required the laptop, and asked could he secure it and provide it to him today. He also indicated while he and Madam Lu would prefer to have their rings immediately, if that was not possible they could wait.

The final thing he indicated was he wanted Madam Hou to be roughed up."

"By this point I was shocked at the direction of the conversation and sort to leave, as I wanted no part in what was being proposed. Inspector Gang advised Vice-CEO Lu that he needed a minute. While the call was still on speaker phone he clearly stated me name, and informed Vice-CEO Lu that I had been listening to the conversation. He clearly asks Vice-CEO what he wants done."

"Vice-CEO Lu again made it very clear that he immediately wanted the Laptop and the rings as soon as possible. Further he made it clear he wanted Mada Hou arrested and charged with all her crimes against him, including theft and the assault at the Key Plaza Hotel. He was also clear that as she was not married to CEO Hou, she should be charged over that as well.

"He then indicated he would pay us for having secured the laptop and rings as well as indicating there would be a bonus in it if for us if we ensured that she was roughed up before she was locked in a police cell, and had prisoners also to that. He said that could be achieved by simply letting the prisoners know she was a lawyer."

"Before the call was ended he requested he be informed as soon as possible after she was charged.

He said that was necessary as he had to inform the authorities in Australia of her actions, and she would be dealt with for that. I stayed out of the conversation, however in discussing what had to be done Vice-CEO Lu and Inspector Gang repeatedly mentioned my name, drawing me in without me realising it."

"Once the call ended, Inspector Gang called Officer Mu, and told him the situation had changed. Officer Mu was to arrest Madam Hou. He indicated given the situation Inspector Gang should be the one to arrest her. I accompanied Inspector Gang, and when we arrived, we had to wait down stairs."

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