Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 306 Sea Mesh CEO

Chapter 306 Sea Mesh CEO

"Boss JINNNNN!" Ke Loong was practically jumping him the moment he found out Jin came into the shop. Jin tried to push Ke Loong away, who was about to give him a bear hug.

"Boss, I am very sorry for my friend's awkward behaviour. I hope you can forgive his enthusiasm." Mr Know-It-All smiled at Jin's arrival.

"Oh? I didn't know that he was a friend of yours. You somehow seem very relieved to see me..." Jin said, before he figured out the reason. With his absence, it was on Mr Know-It-All to entertain his friend all this time while Jin was recuperating.

"Erm… Yeah. He told me what had happened in the morning. I am impressed and very thankful, that you managed to resolve that situation on your own. Don't worry, I won't share this information with anybody else." Mr Know-It-All resumed his smile as Ke Loong stabilised himself and returned into being a grown man. He took out his business card and presented it to Jin.

"Though I was at the presentation this morning, I am not a military vendor, but primarily a Dungeon Supplier Technologist." Ke Loong officially introduced himself with Mr Know-It-All interjecting and stating that Ke Loong was the CEO for a company called Sea Mesh.

"Sea Mesh…? I think I heard about it during my school graduation..." Jin took out his phone to search the name on the net and realised that it was the up and coming Dungeon Supplier Tech company to provide cutting edge technology infused with lesser cultivation techniques. They aimed to encourage more people to become dungeon suppliers so that mankind as a whole could enjoy cultivation as a sport rather than a necessity to have a more comfortable life. (Kraft felt pitiful that the cultivation which was used as a means of survival became so trivial in the modern world.)

"I read about your 'Remote Portal' theory in university and loved the concept. It is admirable how you tried to connect people from other regions and even overseas to local dungeon suppliers' instances. Something like beaming into a virtual reality. Only that your team managed to turn this concept from science fiction show into reality. I still remember being in awe about it when I saw the video of your prototype working on a human." Jin shook Ke Loong's hand as a sign of respect. He brought the two over to the Bar Island for a cup of coffee on the house.

"Yes, thank you for your praise. It's a shame it never went beyond the prototype stage. Shortly after that video was released the investors stopped funding it, since it consumed too much electricity for something to be considered convenient. But at the very least we managed to confirm that the remote portal device really works. If only it became widespread... we even planned to go one step further to integrate them into a Mass Portal Transportation which would have definitely caused quite an uproar with the airline and shipping industries." Ke Loong spoke of his plans in a more serious tone with a lot of regret.

"With the improvement of technology, can't the high ranking Western Wizards create a mass portal spell? They already have a working portal spell at Rank 16 and those above should be even more powerful." Jin was not ignorant of such modern theory and dismissed traditional methods. Not to mention, Jin had access to the System, which already had a way to do that plus portaling him out to other worlds.

"Those wizards kept emphasising that such spells should not be messed around with too much. Especially when it comes to space time continuum and quantum physics. Can't really say that they are wrong either. There were cases of wizards messing up the space time continuum, who caused some weird monsters to appear. It was a good thing that those monsters could be killed quick enough, before anything worse happened. Just imagine if they had flourished in our world." Ke Loong shuddered at the thought of it.

"And as expected of Boss Jin, your knowledge about this subject did not disappoint. I have been waiting here for you, because I would like to request your help with improving the Remote Portal Technology. We know that you are just a dungeon supplier and not some brilliant technologist since we had your background checked before approaching you." Ke Loong admitted in an honest way, but he purposely left out Mr Know-It-All's role in that investigation.

"However the incident this morning changed my perspective of you. You have companions and contacts who might be able to help us complete this 'Remote Portal' Project. Of course we will compensate everyone involved, even you just for referring them, generously. I can even help promote your shop or how about letting 'Dungeons and Pandas' be the first dungeon supplier to have access to the Remote Portal Technology. ...Or even make it become the exclusive shop to have it. Plus the money from the patent of this Remote Portal and possibly the sales of the-" Jin stopped Ke Loong from talking anymore.

"I am sorry, but my contacts and I are not interested." Jin stated in a firm but apologetic tone.

"Why? The amount of money you could get is immeasurable. And what about the fame? Don't you wish for future generation to learn your name, in helping develop such a thing? My company is currently going through an IPO, there are many eyes looki-" This time Ke Loong was stopped by Mr Know-It-All, who simply shook his head at his talking friend.

"One of my companions has already been working on a similar prototype for quite a while. It should not be too long now, before my companion will complete the work and make it ready for production. However I also have a counterproposal for you. How about you work for me instead?" Jin offered as he stared into Ke Loong's eyes with determination eager to win this argument. Mr Know-It-All could only laugh at the absurdity of the situation. A local small time dungeon supplier asking a CEO to work for him… who else but Boss Jin would ever dare to propose something like that.

"Well, once Jin is set on something, he is sure to get it. I doubt you can compete with his companion's products." Mr Know-It-All injected.

"How can you be sure his product -I mean his companion's product will even work? You know how many brilliant scientists it took just to get the prototype running. Did you plan this out with him? Are you doing this to compete against me? You are nothing but just a measly little- Ow!" Ke Loong got knocked at the head by Mr Know-It-All.

"How many times do I need to remind you? Do not let success go over your head. Remember what I told you? If you wish to make a deal with Boss Jin, you will have to learn to swallow your pride." Mr Know-It-All repeated the advice he gave his friend some time ago. Ke Loong looked down and he nodded with some understanding. Jin found that both of them might actually be more than friends from the way they acted.

"System wishes to ask User who this companion is. There are no entries of User having friends possessing such high levels of knowledge in regards to such a technology?" The System asked, to which Jin could only sigh.

"It's you, you dummy." Jin sent his thought back, and a silence overcame the conversation in his head even though it was noisy outside.

"Let's change the question, why would you want to create a Remote Portal? And why not let your companion meet Ke Loong and let him or her decide for themselves? Is your companion really that trustworthy of your judgement?" Mr Know-It-All was shooting Jin down mercilessly.

"My goals go into the same direction as Ke Loong's ambition, to spread my love for dungeons instances and cultivation to other parts of the world. For now I may be considered a small time Dungeon Supplier, but I believe I have something unique to offer, and would love to share it with the world… provided they come here. I also have some other plans for my customers down the road." Jin answered ambiguously.

"Hmm? Do you plan to create an exclusive guild here?" Mr Know-It-All casually asked and Jin merely shrugged his shoulders, but his expression was evident for both of them to see.

"Well as for the trustworthiness of my companion. Everything you see before you was created thanks to my friend." Jin spread his hands and show them that this entire shop instance was made by the System. "Does my companion really fully hundred percent trust me? Not really but my companion fully respects whatever decision I make."

"So you are not even going to tell us a gender, huh." Mr Know-It-All smirked and patted Ke Loong's back. "Go for it. I will recommend going in this deal blindly. Trust me. That's the fun of Dungeons and Pandas. From what I know, you will gain more than you may lose." Mr Know-It-All said as he left the bar island and proceeded to watch the fights.

"Well…if Brother Know trusts you to such a high degree… Fine. I will come again tomorrow with my secretary and all relevant personnel to get the pre-contract agreement deal finalised." Ke Loong remarked before he finished his cup of coffee.

"I will see if my lawyer is available tomorrow." Jin thanked Ke Loong for his confidence.

"Lawyer?" Ke Loong panicked a little. Why would Jin need a lawyer for just a simple deal?

"Ahh, he will be around just to make sure I am not getting cheated. I am rather bad at reading deals." Jin used his inexperience as a reason and Ke Loong had to agree with him. The fact that Jin's shop was barely two months old indicated that he was indeed not too familiar with these kinds of agreements. Had he known, that the lawyer Jin would bring was Xiong Da, he would not have stayed so calm.

"Damn, even your coffee is great. I will definitely be back! But before I leave, I still need to get myself more of those Digital Pet Cards! Hehehe!" Ke Loong slid down from his seat and hurriedly moved to the second floor.

"So erm yea System… I want to create Remote Portals. I noticed we have quite a substantial amount of resource left after setting aside the budget for the Deep Ones Dungeon. Arghh, but I also have to remodify the National Stadium instance first for the evening's release of that dungeon instance." Jin grumbled as he quickly returned to the Dungeon Maker and booted up the National Stadium Instance.

"Preparation will be made according to your wishes, User." The System noted, but Jin was already using high intensity mode commanding three copies of Jins and was too busy to hear it.

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