New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 962: Swindling Old Man

Chapter 962: Swindling Old Man

As Kary disembarked the plane, she quickly found the small medical transport vehicle, which had been waiting for them at the hangar.

Two Chinese men were waiting outside of it, one of them seemingly in his advanced forties, a cigarette in his mouth, while the younger one, who couldn’t be older than twenty-five, was glancing to his left with curious looks.

When Kary followed his gaze, she saw what he was looking at and frowned.

“If one of them is Rì-Chu, then who is the other one?” she mumbled to herself.

She hurried towards the medical transport, her steps quick and purposeful, and bowed to them a bit, breaking out her sloppy Chinese greeting.

“Ni h?o. Does either of you speak English? My Chinese doesn’t go much further than a greeting and thank you…” she asked, her face pleading. ƒгeeweɓn૦

The two men looked at her in confusion, clearly not understanding her words.

The younger one stepped forward.

“English, uh, no speak. Chinese, OK. No English,” he stammered, his accent heavy.

“Shit…” she muttered in response.

But the pair that had been waiting here as well had already noticed her presence, and one of the boys was already racing toward her.

“Phoenix! I’m so glad to meet you in person finally,” the boy said.

“Kary is fine,” she replied, recognizing the young Chinese boy as I’die, Rì-Chū of his actual name.

“We were wondering why these two men were waiting here as well. Did you have business with them?” the boy asked, his head tilting a bit.

Kary was astonished at how the kid’s English flowed, his accent barely perceptible. If she hadn’t known any better, she would have thought he had been raised in America.

“I do, actually,” she said, snapping out of her daze.

“We had blood delivered, as we had an emergency on board, and I’m pretty sure they have it. Can you help me out? They don’t speak English, and my Chinese is as basic as it gets…”

Rì-Chū giggled and nodded his head, turning to the men.

“Zhè wèi nüshi wèn ni shìfou you tamen dinggòu de xi?yè.”

“A, shì de, women yuànyì. Women bù quèdìng t? shìfou shì g?i t? de rén. Wo hěn g?oxing yourén néng wéi women fanyì,” the younger man replied before the older guy raised his hand to interrupt.

“Women réngrán xuyào fùku?n hé qianmíng,” the older one said with a grin.

Rì-Chū frowned at his words, almost certain that wasn’t quite right, but he still turned to Kary.

“The elder says you still have to sign some papers and pay them,” he told her, his voice uncertain.

It was Kary’s turn to frown.

“That’s not right. I am certain Alfred would have paid for that already. I want to see the paperwork first.”

The boy nodded, turning back to the two men, and started arguing with the old man, until the young one went and pulled the paperwork from their vehicle. He caught a stink eye from the older dude as he handed the paperwork over to the boy.

Rì-Chū read through it, his frown deepening.

“Pho-Kary. I don’t see anywhere on here that says you owe them money. It even says pre- paid on the bottom of the form. I think he’s trying to swindle you…” he said, his voice quivering.

Kary’s face became cold as she stared at the old man.

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She released her mana slowly, focusing on the old man, who could only feel it as mental pressure, as she sauntered toward him, stopping a mere foot away from him.

The old guy was already sweating bullets when she opened her mouth to speak.

“I know you don’t understand a word I say, so I’ll make sure the emotions go through enough for you to get me. Try to swindle me, and I’ll burn you alive until nothing is left of you but ashes floating away in the wind,” she seethed.

The man truly understood nothing of her words. But the burning gaze, which he later swore he saw a flicker of flames in, and the bone-chilling tone she had used were indications enough of her threat and her willingness to go through with whatever she threatened him with.

He gulped audibly before putting on a cowardly fake smile.

“W? dào qiàn. Wo wùjiěle. Wě xiànzài kàn dào yijing yùfùle. Qing v?nx? wě zài nín qiānsh? wénjiàn shí wèi nín qu xuè,” he replied, his voice shaking.

Kary didn’t understand what he said, but through Rì-Chu’s grin, she understood he was cooperating.

She nodded, stepping back before the man jogged to the back of the transport vehicle.

The kid handed her the papers, which she glanced over, not understanding anything on them, before flipping to the end, where a line was awaiting her John Hancock.

She tapped her pockets, realizing she had no pen, but the boy next to her extended his hand toward her, with a chrome ballpoint pen in hand.

“Look at you, being so prepared,” she teased, smiling at him.

The boy giggled, replying, “The man who is prepared has his battle half fought, right?”

Kary quickly scrawled her signature across the line before handing over the papers to the young man, who bowed at her, his face pale. That’s when Kary realized she was still releasing her mana.

She quickly retracted it and heard the young man sigh in relief before he bowed again, thanking her.


Kary nodded, seeing the older man rushing toward her with a small cooler. He opened it to show her the two pouches of O negative.

She glanced at it and nodded again, taking the cooler from his extended hands. The old man was in a rush to leave, as he asked a question to the younger one, who nodded, waving the paperwork in his hands.

He bowed swiftly before climbing into his vehicle, backing up a bit, and bolting away from

the hangar.

“I think you scarred him for the rest of his life. Although I’m sure he understood nothing of what you said,” Ri-Chu chuckled.

“Maybe that’ll teach him not to try to swindle people because they don’t understand his words,” Kary replied with a huff.

“Anyway,” she added, “Who is your friend over there? I thought you would be alone.”

“Oh! Let me introduce you, then!” he exclaimed, an enormous grin extending on his lips.

“He’s been wanting to meet the people of my guild, anyway!”

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